Injection Treatment of Herniated Disc

Lumbar hernia pain injections are used in patients who have not received sufficient improvement with various medications and physiotherapy methods and who do not require surgery.  A local anesthetic and steroids are usually injected into the area to be treated.  In recent years, ozone injections have also begun to be used for hernias of the lower back and neck.  The most commonly used injections for pain control and hernia treatment include: 

Transforaminal Epidural Injections

It is used to treat pressure on the nerve root by treating edema in the area of the herniated intervertebral disc. Thus, the pain caused by the compression of the nerve root can disappear.  Thus, the pain caused by the compression of the nerve root can disappear. 

Lumbar Facet Joint Injections

If chronic pain, unresponsive to other treatments, has its origin in the facet joints of the spine, injections into these joints may be performed.

Paravertebral Block

When local anesthetics and steroids are injected into the spine near the nerve root exit, the nerve root is blocked, thus relieving the pain. 

Sacroiliac Joint Injections

These are injections that are performed into the joints between the sacrum and the ilium.

Injection Treatment of the Cervical Hernia 

Cervical  hernias occur when the soft part in the center of the cartilaginous discs between the vertebrae tearing the outer layer and coming out.  A cervical hernia puts pressure on the nerves leading to the spinal cord or arms, causing symptoms such as pain, numbness, and loss of strength.  In cases where there is no need for surgical intervention, but also treatment with traditional methods is not effective, medications can be administered around irritated nerve roots located in the spinal canal.  The procedure is completed in just 10-15 minutes, it is painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia.  The purpose of an epidural steroid injection is to reduce swelling and pain in the nerve roots.  In most patients, pain disappears in a while after the procedure.

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