Allergic Diseases

Although the mechanisms that initiate the allergy are the same, clinical findings vary according to the affected organ. Allergic diseases are named according to the findings and the affected tissue and organ system. 


Allergic Rhinitis (Allergic Flu)

Rhinitis is an inflammatory reaction of the mucosa lining the inside of the nose. About half of rhinitis are caused by allergies. An average of 8-10% of the population has allergic rhinitis and this rate is increasing every year. The patient has complaints such as runny nose, sneezing, itching and congestion in the nose, and decreased sense of smell. 

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

It occurs as a result of the development of allergy to tree, grass and grain pollen. Complaints are evident during periods when this allergen densify in the atmosphere. The duration of the disease during the year is related to the geographical region. 

Persistent Allergic Rhinitis 

It is a type of allergic rhinitis in which contact with allergens continues throughout the year and complaints spread throughout the year. Caused by allergens; house dust mites, cockroaches, pets and mold fungi. 

Occupational Allergic Rhinitis

It depends on allergens or irritants in the working environment. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis occur after entering the working environment. 

Allergic Conjunctivitis

It is an allergy to the layer that covers the front of the eye and the inner part of the eyelids. It causes complaints such as redness, swelling, stinging, burning and increased lachrymation in the eyes. 

Allergic Asthma

Asthma is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways, namely the bronchi, with shortness of breath, cough, wheezing and stertorous respiration. In asthma, the airways become sensitive to all kinds of stimuli (allergens, infections, odors, etc.). The amount of air passing through the narrowed airways due to asthma decreases, so insufficient air goes to the lungs and the patient feels short of breath. Difficulty passing air through narrowed airways causes wheezing and stertorous respiration. At the same time, the secretion of the glands has increased and they also block the airways, which creates cough and sputum complaints.

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