Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Sweating is the natural function that allows the adjustment of human body temperature (thermoregulation). About five million sweat glands are present in the human body and 2/3 of them are present. The operation of the sweat glands is controlled by the involuntary sympathetic nervous system. Excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nerves and excessive sweating that is not necessary for thermoregulation is called hyperhidrosis. It is seen in 1 percent of society. It is seen as equal in men and women.

Local Sweats (Non-Causal Sweats)

It is called primary or idiopathic hyperhidrosis. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is bound to genetic factors. The incidence of hyperhidrosis in families is 40%. Hand, foot, under the seat can be seen alone, as well as two or more areas can be seen at the same time.

General Sweats (Disease-Caused Sweats)

Excessive sweating occurs as a result of disease and the primary disease should be treated. Excessive sweating due to the disease is usually seen throughout the body.


  • Hyperthyroidism (goitre): It should be evaluated and treated as endocrine disease.
  • Psychological disorders (anxiety etc.): Should be monitored by the psychiatrist.
  • Menopause: Patients describe it as more hot. The feeling of temperature and sweating from the waist should be followed by the menopause clinic.
  • Cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy
  • Obesity
  • Infectious diseases: can make fever and sweating.

Types of Local Sweats

  • Hand sweats (Palmar hyperhidrosis): It is the most common type of perspiration that disrupts the person's social structure. There may be sweating up to the level that the hands will drop from moisture. It usually begins in childhood and gradually increases complaints in adolescence and adulthood. It is thought to have a genetic basis and is seen in 40-50% of hand sweat families.
  • Foot sweats (Plantar hyperhidrosis): It occurs in most people with hand sweats. The hand is socially uncomfortable, although not as extreme as sweat. They have difficulty in wearing sandals. In some cases, standing odor and fungal infection can be caused.
  • Armpit sweating (Axillar hyperhirosis): After puberty, usually all people have sweating and odor under the armpit. However, excessive sweat and odor (bromhydrozis) causes stress and social discomfort. The clothes he wears and the underarms of the shirt are too wet to disturb the person.
  • Facial sweats (facial hyperhidrosis) etc...

Sweating Treatment

  • Medication
  • Talcum powder, Al-chloride (Drysol) and gland solutions can be used to keep skin dry in mild perspiration.
  • Medicines
  • Various drugs help reduce sweating. However, it is not recommended for long-term use and drug side effects (eg sedation, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, etc.)
  • Antimusporic drugs: Reduces the activity of nerves stimulating sweat glands.
  • Beta-blockers: It is especially useful in perspiration caused by stress and anxiety.
  • Anxiolytics (trancylisers): It is effective in perspiration due to anxiety. There are side effects.

Iontophoresis Treatment

In general, the most commonly used and side effects, easy to apply is the treatment method. It can be applied to hand, foot and underarm areas. For hands and feet, hands or feet are put into the container filled with tap water up to half. There are (+) and (-) electrodes in the container. A 5-20 mA straight current is supplied to the electrodes from the iontophoresis device. Under armpit application, wetted pet is used in the electrode. Each application is 30 minutes and 15 to 20 sessions are repeated.

In 95 percent of the patients treated, reductions in sweating occur. In some people whose treatment has been completed, once a week, especially in the summer months, preventing the persistence of perspiration. Iontophoresis treatment has no side effects. It can be applied easily to pregnant women and to every person without pacemaker. No pain or discomfort occurs during treatment.

Botox Application

It is a toxin derived from Chlostridium botolinum, which has been the cause of spasticity, involuntary muscle contractions, cosmetic skin wrinkles, sweating etc. for the last 10 years. using for. Botox effect on the nerve compounds called acetylcholine and substances that provide nerve messages shows. By injecting under the arm and arm, the function of the sympathetic nerves is impaired and a decrease in sweating. Botox effect is 2-6 months and average 3 months. It is mostly applied under the hands and armpits.

Surgical Interventions

Surgical procedures for sympathetic nerves. ETS (Endoscopic Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy) is performed under general anesthesia. It is mostly applied to patients suffering from excessive hand sweats. It has little effect on foot sweats. Complications are seen later in operations for facial sweats.

Retrodermal Kuretaj

It is a surgical procedure performed by plastic surgeons to remove perspiration and odors..

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