Acute Renal Failure

Acute renal failure refers to the temporary disruption of all functions of the kidney, mainly the filtering function. When filtering function of kidney decreases, waste materials such as urea and creatinine begin to accumulate in the body. 



  • Loss of fluid
  • Bleeding
  • Heart failure
  • Medication use
  • Examinations with contrast agents
  • Kidney vein diseases
  • Non-microbial inflammatory diseases of the kidney
  • Urinary tract obstruction
  • Surgery 
  • Particularly in the elderly, vomiting and diarrhea, which last for 1-2 days, may cause loss of fluid and cause acute renal failure. 

2-5% of hospitalized patients and 30% of patients in intensive care units may develop this condition.


Treatment depends on the disease leading to acute renal failure. Patients often receive treatment as inpatients. If necessary, dialysis and similar treatments are performed using a machine. With the right treatment, the majority of patients recover.


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