Is your child lacking appetite?

Don't insist on eating!

Baby and children's appetite changes according to age and needs. In the first year of life, the fast-growing, weight-gaining baby begins to consume less nutrients in parallel with the decrease in growth rate in the following months. Anorexia is a multifaceted problem that bothers family as well as children. A baby whose speech and movement abilities are not yet developed depends on the mother during feeding. The feeling of toughness turns his head, crying, refusing to suckle. Forcing the child to eat with an unwarranted fear of "my child will remain weak" can lead to major problems in the future.

The aim of nutrition is not to eat enough to satisfy the parents.

Children not having breakfast;

  • Nutrient deficiencies develop.
  • Intellectual capacity drops.
  • Physical power is reduced.
  • Learning slows down.
  • Remembering and using information is delayed.

The first danger of waiting for an unqualified child is insufficient weight gain.

Recommendations for children without appetite

  • Food that cuts appetite such as sugar, chocolate, biscuits and chips should not be eaten between meals. This kind of food will cut the appetite of the child and cause him to get used to the unhealthy diet.
  • Food portions should be kept small. Forcing more than food will reduce your desire to eat.
  • It should not be insisted on the foods that the child does not like and should be presented more attractive.
  • Feelings of fear, sadness and anxiety that are placed in the child's subconscious may create anorexia. Children with no health problems should be considered to have psychological origin.
  • Discussing during the meal, shouting will also affect the child. The creation of a loving, warm dining environment is one of the most important elements that will make the child enjoy the table setting by observing the other family members and make the food enjoyable.
  • As the baby grows, it understands that it is a method of shouting and crying. The dinner table turns into a war table with punishment, reward, bribery and irrational behavior. Too much persistence affects the eating habits negatively.

Causes of appetite lack

Various health problems manifest themselves with anorexia. Appetite acts as a kind of alarm sign in childhood. The reduction in children's desire to eat before and the subsequent weight loss should be considered.

Health problems leading to appetite

  • Improper nutrition methods and habits
  • Defecation disorder; constipation
  • Psychological problems
  • Chronic diseases
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Gastritis, ulcers, liver and intestinal disease
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anemia
  • Vitamin and iron deficiency
  • Other diseases; nervous system, circulatory and respiratory system

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