Breast Cancer and Genetics

What is Your Risk for Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer?

Genetic risk assessment in congenital breast and ovarian cancer allow doctors to provide individual recommendations with cancer screening and preventive methods.

For a person with history of breast or ovarian cancer in the family, the BRCA1/2 genetic test is an appropriate test to assess the risk for the formation and development of these two types of cancer. If a person is diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer, BRCA1/2 genetic test plays an important role in the prognosis of cancer and determining the possibility of other types of cancer.

What are BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes?

All humans have 2 copies of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, one from the mother and the other from the father. The task of these two genes is to prevent the development of cancer in different parts of the body.

In the event BRCA1/2 genes cannot function properly, the risk of breast, ovarian, pancreas and prostate cancers developing increases. Cancer occurs in an earlier age in individuals with BRCA1/2 mutation compared to other individuals and the risk of a secondary cancer occurring in the same or different organ is higher.

Is BRCA1/2 Genetic Test Right for You?

Individuals who wish to receive cancer screening tests, 
•    Is there someone who had been diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 45?
•    Is there someone who had been diagnosed with estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu negative breast cancer before the age of 60?
•    Is there finding of cancer in both breasts?
•    Is there someone with findings of ovarian, oviduct or primary peritoneal cancer at any age?
•    Is there 2 or more histories of breast/ovarian/pancreas and/or prostate cancer in the same family?
•    Is there a male family member with history of breast cancer at any age?
•    Is there an individual within the family who is known to have BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation?
genetic test may be carried out in the event that the person affected in the family cannot receive the test.

Genetic Test Results


Mutation has been detected in at least one of the genes tested.
There is an increase in the cancer risk related specifically with the gene in which mutation was detected.
It is recommended for gene specific cancer screening and precaution.
Genetic test is recommended for family members who carry the detected mutation or gene specific risk.


Mutation or genetic change is not detected in any of the genes tested.
The risk of cancer depends on your familial and personal past.
All of the cancer screenings and preventive studies are carried out based on the family history.
Genetic testing for family members will not be suitable.


Even though a genetic difference is detected, this difference is not clearly associated with cancer yet.
The risk of cancer depends on your familial and personal past.
All of the cancer screenings and preventive studies are carried out based on the family history.
It is recommended to work on family examples together with other genes.

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