Athlete Genetic Test

By studying the sports genetic tests that are applied to candidate athletes and those who are going to start sports, it can be determined what type of exercise they are suitable for. Thus, measures are taken against unnecessary strain of the body. Genetic tests can provide information for injuries, sudden athlete deaths, doctors and sportspersons.

Increase your success by choosing the branch of sport suitable for your genetic profile

Sports genetic studies aims a research which targets establishing and developing athletic performance after the genetic data obtained and maintain the athlete health. It is known that many factors such as the muscle power affecting the formation and development of this athletic performance, cardiovascular capacity, neuromuscular coordination, oxygen capacity of the tissues, exercise endurance and athlete psychology, are controlled by our genes. It may be possible to increase athletic performance and pick branches of sports suitable for that genetic profile with the determination of the athlete's genetic features.

Studying the genes responsible for this athletic performance shall be affective both in the determination of sports branches for candidate athletes and guidance within those branches. Moreover, these studies are important not only for the tendency for sports or development of individual training programs, but also for not encountering or reduce undesired incidents such as sudden athlete deaths. The main factors that are important in endurance sports are slow-twitch fibril ratio and maximum heart rate. These components are influenced by genetic factors and are shown to be highly hereditary.

Which genes are chosen to be examined under sports genetic studies and why? 

One of the genes which are most examined in relation with endurance performance and power/strength performance categories under sports genetics is the ACE gene which is shown to be associated with endurance sports and have been studied a lot. ACE gene codes the angiotensin-1 converting enzyme. This enzyme is part of the renin-angiotensin system that is responsible with maintenance of blood pressure by regulating the fluid level of the body. Another frequently studied gene is the PPARA (Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Alpha) gene. PPARA regulates the lipid, glucose and energy balance while maintaining body weight and vasculitis. PPARA is expressed more in slow-twitch fibrils compared to fast-twitch fibrils.

Can predisposition towards recovery and injury be checked through genes? 

Soft tissue injuries in the musculoskeletal system account for the majority of sports-related injuries. While many risk factors have been described in the etiology of these soft tissue injuries, it is known that the genetic features of an athlete create predisposition towards injuries, especially anterior cruciate ligament, achilles tendon, patellar tendon and rotator cuff injuries. The genes studied for the possibility of recovery and injury are; COL1A1, COL5A1, IL-6, IGF-II, MCT1, ELN, CCL2, SOD2.

Suitable Type of Sports

By determining the genetic factors affecting athletic performance, it will provide important information to sports scientists and athletes by raising successful athletes in the future or by directing the person to the sports branch suitable for their genetic structure.