Nutritional Genetics

DNA-Balanced Diet Test

DNA-Balanced Diet Test is a genetic test that analyzes the relevant parts of the DNA in order to discover eating behaviours, food reactions, nutrition requirements and even the best type of diet for you. 

Reach the root of gluten sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity, which shows symptoms like nausea, difficulty in breathing and insufficient nourishment, can be detected with DNA-Balanced Diet Test. 

Start on your optimal nutrition journey today

You need the best knowledge and care that you can receive for the things with very important results in life. You can change your eating habits by paying attention to your health with the DNA-Balanced Diet Test genetic report. 

Sugary foods

Our genes are related with the amount of sugary foods consumed. Some genetic changes bring forth the need to eat more sweet and sugary foods, and this may cause metabolic problems. With DNA-Balanced Diet Test, the most suitable type of nutrition for your genetic structure can be determined.

Caffeine metabolism

Found in the leaves and seeds of many plants, caffeine is one of the most consumed stimulants in the world. In addition to being in tea, coffee, chocolate, many non-alcoholic beverages and energy drinks, caffeine is found in some painkillers as well. Caffeine is metabolized by the liver enzymes and coded by CYP1A2 gene. The variants in the CYP1A2 gene can indicate various metabolic rates in the caffeine. The results in your genetic report may detect presence of caffeine's longer stimulant effect on you.

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance cannot digest the sugar (lactose) in the milk and dairy products. This disorder is the result of lack of an enzyme called lactase. Rs4988235 variant is similar to the lactase (LCT) gene in the MCM6 gene and is reported to be regulating lactase levels. If you are lactose intolerant, you should make sure to intake sufficient amount of calcium from sources that are not dairy products and do not contain lactose.

Bone density and calcium influx

Osteoporosis is characterized by bone tissue deterioration and low bone mass. Researches conducted indicate that both genetic and environmental factors are affective in 30 - 70 percent of osteoporosis.

Suitable Type of Diet

Your diet will be determined according to how you respond to different nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in foods by looking at your genetic data. The recommended diet will be determined after assessing genetic metabolic factors. Together with your genetic test results, the suitable type of diet for you will be determined with: alternatives such as "Low Fat", "Low Carbohydrate", "Mediterranean" or "Balanced Diet".