Prof. MD.
Tufan Hiçdönmez
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Areas of Interests
- Congenital Malformations of Brain and Spinal Cord
- Open Spinal Dysraphism, Myelomeningocele
- Occult Spinal Dysraphısm, Diastematomyelia, Spinal Lipomas
- Tethered Spinal Cord
- Hydrocephalus, Shunt Surgery, Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
- Arachnoid Cysts
- Encephalocele
- Craniosynostosis
- Spasticity, Cerebral Palsy, Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy
- Brain and Spinal Cord Tumours
- Vascular Malformations, Arterio-Venous Malformations AVM, Cavernomas, Moya-Moya
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
International Articles
- Ege University Faculty of Medicine 1979-985
- Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Neurosurgery Clinic 1987-1993
- Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Neurosurgery (Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinic) 1995-999
- Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Clinic 1999-2010
- British Columbia's Children's Hospital Division of Paediatric Neurosurgery, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada 2002-2003
- Ministry of Health Şişli Etfal Hospital Neurosurgery Specialist (Compulsory Service) 1993-1995
- Marmara University Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinic Chief Assistant 1995 -1999
- Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Faculty Member 1999-2010
- British Columbia Children's Hospital Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinical fellow 2002-2003
- Ministry of Health Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Training and Administrative Officer 2010-2021
- Health Sciences University Hamidiye International Faculty of Medicine Head of Neurosurgery Department 2018-2021
Research: (12)
1. Zileli M, Idiman F, Hicdonmez T, Ovul İ, Tuncbay E: A comparative study of brain stem auditory evoked potentials and blink reflexes in posterior fossa tumor patients. Journal of Neurosurgery 69: 660-668, 19882. Steinbok P, Heran N, Hicdonmez T, Cochrane DD, Price A: Minimizing blood transfusions in the surgical correction of coronal and metopic craniosynostosis. Child's Nervous System 20(7): 445-452, 2004
3. Steinbok P, Hicdonmez T, Sawatzky B, Beauchamp R, Wickenheiser D: Spinal deformities after selective dorsal rhizothomy for spastic cerebral palsy. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 102: 363-373, 2005
4. Kılıncer C, Asil T, Utku U, Hamamcioglu MK, Turgut N, Hicdonmez T, Simsek O, Ekuklu G, Cobanoglu S: Factors affecting the outcome of decompressive craniotomy for large hemispheric infarctions: a prospective cohort study. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 147: 587-594, 2005
5. Hicdonmez T, Steinbok P, Beauchamp R, Sawatzky B: Hip joint subluxation after selective dorsal rhizotomy for spastic cerebral palsy. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 103: 10-16, 2005
6. Hamamcıoglu MK, Kılıncer C, Altunrende, Hicdonmez T, Simsek O, Akyel S, Cobanoglu S: Factors affecting the incidence and severity of vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage. Acta Neurochirurgica (suppl)104: 389-392, 2008
7. Guzel A,Hydönmez T, Temizöz O, Aksu B, Aylanç H, Karasalihoglu S: Indications for brain computed tomography and hospital admission in pediatric patients with minor head injury. How much can we rely on clinical findings? Pediatric Neurosurgery 45(4): 262-270, 2009
8. Guzel A, Karasalihoglu S, Aylanc H, Temizöz O, Hintönmez T: Validity of serum tau protein levels in pediatric patients with minor head trauma. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 28(4): 399-403, 2010
9. 34. Yener S, Thomas DT, Hicdonmez T, Dagcinar A, Bayri Y, Kaynak A, Dagli TE, Tugtepe H: The effect of untethering on urologic symptoms and urodynamic parameters in children with tethered cord syndrome. Urology 85: 221-226, 2015.
10. Hicdonmez T: Children with Metopic Ridge. Turkish Neurosurgery 27(4): 585-589, 20017
11. Hicdonmez T, Taylan-Filinte G, Tiryaki M, Gergin YE: Stepwise removal of the fused midline parietal bone to avoid superior sagittal Power B, sinus injury in infants with sagittal synostosis. Turkish Neurosurgery 27(6): 1029-1031, 2017
12. Filinte G, Everdönmez T, Çiçek Ç, Cüce B, Aydın S: Reattachment of the Temporalis Muscle After Frontoorbital Advancement in Craniosynostosis Surgery. Turkish Neurosurgery: Publication Acceptance November 22, 2020 DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.30085-20.6
Publications: (61)
1. Gokay H, Barlas O, Hepgul K, Hicdonmez T: Tethered cord in the adult mimicking the lumbar disc syndrome. Report of two cases. Surgical Neurology 39: 440-442, 19932. Ture U, Hicdonmez T, Elmaci I, Peker S: Solid-calcified cyst of the third ventricle. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 103( 1 ): 51-55, 2001
3. Hicdonmez T, Utku U, Turgut N, Cobanoglu S, Birgili B: Reversible postictal MRI change mimicking structural lesion. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 105: 288-290, 2003
4. Tutunculer F, Acunas B, Hicdonmez T, Deviren A, Pelitli V: Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome with posterior intraorbital coloboma cyst: an unusual case. Brain and Development 26: 203-205, 2004
5. Hicdonmez T, Steinbok P: Spontneous hemorrhage into spinal neurenteric cyst: case report. Child's Nervous System 20(6): 438-442, 2004
6. Kılıncer C, Hamamcioglu MK, Simsek O, Hicdonmez T, Aydoslu B, Tansel O, Tiryaki M, Soy M, Tatman-Otkun M, Cobanoglu S: Nocardia brain abscess: report of two cases and review of clinical management. Journal of Clinical Neurosciences 13: 481-485, 2006
7. Hamamcioglu MK, Hicdonmez T, Kilincer C, Cobanoglu S: Large intradiploic growing skull fracture of the posterior fossa: case report. Pediatric Radiology 36(1): 68-70, 2006
8. Hicdonmez T, Hamamcioglu MK, Parsak T, Cukur Z, Cobanoglu S: A laboratory training model for interhemispheric - transcallosal approach to the lateral ventricle. Neurosurgical Review 29: 159-162, 2006
9. Hicdonmez T, Ozek MM: Hydrocephalus in Sabuncuoglu's Textbook of Surgery: Sahne'ul Haniye. Child's Nervous System 22: 545-546, 2006
10. Hicdonmez T, Kilincer C, Hamamcioglu MK, Cobanoglu S: Paraplegia due to spinal subdural hematoma as a complication of posterior fossa surgery: case report and review of the literature. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 108: 590-594, 2006
11. Hicdonmez T, Hamamcioglu MK, Tiryaki M, Cukur Z, Cobanoglu S: Microneurosurgical training model in fresh cadaveric cow brain: A laboratory study simulating the approach to the circle of Willis. Surgical Neurology 66: 100-104, 2006
12. Hicdonmez T, Parsak T, Cobanoglu S: Simulation of Craniofacial Surgery for craniosynostosis: A Training Model of a Fresh Cadaveric Sheep Cranium. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 105: 150152, 2006
13. Hicdonmez T, Cakir B, Hamamcıoglu MK, Kılıncer C, Cobanoglu S: Giant Subdural Empyema in a Child: A Case Report. Surgical Neurology 66: 632-633, 2006
14. Hamamcıoglu MK, Kılıncer C, Hicdonmez T, Simsek O, Birgili B, Cobanoglu S: Giant cervicothoracic extradural arachnoid cyst: Case report. European Spine Journal 17: 595-598, 2006
15. Hamamcıoglu MK, Hicdonmez T, Kılıncer C, Cobanoglu S: Intrasacral extradural arachnoid cyst. Three cases reports. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica 48: 223-226, 2008
16. Hamamcıoglu MK, Hicdonmez T, Tiryaki M, Cobanoglu S: A laboratory training model in fresh cadaveric sheep brain for microneurosurgical dissection of cranial nerves in posterior fossa. British Journal of Neurosurgery 22(6): 769-771, 2008
17. Hicdonmez T, Suslu HT, Yavuzer D, Tatarli N: Paediatric ganglioglioma of the conus medullaris. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 18: 1124-1126, 2011
18. Turan Suslu H, Celikoglu E, Borekci A, Hicdonmez T, Suslu H: One stage surgery through posterior approach for L5-S1 spondyloptosis. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2:18, 89-92, 2011
19. Hicdonmez T, Turan Suslu H, Butuc R, Bilal S, Akinci AT: Treatment of a large and symptomatic septum pellucidum cyst with endoscopic fenestration in a child: Case report and review of the literature. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 114 (7): 1052-1056, 2012
20. Turan Suslu H, Ceylan D, Tatarli N, Hicdonmez T, Seker A, Bayri Y, Kilic T: Laboratory training in the retrosigmoid approach using cadaveric silicone injected cow brain. British Journal of Neurosurgery 27(6): 812-814, 2013 33.
21. Altunrende ME, Hamamcioglu MK, Hicdonmez T, Akcakaya MO, Birgili B, Cobanoglu S: Microneurosurgical training modelfor residents to approach to the orbit and the optic nerve in fresh cadaveric sheep cranium. Journal of Neuroscience in Rural Practice5(2):151-154, 2014
22. 39. Adilay U, Guclu B, Tiryaki M, Hicdonmez T: Spontaneous resolution of a sylvian arachnoid cyst in a child: a case report. Pediatric Neurosurg 52(5): 343-345, 2017
23. Aydoğmuş E, Hicdonmez T: Spontaneous intracystic hemorrhage of an arachnoid cyst associated with a subacute subdural hematoma: a case report literature and review. Turkish Neurosurgery 29(6):940-944, 2019
24. Guclu B, Hicdonmez T, Adilay U, Altuntas YE: Successful application of a ventriculo-gallblader shunt: a salvage procedure. Turkish Neurosurgery 30(1): 138-140, 2020
25. Hicdönmez T, Zileli M, İdiman F, Övül İ, Tunçbay E: Preoperative and postoperative investigation of brainstem auditory evoked potentials and blink reflex in posterior fossa space-occupying formations. Neuropsychiatry Archive 23 (1-2): 81-107, 1986
26. Hepgül K, Bayındır C, Hitchdonmez T, Turantan I, Kaya U: The role of bipolar coagulation in the application of microvascular vein grafts. Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 55: 511-520, 1992
27. Hepgül K, Ünal F, Hintdonmez T, Izgi N, Barlas O, Canbolat A, Turantan I, Turker K: Acoustic neuromas. Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 56(3): 66-70, 1993
28. Hizdönmez T, Hepgul K, Unal F, Barlas O, Izgi N, Turantan I, Canbolat A, Turker K: Tight Spinal Cord Syndrome: Clinical evaluation of 69 cases. Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 59(1): 61-66, 1996
29. Bilgen H, Özek E, Örs R, Işık U, Hicdönmez T, Özek MM: Evaluation of neonates with open myelomeningocele. Marmara Medical Journal 12(2): 67-69, 1999
30. Everdonmez T: Surgical treatment of epilepsy. Trakya University Medical Faculty Journal 18(1): 67-71, 2001
31. Hicdonmez T, Deniz ML, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Radiologic and audiological results of vestibular schwannoma cases treated with Gamma Knife. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 11: 37-42, 2001
32. Hicdonmez T, Aktaş S, Başar P, Gözen S, Çobanoğlu S, Kutlu K: Early diagnosis problems in cases of open spinal dysraphism. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 11: 117-120, 2001
33. Hicdonmez T, Hamamcıoğlu MK, Birgili B, Şimşek O, Çobanoğlu S: Skizencephaly and mass effect: A case report. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 14 (3): 178-180, 2004
34. Şimşek O, Hicdonmez T, Hamamcıoğlu MK, Kılınçer C, Parsak T, Tiryaki M, Kurt İ, Çobanoğlu S: Childhood head traumas: Retrospective evaluation of 280 cases. National Journal of Trauma 11(4): 310-317, 2005
35. Hamamcıoğlu MK, Hikdonmez T, Kılınçer C, Şimşek O, Başaran ÜN, Çobanoğlu S: Ventriculo-biliary shunt as an alternative in complicated shunt dysfunction. Case report. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 15(2): 169-172, 005
36. Hicdonmez T, Hamamcıoğlu MK, Çobanoğlu S, Kılınçer C, Şimşek O: Cervical posterior rhizotomy in the treatment of upper extremity spasticity. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 15:301-304, 2005
37. Hicdonmez T, Birgili B, Tiryaki M, Parsak T, Çobanoğlu S: Posterior fossa approach: Microneurosurgical training model in cadaveric sheep. Turkish Neurosurgery 16(3): 111-114, 2006
38. Everdonmez T, Tüzün Y: Dr. Fazil Halit, neurosurgery and first degreeErzurum in the Inya War. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 16(2): 138-141, 2006
39. Everdonmez T: Spasticity treatment. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatric Sciences 3(1): 62-66, 2007
40.Hicdonmez T: Misuse of French origin words used in Turkish neurosurgery practice. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 17(3): 195-199, 2007
41. Çeçen DA, Kibar Y, Süslü H, Tatarli N, Hitchdonmez T: Recurrent fibromatosis after thoracolumbar stabilization: a case report. Journal of Nervous System Surgery 3(2): 81-83, 2010
42. Borekci A, Turan Suslu H, Hicdonmez T: Pediatric spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 21(1): 53-56, 2012
43. Şimşek M, Kaya M, Hicdonmez T, Turan Suslu H, Gergin YE: Determination of the epidemiology and prognostic factors of trauma-induced skull fractures. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery23(1): 12-17, 2013
44. Everdonmez T: Spinal Lipomas: Lipomyelomeningocele and filum terminale lipoma. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 23(2): 244-249, 2013
45. Tatarlı N, Yavuzer D, Şenol Ö, Yaldız C, Ceylan D, Hicdonmez T: Tuberculoma mimicking cerebellar metastasis. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences 4(4): 212-215, 2013
46. Köken M, Özdoğan S, Gergin YE, Aydın SO, Yüce E, Tiryaki M, Tatarlı N, Süslü HT, Hicdönmez T: Measurement of lower cervical distances and clinical use. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 25(3): 189-192, 2014
47. Özdoğan S, Köken M, Gergin YE, Aydın SO, Yüce E, Tiryaki M, Tatarlı N, Süslü HT, Hicdönmez T: Measurement of anterior atlantodental distance by computed tomography in adults. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 25(3): 193-197, 2014
48. Köken M, Özdoğan S, Gergin YE, Kendirlioğlu B, Yüce E, Tiryaki M, Tatarlı N, Süslü HT, Hicdönmez T: Morphometric analysis of thoracolumbar junction pedicle diameters according to different adult age groups. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 25(3): 199-203, 2014
49. Gergin YE, Özdoğan S, Tiryaki M, Tatarlı N, Sabuncuoğlu H, Hidedonmez T: Sequestered lumbar disc herniation that disappeared spontaneously: a case report. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 25(4): 297-300, 2014
50. Özdoğan S, Gergin YE, Şenol Ö, Tiryaki M, Düzkalır AH, Hicdönmez T: Practical approach to thoracic disc hernias. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 25(4): 309-312, 2014
51. Tatarlı N, Ceylan D, Ceylan N, Solmaz B, Özdemir Barışık N, HicdönmezT: Granulocytic sarcoma presenting with acute neurological deficit: a case report. Sakaryamj 5(2): 113-117, 2015 doi: 10.5505/sakaryamj.2015.76993
52. Everdönmez T: Choosing a shunt in the treatment of hydrocephalus. Turkey Clinics J Neurosurg - Special Topics 5(1): 44-48, 2015
53. Turan Süslü H, Hicdönmez T: Evaluation and classification of craniovertebral junction anolalia. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 25(2): 110-115, 2015
54. Tatarlı N, Gergin YE, Özdoğan S, Solmaz B, Tiryaki M, Yavuzer D, Hitchdonmez T: Supra and infratentorial cystic metastases of breast cancer: A case report. AOT Acta Oncologica Turcica 49(1): 64-67, 2016
55. Özdoğan S, Gür E, Düzkalır AH, Tiryaki M, Şenol Ö, Tatarlı N, Hicdönmez T: Clinical and molecular features in patients with long-lived glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Clinical Medical Sciences 4(7): 17-21, 2016
56. Özdoğan S, Gergin YE, Gergin S, Düzkalır AH, Tiryaki M, Şenol Ö, Tatarlı N, Hicdönmez T: Brain tumors and epilepsy. Journal of Clinical Medical Sciences 4(7): 55-60, 2016
57. Çelik Kuzaytepe E, Karaaslan A, Akın Y, Hidönmez T, Çiftçi Ö, Meriç İ, Esmi E, Şirinoğlu M, Genç Yüzak S, Dülger Ş: Brain abscess caused by Streptococcus intermedius secondary to tetralogy of Fallot: Case report. J Kartal Tr, Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal 27(3):246-249.2016
58. Tatarlı N, Gergin YE, Özdoğan S, Solmaz B, Tiryaki M, Yavuzer D, Hitchdonmez T: Calcified cerebellar ganglioglioma in adults. Case report. AOT Acta Oncologica Turcica 49(2): 139-142, 2016
59. Tatarlı N, Gergin YE, Özdoğan S, Solmaz B, Yavuzer D, Tiryaki M, Hitchdonmez T: Supratentorial hemangiopericytoma: A case report. J Kartal Tr, Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal 27(2): 142-144, 2016
60. Hicdönmez T: Diagnosis, Treatment and Surgical Principles in Posterior Fossa Hemangioblastomas and Other Rare Tumors such as Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor, Lhermitte-Duclos. Turkish Neurosurgery Journal 27(1):86-92, 2017
61. Hicdönmez T, Filinte G. Clinical and radiological features of some rare forms of craniosynostosis in clinical practice. Turk J Plast Surg 29: 55-58, 2021
- Turkish Neurosurgery Society (TNDer) 1998
- Turkish Neurosurgery Society (TNDer) Pediatric Neurosurgery group (PNG) 2000
- Nervous System Surgery Society (SSCD) 2006
- International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) 2017
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