
From the moment we are born, our whole life passes on our feet. All the burden and weariness of the day is mostly on our feet. Against all this, we still play unconsciously and prefer our foot health. Even though the day is in good standing in design, the school is fully trained in “podology” and “foot health”. It's multipurpose. The first heralds of the feet are extremely important in terms of cardiovascular health, especially for diabetics.

Personalized Treatment

At Liv Hospital, professionalism and hygiene conditions are at the forefront, and many podological problems such as calluses, ingrown nails, thickened (gryphotic) nails, deformed and fungal nails, warts, deformation, keratinization and cracks are treated with a specially trained team, without the use of any surgical intervention or medication. treated without affecting the person's daily activity.

Detailed care for diabetics

Compared to healthy people, diabetes patients with blood sugar values ​​higher than normal; skin, fungal infections or abscess are more common. In case of loss of sensation in the foot area, patients cannot feel the pain caused by burns, cuts or bruises or infections in their feet. For all these reasons, it is very important to have knowledge about foot care and health. Considering that there are around 3 million 200 thousand (total 5 million) diabetic patients in our country, a comprehensive examination of the feet by a podiatrist is necessary for foot health.

What is podology?

Podology is a sub-branch of podiatry and is a branch that deals only with foot health. It determines all the ailments that may occur in the foot and provides restorative information and treatment methods. For example, foot problems encountered by football players who have biomechanical problems due to shoe selection are included in the field of podology. In our country, the importance given to foot health and the need for trained specialists who can get support for those with such disorders are increasing.

Why is foot health important?

At least 95 percent of babies are born with healthy feet, while only 40 percent of adults have no problems. Inactivity, excess weight, incomplete or incorrect practices; Inappropriate shoe choices and some chronic diseases can negatively affect foot health and cause it to become problematic over time. In a healthy foot, the complex structure formed by all bones and soft tissues, joints and ligaments from the ankle to the fingers must work endlessly in harmony. However, it is a known fact that pain occurs in the knees and even in the entire spine system as a result of irregularities that may occur in the feet over time. Very serious vascular and nerve disorders may develop due to systematic diseases such as diabetes. One of the consequences of these disorders is the wounds that occur on the feet under excessive pressure. Healing of wounds becomes more and more difficult because the vessels that narrow and deteriorate cannot carry enough oxygen.

Why podiatry?

Podiatric treatment services are of great importance for people of all ages and professions. It is an application that should never be neglected, especially for diabetics, those with blood circulation disorders, arthritis patients, those with compression disorders (flat feet-high soles, inward-outward pressing) and athletes. Many professional sports clubs abroad have full-time podiatrists. In our country, patients with foot problems often do not know where to apply, and as a result, they face undesirable health problems.

Foot care requires expertise

Foot care should be done by a specialist at regular intervals of 4 weeks, not only when there are problems (warts, fungus, ingrown, calluses, etc.) on the feet. In this way, greater discomfort that may occur as a result of the accumulation of pores between the nails can be prevented.

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