Hand and Microsurgery

The anatomy and engineering of the hand is admirable. In humans, the hand has a very complex structure and contains many details. Our hands help us millions of times throughout our lives for communication, for the sense of touch, for working and producing, and for our own self-care. However, any injury is a high handicap for this excellent function and fine workmanship.

Of all injuries, hand finger injuries are the body parts with the highest injury rate, with 65% and hand-arm injuries approximately 18%. Hand injuries can occur in a wide spectrum, from a minor cut to total rupture of an entire hand or arm.

The most common injuries;

  • fractures
  • Sharp-penetrating injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries and ruptures
  • Swimming-style injuries
  • Burns of the hand and forearm
  • animal bites
  • high energy injuries
They can be listed as infections.

The aim in hand injuries is a quick and accurate initial evaluation and treatment. In other words, once an injury has occurred, the physician must initiate medical-surgical treatment quickly and effectively so that the short- and long-term adverse effects on the function and anatomy of the hand can be minimized.

Thanks to the detailed in-service training provided by our Ministry of Health, what should be done during amputation and emergency treatment was taught with great devotion to all 112 emergency aid personnel, thus paving the way for many patients to reach effective treatment correctly.

Hand surgery is performed by specialized plastic-reconstructive surgeons, orthopedists or hand surgery subspecialists. A very long experience is essential for the surgery of the hand, which is a very delicate structure. A long-term study and absolute experience are required for the selection of the appropriate surgery for both the anatomy and the functional structure of such a detailed structure. Learning and effective application of the microsurgical method is also only possible with a long and arduous study.

Replantation; It is the process of reintegrating the amputated limb into the body using microsurgical methods to restore its old anatomy and function. Comprehensive micro-surgery operations; Specialized surgery (8 X, 40 X) is performed with microscopes and very thin, specialized surgical instruments. Such surgeries, which take long hours, are performed very carefully and carefully by the surgical team specialized in their field. In the meantime, first the bone tissue is combined, and then, under the surgical microscope, the arteries, veins and nerves with a diameter of approximately 0.8 mm are repaired with special suture materials. In order to restore the function of the limb, the movement mechanism elements called muscles and/or tendons are repaired acutely or at a later date.

Particularly, the ruptures that we call amputation are more common in factories and machinery-intensive workers. Injuries can occur on a wide scale, from breaking off the tip of a finger to breaking off the entire arm. In such a situation, many problems arise that need to be solved for both the employee - the patient - and the employer. On the one hand, medical problems demand priority at first, and then legal problems wait to be resolved by both parties. In short, hand injuries occur in many medicolegal problems, especially when they occur in the workplace. In addition, serious labor losses in this type of injury cause a loss for the country's economy when evaluated to a large extent for both the employee and the employer. In this process, the patient's recovery and resumption of work as soon as possible with effective treatment will both minimize the economic loss for both parties and reduce the medical expenses in the most effective way. At the same time, early and effective treatment of the patient will minimize the patient's absence from social life, thus minimizing the psychological disorders that may develop after the disease.

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