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27 July 2023
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  • What Is Achalasia?
  • Achalasia Causes
  • Achalasia Types
  • Achalasia Symptoms
  • Achalasia Treatment
  • Get Your Achalasia Medical Procedure Done In Turkey: Liv Hospital

    Achalasia is a relatively uncommon condition, with an annual incidence rate of about 1 in 100,000 people. Despite its rarity, it is critical to raise awareness of this illness because it can severely disrupt regular swallowing, leading to various health consequences if left untreated. This blog aims to fully explain Achalasia, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, possible treatment choices, and suggested lifestyle changes for effective management.

    What Is Achalasia?

    Achalasia is a rare esophageal motility disorder in which the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and esophageal peristalsis (coordinated muscle contractions) do not operate properly. The syndrome is characterized by the LES's inability to relax and allow food to flow into the stomach, resulting in swallowing difficulties and esophageal food retention.

    In a healthy esophagus, the muscles contract in a coordinated method to carry food from the mouth to the stomach. The LES, a muscle ring at the esophageal-gastric junction, remains tight most of the time to prevent stomach acid and partially digested food from returning to the esophagus. The LES relaxes to enable food into the stomach when you swallow.

    Achalasia Causes

    The specific cause of achalasia icd 10 is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by nerve degeneration in the esophagus, resulting in reduced function of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Because of this malfunction, the LES remains tight and does not relax adequately during swallowing, resulting in a functional obstruction that prevents food from passing into the stomach. While the illness can affect anyone at any age, it is most typically diagnosed in individuals between 25 and 60. Although some instances may have hereditary or immunological links, the precise triggers and mechanisms behind Achalasia are still being studied.

    You can talk to our doctors in Turkey to learn more about the condition!