Accurate Planning In Treatment With Targeted Biopsy

Accurate Planning In Treatment With Targeted Biopsy

State-of-the-art diagnostic methods such as "Robotic Prostate Fusion Biopsy" provide advantages in terms of accurate planning in prostate cancer treatment. The system is applied at Liv Hospital by the first team using it in Turkey.
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Scoliosis Might Cause Unevenness In Your Shoulders

Scoliosis Might Cause Unevenness In Your Shoulders

There are 2.5 million scoliosis patients in Turkey. At the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic at Liv Hospital, the latest treatment methods in scoliosis are applied by specialist physicians.
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Spine Health with a Multidisciplinary Approach

Spine Health with a Multidisciplinary Approach

Liv Hospital aims to maximize patient satisfaction and health in the field of spine surgery with its expert surgeons, strong technological infrastructure and specialized staff.  
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Our Highly Reliable Health Care Service Was Crowned With JCI

Our Highly Reliable Health Care Service Was Crowned With JCI

Liv Hospital has been awarded the most important international quality accreditation certificate in healthcare, JCI, without any errors.
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Safer Approach With Hybrid Operating Room

Safer Approach With Hybrid Operating Room

Taking a pioneering step in the field of surgery, hybrid operating rooms bring a new dimension to healthcare services by combining traditional surgical methods with modern technology.
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Health From Stem Cells At Liv Hospital

Health From Stem Cells At Liv Hospital

Produced for the first time in Turkey under the roof of a hospital at Liv Hospital in accordance with international GMP standards, exosome is successfully used in anti-aging applications, knee and cartilage problems and hair loss.
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Personal Health Archive With Liv Mobile

Personal Health Archive With Liv Mobile

With "Liv Mobile", which offers easy and fast appointment opportunities, all health-related processes, from laboratory tests to radiological images and results such as MRI, tomography, X-ray, can be followed from the phone or tablet. 
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Take Action To Eliminate Your Cancer Risk

Take Action To Eliminate Your Cancer Risk

If you have a family history of cancers such as breast, ovarian, prostate, colon or malignant melanoma, you may also be at genetic risk. This is why regular check-ups are essential.
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From Newborn To Adult, Your Heart Is In Safe Hands

From Newborn To Adult, Your Heart Is In Safe Hands

The Heart Health Clinic, which consists of academicians experienced in cardiovascular diseases, cardiology and cardiac surgery, decides on the treatment together.
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See advanced medical technologies transformed into quality healthcare with expert physicians!
Our Hospitals
Liv Hospital Ulus
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Liv Hospital Ankara
Liv Hospital Ankara
Liv Hospital Samsun
Liv Hospital Samsun
Liv Hospital Gaziantep
Liv Hospital Gaziantep
Liv Hospital Duna Medical
Liv Bona Dea Hospital
Liv Bona Dea Hospital

Liv Hospital Ulus

Main focus of Liv Hospital Ulus is a personalized and scientific approach that embraces its guests with a 360-degree multidisciplinary structure. While high-level health services are produced, scientific studies and research are carried out.
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Liv Hospital Vadistanbul

Bringing a new and modern perspective to the health sector by bringing together a patient-oriented approach and experienced physician staff with a multidisciplinary working style in Vadistanbul.
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İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir

Opened its doors in December 2016, İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir was established with the contribution of MLP Care's quarter-century knowledge and experience in the field of healthcare.
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İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir

Liv Hospital Ankara

Liv Hospital Ankara, equipped with world class medical infrastructure and technology, is now serving international patients in 25,000 square-meter indoor area.
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Liv Hospital Ankara

Liv Hospital Samsun

Liv Hospital Samsun, which adds Turkish hospitality to its special architecture and international quality standards, aims to be indispensable in the sector while promising comfort with its privileged hospitality services.
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Liv Hospital Samsun

Liv Hospital Gaziantep

Liv Hospital Gaziantep has a team of experienced physicians, a multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approach, innovative medical technologies, and patient-oriented, personalized diagnostic and treatment programs.
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Liv Hospital Gaziantep

Liv Hospital Duna Medical

LIV Hospital Duna Medical Center, established in 2015, is one of the most well-equipped private healthcare facilities in Hungary, offering outpatient services, inpatient care, and diagnostics.
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Liv Bona Dea Hospital

As "Liv Hospital", we came to Baku in 2022 to provide high-level service in the field of healthcare under the "Liv Bona Dea" brand name. Our professional team provides high-quality emergency medical services 24/7. 
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Liv Bona Dea Hospital

Souvenir of the Century
Souvenir of the Century
Current Approach to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Symposium
Leaders Of Healthcare Meet At Liv Hospital Expo!
Social Responsibility
Leaders Of Healthcare Meet At Liv Hospital Expo!
Liv Hospital wins Europe's Best Digital Health Innovation Award!

Liv Hospital received the "Best European Digital Health Innovation of 2024" award with the evaluation of the jury at the European Digital Health Outstanding Achievement Forum held in Rotterdam and attended by more than 50 hospitals.

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Leaders Of Healthcare Meet At Liv Hospital Expo!
Leaders Of Healthcare Meet At Liv Hospital Expo!

Liv Hospital Expo brought together world leaders in health, medical tourism agencies, medical tourism institutions and organizations from 35 countries. At Liv Hospital Expo, which showed the world the power of Turkey in health tourism, Turkey's leadership and personalized boutique approach in health were discussed.

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Souvenir of the Century
Souvenir of the Century

Liv Hospital doctors came together with artists and performed a musical show at the "Souvenir of the Century" concert organized by Liv Hospital Family in memory of the 100th anniversary of our Republic.

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