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Anal Manometer

Anal Manometer

Anorectal manometry is a medical test that measures the ability of the muscles in the anorectal area to contract and relax.
Anal Manometer

Anorectal manometry is a medical test that measures the ability of the muscles in the anorectal area to contract and relax. This test is especially used to diagnose problems such as chronic constipation and fecal incontinence. This procedure, performed with high-resolution anorectal manometer (HRAM) devices, provides information by recording the activities of the external anus muscle, internal anus muscle, puborectal muscle and levator ani muscle. The test usually does not cause pain to the patient and takes about 20 minutes.

Liv Hospital Anorectal Manometry


Liv Hospital Gastroenterology Clinic offers a pioneering approach in the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal region problems. Anorectal manometry testing is performed with a high-resolution technology used in the diagnosis of conditions such as chronic constipation and fecal incontinence. The HRAM device is successfully applied in the diagnosis of diseases originating from the anorectal region in patients suffering from chronic constipation and fecal incontinence. This test, performed by experienced healthcare professionals, offers a painless process considering the comfort of the patients.