Assoc. Prof. MD.
Hüseyin Murat Mutuş
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric Surgery
Areas of Interests
- Pediatric Head and Neck Surgery
- Pediatric Chest (Thorax) Surgery (Thoracoscopy, Bronchoscopy)
- Pediatric Abdominal Surgery (Laparoscopy, Esophagoscopy-Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy)
- Liver
- Spleen
- Stomach
- intestines
- Pediatric Urology (Laparoscopy, Cystoscopy, Urodynamic Studies)
- Pediatric Gynecology (Laparoscopy)
- Pediatric Oncological Surgery
- Others… (Vascular interventions, etc.)
- Congenital anomalies of the newborn
- Esophageal atresia
- Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia (Bochdalek, Morgagni)
- Lung anomalies and masses
- Genitourinary anomalies
- Anorectal malformation (Anal atresia)
- Liver and bile duct anomalies (Biliary atresia, etc.)
- Intestinal atresia (Duodenal, Jejunoileal atresia)
- Hirschsprung disease
- Anterior abdominal wall defects: Omphalocele-Gastroschisis
- Congenital tumors – Sacrococcygeal teratoma
- Congenital head and neck masses
- Lymphangioma, hemangioma
- Lymph node enlargements (Lymphoma, infection)
- thyroglossal cyst
- branchial cyst
- Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery
- Head and neck oncological masses
- tracheostomy
- chest trauma
- Pneumothorax-Hemothorax
- Respiratory tract foreign body aspirations (Rigid-flexible bronchoscopy)
- Lung masses, cysts and parenchymal diseases
- Diaphragmatic diseases
- Thoracoscopic surgical interventions (ABC resection, biopsy)
- Surgical diseases of the esophagus
- Abdominal trauma surgery and follow-up
- Bile tract and liver diseases – Laparoscopic
- Surgery for diseases of the stomach, duodenum, small intestine, colon and rectum
- Intestinal motility disorders (Constipation…)
- Spleen disease, cysts and masses
- Abdominal Tumors
- Esophago-Gastroscopy; Foreign body in the esophagus and stomach
- Colonoscopy; Rectal bleeding, polyp excision, biopsy, etc.
- Genito-urinary anomalies;
- hydronephrosis
- Bladder dysfunction, bladder enlargement
- hypospadias
- Sex development anomalies
- inguinal hernia
- Undescended Testicle
- hydrocele
- Acute scrotum….
- Cystoscopy- Laparoscopy
- Urodynamic examinations - Urinary incontinence
- Pediatric vaginal disorders
- uterine disorders
- Ovarian cysts, masses and pathologies (Laparoscopic)
- Wilm's tumor
- Neuroblastoma
- teratoma
- Hepatoblastoma- liver masses
- Other tumors – e.g. Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Vascular interventions
- Central venous catheters: subclavian, jugular, hemodialysis
- Port catheter insertion
- skin masses
- ingrown nail
- Opening of intussusception with ultrasound guidance
- PEG catheter insertion
- opening a racheostomy
Pediatric Thoracic Surgery
Pediatric Abdominal Surgery
International Articles
- Adana Anatolian High School
- Marmara University Faculty of Medicine
- İnönü University Faculty of Medicine
- İnönü University Faculty of Medicine
- Göztepe SSK Hospital
- Kadıköy Şifa Hospital
- Istanbul Göztepe Prof Dr Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital
- The effects of acetylsalicylic acid, interferon-alpha, and vitamin E on prevention of parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis: an experimental study.
- Plasma superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde level correlated to the extent of acute appendicitis.
- Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and epidermal growth factor on the development of caustic esophageal stricture in rats.
- The effects of orchiopexy on serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels in unilateral cryptorchid infants.
- Calcitonin-Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) and the Human Cremasteric Muscle.
International Publications
- Long-term analysis of surgical treatment outcomes in chronic pilonidal sinus disease, Huseyin Murat Mutus, Burhan Aksu, Ersan Uzun, Neslihan Gulcin, Gonca Gercel, Erdem Ozatman, Cigdem Ulukaya Durakbasa, Hamit Okur. J Pediatr Surg 53 (2018) 293–294.
- The effects of acetylsalicylic acid, interferon-alpha, and vitamin E on prevention of parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis: an experimental study.
- Demircan M, Uguralp S, Mutus M, Gurer EI, Atik E, Turhan F, Gursoy MH. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1999 Mar;28(3):291-5.
- Multifocal omental mesenteric inflammatory pseudotumor (plasma cell granuloma).
- Koltuksuz U, Gursoy MH, Mutus M, Aydin A, Aydinc M, Cetin S, Ciralik H.
- Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1999 Dec;9(6):426-9.
- Proximal Rectal Stenosis.
- Demircan M, Gursoy MH, Uguralp S, Aydinc M, Mutus M.
- Tr J of Med Sci. 1999; 29: 595-596.
- Injuries of large vessels in high stage neuroblastoma surgery. A case report.
- Koltuksuz U, Gursoy MH, Aydinc M, Ozgen U, Ege E, Mutus M.
- J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 1999 Oct;40(5):711-3.
- Plasma superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde level correlated to the extent of acute appendicitis.
- Koltuksuz U, Uz E, Özen S, Aydinç M, Mutuş M, Çetin S, Akyol Ö, Gürsoy MH.
- Pediatr Surg Int. 2000
- An alternative way to cover ventral penile skin defect in Mathieu technique.
- Koltuksuz U, Gursoy MH, Aydinc M, Mutus M, Cetin S, Karaman A.
- Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2000 Aug;10(4):232-4.
- Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and epidermal growth factor on the development of caustic esophageal stricture in rats.
- Koltuksuz U, Mutus HM, Kutlu R, Ozyurt H, Cetin S, Karaman A, Gurbuz N, Akyol O, Aydin NE. J Pediatr Surg. 2001 Oct;36(10):1504-9.
- Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia: a rare disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen.
- Uguralp S, Mutus M, Kutlu O, Cetin S, Baysal T, Mizrak B.
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2001 Oct;33(4):508-10.
- Regional anesthesia is a good alternative to general anesthesia in pediatric surgery: Experience in 1,554 children.
- Uguralp S, Mutus M, Koroglu A, Gurbuz N, Koltuksuz U, Demircan M.
- J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Apr;37(4):610-3.
- Teratoma arising from anomalous common bile ducts: a case report.
- Demircan M, Uguralp S, Mutus M, Kutlu R, Mizrak B.
- J Pediatr Surg. 2004 Apr;39(4):e1-2. Review.
- An audit on hydatid disease of uncommon localization: the incidence, diagnosis, surgical approach and outcome.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tireli GA, Şehiraltı V, Sander S, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş M
- J Pediatr Surg. 2006 Aug;41(8):1457-63
- Pulmonary hydatid disease in children: outcome of surgical treatment combined with perioperative albendazole therapy.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Sander S, Şehiraltı V, Tireli GA, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş M
- Pediatr Surg Int. 2006 Feb;22(2):173-8. Epub 2005 Dec 3
- Pediatric splenectomy for hematological diseases: outcome analysis.
- C.U. Durakbasa, C. Timur, V. Şehiraltı, Mutuş M, N. Tosyali, A. Yörük
- Pediatr Surg Int. 2006 Jul 13
- The effects of orchiopexy on serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels in unilateral cryptorchid infants.
- Demircan M., Akinci A., Mutuş M. Pediatr Surg Int. 2006 Mar;22(3):271-3. Epub 2006 Feb 4
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Baş A, Özen MA, Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Zemheri IE: Symptomatic omphalomesenteric duct remnants in children. Pediatr Int 2010; 52: 480-484. [SCI-E]
- Candan C, Turhan P, Yıldız N, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Ergüven M, Okur H: Acute renal failure due to bilateral urolithiasis in a boy with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2010; 25: 1836. [SCI]
- Ulukaya Durakbasa Ç, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Mutuş M, Okur H: The prevalence of malnutrition and effectiveness of STRONGKIDS tool in identification of malnutrition risks among pediatric surgical patients. Balkan Med J 2014; 31: 313-321.[SCI-E]
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Maşrabacı K, Mutuş M, Zemheri IE, Okur H: Surgical approach to ovarian torsion in children. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2015; 28: 343-347. [SCI-E]
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Taşbaşı I, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş M, Şehiraltı V, Zemheri E: An evaluation of individual plain abdominal radiography findings in pediatric appendicitis: results from a series of 424 children. Ulus Travma Derg 2006; 12 (1): 51-58. [Pubmed/MEDLINE]
- Özdoğan T, Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Işcen M: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: A 4-year experience in a single centre. Afr J Paediatr Surg 2010; 7: 105-106. [Pubmed/MEDLINE]
- Kaymakci A, Sert M, Mutus HM, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A contemporary hazard: Toy magnet ingestion. Diag Ther Stud 2013; 2: 4-7.
- Kaymakci A, Fettahoglu S, Mutus HM, Korkmaz M, Ulukaya Durakbasa C, Okur H: Presentation of a child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type-IV with acute abdomen: A case report. Diag Ther Stud 2013: 2: 23-27.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Gerçel G, Mutus HM, Aksu B, Ozkanlı S: A Very Unlikely Finding in A Male Child: Urethral Prolapse. Eur J Pediatr Surg Rep 2017 5(1) 36-38 DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1604359
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Gülçin N, Özatman E, Gerçel G, Mutuş M: Assessment of Ovarian Reserve by Serum AMH Levels After Ovarian Torsion Surgery. Pediatr İnt 2019 61(5);504-507 DOI: 10.1111/ped.13818
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Erkoc G, Çaglar Oskaylı M, Seneldir H, Mutus M, Aksu B, Pirim A A retrospective evaluation of pediatric breast fibroadenomas with mid-term follow-up results Breast J. 2020;00:1–2. DOI: 10.1111/tbj.13834
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutus M, Gercel G, Fettahoglu S, Okur H Transhiatal Isoperistaltic Colon Interposition without Cervical Oesophagostomy in Long-Gap Oesophageal Atresia Afr J Paediatr Surg 2020;17:45-8 DOI: 10.4103/ajps.AJPS_95_17
International Papers
- Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Zemheri E: Fetiform sacrococcygeal teratoma: is it a fetus-in fetu variant? 5th Congress of Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgeons (MAPS) (15-16 October 2004), Marsilya, Fransa.
- Timur Ç, Yörük A, Şehiraltı V, Eser I, Gök E, Tosyalı N, Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Yılmaz Ö, Ergüven M: Results of splenectomy in our patients with chronic ITP. XXXth World Congress of International Society of Hematology (28 September-2 October 2005), Istanbul.
- Yıldız N, Özdoğan T, Ergüven M, İşcan M, Yıldız E, Yıldız M, Şehiraltı V, Mutuş M, Tosyalı N, Durakbaşa Ç: Clinical Profile and Outcome of Peritoneal Dialysis in the Newborn: One Center’s Experience. 7th European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting (2005), Prag, Çekoslovakya.
- Mutuş HM, V Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tosyalı AN, Yörük A, Okur H: Wilms’ Tumor: 16 years’ Experience. 9th Congress of European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2008), Istanbul
- Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Okur H: Isolated Renal Hydatid Cysts. 9th Congress of European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2008), Istanbul
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Baş A, Sert M, Tosyalı AN, Şehiraltı V: Pediatric Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, 7th Congress of the Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgeons, (9-10 October 2008) Tunis, Tunus.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş M, Baş A, Özen MA, Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN: Omphalomesenteric Duct Remnants.7th Congress of the Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgeons, (9-11 October 2008) Tunis, Tunus.
- Candan C, Turhan P, Yildiz N, Mutus M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Ergüven M, Okur H: Acute Renal Failure due to Bilateral Urolithiasis in a Boy with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. 15th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, (29 August-2 September 2010), New York, A.B.D.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Fettahoğlu S, Baş A, Korkmaz M, Mutuş HM, Kaymakcı A, Okur H: Colorectal Polyps: Clinical Experience.18th International Colorectal Club Meeting, (10-12 June 2011), Ankara.
- Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Mutuş HM, Okur H: Calcitonin-Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) and the Human Cremasteric Muscle. 13th Congress of European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA) and 59th Congress of British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS), (13-16 June 2012), Roma, İtalya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Mutuş M, Okur H: Prevalence of Malnutrition in Pediatric Surgical Patients and Evaluation of STRONGkids Screening Tool in Detecting Malnutrition Risks in Relevant Patient Population. 14th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (5-8 June 2013), Leipzig, Almanya.
- Gülçin N, Bayar A, Yörük A, Çağlar M,Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Gerçel G, Özatman E, Okur H: Clinical Approach to Liver Masses in Children. 15th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2014), Dublin, İrlanda
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Maşrabacı K, Mutuş M, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Okur H: Surgical Approach to Ovarian Torsion. 15th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2014), Dublin, İrlanda
- Mutuş HM, Bayar A, Anadolulu Aİ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Evaluation of Biofeedback Training Results. 15th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2014), Dublin, İrlanda
- Fettahoğlu S, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Yörük A, Mutuş M, Bayar A, Zemheri E, Özkanlı Ş, Okur H: Nonovarian Pelvis Masses. 15th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2014), Dublin, İrlanda
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özatman E, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Yörük A, Timur Ç, Ayhan A, Zemheri E, Okur H: An Overview of a Frequently Performed Surgical Procedure: Lymph Node Biopsies. 15th Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (18-21 June 2014), Dublin, İrlanda
- Gerçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özatman E, Yıkılmaz A, Mutuş HM, Okur H: Effectiveness of active observation in diagnosing pediatric acute appendicitis. 17th European Congress of European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (15-18 June 2016), Milano, İtalya.
- Bayar A, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç: Evaluation of clinical results and quality of life in children after bladder augmentation. 17th European Congress of European Pediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), (15-18 June 2016), Milano, İtalya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Gerçel G, Fettahoğlu S, Okur H: A Novel Technique for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia Surgery: Colonic Transposition without Cervical Esophagostomy. 4th International Conference on Oesophageal Atresia (INOEA), (15-16 September 2016), Sidney, Avustralya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özatman E, Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Okur H: Transhiatal Isoperistaltic Colonic Interposition for Esophageal Replacement . 4th International Conference on Oesophageal Atresia (INOEA), (15-16 September 2016), Sidney, Avustralya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Gerçel G, Fettahoğlu S, Mutuş HM, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özatman E, Okur H: Rare Variants of Esophageal Atresia: A Case Series. 4th International Conference on Oesophageal Atresia (INOEA), (15-16 September 2016), Sidney, Avustralya.
- An interesting etiology of fever: Posttraumatic Retroperitoneal Candida Abscess. Uğuralp S, Gürsoy MH, Koltuksuz U, Aydinc M, Mutus M. J of T Özal Med Ctr. 1996; 3 (4): 371-372.
- Congenital Inguinal Pathologies in Malatya School Age Children.
- Koltuksuz U, Mutus M, Yakinci C, Uguralp S, Aydinc M, Cetin S, Gursoy MH. J of T Özal Med Ctr. 1999; 6 (1): 9-12.
- Should Children with Isolated Preauricular Tags Be Routinely Evaluated For Associated Renal And Cardiac Malformations?
- Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Murat Mutuş, Ferhan Meriç, Elif Sirlioğlu, Yusuf Ayhan, Savaş Dedeoğlu, Varol Şehiraltı, Nadir Tosyalı, Nurten Andaç Marmara Medical Journal 2004: 17(3); 103-106
- An evaluation of individual plain abdominal radiography findings in pediatric appendicitis: results from a series of 424 children.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Taşbaşı I, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş M, Şehiraltı V, Zemheri E.
- National Journal of Trauma. 2006 Jan;12(1):51-8
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Kılıç YE, Pelit M, Şehiraltı V, Aksu N, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN, Bakan N, Saltık S: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy applications in children with feeding difficulties due to chronic neurological disease. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2006; 20: 89-94.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN, Şehiraltı V, Maşrabacı K, Okur H: Morgagni Hernia: A pediatric surgery clinic experience. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2007; 21: 139-143.
- Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Okur H: Isolated renal hydatid cysts. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2008: 22: 46-48.
- Mutuş HM, Tosyalı AN, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Şehiraltı V, Maşrabacı K, Okur H: Spontaneous pneumothorax in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2008; 22:66-69.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Baş A, Sert M, Tosyalı AN, Şehiraltı V: An evaluation of the indications, complications and results of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) applications in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2008; 22: 122-126.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Sert M, Mutuş HM, Tosyalı AN, Zemheri E, Özen MA, Baş A: Adnexal pathologies requiring surgical intervention in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2010; 24:30-35.
- Baş A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Anadolulu Aİ, Çağlar M, Mutuş HM, Okur H: A very rare cause of neonatal methemoglobinemia: Enteral methylene blue. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2010; 24: 135-137.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Fettahoğlu S, Zemheri IE, Mutuş M, Çam S, Okur H: A clinical experience on pediatric colorectal polyps. Göztepe Medical Journal 2012; 27:1-5.
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Korkmaz M, Kaymakcı A, Anadolulu Aİ, Okur H: Varicocele in childhood. Göztepe Medical Journal 2014; 29: 173-176.
- Gülçin N, Mutuş M, Anadolulu Aİ, Aydın A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Papillary uroepithelial neoplasm: Case report. Göztepe Medical Journal 2014; 29: 247-249.
- The relationship between constipation and urination disorders in children. M. Mutuş Journal of Pediatric Surgery 30: Supplement: 2 2016, 110-120 (Compilation)
- Mustafa Asim Yoruk, Huseyin Murat Mutus, Cetin Timur, Gunes Feyizoglu: Prognostic factors and outcome of ABVD chemotherapy in childhood Hodgkin Iymphoma: A single center experience. Annals of Medical Research 2019;26(7):1258-63 DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.02.070
- Mehmet Ali Özen, Hüseyin Murat Mutuş, Ebru Itır Zemheri, Hamit Okur, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa: The role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and cremaster muscle in the etiology of undescended testicle. Child. Cer. Journal. 2020;34(1):24-9 doi:10.5222/JTAPS.2020.86086
- Congenital inguinal region pathologies in primary school children: where are we from a medical perspective? (Turkish)
- Mutus M, Yakinci C, Uğuralp S, Aydinç M, Çetin S, Gürsoy MH.
- XLth National Congress of Pediatrics, Gaziantep/Turkey, 1996
- Inguinal Pathologies in Malatya school age children. (English)
- Mutuş M, Gürsoy MH, Yakıncı C, Uğuralp S, Aydinç M, Demircan M, Koltuksuz U.
- XVth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul/Turkey, 1997
- More cosmetic closure of the ventral penile skin defect that may occur after the Mathieu technique. (Turkish)
- Koltuksuz U, Aydinç M, Mutuş M, Çetin S, Karaman A.
- XVIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1998
- Multifocal Omental Mesenteric Inflammatory Pseudotumor (Plasma Cell Granuloma). (Turkish)
- Koltuksuz U, Mutuş M, Aydın A, Aydinç M, Çetin S, Çıralık H.
- XVIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1998
- Plasma and Erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activities in acute appendicitis. (Turkish)
- Koltuksuz U, Uz E, Aydinç M, Mutuş M, Çetin S, Karaman A, Akyol Ö.
- XVIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1998
- Patent urachus with stone: a case report. (English)
- Demircan M, Mutuş M
- XVIIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1999
- Experimental splenic autotransplantation study using intrahepatic injection and hepatic wedge-implantation techniques. (Turkish)
- Aydinç M, Gürsoy MH, Mutuş M, Koltuksuz U, Demircan M, Özen S, Aydın NE.
- XVIIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1999
- Effects of acetylsalicylic acid, alpha-interferon and vitamin E in preventing cholestasis due to parenteral nutrition: An experimental study. (Turkish)
- Demircan M, Uğuralp S, Mutuş M, Çetin S, Gürer Eİ, Turhan F, Gürsoy MH.
- XVIIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 1999
- Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Esther (CAPE) and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on stenosis formation in experimental corrosive esophageal burns. (Turkish)
- Koltuksuz U, Mutuş M, Özyurt H, Kutlu R, Çetin S, Karaman A, Gürbüz N, Akyol Ö, Aydın NE.
- XVIIIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 2000
- Percutaneous central venous catheterization for hemodialysis purposes. (Turkish)
- U Koltuksuz, S Çetin, Mutuş M, A Karaman, N Gürbüz.
- XVIIIth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 2000
- A rare disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen: Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia. (Turkish)
- Uğuralp S, Mutuş M, Kutlu O, Çetin S, Özgen Ü.
- IVth National Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Bursa/Turkey, 2000
- Intra-abdominal solid tumors in children: 9 years of experience. (Turkish)
- Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya-Durakbaşa Ç, Yörük A, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN
- XIX. National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya/Turkey, 2001
- Is fetiform sacrococcygeal teratoma a fetus-in-fetu variant?
- Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Zemheri E
- XXIII. National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Gaziantep/Turkey, 2005.
- Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Yörük A, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN: Intra-abdominal solid tumors in children: 9 years of experience. XIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (7-11 October 2001), Belek.
- Özdoğan T, Ergüven M, Eser I, Durakbaşa Ç, Şehiraltı V, Mutuş M, Tosyalı N, İşcan M, Yıldız E, Eti N, Kut A: Our congenital diaphragmatic hernia cases in a four-year period. 13th National Neonatology Congress (13-17 April 2005), Kayseri
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Kılıç YE, Pelit M, Şehiraltı V, Aksu N, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN, Bakan N: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) applications in children with swallowing dysfunction. XXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (21-24 September 2005), Gaziantep.
- Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Zemheri E: Is fetiform sacrococcygeal teratoma a fetus-in-fetu variant? XXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (21-24 September 2005), Gaziantep.
- Mutuş HM, Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Childhood teratomas: 15 years of experience. XXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (5-8 November 2006), Adana.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Tosyalı A.N, Şehiraltı V, Maşrabacı K, Okur H: Morgagni Hernia: A Pediatric Surgery Clinic Experience, XXV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-27 October 2007), Çeşme, İzmir.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Tosyalı AN, Şehiraltı V, Maşrabacı K, Okur H: Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Children. XXV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (22-27 October 2007), Çeşme, İzmir.
- Tosyalı AN, Ulukaya Ç, Şehiraltı V, Mutuş HM, Sert M, Okur H: Splenic Epidermoid Cysts. XXV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-27 October 2007), Çeşme, İzmir.
- Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Ç, Özen MA, Okur H: Isolated Renal Hydatid Cysts. XXV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-27 October 2007), Çeşme, İzmir.
- Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Ç, Özen MA, Okur H: Isolated Renal Hydatid Cysts. 9th National Pediatric Urology Congress and Update Course, (2007), Antalya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Baş A, Sert M, Tosyalı AN, Şehiraltı V: An Evaluation of Indications, Complications and Results of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Applications in Children. XXVI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, 16-18 June 2008), Istanbul.
- Mutuş HM, Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tosyalı AN, Yörük A, Okur H: Results of 16 Years of Experience in Wilms Tumors. XXVI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, 16-18 June 2008), Istanbul.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş M, Baş A, Özen MA, Şehiraltı V, Tosyalı AN: Symptomatic Omphalomesenteric Canal Remnants (OMKA) in Children.XXVI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-18 June 2008), Istanbul.
- Mutuş HM, Şehiraltı V, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tosyalı AN, Özen MA, Okur H: 15 Years of Experience in Hydatid Cysts. XXVI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-18 June 2008), Istanbul.
- Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Sert M, Özen MA, Şehiraltı V, Okur H: Should Routine Endoscopic Examination Be Performed in Every Child with a History of Caustic Substance Intake? XXVI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-18 June 2008), Istanbul.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Sert M, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN, Zemheri E, Özen MA, Baş A: Ovarian Masses Requiring Surgical Intervention. XXVII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (30 September-3 October 2009), Malatya.
- Mutuş M, Yıldız N, Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tosyalı AN, Turhan P, Candan C, Baş A, Özen MA, Sert M: Which Option in the Treatment of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux? Antibiotic Prophylaxis or Early Intervention? XXVII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (30 September-3 October 2009), Malatya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Sert M, Baş A, Ünal T, Mutuş M, Tosyalı AN, Okur H: Simple and Effective Treatment of Pilonidal Sinus in Pediatric Patients. XXVII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (30 September-3 October 2009), Malatya.
- Mutuş M Yıldız N, Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Tosyalı AN, Turhan P, Candan C, Baş A, Özen MA, Sert M. Which Option in the Treatment of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux? Antibiotic Prophylaxis or Early Intervention? PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Baş A, Güçlüer B, Güven A, Özen MA, Sert M, Okur H: A Rare Tumor in the Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Paraovarian Mass: Myoma. PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Mutuş HM, Baş A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Korkmaz M, Yıldız N, Çağlar M, Sert M, Anadolulu Aİ, Özen MA, Albayrak ŞS, Okur H: Is Bacteriuria After Urodynamics Significant? PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Mutuş HM, Sert M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Korkmaz M, Candan C,. Baş A, Özen MA, Anadolu Aİ, Albayrak ŞS, Okur H: How Many Times Should the Bladder Be Filled in Urodynamic Pressure Flow Studies? Comparison of Maximal Cystometric Capacity, Detrusor Contractions, Compliance and Maximal Detrusor Contractions, Compliance and Maximal Detrusor Pressures in Neurogenic and Non-Neurogenic Bladder Cases. PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Mutuş HM, Baş A, Sert M, Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Case of Congenital Urethral Diverticula Presenting with Lower Urinary System Obstruction in the Newborn Period. PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Zemheri E, Anadolulu Aİ, Korkmaz M, Güven A, Okur H: Testicular Microlithiasis in Children. PEDURO 2010, National Pediatric Urology Congress, (8-10 April 2010), Izmir.
- Okur, H. Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Baş A Sert M: A Case Report of Congenital Isolated Tracheo-esophageal Fistula Repair. [Video Presentation], XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Mutus M, Sert M, Zemheri E: A Very Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen: Perforated Gangrenous Cholecystitis. XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Baş A, Bayar Gökgöz A, Korkmaz M, Çağlar M, Okur H: Does Chronic Neurological Disease Increase the Risk of Undescended Testicular Torsion? XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Anadolulu Aİ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Canbolat Ayhan A, Ayhan Y, Mutuş HM, Bayar Gökgöz A, Okur H: A Rare Complication of Central Venous Port Catheter Applications: Catheter Dehiscence. XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Sert M, Fettahoğlu S, Çağlar M, Korkmaz M, Okur H: Congenital Isolated Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches. XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Mutuş M, Özen MA, Aksoy F, Korkmaz M, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Approach to the Nonpalpable Testis and Histopathological Findings. XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Tosyalı AN, Mutuş HM, Şehiraltı V, Sert M, Baş A, Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Case of “Dibrachius Dicephalus Dipus” Conjoined Twins. XXVIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (22-25 September 2010), Antalya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Özen MA, Çağlar M, Sert M, Korkmaz M, Baş A: An Experience Regarding Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Applications in Children. VII. Clinical Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (KEPAN) Congress, (30 March-03 April 2011), Antalya.
- Çağlar M, Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Korkmaz M, Kaymakcı A, Anadolulu Aİ, Okur H: Surgical Treatment of Varicocele in Children. 2nd National Pediatric Urology Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Kaymakcı A, Özen MA, Mutuş HM, Korkmaz M, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Anadolulu Aİ, Okur H: 10-Year Outlook on Orchiectomy Indications. 2nd National Pediatric Urology Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Baş A, Mutuş HM, Sert M, Okur H: A Type of “Sword Swallowing” in a Newborn. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özen MA, Zemheri IE, Yörük A, Korkmaz M, Çağlar M, Mutuş HM, Okur H: Small Round Cell Tumor in the Gastrocolic Ligament. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Fettahoğlu S, Baş A, Korkmaz M, Mutuş HM, Kaymakcı A, Okur H: Colorectal Polyps: Clinical Experience. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Ceyran AB, Mutuş HM, Gökgöz Bayar A, Okur H: Ileal Triplication. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Mutuş HM, Korkmaz M, Kaymakcı A, Sert M, Özen MA, Baş A: Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspirations XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Korkmaz M, Fettahoğlu S, Güven A, Çağlar M, Gökgöz Bayar A, Anadolulu Aİ, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Breast Masses in Children. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Bayar A, Çağlar M, Korkmaz M, Sert M, Okur H: Esophageal Foreign Bodies in Children. XXIX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress, (16-19 May 2011), Istanbul.
- Sert M, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Baş A, Okur H: Does Warm Infusion Fluid Make a Difference in Urodynamics? 3rd National Pediatric Urology Congress (05-07 April 2012), Bursa.
- Fettahoğlu S, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Güven A, Zemheri IE, Mutuş M, Yıldız M, Anadolulu Aİ, Kaymakcı A, Okur H: Principles of Surgical Approach to Nodular Thyroid Disease in Children and Adolescents. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H, Fettahoğlu S, Anadolulu Aİ, Baş A, Çağlar M, Mutuş M, Kaymakcı A: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Applications: Current Status and Long-Term Results. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Anadolulu Aİ, Mutuş HM, Kaymakcı A, Çağlar M, Fettahoğlu S, Maşrabacı K, Okur H: An Epidemiological Study on the Distribution of Children's Appendicitis According to Age, Gender, Seasons and Years. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Anadolulu Aİ, Mutuş M, Çağlar M, Fettahoğlu S, Kaymakcı A, Maşrabacı K, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Port Catheter Applications in Long-Term IV Access. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Sert M, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Baş A, Okur H: Does Warm Infusion Fluid Make a Difference in Urodynamics? XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Özen MA, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Mutuş HM, Okur H: Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) and Human Cremaster Muscle. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Maşrabacı K, Mutuş M, Kaymakcı A, Sert M, Baş A, Turhan P, Candan C, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Clinical Results of Bladder Augmentation Surgery Performed with Ileocystoplasty Method. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Maşrabacı K, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Fettahoğlu S, Kaymakcı A, Okur H: Treatment Approaches and Clinical Results in Testicular Torsion in Children. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Yiğitbaşı R, Anadolulu Aİ, Çağlar M, Kaymakcı A, Mutuş M, Baş A, Okur H: Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy and Anterior Fundoplication [Video Presentation]. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Fettahoğlu S, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Timur Ç, Çağlar M, Kaymakcı A, Okur H: Clinical Approach to Circumcision in Patients with Bleeding/Coagulation Disorders. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Kaymakcı A, Sert M, Mutuş HM, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Current Danger: Magnet Swallowing. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Anadolulu Aİ, Kaymakcı A, Sert M, Çağlar M, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Jejunal Intussusception with Findings Compatible with Necrotizing Enterocolitis Clinic in Newborns. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Baş A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Zemheri IE, Anadolulu Aİ, Okur H: A Rare Cause of Scrotal Masses in Children: Unclassifiable Sex Cord Stromal Tumor. XXX. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 October 2012), Ankara.
- Okur H, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Sert M, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Özen MA, Baş A: Testicular Prosthesis in Children. IV. National Pediatric Urology Congress (23-25 May 2013), Konya.
- Mutuş M, Fettahoğlu S, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Candan C, Turhan P, Okur H: Evaluation of Surgical Approach in Ureteropelvic Junction Stenosis. IV. National Pediatric Urology Congress (23-25 May 2013), Konya.
- Mutuş HM, Gökgöz Bayar A, Anadolulu Aİ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Evaluation of Biofeedback Training Results. IV. National Pediatric Urology Congress (23-25 May 2013), Konya.
- Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Güven A, Yıldız M, İşgüven P, Anadolulu Aİ, Sert M, Özen MA, Baş A: Femnizing Genitoplasty in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. IV. National Pediatric Urology Congress (23-25 May 2013), Konya.
- Gülçin N, Mutuş M, Anadolulu Aİ, Aydın A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Papillary Uroepithelial Neoplasm: Case Report. IV. National Pediatric Urology Congress (23-25 May 2013), Konya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Fettahoğlu S, Anadolulu Aİ, Çağlar M, Bayar A, Mutuş M, Özatman E, Okur H: Foreign Bodies Stuck in the Gastrointestinal System: What Has Changed? XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Mutuş M, Okur H: Effectiveness of the STRONGKIDS Screening Tool in Determining Malnutrition Prevalence and Malnutrition Risks in Pediatric Surgery Patients. ? XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Güven A, Yıldız M, İsgüven P, Anadolulu Aİ, Sert M, Özen MA, Baş A: Feminizing Genitoplasty in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Mutuş HM, Gökgöz Bayar A, Anadolulu Aİ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Evaluation of Biofeedback Training Results. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Mutuş HM, Fettahoğlu S, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Candan C, Turhan P, Okur H: Evaluation of Surgical Approach in Ureteropelvic Junction Stenosis. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Özatman E, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Gerçel G, Okur H: A Magnet is Not Any Foreign Object. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özatman E, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Yörük A, Timur Ç, Ayhan A, Zemheri E, Okur H: Overview of a Common Surgical Intervention: Lymph Node Biopsies. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Gerçel G, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Gülçin N, Okur H: Pediatric Trauma. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Çağlar M, Bayar A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Gülçin N, Fettahoğlu S, Anadolulu Aİ, Okur H: Investigation of Anomalies Accompanying Intestinal Atresia. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Fettahoğlu S, Çağlar M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Yörük A, Mutuş M, Bayar A, Zemheri E, Özkanlı Ş, Okur H: Pelvic Masses Not Originating from the Ovary. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Gülçin N, Bayar A, Yörük A, Çağlar M, Mutuş M, Özatman E, Gerçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Approach to Liver Masses in Children. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Maşrabacı K, Mutuş M, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Bayar A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Okur H: Surgical Approach to Ovarian Torsion. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Gülçin N, Mutuş M, Anadolulu Aİ, Aydın A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Papillary Uroepithelial Neoplasm: Case Report. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Anadolulu Aİ, Mungan İ, Özümüt S, Gerçel G, Büyükkayhan D, Mutuş M, Okur H: Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation (SIP): Two Case Reports. XXXI. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (30 October-2 November 2013), Eskişehir.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Gerçel G, Fettahoğlu S, Mutuş M, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özatman E, Okur H: Rare Forms of Esophageal Atresia. XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Okur H: Use of Flexible Endoscopy in Upper Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies (Video Presentation). XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Bayar A, Aksu B, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Mutuş HM, Okur H: A Case Report of a Patient Who Presented with a Mass in the Thorax Wall Compatible with Malignancy. XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Özatman E, Mutuş HM, Zemheri IE, Aksu B, Maşrabacı K, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Rare Case of Rectal Polyp. XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Bayar A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Anadolu Aİ, Okur H: Chylothorax Developing After Esophageal Atresia: Case Report. XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Mutuş HM, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Çağlar M, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Fettahoğlu S, Okur H: Evaluation of Anomalies Accompanying Esophageal Atresia. XXXII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (17-20 September 2014), Trabzon.
- Zemheri IE, Toprak M, Engin Zerk P, Mutuş M, Özkanlı SŞ, Zenginkinet T, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç: Osseous Metaplasia in Inflammatory Polyp, Case Report. 24th National Pathology Congress (19-23 November 2014), Trabzon.
- Maşrabacı K, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Gülçin N, Candan C, Turhan P, Okur H: Comparison of Diagnostic Methods in Primary and Secondary Vesicoureteral Reflux. 6th National Pediatric Urology Congress (6-9 May 2015), Diyarbakır.
- Fettahoğlu S, Gülçin N, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Aksu B, Mutuş M, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H. Atypical Polyorchidism: Case Report. 6th National Pediatric Urology Congress (6-9 May 2015), Diyarbakır.
- Gerçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özatman E, Yıkılmaz A, Mutuş M, Okur H: Evaluation with Active Surveillance in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis: Is It Still Effective and Up-to-Date? XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Fettahoğlu S, Mutuş HM, Gülçin N, Anadolulu Aİ, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Aksu B, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspirations: Clinical Experience. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş HM, Gerçel G, Fettahoğlu S, Okur H: A New Method in the Treatment of Isolated Esophageal Atresia: Colon Transposition without Esophagostomy. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Çağlar Oskaylı M, Özatman E, Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Gerçel G, Gülçin N, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Meckel's Diverticula: 10 Years of Experience. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Bayar A, Mutuş HM, Fettahoğlu S, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Rare Association of Ureteral Duplication and Bladder Diverticula: Case Report [Video Presentation]. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Mutuş HM, Maşrabacı K, Anadolulu Aİ, Zemheri IE, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Idiopathic Segmental Dilation of the Ileum: Case Report. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Gülçin N, Mutuş M, Bayar A, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Preduodenal Portal Vein: 3 Cases. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Fettahoğlu S, Gülçin N, Çağlar Oskaylı M, Aksu B, Mutuş HM, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Atypical Polyorchidism: Case Report. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Maşrabacı K, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Mutuş M, Gülçin N, Candan C, Turhan P, Okur H: Comparison of Diagnostic Methods in Primary and Secondary Vesicoureteral Reflux. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Mutuş HM, Gerçel G, Yörük A, Zemheri IE, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Unusual Course of Wilms Tumor: Recurrence After 14 Years. XXXIII. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (28-31 October 2015), Antalya.
- Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Zemheri E, Gerçel G, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Testicular Epidermal Cyst. 7th National Pediatric Urology Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Özatman E, Mutuş HM, Yıkılmaz A, Aksu B, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Is Color Doppler Scrotal Examination Safe in the Diagnosis of Acute Scrotum in Children? 7th National Pediatric Urology Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Özatman E, Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Okur H: Isoperistaltic Colon Interposition via Transhiatal Route in Esophageal Replacement. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Mutuş HM, Aksu B, Uzun E, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Primary Repair Results in Surgical Treatment of Chronic Pilonidal Sinus Disease. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Gerçel G, Gülçin N, Mutuş M, Aksu B, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Pneumomediastinum developing after dental treatment. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Zemheri IE, Sevük Özümüt S, Mutuş HM, Okur H: Association of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration: Case Report. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Gülçin N, Özatman E, Mutuş M, Aksu B, Greçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Rare and Interesting Cause of Acute Abdominal: Boiled Corn. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Aksu B, Özatman E, Gülçin N, Mutuş HM, Gerçel G, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: Thoracoabdominal Duodenum Duplication Cyst: Case Report. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Aksu B, Mutuş M, Özatman E, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Okur H: A Rare Germ Cell Tumor: Bilateral Ovarian Dysgerminoma. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Okur H, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç, Aksu B, Yıkılmaz A, Güven A, Özatman E, Gülçin N, Gerçel G, Mutuş HM: A Rare Cause of Intestinal Obstruction in Children: Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. XXXIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress (26-30 October 2016), Kyrenia, TRNC.
- Fetus, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Ovarian Cysts, Pediatric Gynecology, HÜSEYIN MURAT MUTUŞ, ÇIĞDEM ULUKAYA DURAKBAŞA. Editor: Hüseyin İlhan, Türkiye Hastanesi Publishing House 2018, 1st Edition Page: 59-67
- Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum and Pneumatocele in Children, Surgical Chest Diseases in Children. Hüseyin Murat Mutuş, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa. Eds: Hüseyin İlhan, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Tutku Soyer. Academician Bookstore 2020, 1st Edition Page: 269-291
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Pediatric Surgery Association
- Turkish Pediatric Urology Association
- Turkish Spina Bifida Association
- European Association of Pediatric Surgery (EUPSA)
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