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General Intensive Care

General Intensive Care

The follow-up and treatment of patients who are at risk of life and whose vital functions need to be constantly monitored are carried out in the Intensive Care Unit.
General Intensive Care

The follow-up and treatment of our patients who are at risk of life and whose vital functions need to be constantly monitored are carried out in Liv Hospital Intensive Care Unit.

What are the Intensive Care Unit Features?


Intensive care patients are monitored 24/7 by trained and experienced specialist doctors, nurses and medical personnel. Procedures that guide diagnosis and treatment, such as advanced and up-to-date laboratory tests, digital x-rays, Doppler and ultrasonography, echocardiography and electroencephalography, can be performed bedside in the intensive care unit. If advanced imaging or interventional treatment is required, our patients are transferred to the relevant department with special devices and accompanied by our experienced healthcare personnel, after evaluating the critical situation.

The physical conditions of Liv Hospital Vadistanbul Intensive Care Unit are planned as single rooms to allow contact isolation, patient comfort and privacy protection in terms of infection control. Our patients with inhalation-transmitted infections are monitored with one-on-one nurse support in negative pressure isolation rooms in order to protect other patients and our healthcare personnel.

Thanks to existing intensive care devices and our experienced healthcare staff; All organ support systems such as mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapies (hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration), liver support systems, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be applied to pediatric and adult critically ill patients.