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Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments

Laser therapy is a medical treatment method based on the principle of focusing intense light energy and transmitting it to the tissue.
Laser Treatments

Laser therapy is a medical treatment method based on the principle of focusing intense light energy and transmitting it to the tissue. Laser stands for "light amplification stimulated emission" and this technology is used in a variety of medical applications using light energy of different wavelengths.


Laser Treatments at Liv Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic


Research shows that in women who give birth (especially normal birth), stretching of the vaginal tissue occurs with advancing age. With this stretching, the woman may start to have urinary incontinence and self-confidence problems may arise in her sexual life. If left untreated, this condition may cause more serious family problems.

For this reason, at Liv Hospital Ulus Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, vaginal tissue can be narrowed and renewed with laser applications without surgery, anesthesia and pain. With Er:YAG laser technology, vaginal tissue can be regenerated or narrowed without surgery or pain.


Why Laser Treatment?


  • It does not require surgery, anesthesia, incisions or stitches.
  • There is no pain during and after application.
  • You can return to daily life immediately.
  • An effective method that provides a high success rate and patient satisfaction.
  • It is a reliable method with no risk of complications and side effects.
  • It takes so short a time that it can be applied even during lunch.