Heart Valve Diseases

In Liv Hospital, valve operations are performed simultaneously or alone during coronary bypass. In 20% of the patients, repair procedures are performed by protecting their own valve tissue. The most appropriate treatment method should be determined by patient-specific assessments. The patient's age, type of pathology, and preference of the patient are decisive for the treatment method to be selected in valve operations.

In Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, preoperative patient-centered evaluation and the advantages and disadvantages of the options in the operation are explained in detail. Approximately 35 percent of prosthetic valves used are biological caps that do not require the use of blood thinners. These operations are performed with small incisions, breast or underarm incisions in the appropriate patients. Robotic surgery methods are applied successfully especially in mitral valve isolated repairs.

Mitral Valve Surgery

The mitral valve is an anatomic-functional structure composed of two leaflets, located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. At the Liv Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, mitral valve repair and mitral valve replacement operations are performed with a "small incision".

Aortic Valve Surgery

The aortic valve consists of three leaflets and is located where the resulting aortic artery is attached to the heart. Aortic valve operations in the Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic are performed by open heart surgery technique in the form of stopping the heart and lungs.

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