Liv Hospital Vadistanbul

Check Up Center

Take a Decisive Step, Open the Doors of a Healthy Life!

The Power Is In Your Hands

Environmental pollution, stress, wrong eating habits and genetic risks that threaten healthy life are manifested in different diseases. For a healthy life, it is necessary to have regular check-ups. Liv Hospital Healthy Life and Check-up Clinic provides special services for all ages and genders with the check-up programs it offers.

Hello to Healthy Living!

Everyone wants to live healthy and long. Having a healthy, long and quality life is not as difficult as you might think. With Liv Hospital Check-up and Healthy Life Programs, you can say "Goodbye" to diseases and "Hello" to a healthy life…


What is Check-Up?

Check-up is a general name for a program that includes head-to-toe health examinations. Check-up programs include health history, physical examination, and tests. Check-up programs are of great importance in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Say Goodbye to Diseases

The most precious wealth of man is his health. In order to have a healthy life and protect this wealth, it is necessary to have regular check-ups. Liv Hospital offers special services for all ages and genders with its Check-up and Healthy Living Programs.

Environmental pollution, stress, wrong eating habits and genetic risks that threaten healthy life are manifested in different diseases. It is possible to be protected from diseases, to diagnose the existing ones early and to have a healthier life with Liv Hospital Check-up and Healthy Living Clinic! In Liv Hospital Check-up and Healthy Living Clinic, the risks brought by gender and lifestyle or the risks of family-related diseases are identified and investigated. For early diagnosis, risk analyzes are carried out in cooperation with the Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Research and Application Clinic to draw your genetic map. Thus, by detailing your family history, early diagnosis of risky diseases is provided.

Why Should You Have a Check-Up?

  • If a long and healthy life is among your goals,
  • If you want to know what needs to be done for this,
  • If you want to see that you are as healthy as you feel,
  • If you cannot spare time for health in the intense rhythm of life,
  • If common illnesses in your family worry you,
  • If you want to catch diseases early and be treated easily,
  • You should apply to the Check-up and Healthy Life Clinic.

How Long Does Check-Up Process Take?

Outpatient Check-up procedures are usually completed within half a day and the results are ready the next day. However, in more detailed examinations where the person needs to stay in the hospital, hospitalization is made the night before and exit is performed the next day after the procedures are completed.

Kidney disease, which is encountered in one out of every 6 adults over the age of 18 in our country, can often be prevented or its progression delayed if detected early. However, low awareness may impair quality of life by delaying early diagnosis and causing kidney failure. “Kidney Check-up” performed for diabetes and hypertension patients at Liv Hospital Vadistanbul Check-up Clinic can be diagnosed and corrected with treatments to be applied.

For diabetics;

Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of chronic kidney failure. It is responsible for approximately 40% of end-stage renal disease. It's pretty insidious. The earliest sign of the disease is protein leakage in the urine. Protein leaks that have reached large amounts can be noticed by the frothing observed during urination. On the other hand, the diagnosis of kidney damage with sensitive tests to be performed at an early stage is a condition that can be corrected with the treatments to be applied.

For blood pressure patients

The second leading cause of chronic renal failure is hypertension (30%). In hypertension, which is defined as high blood pressure, symptoms such as kidney damage, protein leakage in the urine and blood in the urine appear before the kidney functions are impaired at the beginning. Uncontrolled persistent high blood pressure poses a higher risk for kidney damage. Early diagnosis is the gold standard in preventing the progression of kidney damage.

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