Treatment of Varicose

Today, one of the most common problems, especially for women, are varicose veins in the legs, which is a problem that can be treated for aesthetic concerns or pain and swelling. There are many methods used for the treatment of varicose veins. These methods include open surgery, laser or radiofrequency ablation, interference and foam therapy. Liv Hospital offers all these methods.


It adversely affects quality of life

The most common complaints in patients with varicose veins areincreased leg pain towards the evening hours, swelling, itching, feeling of heaviness, burning soles and increased cramps at night. These complaints sometimes adversely affect a person's life and impair the quality of life. It may even reduce work performance. It creates problems in choosing clothes, especially for women, due to cosmetic concerns. Women with varicose veins usually try to hide their legs by wearing pants or using cosmetic products.


Diagnosis is made by physical examination. Color Doppler ultrasonography is an indispensable part of the examination. This test is a painless imaging method that does not cause any burden to the patient.

Treatment methods

One-fifth of people with pronouncd leg veins may have a leak in the vein. This leakage is caused by insufficiency of the valves in the vessels. There may be different ways to eliminate this leak.
Open surgery: The two ends of the vein are located through a small incision under the groin and knee. A wire is passed through and the wire is pulled back. Thus, the vessel is severed and removed.
Laser treatment: An ultrasound guided laser catheter is placed inside the leaking vessel. The vessel is burned with laser energy.
Radiofrequency ablation: This time, a radiofrequency catheter is inserted into the leaking vessel. The vessel is closed with radiofrequency energy.

The Most Common Methods for Pronounced Leg Veins

Sclerotherapy (needle therapy): It may be in liquid or foam form. The substance injected into the vessel burns the inner wall of the vessel and closes the vessel. This eliminates the pronounced vessel. In the first days after sclerotherapy, the patient is sent home with high pressure socks or bandages. The use of socks for at least three weeks afterwards increases the chances of success. If vascular reflux is detected on Doppler ultrasonography, the patient and the physician should discuss the issue and the return-cost, risks, and expectations of the patient. Patients without intervention should wear regular varicose stockings every day.
Laser treatment: External laser application eliminate pronounced leg veins.

What should be considered during treatment?

First of all, the patient needs to be . Patient compliance increases treatment success. Regular use of bandage or varicose stockings after the intervention is an important factor in increasing the chances of success. For example; If the patient does not wear the varicose stockings regularly after the needle treatment, the varicose vein will likely recur. It is also recommended to walk at least 30 minutes around the hospital after needle treatment, which is also known as sclerotherapy.


Don't stand up for long

Patients who have complaints after this procedure should inform their doctor immediately. After treatment, compliance with certain rules should continue. These include; being careful not to stand for long or if this cannot be avoided using varicose stockings, choosing an active life and not gaining weight.

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