Chronic Kidney Failure

Chronic Kidney Failure Overview

It is the condition of permanent deterioration of kidney functions. In this case, the water and salt balance of the body is disturbed and the functioning of other vital organs is affected. Weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea-vomiting, shortness of breath, itching, confusion and often high blood pressure are the most prominent features.

Diabetes, Hypertension, recurrent kidney inflammation, stone disease, nephritis are the most important causes of Chronic Kidney Failure. Cystic kidney diseases can also lead to chronic kidney failure.

Treatment in End Stage Kidney Failure

Renal function replacement therapy should be administered to patients with very reduced kidney function, regardless of the cause. These methods are dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) or kidney transplantation. Every patient with a diagnosis of end-stage renal disease and undergoing dialysis should be evaluated for eligibility for kidney transplantation. On top of that, it's possible to have a kidney transplant without starting dialysis. Therefore, every CKD patient should be included in this evaluation.

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