Cardio Genetic Test

Discover the Needs of Your Heart Thanks to Your DNA 

Your DNA can tell you a lot about your heart, including the risks of certain heart related health conditions, cardiac medicine response and affective diets. You and your doctor can take more exact decisions regarding diet, exercise and medication in order to help you maintain or decrease a heart related health risk with genetic tests.

Decide based on information 

This test helps detecting heart related health risks and provide information about your potential response to generally prescribed medications, this way your doctor can arrange a treatment specific to you. 

See What Personalized Genetic Recommendations Do for You 

Cardiac themed DNA tests may help you and your doctor in creating a route designed and personalized in a way to unite you with your optimal heart health. 

What will you find out with cardiac themed DNA tests? 

•    Determination of specific genetic variants related with the risk increase in the occurrence of heart disorders, 
•    Support to create a treatment and follow-up algorithm suitable for your genetic structure, 
•    How you will respond to medications prescribed in order to treat heart related disorders. 

Cardiac Disorders That Can Be Detected with Cardio Genetic Test 

Learn about your heart and potential disorders 

Heart Disorder / Atrial Fibrillation 
Atrial Fibrillation 
Coronary artery disorder 
Myocardial infarction 

Peripheral Artery Disorder / Venous Thrombosis 
Discover your tendency to vein stenosis  

Estrogen supplement (risk of venous thrombosis)  
Peripheral artery disorder  
Venous thrombosis  
Response to Warfarin 

Find out if you have the risk of hypertension or not 

Cardiovascular Disorders 
Understand your cardiovascular health risks 
ApoE, type III hyperlipoproteinemia and CVD risk 
Genetic risk for low folate 
Genetic risk for low HDL cholesterol 
Genetic risk for elevated LDL cholesterol 
Genetic risk for elevated triglycerides 
Sickle cell anemia