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Main Diseases Treated in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

Main Diseases Treated in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

In physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics, physical function losses resulting from health problems are treated.
Main Diseases Treated in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

In physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics, physical function losses resulting from health problems are treated. Services for the treatment of many disorders and movement restrictions, from musculoskeletal problems to paralysis, and to improve the quality of life of patients are provided by physical therapists in these clinics. These treatments are usually performed using methods such as special exercise programs, massage and electrotherapy.

Liv Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


Liv Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic offers effective treatments for a wide range of diseases with its expert staff and wide range of facilities. With its patient-oriented approach and the experience of being a pioneer in its field, our hospital's Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic is always ready to help you maximize your mobility and comfort.

Major Diseases Treated


We can list the main diseases treated in our clinic as follows:

Neck Pain: Nowadays, with the increase in inactivity due to the development of technology, neck pain and stiffness are encountered from very young ages to older ages. Many different conditions such as neck flattening, differences in congenital bone structure, neck herniations, disc deterioration, calcification, slippage in the vertebrae, rheumatic diseases, infections and tumors can cause neck pain. Diagnosis is made through examinations and examinations, and individualized physical therapy and rehabilitation treatments are performed by evaluating the muscles and spine.

Back Pain: The causes of back pain are primarily posture disorders, muscle tension, cervical disc herniation, hernia in the dorsal spine and other disc disorders. Osteoporosis, diseases affecting bones, infections, metabolic bone diseases, and rheumatic diseases can also cause this complaint. Detailed medical examination, radiological examination and, if necessary, blood tests reveal the diagnosis and a personalized treatment program is planned.

Low Back Pain: Nowadays, all people suffer from short or long-term back pain at some point in their lives. The causes of lower back pain may be congenital or may be due to many reasons such as various strains, occupational factors, misuse, inactivity, aging, tension or weakness of the lower back muscles, rheumatic and systemic diseases. These problems cause degeneration and damage in discs, joints, ligaments and vertebrae. The most common ones are herniated discs (disc herniations), slips and calcifications in the vertebrae, strains on the spinal ligaments, muscle tension or stiffness, and functional disorders in the spine and sacroiliac joints. The majority of low back pain responds very well to physical therapy and rehabilitation treatments. In addition to relieving pain, muscle strengthening programs allow patients to quickly return to their daily lives. Those with back pain that require surgery also benefit from rehabilitation and spine strengthening programs after their surgical treatment.

Posture Disorder: Contemporary living conditions make daily life increasingly sedentary. Especially working in an office environment where sitting hours at the computer and desk are long, and not being able to spare enough time for sports and movement can lead to posture disorders. Posture disorders are an important factor that can cause neck, back and waist pain in the process. After the posture evaluation made by the physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist, a personalized exercise program is given.

Ergonomics: Ergonomics is creating a living and working environment suitable for people's physical and psychological characteristics or making it compatible with people. In our Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department; People are taught to use their bodies correctly in daily life and work environments and to organize their environment appropriately, according to their pain and function status.

Problems arising from joints and surrounding tissues: Diagnosis and treatment of problems arising from joints and surrounding tissues are performed. The aim of physical therapy and rehabilitation treatments in these diseases is to relieve pain, reduce joint swelling, correct joint limitations, strengthen muscles, and restore and increase lost function.

The main problems are:

Tendon damage, bursitis, frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome, joint calcification and muscle tensions that cause shoulder pain and limitation of movementCalcification, tendon, meniscus and ligament lesions and knee cap problems that cause pain, limitation of movement and weakness in the knee joint.Ankle and foot pain (mechanical disorders, calcifications, nerve compression, muscle and tendon problems)Wrist and hand problems (joint problems, tendinitis, nerve compression).

Orthopedic Rehabilitation:

Treatment of joint limitations and muscle weakness resulting from bone fractures
Treatment of strains and tears of joint ligaments and tendons
Rehabilitation treatment after orthopedic surgeries; It is one of the most important areas of activity of our clinic. After orthopedic surgeries such as knee arthroscopy, shoulder arthroscopy, hand surgery, ankle surgery, hip and knee joint arthroplasty surgeries due to meniscus and ligament lesions, rehabilitation treatment is applied to prevent and correct joint limitation, increase muscle strength and correct loss of function.

Rheumatic Diseases: Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of rheumatic diseases and soft tissue rheumatism (fibromyalgia), which manifest themselves with symptoms such as joint pain, joint swelling and stiffness, constitute the important areas of activity of our Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department.

Osteoporosis: The diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of osteoporosis (bone loss), which is an important health problem in terms of fracture risk, is carried out by our specialist physicians. The patient is informed about the precautions to be taken to protect against osteoporosis and training is given on the osteoporosis exercises that should be applied.

Neurological Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation treatments are applied for walking training, eliminating balance disorders, increasing muscle strength, and regaining hand and arm functions in brain-related paralysis, paralysis due to head trauma and spinal cord injury, and neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, with the functional evaluation of the patient, an appropriate treatment plan is determined and rehabilitation treatment is performed.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Nerve Compression: Today, numbness, tingling, pain and loss of strength due to nerve compression in the arms and legs, especially nerve compression in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) and nerve compression in the elbow (cubital tunnel syndrome), are among the common health problems. Treatment and prevention of these problems constitute an important part of physical therapy and rehabilitation treatments.

Lymphedema: Lymphedema is treated with manual lymph drainage, pneumatic compression and bandaging methods.

Injections: Injection treatments are treatment approaches frequently applied by physical therapy and rehabilitation specialists in addition to physical therapy. New methods used all over the world in recent years for pain originating from the spine and joint pain have taken their place in our Department. Mesotherapy, knee and shoulder intra-articular injections, epidural injections for low back pain, sacroiliac joint injections, coccyx injections are examples of these.

Athlete Health: Sports-related injuries and disabilities can frequently occur in both professional athletes and those who do sports to stay healthy. First of all, they are informed about the measures to prevent injury. In case of injury or disability, treatment is carried out after making the diagnosis by examination and necessary tests. The main goal in this regard is to get the patient back to the sport he wants to do after the treatment process is completed.