About Liv
TOETVA Applied Cadaver Workshop will be held on 31 August in cooperation with Liv Hospital & Istinye University. ‘Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach’ will be evaluated in the seminar where the theoretical session will be held at Liv Hospital Vadi Istanbul Seminar Hall and the cadaver session will be held at Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine - Cadaver Laboratory.
The seminar, which follows three previous meetings in Izmir (Turkey) and Messina (Italy) and Verona (Italy), is organised in collaboration with the European Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AECD), Istinye University, Liv Hospital and the Turkish Society of Endocrine Surgery (TECD) Education Committee. The programme focuses on TOETVA technical advances, tips and tricks, live cadaver surgery, patient selection, oncological indications, how to manage complications, integrating modern surgical technology and pre- and post-operative patient management.
Toetva Hands-On Cadaverlab Workshop at Liv Hospital
- Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach
- Liv Hospital & Istinye University, Istanbul
- Theoratical Session: LIV Hospital, Vadistanbul Seminar Hall
- Cadaveric Session: Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine, Cadever Lab
- August 31, 2024
- Course Directors: Özer Makay, A. Cem Dural
- Sciententific Secretiriat: Yiğit Türk
Procedural skill lab with 6 working stations
- Instrumentation
- Operating room setup, patient intubation, positioning and surgical field preparition
- Basic steps (from A to Z)
- Vestibular incisions, hidrodissection
- Flap preparation and port placement
- Right lobectomy in craniocaudal fashion
- Left lobectomy in craniocaudal fashion
- Central node dissection in craniocaudal fashion
- How to manage and avoid complications
- Mental nerve identification and dissection
- Specimen retrieval
- Midline And vestibular incision closure
- Discussions
Welcoming Message
Scientific Board
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to "International Webinars on Innovations in Pediatric Disease "during Sep7-10, enlightening the latest innovative research, real life challenges and experiences in pediatrics.
The scientific committee is proud to prepare a programme of outstanding scientific quality which addresses issues of our daily practice all around the globe and will be relevant for all doctors, health professionals.
Experts from Boston children's Hospital and Liv Hospital Vadistanbul will join forces to deliver lectures, generate debate and identify questions for future research. The programme includes a full spectrum of presentations from keynote lectures, basic research and tertiary care issues in a more general paediatrics setting.
We look forward to welcoming you to our webinars.