İsmail Tugay Yağcı
- Shoulder Surgery (Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty)
- Microsurgery
- Arthroplasty (knee/hip)
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Trauma Surgery
- Sports Medicine
- 1994-1997 (High School) Ankara Science High School/ Ankara, Turkey
- 1997-2003 Medical Student / Ankara University Faculty of Medicine / Ankara, Turkey
Postgraduate Education
- 2004 -2010 Resident Ege University Faculty of Medicine Orthopedics and Traumatology İzmir, Turkey
- 2010-2012 Military Service Kahramanmaraş Afşin State Hospital
- 2012 - 2021 Specialist Faculty of Health Sciences Medicine Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2018 Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland Department of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Prof. Christian Gerber & Carl Wieser)
- 2001(Summer) Trainee doctors K.Maraş State Hospital
- 2012 Paid military service
- National Board of Experts 2004
A. Publications
1) Effect of taurine on rat Achilles tendon healing. Akdemir O, Lineaweaver WC, Cavusoglu T, Binboga E, Uyanikgil Y, Zhang F, Pekedis M, Yagci T.Connect Tissue Res. 2015;56(4):300-6.
B. Resources
Abstracts and Posters
1. Prophylactic Effect of Carboxymethylcellulose Hyaluronan (Seprafilm) Membrane on Knee Arthrofibrosis (Experimental animal study)
Authors: Yagci Ismail Tugay, Aydogdu Semih, Sezak Murat, Sur Hakkı 7th SICOTT Congress, 31 August – 3 September 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
2. Segmented Distal Radius Fractures of Patients aged 60 and Over Can be Successfully Treated with Non-Bridged Modular Fixators
Authors: Armagan Raffi, Kanar Muharrem, Sezer Hasan Basri, Işık Tarık, Yagci Ismail Tugay, Eren O. Tugrul 15th Efort Congress, 4-6 June 2014, London
3. High Rate of Fixation Failure with Proximal Femur Plate (PF; LCP- Synthes)
Authors: Armagan Raffi, Sezer Hasan Basri, Yagci Ismail Tugay, Talmac Mehmet Ali, Kanar Muharrem 15th Effort Congress, 4-6 June 2014, London
Oral Presentations
1. Prophylactic Effect of Carboxymethylcellulose Hyaluronan (Seprafilm) Membrane on Knee Arthrofibrosis (Experimental animal study)
Authors: Yagci Ismail Tugay, Aydogdu Semih, Sezak Murat, Sur Hakkı 12th Effort Congress, 1-4 June 2011, Copenhagen/ Denmark
Current Projects
- Effects of Carboxymethylcellulose Hyaluronan in the prevention of fibrosis after shoulder surgery
- Effect of Aortic Cross Clamp Time on Peripheral Nerves: Experimental Model(under review)
- Diabetic standing popliteal and spinal block comparison (under review)