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Pregnancy, Birth and After

Pregnancy, Birth and After

Pregnancy, birth and postpartum services refer to a wide range of health services that include a woman's pregnancy, birth and the period after birth.
Pregnancy, Birth and After

Pregnancy, birth and postpartum services refer to a wide range of health services that include a woman's pregnancy, birth and the period after birth. These services generally include a variety of health services that a woman may need before pregnancy, during pregnancy, during birth, and after birth.

Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Services


Liv Hospital Ulus Obstetrics Clinic helps expectant mothers to have a healthier and more planned pregnancy process by determining the risk factors before or at the beginning of pregnancy and predicting possible problems for the mother and the baby. In high-risk pregnancies, expectant mothers are informed and followed up during the pregnancy. Liv Hospital supports the mother and baby to complete this process in a healthy way.

Baby Friendly Hospital


Our hospital works to ensure that our babies are fed with breast milk and to disseminate correct practices. In line with these studies, it has gained the international title of "Baby Friendly Hospital" and "Baby Friendly Health Institution".

The Unconditional Warmth of Our Newborn Team


The mother is introduced to the pediatricians after a warm and safe area tour by the experienced nurses of our prenatal neonatal team. The mother is asked whether she wants 'cord blood bank service' before birth. The anesthesiologist visits the mother in her room. After birth, the first skin-to-skin contact between the baby and the mother is provided by our Liv Hospital Ulus Newborn Team experts. You can leave your premature babies in the safe hands of the Newborn Care Unit team.

360 Degree Approach


In addition to the Pediatric and Neonatology (newborn) specialists working at Liv Hospital Ulus Child Health and Diseases Clinic, Pediatric Allergy and Chest Diseases, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Otolaryngology (Ear Nose and Throat Specialist), Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Surgery. , Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Thoracic Surgery specialists, Pediatric Orthopedists and Pediatric Dentists provide services and evaluate a disease with a 360-degree approach. Examinations of our pediatric surgeons are important in the first year in terms of possible hernia, undescended testicle, retractile (shy) testicle and ideal circumcision time.

Postnatal Baby Screening Tests


After birth, our experts perform your baby's first examination, jaundice measurement, hip examination, blood group determination, hepatitis vaccine, hormone and intelligence level screening test, hearing test, determination of metabolic disorders, eye care and belly care.

We are at your service 24/7 after birth


Our hospital has a strong neonatal physician staff and has a pediatrician, gynecologist and nurses available 24 hours a day. In our hospital, where our Neonatology (newborn) physicians follow the development and anatomical structure of the baby, our specialists provide full-time service with a holistic approach, both during and outside working hours.