Prof. MD. Fikret Arpacı
Prof. MD. Fikret Arpacı
Prof. MD.

Fikret Arpacı

Liv Hospital Ankara
Medical Oncology
Areas of Interests
    • High Dose Chemotherapy
    • Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplantation 
    • (Autologous, Allogeneic, Haploidentic) 
    • Lymphoma, Leukemia, Breast, Lung, Colon, Stomach and Other Cancers


  • University of South Carolina, Department of Transplantation (1995-1996)
  • War Academy Dispensary (1985-1987)
  • GATA Faculty of Medicine (1984)
  • Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine (1978-1983)
  • Liv Hospital Ankara 2014
  • Medical Oncology
  • Bone Marrow Transplant
  • GATA Medical Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Center (1992-2014)
  • GATA Internal Medicine (1987-1991)
  • Sarıkamış Military Hospital (1992)
  • International Article:91
    National Article 92
    International Article Refereeing: 11
    International Conference Presentation: 3
    International Congress Session Chair: 2
    International Paper - Poster: 131
    National Paper - Oral - Poster: 233
    Book (Turkish) Editor: 1
    Book Chapter (Turkish): 10
    Book (International) Chapter: 2International Article:91
    National Article 92
    International Article Refereeing: 11
    International Conference Presentation: 3
    International Congress Session Chair: 2
    International Paper - Poster: 131
    National Paper - Oral - Poster: 233
    Book (Turkish) Editor: 1
    Book Chapter (Turkish): 10
    Book (International) Chapter: 2International Article:91
    National Article 92
    International Article Refereeing: 11
    International Conference Presentation: 3
    International Congress Session Chair: 2
    International Paper - Poster: 131
    National Paper - Oral - Poster: 233
    Book (Turkish) Editor: 1
    Book Chapter (Turkish): 10
    Book (International) Chapter: 2International Article:91
    National Article 92
    International Article Refereeing: 11
    International Conference Presentation: 3
    International Congress Session Chair: 2
    International Paper - Poster: 131
    National Paper - Oral - Poster: 233
    Book (Turkish) Editor: 1
    Book Chapter (Turkish): 10
    Book (International) Chapter: 2
  • International Article:91
  • National Article 92
  • International Article Refereeing: 11
  • International Conference Presentation: 3
  • International Congress Session Chair: 2
  • International Paper - Poster: 131
  • National Paper - Oral - Poster: 233
  • Book (Turkish) Editor: 1
  • Book Chapter (Turkish): 10
  • Book (International) Chapter: 2
  • Gülhane Medical Journal
  • Turkish Journal of Caner
  • Turkish Journal of Clinical Medical Sciences
  • Turkish Journal of Hematology
  • Turkish Journal of Hematology and Oncology
  • International Bone Marrow Transplant Center (IBMTR)
  • European Bone Marrow Transplant (EBMT)
  • European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
  • Turkish Bone Marrow Registry (TTR)
  • Turkish Society of Medical Oncology (TTOD)
  • Turkish Hematology Association (THD)
  • Turkish Oncology Group (TOG)
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