Prof. MD.
Levent Dalar
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- Interventional Bronchoscopy
- Respiratory Deficiencies
- rare diseases of the lung
- Interstitial lung diseases
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Medical Fitness and nutrition
International Articles
- Bachelor's: Istanbul University / Istanbul Faculty of Medicine / 1988-1997
- Specialization in Medicine: Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital / Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis / 2001-2006 The Importance and Value of CA-125 in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Pleurisy / Assoc. Sedat Altın - Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital
- Dr. / Ayazağa MCHFP / 1997-2001
- Assist. Dr. / Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital / 2001-2006
- Res. See. / Hopital St-Marguerite Center Laser / 2004
- Res. See. / University de St-Etienne, Faculte de Medecin, Pneumologie et Oncologie Thoracique / 2005
- exp. Dr. / Bozüyük State Hospital / 2006-2008
- exp. Dr. / Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Interventional Pulmonology Unit / 2008-2012
- exp. Dr. / Zürich University Faculty of Medicine, Lung Transplantation Unit / 2009-2010
- exp. Dr. / Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Respiratory Intensive Care Unit / 2010-2012
- Assoc. Dr / I. Bilim University Faculty of Medicine Department of Chest Diseases / 2013- 2017
- prof. Dr. / I. Bilim University Faculty of Medicine Department of Chest Diseases / 2017-2018
- prof. Dr. / Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital / 2018-2018
- prof. Dr. Demiroglu Science Un. Faculty of Medicine Chest Diseases USA-Istanbul / 2018-2020
- Florence Nightingale Hospital
- prof. Dr. / Memorial Bahçelievler and Şişli Hospitals / 2020-2021
- prof. Dr. / Liv Vadi Hospital / 2021
1- Mathew R, Hibare K, Dalar L, Roy WE. Tracheobronchial stent sizing and deployment practices airway stenting practices around the world: a survey study. J Thorac Dis. 2020 Oct;12(10):5495-5504. doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-2080
2- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Nur Urer H, Altin S. Bronchoscopic Treatment of Benign Endoluminal Lung Tumors. Can Respir J. 2019 Feb 27;2019:5269728. doi: 10.1155/2019/5269728. eCollection 2019.
3- Özdemir C, Kocatürk CI, Sökücü SN, Sezen BC, Kutluk AC, Bilen S, Dalar L.
Endoscopic and Surgical Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Dec 20;24(6):288-295. doi: 10.5761/atcs.oa.18-00073.
4- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Abul Y, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altın S.” Therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions for malignant airway obstruction: A retrospective study from experience on 547 patients” Medicine (Baltimore)(ISI). 2016 Jun;95(23):e3886. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003886
5- Schmitt P, Dalar L, Jouneau S, Toublanc B, Camuset J, Chatte G, Cellerin L, Dutau H, Sanchez S, Sauvage M, Vergnon JM, Dury S, Deslée G, Lebargy F; Groupe d''Endoscopie de Langue Française (GELF), “Respiratory Conditions Associated with Tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome): A Study of Seventeen Cases.”, Respiration (ISI). 2016;91(4):281-7. doi: 10.1159/000445029
6- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Abul Y, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Tarhan M, Altin S. “Bronchoscopic Treatment in the Management of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: Choices for Simple and Complex Tracheal Stenosis”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Apr;101(4):1310-7. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2015.10.005
7- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Abul Y, Sokucu SN, Karasulu L, Urer HN, Altin S. “Endobronchial Treatment of Carcinoid Tumors of the Lung.” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI)2016 Mar;64(2):166-71. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1549274.
8- Hervé Dutau, David Breen, Antonio Bugalho, Levent Dalar, Johannes Daniels, Christophe Dooms, Ralf Eberhardt, Lars Ek, Milena Encheva, Michel Febvre, Martin Hackl, Sirje Marran, Zsolt Papai-Szekely, Michael Perch, Mihovil Roglic, Antoni Rosell, Ales Rozman, Pallav L Shah, Marioara Simon, Artur Szlubowski, Grigoris Stratakos, Arve Sundset, Toomas Uibu, Christophe Von Garnier, Bojan Zaric, Marija Zdraveska, Lina Zuccatosta, Darijo Bokan, Syed Arshad Hisain, Semra Bilacheroglu, Pa Soccal, Stefano Gasparini, Felix JF Herth, Mohammed Munavvar: Current Practice of Airway Stenting in the Adult Population in Europe: A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP). respiration. 2018;95(1):44-54. doi: 10.1159/000480152.
9- Tarhan M, Dalar L, Yildirimoglu H, Sayar A, Altin S. The View of Religious Officials on Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Zeytinburnu District of Istanbul. J Relig Health (ISI). 2015 Dec;54(6):1975-85.
10- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Altın S, "Diode Laser in the Endoscopic Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disease: Two Years Experience in Istanbul.", Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI), 140-4 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270996.
• et al.
A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals
1- Carugati M, Aliberti S, Sotgiu G, Blasi F, Gori A, Menendez R, Encheva M, Gallego M, Leuschner P, Ruiz-Buitrago S, Battaglia S, Fantini R, Pascual-Guardia S, Marin-Corral J, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Collaborators. Correction to: Bacterial etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent hospitalized patients and appropriateness of empirical treatment recommendations: an international point-prevalence study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021 Sep;40(9):2051. doi: 10.1007/s10096-021-04295-2.
2- Ayten O, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Kocaturk C, Onur ST, Altin S, Dalar L. The role of interventional pulmonology for the postoperative bronchopleural fistula. Niger J Clin Pract. 2021 May;24(5):633-639. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_614_19.
3- Mathew R, Hibare K, Dalar L, Roy WE. Tracheobronchial stent sizing and deployment practices airway stenting practices around the world: a survey study. J Thorac Dis. 2020 Oct;12(10):5495-5504. doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-2080.
4- Gramegna A, Sotgiu G, Di Pasquale M, Radovanovic D, Terraneo S, Reyes LF, Vendrell E, Neves J, Menzella F, Blasi F, Aliberti S, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Study Group.
Correction to: Atypical pathogens in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a worldwide perspective. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 13;20(1):748. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05472-y
5- Emet S, Onur ST, Sokucu SN, Aydin S, Dalar L, Cetinkaya E, Onur I. A new electrocardiographic parameter associated with sudden cardiac death in pulmonary sarcoidosis. ArchMed Sci. 2019 Oct 9;16(3):559-568. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2019.88393.
6- Carugati M, Aliberti S, Sotgiu G, Blasi F, Gori A, Menendez R, Encheva M, Gallego M, Leuschner P, Ruiz-Buitrago S, Battaglia S, Fantini R, Pascual-Guardia S, Marin-Corral J, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Collaborators. Bacterial etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent hospitalized patients and appropriateness of empirical treatment recommendations: an international point-prevalence study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020 Aug;39(8):1513-1525. doi: 10.1007/s10096-020-03870-3.
7- Şiraneci SR, Yıldırım MB, Duman B, Elbeği İÇ, Dalar L. Malignant Melanoma Metastasis to the Thyroid Gland Causing Severe Central Airway Obstruction. Turk Thorac J. 2020 Mar 1;21(2):134-137. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2019.19052.
8- Sökücü SN, Özdemir C, Tural Önür S, Dalar L, Altın S. Comparison of silicon and metallic bifurcated stents in patients with malignant airway lesions. Clin Respir J. 2020 Mar;14(3):198-204. doi: 10.1111/crj.13114.
9- Ozdemir C, Sökücü SN, Berk A, Dalar L. Use of interventional bronchoscopic treatment in small cell lung cancer. Indian J Cancer. 2019 Jul-Sep;56(3):236-240. doi: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_45_18.
10- Villafuerte D, Aliberti S, Soni NJ, Faverio P, Marcos PJ, Wunderink RG, Rodriguez A, Sibila O, Sanz F, Martin-Loeches I, Menzella F, Reyes LF, Jankovic M, Spielmanns M, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Investigators. Prevalence and risk factors for Enterobacteriaceae in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Respirology. 2020 May;25(5):543-551. doi: 10.1111/resp.13663.
11- Di Pasquale MF, Sotgiu G, Gramegna A, Radovanovic D, Terraneo S, Reyes LF, Rupp J, González Del Castillo J, Blasi F, Aliberti S, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Investigators.
Prevalence and Etiology of Community-acquired Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 24;68(9):1482-1493. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy723.
12- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Kocatürk CI, Kara K, Tural Önür S, Altın S, Dalar L.
Are flexible bronchoscopic cryoextraction practices an alternative to rigid bronchoscopy? Tuberk Toraks. 2019 Mar;67(1):15-21. doi: 10.5578/tt.67901.
13- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Nur Urer H, Altin S. Bronchoscopic Treatment of Benign Endoluminal Lung Tumors. Can Respir J. 2019 Feb 27;2019:5269728. doi: 10.1155/2019/5269728. eCollection 2019.
14- Radovanovic D, Sotgiu G, Jankovic M, Mahesh PA, Marcos PJ, Abdalla MI, Di Pasquale MF, Gramegna A, Terraneo S, Blasi F, Santus P, Aliberti S, Reyes LF, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Study Group. An international perspective on hospitalized patients with viral community-acquired pneumonia. Eur J Intern Med. 2019 Feb;60:54-70. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.10.020.
15- Restrepo MI, Babu BL, Reyes LF, Chalmers JD, Soni NJ, Sibila O, Faverio P, Cilloniz C, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Aliberti S; GLIMP. Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia: a multinational point prevalence study of hospitalized patients. Eur Respir J. 2018 Aug 9;52(2):1701190. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01190-2017.
16- Özdemir C, Kocatürk CI, Sökücü SN, Sezen BC, Kutluk AC, Bilen S, Dalar L.
Endoscopic and Surgical Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Dec 20;24(6):288-295. doi: 10.5761/atcs.oa.18-00073.
17- Sökücü SN, Aydin S, İn E, Dalar L. Association Between Titration Method and Outcomes of First Night Satisfaction and CPAP Compliance. Noro Psychiatrist Ass. 2018 Apr 20;56(2):123-126. doi: 10.5152/npa.2017.19467.
18- Dalar L, Abul Y. Safety and Efficacy of Oki Stenting Used to Treat Obstructions in the Right Mainstem Bronchus. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2018 Jul;25(3):212-217. doi: 10.1097/LBR.0000000000000486.
19- Hervé Dutau, David Breen, Antonio Bugalho, Levent Dalar, Johannes Daniels, Christophe Dooms, Ralf Eberhardt, Lars Ek, Milena Encheva, Michel Febvre, Martin Hackl, Sirje Marran, Zsolt Papai-Szekely, Michael Perch, Mihovil Roglic, Antoni Rosell, Ales Rozman, Pallav L Shah, Marioara Simon, Artur Szlubowski, Grigoris Stratakos, Arve Sundset, Toomas Uibu, Christophe Von Garnier, Bojan Zaric, Marija Zdraveska, Lina Zuccatosta, Darijo Bokan, Syed Arshad Hisain, Semra Bilacheroglu, Pa Soccal, Stefano Gasparini, Felix JF Herth, Mohammed Munavvar: Current Practice of Airway Stenting in the Adult Population in Europe: A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP). respiration. 2018;95(1):44-54. doi: 10.1159/000480152.
20- L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K. T. Saracoglu, C. Kocatürk, “Air leak without subcutaneous emphysema in an adult patient due to thyroidectomy” Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy, vol. 49, no. 2, 173, 2017, DOI:10.5603/AIT.a2017.00172.
21- L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K. T. Saracoglu, “Silicone stents save lives without surgery in postintubation subglottic stenosis”, Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy, 2017, vol. 49, no. 1, 79–80, DOI: 10.5603/AIT.2017.0015
22- L. Dalar, Y. Abul, C. Özdemir, “Reply”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Dec;102(6):2133-2134. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.05.073.
23- S. Aliberti, L.F Reyes, P. Faverio, G. Sotgiu, S. Dore, A. H Rodriguez, N.J Soni, M. I Restrepo, on behalf of the GLIMP investigators, “Global initiative for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureuspneumonia (GLIMP): an international, observational cohort study” Lancet Infect Dis (ISI) 2016,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30267-5
24- A. Saracoglu, K.T. Saracoglu, L. Dalar, I. H. Kafalı, “Reversing Bronchial Obstruction After Heartwares Implantation in a 5-Year-Old Boy”, J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2016 Dec;30(6):e59-e60. doi: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.05.035
25- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Abul Y, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altın S.” Therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions for malignant airway obstruction: A retrospective study from experience on 547 patients” Medicine (Baltimore)(ISI). 2016 Jun;95(23):e3886. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003886
26- Tural Onur S, Sokucu SN, Dalar L, Iliaz S, Kara K, Büyükkale S, Altin S.”Are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio reliable parameters as prognostic indicators in malignant mesothelioma?”, Ther Clin Risk Manag . (ISI) 2016 Apr 22;12:651-6. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S104077.
27- Schmitt P, Dalar L, Jouneau S, Toublanc B, Camuset J, Chatte G, Cellerin L, Dutau H, Sanchez S, Sauvage M, Vergnon JM, Dury S, Deslée G, Lebargy F; Groupe d''Endoscopie de Langue Française (GELF), “Respiratory Conditions Associated with Tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome): A Study of Seventeen Cases.”, Respiration (ISI). 2016;91(4):281-7. doi: 10.1159/000445029
28- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Önür ST, Dalar L, “Placement of self-expandable bifurcated metallic stents without use of fluoroscopic and guidewire guidance to palliate central airway lesions”, Multidiscip Respir Med. 2016 Apr 30;11:15. doi: 10.1186/s40248-016-0052-5.
29- Koşar A. F, Dalar L, Eryuksel E, Uysal P, Akbaş T, Kekecoğlu A, “Characteristics of Active Tuberculosis Patients Requiring Intensive Care Monitoring and Factors Affecting Mortality”, Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2016 Jul;79(3):158-64. doi: 10.4046/trd.2016.79.3.158.
30- A. Kekeçoğlu, L. Dalar, D. Ö. Omaygenç, B. A. Yiğitbaş, E. Özenç, F. Koşar, “Intensive care with cases thoracic and extrathoracic malignant solid tumors: indications and survival” Pneumon 2015, 28(3):222-229
31- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Abul Y, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Tarhan M, Altin S. “Bronchoscopic Treatment in the Management of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: Choices for Simple and Complex Tracheal Stenosis”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Apr;101(4):1310-7. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2015.10.005
32- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Altın S. “Bronchoscopic palliation to treat endobronchial metastasis of the tracheobronchial tree” Respir Investig. 2016 Mar;54(2):116-20. doi: 10.1016/j.resinv.2015.09.001
33- K. Okutur, N. Bassulu, L. Dalar, K. Aydin, M. Bozkurt, KN Pilanci, GB Dogusoy, C. Tecimer, NM Mandel, G. Demir, Predictive and Prognostic Significance of p27, Akt, PTEN and PI3K Expression in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer”, Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 16 (7), 2645-2651 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7314/APJCP.2015.16.7.2645
34- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Abul Y, Sokucu SN, Karasulu L, Urer HN, Altin S. “Endobronchial Treatment of Carcinoid Tumors of the Lung.” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI)2016 Mar;64(2):166-71. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1549274.
35- Yurdakul AS, Kocatürk C, Bayiz H, Gürsoy S, Bircan A, Özcan A, Akkoçlu A, Uluorman F, Çelik P, Köksal D, Ulubaş B, Sercan E, Özbudak Ö, Göksel T, Önalan T, Yamansavci E, Türk F, Yuncu G, Çopuraslan C, Mardal T, Tuncay E, Karamustafaoğlu A, Yildiz P, Seçik F, Kaplan M, Çağlar E, Ortaköylü M, Önal M, Turna A, Hekimoğlu E, Dalar L, Altin S, Gülhan M , Akpinar E, Savas İ, Firat N, Çamsari G, Özkan G, Çetinkaya E, Kamiloğlu E, Çelik B, Havlucu Y, “Patient and physician delay in the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Turkey”. Cancer Epidemiol.(ISI) 2015 Apr;39(2):216-21. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2014.12.015.
36- Tural Önür S, Remover SN, Dalar L, Seyhan EC, Akbaş A, Altin S. Are soluble IL-2 receptor and IL-12p40 levels useful markers for diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy? Infect Dis (Lond) (ISI). 2015 Mar;47(3):150-5. doi: 10.3109/00365548.2014.975278
37- Sogukpinar Ö, Karakurt Z, Altinoz H, Yazicioglu Mocin Ö, Babur Guler G, Dalar L, Baran R. Long-term non-invasive mechanical ventilation improves six minutes walk distance in patients with chronic respiratory failure. pneumonia 2014; 27(3): 220-5
38- Ucer M, Ordu C, Pilancı KN, Dalar L. Tracheomediastinal fistula in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma and its treatment with argon plasma coagulation: a case report. Medicine (Baltimore) (ISI). 2014 Nov;93(23):e156. doi: 10.1097/MD.00000000000000156
39- Ozdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Altın S, Dalar L. Tracheomalacia treatment using a large-diameter, custom-made airway stent in a case with mounier-kuhn syndrome. Case Rep Pulmonol. 2014;2014:910135. doi: 10.1155/2014/910135.
40- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu AL, Altin S, Fener N and Koşar F. Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) in the Diagnosis of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases: Two Cases.Austin J Pulm Respir Med 2014;1(4): 5.
41- Sökücü SN, Ozdemir C, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Aydın S, Altın S.Is mean platelet volume really a severity marker for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome without comorbidities? Pulm Med. 2014;2014:754839. doi: 10.1155/2014/754839
42- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sökücü S, Karasulu L, Altın S. The management of near-fatal hemoptysis with left secondary carinal y stent. Case Rep Pulmonol. 2014;2014:709369. doi: 10.1155/2014/709369.
43- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altay S, Karasulu AL, Dalar L.Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot in the treatment of bronchobiliary fistula. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2016 Jun 22;81(1-2):747. doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2015.747.
44- Dalar L, Remover SN, Ozdemir C, Büyükkale S, Altın S. Endobronchial Argon Plasma Coagulation for Treatment of Dieulafoy Disease. Respir Care (ISI). 2015 Jan;60(1):e11-3. doi: 10.4187/respcare.03307
45- Sökücü SN, Ozdemir C, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Aydın S, Altın S. Complete blood count alterations after six months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Sleep Med.(ISI) 2014 Aug 15;10(8):873-8. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.3958.
46- Tarhan M, Dalar L, Yildirimoglu H, Sayar A, Altin S. The View of Religious Officials on Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Zeytinburnu District of Istanbul. J Relig Health (ISI). 2015 Dec;54(6):1975-85.
47- Önür ST, Dalar L, Remover SN. Primary Tracheal B-cell Lymphoma Causing Recurrent Central Airway Obstruction. Arch Bronconeumol (ISI). 2014 Sep;50(9):411-2. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2014.02.020.
48- Kahraman S, Enercan M, Demirhan O, Sengül T, Dalar L, Hamzaoğlu A. Pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and tracheal tear in the early postoperative period of spinal surgery in a paraplegic achondroplastic dwarf. Case Rep Orthop. 2013;2013:987578. doi: 10.1155/2013/987578.
49- Ozdemir C, Conkbayır I, Kuru A, Fırat H, Sökücü SN, Dalar L, Ergün R, Uzunmehmetoğlu CP, Ergün D, Ardıc S.Correlation between the intima-media thickness and Framingham risk score in patients with sleep apnea syndrome. J Thorac Dis (ISI). 2013 Dec;5(6):751-7. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2013.11.25.
50- Dalar L, Remover SN, Unver N, Altin S. Initial Bronchoscopic Treatment of Tracheal Schwannoma: A Rarely Seen Tumour. West Indian Med J (ISI). 2014 Apr 11;63(2):213-215. doi: 10.7727/wimj.2013.045.
51- Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Seyhan EC, Aydin S, Altin S. Effect of hypoxia on glucose metabolism in nondiabetic patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Arch Bronconeumol. (ISI) 2013 Aug;49(8):321-5. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2013.01.006.
52- L. Dalar, M.M. Schuurmans, E. Eryuksel, A.L. Karasulu, A. F. Koşar, S. Altın, "Early trachal stenosis causing extubation failure and prolonged ventilator dependency", Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (ISI), 2013 Jan;41(1):108-12.
53- S.N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, E.C. Seyhan, S. Altın, "Can Red Blood Cell Distribution Width Predict Severity Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome", Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (ISI), 521-525 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.2146
54- L. Dalar, H. Caner, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Application of non-invasive mechanical ventilation in an asthmatic pregnant woman in respiratory failure: a case report", Journal of Thoracic Disease (ISI), 2013 Feb ;5(1):97-100. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2012.12.08.
55- S. Tural Önür, Z. Günlüoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, İ. Dinçer, "Pleural angiosarcoma: a rare cause of spontaneous haemothorax", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (ISI) , 2013 Feb;63(2):265-7.
56- L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, "Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot Embolisation in the Treatment of Bronchopleural Fistula due to Tuberculous Empyema in Intensive Care Unit", Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (ISI) , 2013;19(2):140-3 , DOI: 10.5761/atcs.cr.11.01760
57- SN. Sökücü, C. Kocatürk, N. Ürer, Y. Sönmezoğlu, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, MA. Bedirhan, "Evaluation of six patients with pulmonary carcinosarcoma with a literature review", The Scientific World Journal (ISI) , 167317 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.1100/2012/167317
58- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Altın S, "Diode Laser in the Endoscopic Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disease: Two Years Experience in Istanbul.", Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI), 140-4 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270996.
59- Schuurmans MM, Tini GM, Dalar L, Fretz G, Benden C, Boehler A., "Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza virus vaccination in lung transplant recipients: Coverage, safety and clinical effectiveness in the Zurich cohort.", J Heart Lung Transplant (ISI), 2011 Jun;30(6):685-90. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2011.01.707
60- Ozkan P, Karasulu L, Epozturk K, Sokucu SN, Dalar L, Altin S, "Disseminated tuberculosis with multiorgan involvement.", Med Mal Infect. (ISI), 2011 Aug;41(8):445-6. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2011.01.011.
61- Karasulu L, Epöztürk PO, Sökücü SN, Dalar L, Altin S., "Improving Heart rate variability in sleep apnea patients: differences in treatment with auto-titrating positive airway pressure (APAP) versus conventional CPAP.", Lung (ISI) , 315-20. pp., 2010 , DOI: 10.1007/s00408-010-9237-4
62- L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu, SN Sökücü, M. Düger, S. Altin, "Total atalectasis of the left lung developing during the third month of treatment in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis", Rev Mal Respir (ISI) , 1158-61 pp., 2011 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rmr.2011.04.013. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
63- A. Sayar, O. Solak, M. Metin, A. Celikten, N. Çıtak, E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, A. Gürses, "Carinal Resection And Reconstruction For Respiratory Tumors Using Miyamoto's Technique", General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery , 90-6 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.1007/s11748-011-0807-z. Epub 2012 Feb 12.-
64- Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Nur Ürer, Sedat Altın, "A mismanaged case of hydatid Disease of Lung", Journal Of Pakistan Medical Association JPMA (ISI), 1128-9 pp., 2011 , DOI: -
2- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Nur Urer H, Altin S. Bronchoscopic Treatment of Benign Endoluminal Lung Tumors. Can Respir J. 2019 Feb 27;2019:5269728. doi: 10.1155/2019/5269728. eCollection 2019.
3- Özdemir C, Kocatürk CI, Sökücü SN, Sezen BC, Kutluk AC, Bilen S, Dalar L.
Endoscopic and Surgical Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Dec 20;24(6):288-295. doi: 10.5761/atcs.oa.18-00073.
4- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Abul Y, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altın S.” Therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions for malignant airway obstruction: A retrospective study from experience on 547 patients” Medicine (Baltimore)(ISI). 2016 Jun;95(23):e3886. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003886
5- Schmitt P, Dalar L, Jouneau S, Toublanc B, Camuset J, Chatte G, Cellerin L, Dutau H, Sanchez S, Sauvage M, Vergnon JM, Dury S, Deslée G, Lebargy F; Groupe d''Endoscopie de Langue Française (GELF), “Respiratory Conditions Associated with Tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome): A Study of Seventeen Cases.”, Respiration (ISI). 2016;91(4):281-7. doi: 10.1159/000445029
6- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Abul Y, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Tarhan M, Altin S. “Bronchoscopic Treatment in the Management of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: Choices for Simple and Complex Tracheal Stenosis”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Apr;101(4):1310-7. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2015.10.005
7- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Abul Y, Sokucu SN, Karasulu L, Urer HN, Altin S. “Endobronchial Treatment of Carcinoid Tumors of the Lung.” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI)2016 Mar;64(2):166-71. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1549274.
8- Hervé Dutau, David Breen, Antonio Bugalho, Levent Dalar, Johannes Daniels, Christophe Dooms, Ralf Eberhardt, Lars Ek, Milena Encheva, Michel Febvre, Martin Hackl, Sirje Marran, Zsolt Papai-Szekely, Michael Perch, Mihovil Roglic, Antoni Rosell, Ales Rozman, Pallav L Shah, Marioara Simon, Artur Szlubowski, Grigoris Stratakos, Arve Sundset, Toomas Uibu, Christophe Von Garnier, Bojan Zaric, Marija Zdraveska, Lina Zuccatosta, Darijo Bokan, Syed Arshad Hisain, Semra Bilacheroglu, Pa Soccal, Stefano Gasparini, Felix JF Herth, Mohammed Munavvar: Current Practice of Airway Stenting in the Adult Population in Europe: A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP). respiration. 2018;95(1):44-54. doi: 10.1159/000480152.
9- Tarhan M, Dalar L, Yildirimoglu H, Sayar A, Altin S. The View of Religious Officials on Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Zeytinburnu District of Istanbul. J Relig Health (ISI). 2015 Dec;54(6):1975-85.
10- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Altın S, "Diode Laser in the Endoscopic Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disease: Two Years Experience in Istanbul.", Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI), 140-4 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270996.
• et al.
A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals
1- Carugati M, Aliberti S, Sotgiu G, Blasi F, Gori A, Menendez R, Encheva M, Gallego M, Leuschner P, Ruiz-Buitrago S, Battaglia S, Fantini R, Pascual-Guardia S, Marin-Corral J, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Collaborators. Correction to: Bacterial etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent hospitalized patients and appropriateness of empirical treatment recommendations: an international point-prevalence study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021 Sep;40(9):2051. doi: 10.1007/s10096-021-04295-2.
2- Ayten O, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Kocaturk C, Onur ST, Altin S, Dalar L. The role of interventional pulmonology for the postoperative bronchopleural fistula. Niger J Clin Pract. 2021 May;24(5):633-639. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_614_19.
3- Mathew R, Hibare K, Dalar L, Roy WE. Tracheobronchial stent sizing and deployment practices airway stenting practices around the world: a survey study. J Thorac Dis. 2020 Oct;12(10):5495-5504. doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-2080.
4- Gramegna A, Sotgiu G, Di Pasquale M, Radovanovic D, Terraneo S, Reyes LF, Vendrell E, Neves J, Menzella F, Blasi F, Aliberti S, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Study Group.
Correction to: Atypical pathogens in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a worldwide perspective. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 13;20(1):748. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05472-y
5- Emet S, Onur ST, Sokucu SN, Aydin S, Dalar L, Cetinkaya E, Onur I. A new electrocardiographic parameter associated with sudden cardiac death in pulmonary sarcoidosis. ArchMed Sci. 2019 Oct 9;16(3):559-568. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2019.88393.
6- Carugati M, Aliberti S, Sotgiu G, Blasi F, Gori A, Menendez R, Encheva M, Gallego M, Leuschner P, Ruiz-Buitrago S, Battaglia S, Fantini R, Pascual-Guardia S, Marin-Corral J, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Collaborators. Bacterial etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent hospitalized patients and appropriateness of empirical treatment recommendations: an international point-prevalence study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020 Aug;39(8):1513-1525. doi: 10.1007/s10096-020-03870-3.
7- Şiraneci SR, Yıldırım MB, Duman B, Elbeği İÇ, Dalar L. Malignant Melanoma Metastasis to the Thyroid Gland Causing Severe Central Airway Obstruction. Turk Thorac J. 2020 Mar 1;21(2):134-137. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2019.19052.
8- Sökücü SN, Özdemir C, Tural Önür S, Dalar L, Altın S. Comparison of silicon and metallic bifurcated stents in patients with malignant airway lesions. Clin Respir J. 2020 Mar;14(3):198-204. doi: 10.1111/crj.13114.
9- Ozdemir C, Sökücü SN, Berk A, Dalar L. Use of interventional bronchoscopic treatment in small cell lung cancer. Indian J Cancer. 2019 Jul-Sep;56(3):236-240. doi: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_45_18.
10- Villafuerte D, Aliberti S, Soni NJ, Faverio P, Marcos PJ, Wunderink RG, Rodriguez A, Sibila O, Sanz F, Martin-Loeches I, Menzella F, Reyes LF, Jankovic M, Spielmanns M, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Investigators. Prevalence and risk factors for Enterobacteriaceae in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Respirology. 2020 May;25(5):543-551. doi: 10.1111/resp.13663.
11- Di Pasquale MF, Sotgiu G, Gramegna A, Radovanovic D, Terraneo S, Reyes LF, Rupp J, González Del Castillo J, Blasi F, Aliberti S, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Investigators.
Prevalence and Etiology of Community-acquired Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 24;68(9):1482-1493. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy723.
12- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Kocatürk CI, Kara K, Tural Önür S, Altın S, Dalar L.
Are flexible bronchoscopic cryoextraction practices an alternative to rigid bronchoscopy? Tuberk Toraks. 2019 Mar;67(1):15-21. doi: 10.5578/tt.67901.
13- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sokucu SN, Nur Urer H, Altin S. Bronchoscopic Treatment of Benign Endoluminal Lung Tumors. Can Respir J. 2019 Feb 27;2019:5269728. doi: 10.1155/2019/5269728. eCollection 2019.
14- Radovanovic D, Sotgiu G, Jankovic M, Mahesh PA, Marcos PJ, Abdalla MI, Di Pasquale MF, Gramegna A, Terraneo S, Blasi F, Santus P, Aliberti S, Reyes LF, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Study Group. An international perspective on hospitalized patients with viral community-acquired pneumonia. Eur J Intern Med. 2019 Feb;60:54-70. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.10.020.
15- Restrepo MI, Babu BL, Reyes LF, Chalmers JD, Soni NJ, Sibila O, Faverio P, Cilloniz C, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Aliberti S; GLIMP. Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia: a multinational point prevalence study of hospitalized patients. Eur Respir J. 2018 Aug 9;52(2):1701190. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01190-2017.
16- Özdemir C, Kocatürk CI, Sökücü SN, Sezen BC, Kutluk AC, Bilen S, Dalar L.
Endoscopic and Surgical Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Dec 20;24(6):288-295. doi: 10.5761/atcs.oa.18-00073.
17- Sökücü SN, Aydin S, İn E, Dalar L. Association Between Titration Method and Outcomes of First Night Satisfaction and CPAP Compliance. Noro Psychiatrist Ass. 2018 Apr 20;56(2):123-126. doi: 10.5152/npa.2017.19467.
18- Dalar L, Abul Y. Safety and Efficacy of Oki Stenting Used to Treat Obstructions in the Right Mainstem Bronchus. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2018 Jul;25(3):212-217. doi: 10.1097/LBR.0000000000000486.
19- Hervé Dutau, David Breen, Antonio Bugalho, Levent Dalar, Johannes Daniels, Christophe Dooms, Ralf Eberhardt, Lars Ek, Milena Encheva, Michel Febvre, Martin Hackl, Sirje Marran, Zsolt Papai-Szekely, Michael Perch, Mihovil Roglic, Antoni Rosell, Ales Rozman, Pallav L Shah, Marioara Simon, Artur Szlubowski, Grigoris Stratakos, Arve Sundset, Toomas Uibu, Christophe Von Garnier, Bojan Zaric, Marija Zdraveska, Lina Zuccatosta, Darijo Bokan, Syed Arshad Hisain, Semra Bilacheroglu, Pa Soccal, Stefano Gasparini, Felix JF Herth, Mohammed Munavvar: Current Practice of Airway Stenting in the Adult Population in Europe: A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP). respiration. 2018;95(1):44-54. doi: 10.1159/000480152.
20- L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K. T. Saracoglu, C. Kocatürk, “Air leak without subcutaneous emphysema in an adult patient due to thyroidectomy” Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy, vol. 49, no. 2, 173, 2017, DOI:10.5603/AIT.a2017.00172.
21- L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K. T. Saracoglu, “Silicone stents save lives without surgery in postintubation subglottic stenosis”, Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy, 2017, vol. 49, no. 1, 79–80, DOI: 10.5603/AIT.2017.0015
22- L. Dalar, Y. Abul, C. Özdemir, “Reply”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Dec;102(6):2133-2134. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.05.073.
23- S. Aliberti, L.F Reyes, P. Faverio, G. Sotgiu, S. Dore, A. H Rodriguez, N.J Soni, M. I Restrepo, on behalf of the GLIMP investigators, “Global initiative for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureuspneumonia (GLIMP): an international, observational cohort study” Lancet Infect Dis (ISI) 2016,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30267-5
24- A. Saracoglu, K.T. Saracoglu, L. Dalar, I. H. Kafalı, “Reversing Bronchial Obstruction After Heartwares Implantation in a 5-Year-Old Boy”, J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2016 Dec;30(6):e59-e60. doi: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.05.035
25- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Abul Y, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altın S.” Therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions for malignant airway obstruction: A retrospective study from experience on 547 patients” Medicine (Baltimore)(ISI). 2016 Jun;95(23):e3886. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003886
26- Tural Onur S, Sokucu SN, Dalar L, Iliaz S, Kara K, Büyükkale S, Altin S.”Are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio reliable parameters as prognostic indicators in malignant mesothelioma?”, Ther Clin Risk Manag . (ISI) 2016 Apr 22;12:651-6. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S104077.
27- Schmitt P, Dalar L, Jouneau S, Toublanc B, Camuset J, Chatte G, Cellerin L, Dutau H, Sanchez S, Sauvage M, Vergnon JM, Dury S, Deslée G, Lebargy F; Groupe d''Endoscopie de Langue Française (GELF), “Respiratory Conditions Associated with Tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome): A Study of Seventeen Cases.”, Respiration (ISI). 2016;91(4):281-7. doi: 10.1159/000445029
28- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Önür ST, Dalar L, “Placement of self-expandable bifurcated metallic stents without use of fluoroscopic and guidewire guidance to palliate central airway lesions”, Multidiscip Respir Med. 2016 Apr 30;11:15. doi: 10.1186/s40248-016-0052-5.
29- Koşar A. F, Dalar L, Eryuksel E, Uysal P, Akbaş T, Kekecoğlu A, “Characteristics of Active Tuberculosis Patients Requiring Intensive Care Monitoring and Factors Affecting Mortality”, Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2016 Jul;79(3):158-64. doi: 10.4046/trd.2016.79.3.158.
30- A. Kekeçoğlu, L. Dalar, D. Ö. Omaygenç, B. A. Yiğitbaş, E. Özenç, F. Koşar, “Intensive care with cases thoracic and extrathoracic malignant solid tumors: indications and survival” Pneumon 2015, 28(3):222-229
31- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Abul Y, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Tarhan M, Altin S. “Bronchoscopic Treatment in the Management of Benign Tracheal Stenosis: Choices for Simple and Complex Tracheal Stenosis”, Ann Thorac Surg (ISI). 2016 Apr;101(4):1310-7. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2015.10.005
32- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Altın S. “Bronchoscopic palliation to treat endobronchial metastasis of the tracheobronchial tree” Respir Investig. 2016 Mar;54(2):116-20. doi: 10.1016/j.resinv.2015.09.001
33- K. Okutur, N. Bassulu, L. Dalar, K. Aydin, M. Bozkurt, KN Pilanci, GB Dogusoy, C. Tecimer, NM Mandel, G. Demir, Predictive and Prognostic Significance of p27, Akt, PTEN and PI3K Expression in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer”, Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 16 (7), 2645-2651 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7314/APJCP.2015.16.7.2645
34- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Abul Y, Sokucu SN, Karasulu L, Urer HN, Altin S. “Endobronchial Treatment of Carcinoid Tumors of the Lung.” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI)2016 Mar;64(2):166-71. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1549274.
35- Yurdakul AS, Kocatürk C, Bayiz H, Gürsoy S, Bircan A, Özcan A, Akkoçlu A, Uluorman F, Çelik P, Köksal D, Ulubaş B, Sercan E, Özbudak Ö, Göksel T, Önalan T, Yamansavci E, Türk F, Yuncu G, Çopuraslan C, Mardal T, Tuncay E, Karamustafaoğlu A, Yildiz P, Seçik F, Kaplan M, Çağlar E, Ortaköylü M, Önal M, Turna A, Hekimoğlu E, Dalar L, Altin S, Gülhan M , Akpinar E, Savas İ, Firat N, Çamsari G, Özkan G, Çetinkaya E, Kamiloğlu E, Çelik B, Havlucu Y, “Patient and physician delay in the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Turkey”. Cancer Epidemiol.(ISI) 2015 Apr;39(2):216-21. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2014.12.015.
36- Tural Önür S, Remover SN, Dalar L, Seyhan EC, Akbaş A, Altin S. Are soluble IL-2 receptor and IL-12p40 levels useful markers for diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy? Infect Dis (Lond) (ISI). 2015 Mar;47(3):150-5. doi: 10.3109/00365548.2014.975278
37- Sogukpinar Ö, Karakurt Z, Altinoz H, Yazicioglu Mocin Ö, Babur Guler G, Dalar L, Baran R. Long-term non-invasive mechanical ventilation improves six minutes walk distance in patients with chronic respiratory failure. pneumonia 2014; 27(3): 220-5
38- Ucer M, Ordu C, Pilancı KN, Dalar L. Tracheomediastinal fistula in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma and its treatment with argon plasma coagulation: a case report. Medicine (Baltimore) (ISI). 2014 Nov;93(23):e156. doi: 10.1097/MD.00000000000000156
39- Ozdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Altın S, Dalar L. Tracheomalacia treatment using a large-diameter, custom-made airway stent in a case with mounier-kuhn syndrome. Case Rep Pulmonol. 2014;2014:910135. doi: 10.1155/2014/910135.
40- Dalar L, Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Karasulu AL, Altin S, Fener N and Koşar F. Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) in the Diagnosis of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases: Two Cases.Austin J Pulm Respir Med 2014;1(4): 5.
41- Sökücü SN, Ozdemir C, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Aydın S, Altın S.Is mean platelet volume really a severity marker for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome without comorbidities? Pulm Med. 2014;2014:754839. doi: 10.1155/2014/754839
42- Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Sökücü S, Karasulu L, Altın S. The management of near-fatal hemoptysis with left secondary carinal y stent. Case Rep Pulmonol. 2014;2014:709369. doi: 10.1155/2014/709369.
43- Özdemir C, Sökücü SN, Akbaş A, Altay S, Karasulu AL, Dalar L.Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot in the treatment of bronchobiliary fistula. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2016 Jun 22;81(1-2):747. doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2015.747.
44- Dalar L, Remover SN, Ozdemir C, Büyükkale S, Altın S. Endobronchial Argon Plasma Coagulation for Treatment of Dieulafoy Disease. Respir Care (ISI). 2015 Jan;60(1):e11-3. doi: 10.4187/respcare.03307
45- Sökücü SN, Ozdemir C, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Aydın S, Altın S. Complete blood count alterations after six months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Sleep Med.(ISI) 2014 Aug 15;10(8):873-8. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.3958.
46- Tarhan M, Dalar L, Yildirimoglu H, Sayar A, Altin S. The View of Religious Officials on Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Zeytinburnu District of Istanbul. J Relig Health (ISI). 2015 Dec;54(6):1975-85.
47- Önür ST, Dalar L, Remover SN. Primary Tracheal B-cell Lymphoma Causing Recurrent Central Airway Obstruction. Arch Bronconeumol (ISI). 2014 Sep;50(9):411-2. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2014.02.020.
48- Kahraman S, Enercan M, Demirhan O, Sengül T, Dalar L, Hamzaoğlu A. Pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and tracheal tear in the early postoperative period of spinal surgery in a paraplegic achondroplastic dwarf. Case Rep Orthop. 2013;2013:987578. doi: 10.1155/2013/987578.
49- Ozdemir C, Conkbayır I, Kuru A, Fırat H, Sökücü SN, Dalar L, Ergün R, Uzunmehmetoğlu CP, Ergün D, Ardıc S.Correlation between the intima-media thickness and Framingham risk score in patients with sleep apnea syndrome. J Thorac Dis (ISI). 2013 Dec;5(6):751-7. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2013.11.25.
50- Dalar L, Remover SN, Unver N, Altin S. Initial Bronchoscopic Treatment of Tracheal Schwannoma: A Rarely Seen Tumour. West Indian Med J (ISI). 2014 Apr 11;63(2):213-215. doi: 10.7727/wimj.2013.045.
51- Sökücü SN, Karasulu L, Dalar L, Ozdemir C, Seyhan EC, Aydin S, Altin S. Effect of hypoxia on glucose metabolism in nondiabetic patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Arch Bronconeumol. (ISI) 2013 Aug;49(8):321-5. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2013.01.006.
52- L. Dalar, M.M. Schuurmans, E. Eryuksel, A.L. Karasulu, A. F. Koşar, S. Altın, "Early trachal stenosis causing extubation failure and prolonged ventilator dependency", Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (ISI), 2013 Jan;41(1):108-12.
53- S.N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, E.C. Seyhan, S. Altın, "Can Red Blood Cell Distribution Width Predict Severity Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome", Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (ISI), 521-525 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.2146
54- L. Dalar, H. Caner, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Application of non-invasive mechanical ventilation in an asthmatic pregnant woman in respiratory failure: a case report", Journal of Thoracic Disease (ISI), 2013 Feb ;5(1):97-100. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2012.12.08.
55- S. Tural Önür, Z. Günlüoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, İ. Dinçer, "Pleural angiosarcoma: a rare cause of spontaneous haemothorax", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (ISI) , 2013 Feb;63(2):265-7.
56- L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, "Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot Embolisation in the Treatment of Bronchopleural Fistula due to Tuberculous Empyema in Intensive Care Unit", Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (ISI) , 2013;19(2):140-3 , DOI: 10.5761/atcs.cr.11.01760
57- SN. Sökücü, C. Kocatürk, N. Ürer, Y. Sönmezoğlu, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, MA. Bedirhan, "Evaluation of six patients with pulmonary carcinosarcoma with a literature review", The Scientific World Journal (ISI) , 167317 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.1100/2012/167317
58- Dalar L, Karasulu L, Sökücü SN, Altın S, "Diode Laser in the Endoscopic Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disease: Two Years Experience in Istanbul.", Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. (ISI), 140-4 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270996.
59- Schuurmans MM, Tini GM, Dalar L, Fretz G, Benden C, Boehler A., "Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza virus vaccination in lung transplant recipients: Coverage, safety and clinical effectiveness in the Zurich cohort.", J Heart Lung Transplant (ISI), 2011 Jun;30(6):685-90. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2011.01.707
60- Ozkan P, Karasulu L, Epozturk K, Sokucu SN, Dalar L, Altin S, "Disseminated tuberculosis with multiorgan involvement.", Med Mal Infect. (ISI), 2011 Aug;41(8):445-6. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2011.01.011.
61- Karasulu L, Epöztürk PO, Sökücü SN, Dalar L, Altin S., "Improving Heart rate variability in sleep apnea patients: differences in treatment with auto-titrating positive airway pressure (APAP) versus conventional CPAP.", Lung (ISI) , 315-20. pp., 2010 , DOI: 10.1007/s00408-010-9237-4
62- L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu, SN Sökücü, M. Düger, S. Altin, "Total atalectasis of the left lung developing during the third month of treatment in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis", Rev Mal Respir (ISI) , 1158-61 pp., 2011 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rmr.2011.04.013. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
63- A. Sayar, O. Solak, M. Metin, A. Celikten, N. Çıtak, E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, A. Gürses, "Carinal Resection And Reconstruction For Respiratory Tumors Using Miyamoto's Technique", General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery , 90-6 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.1007/s11748-011-0807-z. Epub 2012 Feb 12.-
64- Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Nur Ürer, Sedat Altın, "A mismanaged case of hydatid Disease of Lung", Journal Of Pakistan Medical Association JPMA (ISI), 1128-9 pp., 2011 , DOI: -
B. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings
1. C. Özdemir, L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, A. Yılmaz, Z. Aktaş, OF Erer, S. Öztaş, The bronchoscopy panoramas from Turkey in 2015, 4th European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. in p: 45, April 2017, Belgrade
2. L. Dalar, Y. Abul, E. Egilmez Morkoc, A. V Ozturk, Z. Tuncel, A. R Karaci, E. Pektok, Bronchoscopic Management Of Central Airway Obstruction In Children Underwent Congenital Heart Surgery. A4116-A4116 in the Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress 2017, Washington DC, May 2017
3. L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K.T. Saracoglu, Sılıcone stents save live with surgery in postintubation subglottic stenosis. In the 3rd European Airway Congress booklet, p41, Valencia, December 2016
4. L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu , K.T. Saracoglu, C. Kocaturk, Air leak with subcutaneous emphysema, p33 in the 3rd European Airway Congress booklet, Valencia, December 2016
5. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar. Metallic stent placement in central airway obstruction without using flouroscopy or guidewires, in 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings p: id38, Florence, May 2016
6. C. Ozdemir, S. Sokucu, N. Genis, S. Tural Onur, S. Buyukkale, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, A carcinoid tumor case with diffuse endobronchial and distant metastasis, 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings booklet in p:id77, Florence, May 2016
7. C. Ozdemir, S. Sokucu, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Onur, L. Dalar, A Case report of plastic bronchitis assessed as foreign body aspiration, in the 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings booklet p:id92, Florence, May 2016
8. Durak Erdinc Y., Saracoglu A., Dalar L., Saracoglu KT, Demirhan O., Sagbas LE, Preoperative airway obstruction as a cause of morbidity in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement, in EuroAnaesthesia 2016 Congress proceedings p: 246, London May 2016
9. S. Tural Onur, S. Sokucu, L. Dalar, K. Kara, S. Buyukkale, S. Altin, Malignant mesothelioma, are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio prognostic indicator parameters as reliable? In ERS International Congress 2015 proceedings booklet p: PA4324, Amsterdam September 2015
10. Cengiz Ízdemir, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Levent Karasulu, Songul Buyukkale, Levent Dalar Foreign body aspiration in adult: analysis of 28 cases.. 3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
11. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Ozdemir, Yasin Abul, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Levent Karasulu, Halide Nur Urer, Sedat Altin. Endobronchial treatment of benign tumors: Which modality is best? 3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
12. Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Cengiz Ízdemir, Nihal Genis, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasuklu Management of obstructive bronchial fibrolipoma bronchoscopically.3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
13. Airway stents: Indications, complications and difficulties. Experiences from Istanbul. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın, 18th. World Bronchology Congress. Symposium p: 163, Kyoto April 2014
14. Interventional pulmonology: single center experience. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. 18th World Congress of Bronchology, Symposium p:175, Kyoto April 2014
15. Filiz Kosar, Pelin Uysal, Levent Dalar, Emel Eryuksel, Aybuke Kekecoglu, Turkay Akbas,. Prognosis of Patients With Active Tuberculosis Requiring Intensive Care Unit. In CHEST World Congress 2014 proceedings, Madrid March 2014
16. P. Schmitt, L. Dalar, S. Jouneau, B. Toublanc, J. Camuset, G. Chatte, L. Cellerin, H. Dutau, S. Sanchez, M. Sauvage, J.M. Vergnon, Y. Ammar, G.. Deslée, F. Lebargy Une série de 17 cas de syndrome de Mounier-Kuhn : description et prises en charge en pratique courante. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Volume 31, numéro S1 page A41 (janvier 2014)- Controversial poster, Marseille February 2014
17. Sinem Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Senay Aydin, Sedat Altin.Complete blood count alterations after 6 months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea European Respiratory Society 2013 Congress Barcelona (Poster presentation) , September 2013
18. Ahmet Yurdakul, Celalettin Kocatürk, Hülya Bayiz, Soner Gürsoy, Ahmet Bircan, Aysenaz Özcan, Atilla Akkoçlu, Funda Uluorman, Pinar Çelik, Deniz Köksal, Bahar Ulubas, Eylem Sercan, Ömer Özbudak, Tuncay Göksel, Tugba Önalan, Esra Yamansavci, Figen Türk, Gökhan Yuncu, Çigdem Çopuraslan, Tugba Mardal, Esin Tuncay, Altemur Karamustafaoglu, Pinar Yildiz, Funda Seçik, Muhammet Kaplan, Emel Çaglar, Mediha Ortaköylü, Mine Önal, Akif Turna, Evlin Hekimoglu, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altin, Meral Gülhan, Action Akpinar, Ismail Savas, Nalan Firat, Gungor Camsari, Gulcihan Ozkan, Erdogan Cetinkaya, Emine Kamiloglu, Bulent Celik, Yavuz Havlucu. Patient and doctor delays in the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Turkey. European Respiratory Society 2013 Congress Barcelona (Oral presentation)
19. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın Effect of interventional bronchoscopic treatment on survival in small cell lung cancer (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
20. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Endoluminal therapy in postincubation and post-tracheotomy stenoses of the trachea. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
21. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın. Interventional bronchoscopy in the palliation of endobronchial metastatic tumors. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
22. Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Adnan Sayar, Muzaffer Metin, Mehmet Ali Bedirhan, Filiz Koşar, Sedat Altın. Efficiency of bronchoscopic treatment in bronchopleural fistulas. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
23. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Airway management in malignant oesophago-respiratory fistulas. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
24. Levent Dalar, Sinem Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Karasulu, Adnan Sayar, Sedat Altın Survival and clinical properties of tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma cases treated bronchoscopically. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
25. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Karasulu, Sinem Sökücü, Nilgün Ulukol, Betül Polat, Nur Solmazer, Nurgül Bilgin, Sedat Altın, Whole lung lavage in the treatment of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
26. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Seda Tural Önür, Sedat Altın. Bronchoscopy management in airway obstruction caused by malignant lymphoma (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
27. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın. Interventional bronchoscopic treatment in tracheobronchomalacia: for whom? When? How? (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
28. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sezin Altay, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Segmental embolization with endobronchial watanabe spigot in the treatment of bronchobiliary fistula. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
29. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Tuğba Mandal, Esin Yentürk, Levent Karasulu, Esin Tuncay, Sedat Altın. Long-term treatment of near-fatal haemoptysis in a non-small cell lung cancer case with interlobar carinal silicone y stent insertion. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
30. Levent Dalar, Burcu Akkök, Sinem Sökücü, Filiz Koşar, Adnan Sayar, Sedat Altın Tracheal laceration as a rare complication of elective endotracheal intubation and treatment with silicone stent insertion: two case reports. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
31. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın Broncho-oesophageal fistula located near to left lower lobe bronchus treated by interlobar carinal y stent insertion. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
32. Levent Dalar, Celalettin Kocatürk, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Mehmet Ali Bedirhan, Sedat Altın. Silicone stent insertion in tracheocutaneous fistula: a minimally invasive and effective method. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
33. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Songül Büyükkale, Sedat Altın. Treatment of a solitary endobronchial vascular malformation causing mass and haemoptysis by argon plasma coagulation. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
34. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, S. N. Sökücü, S. Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altay; R. Çelik, S. Altın, "Bronchoscopic treatment of benign tumors of the tracheobronchial tree" in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" conference booklet, 107s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
35. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Önür, SN Sökücü, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, "Endoscopic approach in the treatment of carcinoid" in the proceedings book of the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" within the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference tumors", 107s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
36. ST Önür, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, R. Çelik, A. Akbaş, N. Şimşek, S. Altın, in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" proceedings book within the scope of the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference. A case of primary tracheal B cell lymphoma leading to obstruction of central airway", 651s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
37. F. Koşar, L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, S. Yurt, "Prognosis of patients with active tuberculosis requiring intensive care unit" in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" proceedings book within the context of the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress, 350s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
38. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, SN Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Önür, M. Metin, A. Sayar, MA Bedirhan, A. Gürses, S. Altın, within the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress", "Bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of postoperative bronchopleural fistula", 440s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
39. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Organ Donation Congress 2011 within the conference "The view of religious officials on organ transplantation and donation in Istanbul, Zeytinburnu disrtict", 380-381 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 27-30 2011
40. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, "The knowledge on organ transplantation and donation of last year high school students" in the "Organ Donation Congress 2011" proceedings book within the scope of Organ Donation Congress 2011 conference and the impact of education on their attitude", 492-493 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2011
41. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altin, SN Sökücü, "Can benign tracheal stenosis treated endoscopically? Yedikule series" in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" paper within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference, 770s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
42. MM Schuurmans, L. Dalar, C. Benden, A. Boehler., Influenza A/H1N1 vaccination in lung a transplant program in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" proceedings book within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference: Coverage, safety and clinical effectiveness during the pandemic 2009/2010", 563s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
43. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN Sökücü, S. Altin, "Use of diode laser in the endoscopic treatment of airway diseases, 2 years experience in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference ", 769s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
44. G. Ortakoylu, A. Bahadır, F. Alkan, E. Caglar, E. Korucu, L. Dalar, "A case report of secondary amyloidosis with localized pulmonary amyloidosis" in the booklet "Respirology (2010) 15 (Suppl. 2)," within The 15th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology conference, 55–109 pp ., Manila, Philippines, November 2010
45. EC Seyhan, H. Abali, SN Sökücü., L. Dalar, N. Büyükpınarbasili, S. Altin, "Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in the proceedings book of the "European Respiratory Journal Vol Supp" within the scope of the ERS Annual 18th Congress conference operable non-small cell lung cancer and its correlation with survival", 248s pp., Vienna, Austria, October 2009
46. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. S.Ökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "The relation between anxiety/depression and cytokine levels and peripheric lymphocyte subtypes in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 32 Supp 52" within the ERS 18th Annual Congress conference ", 433s pp., Berlin, Germany, October 2008
47. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, S. Altın, K. Okutur, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, "Relation between the ATS 2008 Konre CD" in the proceedings book of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress conference depression and anxiety and inflammatory markers in stable COPD cases", A826p pp., Toronto, Canada, May 2008
48. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, S. Sökücü, "Frequency of restless leg syndrome in stable COPD patients" in the "ATS 2008 Congress CD" proceedings book within the scope of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress, A779p pp. , Toronto, Canada, May 2008
49. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, "Two typical carcinoid cases treated endobronchially" in the proceedings book of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" within the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference, 562s pp. , Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
50. S. Altın, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, E. Çetinkaya, A. Gençoğlu, P. Özkan, "Our first experience" in the "European respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" booklet within the scope of the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference with therapeutic bronchoscopy", 562s pp., Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
51. P. Özkan, L. Karasulu, E. Seyhan, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, within the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference "Comparisson of corrective effects of APAP" in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" booklet and CPAP on disordered autonomic nervous system function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)", 332s pp., Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
52. L. Karasulu, A. Uysal, L. Dalar, S. Altın, P. Özkan, Ç. Çuhadaroğlu, "CPAP variability in long term follow-up of OSAS patients", 412s pp., Munich, Germany, September 2006 in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 28 Supp 50" paper within the 16th ERS Annual Congress conference
53. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, U. Çetinçelik, S. Timur, P. Özkan, V. Köksal, "European Respiratory Journal Vol 28 Supp 50" paper within the 16th ERS Annual Congress conference booklet "The relationship between interleukin-1 receptor antagonist polymorphism and tuberculosis disease", 802s pp., Munich, Germany, September 2006
54. E. Çetinkaya, S. Altın, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Timur, N. Solmazer, "Resection of giant endobronchial hamartoma" in the "14th World Congress for Bronchology Abstracts Book" proceedings book within the 14th World Congress for Bronchology conference by electrocautery and cryotherapy via flexible bronchoscopy", 57 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2006
55. L. Dalar, A. Poluman, S. Üner, F. Atabey, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, "The relation between depression" in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal V.26 Supp 49" within the European respiratory Society Annual Congress conference and anxiety and peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in active pulmonary tuberculosis", 23s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
56. S. Öztürk, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Ürer, U. Aydoğmuş, L. Dalar, L. Cansever, MA Bedirhan, A. Poluman, within the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress conference "European Respiratory Journal V. 26 Supp. 49 "Glomus tumor of the trachea: a case of extremely rare", 170s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
57. S. Sarıyıldız, R. Dodurgalı, M. Kafi, L. Cansever, N. Ürer, L. Dalar, M. Tutar, F. Atabey, MA Bedirhan, A. Poluman, within the "European Respiratory Society Annual Congress" conference Respiratory Journal V. 26 Supp. 49", "Role of Tc-99m MIBI chest SPECT to detect mediastinal lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer", 314s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
58. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" within the context of the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest "Pulmonary tuberculosis presenting radiographic mass appearance (three case reports)" in the booklet, 144 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
59. F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, A. Poluman, 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest conference, "Bronchial artery embolization in the management" in the "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" booklet of massive haemoptysis", 153 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
60. E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, B. Arpınar, within the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest conference "The nail that lost its way: an interesting case of aspiration", 157 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
61. F. Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Seçik. C. Bes, A. Poluman, "A case of endobronchial and oesophageal tuberculosis" in the booklet of "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" within the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, 207-208 pp., Istanbul , Turkey, September 2003
C. Written National / International Books or Chapters in Books
C1. National / International Books Written
1- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, Istanbul 2017
2- Chest Diseases in Medical Education (Editor), Istanbul Medicine Bookstore, Istanbul 2015
3- Asthma for Patients and Their Relatives (Editor), TÜSAD, Probiz Yayın, İstanbul 2015
4- Interventions in Chest Diseases, (Translation editor), Ankara 2014
C2. Chapters in Written National / International Books
1. Cansel Atinkaya, Levent Dalar. Invasive Procedures in Treatment-Therapeutic Approach to Refractory Malignant and Non-Malignant Pleural Effusions. A. Mirici, E. Babaoglu, P. Mutlu Eds. .E201-E211. TÜSAD Educational Books Series, Istanbul 2019.
2. B. Duman, L. Dalar. Heart Lung Interactions. Dilek Dai Özcengiz, Hülya Sungurtekin, Antonio Esquinas Eds. Pp 9-15, Academician Bookstore Ankara 2018.
3. B. Duman, L. Dalar. Changes in Respiratory Function in the Elderly. A. Ertürk, A. Bahadır, F. Koşar Eds. 61-69 pp, TÜSAD, Istanbul 2018
4. B. Duman, L. Dalar. New Ventilation Modes. Mechanical Ventilation. Dilek Özcengiz, Onur Özlü Çukurova Nobel Medicine Bookstore, 163-170 pp. Adana 2017
5. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar. Dynamic Strictures. L. Dalar, A. Yilmaz Eds. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, 231-240 pp. Istanbul 2017
6. L. Dalar Postintubation Tracheal Stenoses. L. Dalar, A. Yilmaz Eds. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, 171-178 pp. Istanbul 2017
7. L. Dalar, M. Gulhan, U. Yılmaz, Supportive Therapy in Lung Cancer (Hemoptysis in Lung Cancer), 112-116pp, Istanbul, Probiz Ltd, 2016
8. L. Dalar, Other causes of exudate, Pleural Diseases Guide for Chest Diseases Specialists, TTD and TÜSAD publication Ankara 2016
9. L. Dalar. Pathophysiology in Respiratory Diseases. Chest Diseases. Eds. L. Dalar, M. Süerdem, C. Öztürk, A. Saygı. Istanbul Medical Bookstore, Istanbul 2015,
10. L. Dalar. Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest Diseases. Eds. L. Dalar, M. Süerdem, C. Öztürk, A. Saygı. Istanbul Medical Bookstore, Istanbul 2015
11. L. Dalar. Home care after lung transplantation and surgery. Home care in Chronic Respiratory Diseases. Eds. E. Kunter, C. Kıraklı, M. Aydogdu. TÜSAD Educational Books Series, Ankara 2015
12. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, C. Özdemir, Endoscopic applications in the trachea and main bronchi, Thoracic Surgery (eds M. Yüksel, A. E. Balcı), Istanbul, 2015
13. L. Dalar, Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz) Rotatip Bookstore, 327-344 pp, Ankara 2014
14. L. Dalar, Rigid bronchoscopy applications in special cases, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz) Rotatip Bookstore, 123-154 pp, Ankara 2014
15. L. Dalar, Laser in interventional bronchoscopy, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz)Rotatip Bookstore, 369-404 pp, Ankara 2014
16. L. Dalar, Bronchoscopy in Lung Transplantation, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz)Rotatip Bookstore, 535-556 pp, Ankara 2014
17. L. Dalar, Lung transplantation, Turkish Chest Diseases Qualification Book, in www.tghyk.org
18. A.L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, Therapeutic bronchoscopy and endoluminal treatments, Thoracic Surgery (Eds. İ. Ökten, H.Ş. Kavukçu), 1145-1182pp, İstanbul 2013
19. L. Dalar, M. A. Bedirhan, Trachea (Interventional Bronchoscopic Methods in Benign Stenosis of the Trachea), 129-158 pp., Istanbul, Probiz Ltd., 2012
20. H. Dutau, L. Dalar, M.A. Bedirhan, Trachea (Tracheobronchomalacia in Adults), 55-72 pp., Istanbul, Probiz Ltd., 2012
21. L. Dalar, S. Altın, N. Numanoğlu, Ç. Atasoy, A. Kaya, Lung Diseases with Cases (Case 2), 5-10 pp., Istanbul, Aves Publishing, 2011
22. L. Dalar, S. Altın, H. Dutau, M. Metintaş, A. Zamani, S. Altın, T. Selçuk, Bronchoscopy (Endobronchial Stents and Applications), 337-354 pp., Ankara, Poyraz Medical Spring. Singing. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti, 2008
23. L. Dalar, S. Altın, T. Özlü, M. Metintaş, M. Karadağ, A. Kaya, Basic Reference Book on Respiratory System and Diseases (Endobronchial Treatment in Lung Cancer), 1535-1553 pp., İstanbul, İstanbul Medikal Publishing Ltd. Sti., 2010
D. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
1. Tarhan, M., Ersoy, E., Yılmaz, A.G., and Dalar, L. (2020). An Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Medication Errors of Emergency Nurses. SBU Nursing Journal, 2(1), 63-72.
2. Öztürk A, Dalar L. Bronchoscopy and respiratory specimen collection for COVID-19. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2020;22:S25-8
3. Berna Duman, Ali Vefa Öztürk, İpek Shepherd, Tuğba Coşgun, Alper Toker, Levent Dalar. A Rare Complication of Chronic Constipation: Lipoid Pneumonia Respir Case Rep 2019;8(3):99-102 DOI: 10.5505/respircase.2019.40326
4. Dalar L. Treatment in interventional pulmonology: Which stent, when, to whom? Ilgazli A, editor. Interventional Pulmonology. 1st Edition. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2019. p.71-8.
5. Levent Dalar, Seda Tural Önür, Mesut Bayraktaroglu, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Pinar Ozkan Epozturk, Sedat Altin. (2018). The Relationship between Tuberculosis and Tool-Like Receptor 2 Mutation and IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Polymorphism (Vol. 1, pp. 35–41). Vol. 1, p. 35–41. Erzincan Medical Journal.
6. YD. Erdinç, A. Saraçoğlu, L. Dalar, KT Saraçoğlu, Ö. Demirhan, LE Sagbas. Preoperative airway obstruction as a cause of morbidity in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement. Kocaeli Med J. 2018; 7(1): 70-76 | DOI: 10.5505/ktd.2018.04900
7. Levent Dalar, Kemal Tolga Saracoglu, Ayten Saracoglu. Airway management in patients with a tracheobronchial mass: challenges and solutions. Kocaeli Med J. 2018; 7(1): 52-53 | DOI: 10.5505/ktd.2018.52207
8. Levent DALAR Airway Stents Turkiye Klinikleri J Pulm Med-Special Topics. 2018;11(1):104-10
9. Dalar L. Treatment: Endoscopic Treatment Methods. Ercan S, editor. Trachea Surgery. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2018. p.74-82.
10. L. Dalar. Inhalation Treatments in Geriatric Cases. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2017;10(3):241-6
11. E. Altuntaş, A. Ş. Bengü, Z. K. Kiraz, C. Mertoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Usalp, C. Farmer. Relationship Between Newly Detected Essential Hypertension and Smoking, Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine, and Ischemic Modified Albumin. Istanbul Med J 2017; 18: 86-90 DOI: 10.5152/imj.2017.76258
12. Antonio M. Esquinas, Annia Schreiber, Antonio Javier Domínguez Petit, Paolo Groff, Andrea Purro, Rodolfo Ferrari, Andrea Antonelli, Sven Stieglitz, Roberto Cosentini, Guniz Koksal, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Levent Dalar: Intra-hospital transport of patients on non -invasive ventilation: review analysis and key practical recommendations by International NIV Committee. Eurasian J Pulmonol; 04/2017; 19(3)., DOI:10.5152/ejp.2017.73745
13. Emine Altuntas, Aydin Sukru Bengu, Zeynep Kusku Kiraz, Cuma Mertoglu, Levent Dalar, Songul Usalp, Cavlan Ciftci: Association between Newly Diagnosed Essential Hypertension, Smoking, Assymetric Dimethylarginine and ischemia-Modified Albumin. Istanbul Medical Journal 2017:DOI:10.5152/imj.2017.76258
14. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Examining the mental health status of nurses and affecting factors, Gazi University Journal of Health Sciences 2016:1(2): 25-39
15. L. Dalar, Medical Thoracoscopy in Daily Practice of Chest Medicine, Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2016; 18(3): 119-120
16. M. Tarhan, S. Akbaş Gökduman, A. Ayan, L. Dalar. Nurses' Knowledge Levels of Chest Drain Management: A Descriptive Study. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2016; 18(3): 153-159
17. L. Dalar, Kartagener Syndrome, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Turkey Clinics J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2016;9(3):59-64
18. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, Bronchoscopy in Lung Transplantation, Turkey Clinics J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2016;9(2):39-45
19. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Ö. Dagger. Determining the Perceptions of Nurses Working in a Training and Research Hospital towards Differences and Climate of Difference. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing 2016; 18(1): 1-13
20. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, F. Hançer, Ö. Dagger. Frequency and Causes of Violence among Nurses Working in Emergency Services. Health and Society 2015; 25(3): 59-70
21. S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, S. Iliaz, A. D. Yalçın. Pneumonia in HIV-Infected Patients Eurasian J Pulmonol 2016; 18: 11-7
22. S. N. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Tural Önür, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar. A Case Report of Thyroid Cancer who Followed an Asthma Diagnosis. doi: 10.5505/respircase.2016.48278 RCR 2016; 5 :25 – 29
23. Dabak G, Dalar L, Taşçı E, Clark S, Lung transplantation in Turkey: lessons from surgeons and pulmonologists. Turk J Med Sci. (ISI) 2016 Nov 17;46(5):1434-1442. doi: 10.3906/sag-1506-51.
24. M. Tarhan, Ö. Hançer, F. Polat, S. Akbaş Gökduman, L. Dalar Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation Knowledge Level of the Nurses: A Questionnaire Survey in a Tertiary Care Training and Research Hospital. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2015; 17: 163-70
25. Dalar L. Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapse and Tracheobronchomalacia Increase the Frequency of Hospitalization in COPD Patients. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2014; 16: 141-3
26. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Songül Büyükkale, Levent Dalar. Foreign Body Aspiration in Adult: Analysis of 28 Cases. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2015; 17: 29-34
27. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Songül Büyükkale, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Does Foreign Body Aspiration Mislead the Doctor? Three Different Case Presentati-ons of Foreign Body Aspiration in Adults. doi: 10.5505/respircase.2013.66376 RCR 2013; 2 – 1: 27 – 31
28. Şimşek Veske N, Sökücü SN, Günlüoğlu G, Seyhan EC, Dalar L, Altın S. Place of vibration response imaging in preoperative lung cancer patients.Tuberk Toraks. 2014;62(4):279-85.
29. Kekeçoğlu, B. Karaokur, S. Yurt, L. Dalar, A. F. Koşar. Pleural Fluid and Serum Leptin Levels in the Differential Diagnosis of Pleurisy. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2014; 16(1): 13-16
30. E. Tozkoparan, B. Çağlayan, L. Dalar, S. Bilaçeroğlu, A. Ilgazlı. Bronchoscopy Practice in Turkey: A Questionnaire Study. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2014; 16(2): 110-117
31. Kekeçoğlu, C. Özdemir, L. Karasulu, A. F. Koşar, L. Dalar. Tracheal Laceration Due to Elective Intubation and Its Treatment with Endotracheal Stenting. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2015; 17(2): 119-121
32. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, The Relationship Between Attitudes and Social Profiles of Relatives of Patients Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation, Bakırköy Medical Journal 2013;9:152-158
33. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. The Effect of Informing on the Levels of Knowledge and Attitudes towards Organ Transplantation and Donation of Senior High School Students in Zeytinburnu District of Altın, Intensive Care Journal 2012; 3: 27-35, DOI: 10.5152/dcbybd.2012.08
34. A. Sayar, N. Çıtak, S. Büyükkale, M. Metin, MZ Günlüoğlu, S. Kanbur, A. Demir, L. Dalar, MA Özgül, F. Koşar, S. Çıkrıkçıoğlu, A. Gürses, Sleeve carinal resection and reconstruction: surgical indication and results of carinal invasion by malignant tumors, Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (ISI) 2013 April;21(2):392-401
35. S. N. Sökücü, L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, S. Büyükkale, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, Tuberculosis Case Presented with a Solid Mass Lesion in the Lung, doi: 10.5505/respircase.2013.66376 RCR 2013; 2 – 1: 27 – 31
36. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Heart rate variability analysis of single channel electrocardiogram can help to differentiate high risk patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome-a study on diagnostic accuracy", Anadolu Journal of Cardiology (ISI), 331-338 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.5152/akd.2012.097. Epub 2012 Apr 6
37. L. Dalar, S. N. Sökücü, A. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, "Tuberculosis can mimic lung cancer: Case series", Turkish Toraks Journal, 2013; 14:30-5
38. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, "A Survey of the Opinions of Health Care Personnel Working in a Teaching Hospital on Organ Donation and Transplantation", Respiration, 84-92 pp ., 2012 , DOI:-
39. L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, AL Karasulu, N.Ürer, SN Sökücü, S. Altın, "Central airway obstruction due to malignant fibrous histiocytoma metastasis in a case with Mounier – Kuhn syndrome", Tuberculosis and Thorax Journal, 167-171 pp., 2012, DOI:-
40. A. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altin, N. D. Minister, S. N. Sokucu, "Semirigid Thoracoscopy in the Diagnosis of Pleural Effusion: The First Four Cases in Turkey", Journal of Tuberculosis and Thorax, 188-193 pp., 2011 , DOI: -
41. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, G. Günlüoğlu, SN Sökücü, EC Seyhan, G. Çamsarı, "Topical Mitomycin C Application in Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: A Case", Respiratory, 54-56 pp., 2011 , DOI :-
42. S. N. Remover, L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu, S. T. Önür, M. Tutar, S. Altın, "Eosinophilic pneumonia due to heroin inhalation", Turkish Thoracic Journal, 76-78 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.5152/ttd.2012.18
43. SN Remover, AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, N. Fener, S. Altın, "Intrabronchial inflammatory tumor treated with Argon Plasma Coagulation and cryotherapy", Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (ISI), 652-655 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2012.129
44. Dalar L, Karasulu AL, Altın S, Sökücü SN, Düger M, Urer N., "Diode laser therapy for endobronchial malignant melanoma metastasis leading bilateral main bronchus obstruction", Tuberk Toraks , 444-9 pp., 2010
45. L. Dalar, S. Üner, AL Karasulu, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, F. Ayyıldız, SN Sökücü, S. Altın, “Does Grief Cause Tuberculosis? The Relationship of Depression and Anxiety with Peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis ", Tur Toraks Der, 112-6 pp., 2010 , DOI: false
46. Karasulu AL, Altin S, Dalar L, Sökücü SN, Ozkan P., "Can hospitalization provide better compliance in smear positive tuberculosis patients?", Tuberk Toraks , 277-81 pp., 2009
47. A. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, "Tracheobronchial Stents", Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics, 21-8 pp., 2009
48. Karasulu L, Altin S, Dalar L, Sökücü S, Simşek N, "Two typical carcinoid cases treated by endobronchial approach", Tuberk Toraks, 212-7 pp., 2009
49. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, N. Kalkan, S. Sökücü, N. Şimşek, S. Altın, "The Diagnostic Value of Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125) in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Pleurisy", Turk Toraks Journal , 27-33 pp., 2008
50. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Öztürk, F. Atabey, H. Can, Arman Poluman, "Bronchial Artery Embolization in the Control of Massive Hemoptysis", Toraks Magazine, 47-51 pp., 2007
51. Altin S, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Cetinkaya E, Timur S, Solmazer N., "Resection of giant endobronchial hamartoma by electrocautery and cryotherapy via flexible bronchoscopy", Tuberk Toraks, 390-4 pp., 2007
52. Okutur SK, Elibol ZS, Paksoy F, Dalar L, Borlu F., "An atypical sarcoidosis case", Respiratory, 128-131 pp., 2006
53. Seçik F, Dalar L, Sarıyıldız S, Özel M, Hacıibrahimoğlu G, Aydoğmuş Ü, Büyükpınarbaşılı N, Poluman A, Bedirhan MA., "A case of bronchocentric granulomatosis", Toraks Journal, 264-266 pp., 2005
54. Dalar L, Atabey F, Ayyıldız F, Okutur SK, Sarıyıldız S, Kılıçkesmez N, Dodurgalı R, Can H, Poluman A., "The importance and value of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 23-25 pp. ., 2005
55. Dalar L, Atabey F, Okutur SK, Ayyıldız F, Sarıyıldız S, Kılıçkesmez N, Can H, Dodurgalı R, Poluman A, "Characteristics of inpatient pulmonary tuberculosis cases: a retrospective analysis", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 12-15 p., 2005
56. Dodurgalı R, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Küçükler K, Atabey F, Bes C, Can H, Şahin F, Ersoy ÇY, Poluman A., "A chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia with subacute clinic", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 53-55 p., 2005
57. Dodurgalı R, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Bes C, Can H, Küçükler K, Atabey F, Koç A, Ersoy ÇY, Poluman A., "Multiple staphylococcal abscess and empyema in a young adult patient", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 50- 52, pp., 2005
58. Küçükler FK, Ersoy ÇY, Okutur SK, Bes C, Şirin G, Kerimoğlu Ü, Öztürk S, Dalar L, Borlu F, "Reactive thrombocytosis secondary to infection in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 48- 52 pp., 2004
59. Güven S, Yılmaz E, Kutbay H, Sarıyıldız S, Dalar L, Poluman A., "The diagnostic value of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bronchioalveolar lavage", Eastern Journal of Medicine, 7-12 pp., 2004
60. Seçik F, Bes C, Dalar L, Okutur SK, Elibol ZS, Küçükler FK, Dodurgalı R, Atabey F, Can H, Poluman A., "Examination of one thousand and sixty-five cases with pulmonary tuberculosis.", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 18-20 pp., 2003
61. Atabey F, Bes C, Dalar L, Elibol ZS, Okutur SK, Küçükler FK, Seçik F, Poluman A, "A case of esophageal tuberculosis", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 43-45 pp., 2003
62. Seçik F, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Dodurgalı R, Atabey F, Can H, Poluman A, "A rare cause of spontaneous pneumothorax: Histiocytosis X", Turkish Hospital Medical Journal, 14-16 pp., 2003
63. S. Altın, S. N. Remover, L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu. Endobronchial Valve: A new method for lung volume reduction- First cases. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2011, Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2013 July;21(3):823-828
E. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings
1. L. Dalar, E. Eğilmez Morkoç, A. V. Öztürk, Z. Tuncel, A. R. Karacı. Main Airway obstruction and bronchoscopic treatment in children with congenital heart defect repair, 1st Congress of Pediatric Chest Diseases, Istanbul September 2016
2. U. Aka Aktürk, D. Ernam, B. Çağlayan, L. Dalar, N. Yılmaz Demirci, Are the Interventional Procedures Performed by Chest Diseases Assistants During Specialization Training Sufficient? 159 pp in Respiration 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
3. L. Dalar, E. Eğilmez Morkoç, A. V. Öztürk, Z. Tuncel, A. R. Karacı, Main airway obstruction and bronchoscopic treatment in children undergoing congenital heart defect repair Respiratory 2016 Proceedings 315 pp, October 2016, izmir
4. L. Dalar, A. V. Öztürk, Branched Silicone Stent in Right Main Bronchial Obstruction, 318 pp in Respiration 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
5. E. Ersoy, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, The Effect of Sleep Quality and Work Stress on Safe Drug Administration Behaviors of Emergency Nurses, 646 pp in Respiratory 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
6. G. Kaya, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Don't Touch My Child!: Determining the Relationship Between Pediatric Nurses' Levels of Diagnosing the Symptoms and Risks of Child Abuse and Neglect and their Attitudes towards Sexual Abuse, in Respiratory 2016 Proceedings, 648 pp, October 2016, İzmir
7. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, Endobronchial metastasizing leiomyosarcoma case, 715 pp in the Proceedings of Respiratory 2016, October 2016, İzmir
8. M. Tarhan, A. Aydın, L. Dalar, How Smoking Affects Personal Image: A Questionnaire Study with Nurses, in the Turkish Thoracic Society 2016 Congress Proceedings, 209pp, April 2016 Antalya
9. Ozdemir, S.N. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, The potential role of neurophile/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio in the differentiation of stage I sarcoiodosis and tuberculous lymphadenopathy, in the Turkish Thoracic Society 2016 Congress Proceedings, 212pp, April 2016 Antalya
10. L. Dalar, H. S. Göksoy, F. Aktepe, Common Variable Immunodeficiency and Castleman's Disease in an Adult Case Presenting with Respiratory Failure, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, izmir
11. Altuntaş, A. Ş. Bengü, Z. Küskü Kiraz, C. Mertoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Usalp, Ç. Farmer, Newly Detected Essential Hypertension, Smoking With Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine and Ischemic Modified AlbuminRelationship Between Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, izmir
12. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Health of the Paramedic: The Effect of Nurses' Shift Work and Perceptions of the Working Environment on General Health Outcomes, in Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
13. S. Güven, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, How Much Do I Know? How Much Am I Applying?: A Study with Nurses on Tuberculosis Control Measures, in Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
14. S. Tural Önür, İ. Önür, S. N. Sökücü, S. Aydın, L. Dalar, E. B. Karaayvaz, S. Emet, C. Özdemir, E. Çetinkaya, Tp-Te Interval Variability in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, İzmir
15. Ağtaş Şahin, M. Tarhan, A. Şahin, L. Dalar, Knowledge Levels and Attitudes of Nursing Students at a University about Electronic Cigarettes, in the Proceedings of Respiration 2015, October 2015, izmir
16. Çevik, A. V. Öztürk, M. Üçer, M. E. Açık, G. Dedebek, S. Koçulu, L. Dalar, Bronchoscopic Lavage in the Diagnosis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis, Respiration in 2015 proceedings book October 2015, izmir
17. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, Fluoroscopy in Airway Strictures and Metallic Stent with Rigid Bronchoscope Without Guide,
18. Implementation in the Proceedings of Respiration 2015, October 2015, İzmir
19. L. Dalar, N. Güdücü, Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia and Billionaire Tuberculosis in Pregnant Women with In Vitro Fertilization, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
20. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, Levent Dalar, A Case of Plastic Bronchitis Considered as Foreign Body Aspiration, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, İzmir
21. V. Öztürk, T. Özçelik, M. Arat, H. S. Göksoy, S. Koçulu, E. Çevik, A. Ordu, L. Dalar, The Role of Bronchoscopy in Patients with Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. (Retrospective Study.), In Respiration 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, İzmir
22. Şahin, M. Tarhan, E. Agtaş Şahin, L. Dalar, Should There be Smoking Cessation Counseling in Physical Therapy Education?: Student Perspective, in Respiration 2015 proceedings book, October 2015, İzmir
23. Aydın, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Dr. What Google Says About the Flu Vaccine. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
24. S. Tural Önür, S. N. Sökücü, L. Dalar, K. Kara, S. Büyükkale, S. Altın. Are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio reliable parameters as prognostic indicators in malignant mesothelioma? 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
25. E. Ersoy, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar. Quitting Smoking: Analysis of Twitter Accounts. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
26. Ahsen Gülizar Kaya, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar Are Smartphone Applications Functional for Quitting Smoking?. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
27. Gul Dabak, Levent Dalar, Erdal Tasci, Stephen Clark. Lung Transplantation in Turkey: Projection of a Survey Study. Controversial poster. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
28. Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. What Was Written About Influenza in the Top 10 Most Read Turkish Newspapers: Analysis of 2014. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
29. Şeyma Özden, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. YouTube™ Videos About Asthma. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
30. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Seda Tural Önür, Nihal Wide, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu Tracheal bronchus that was found incidentally in a postintubation tracheal stenosis case. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Poster presentation, April 2015, Antalya
31. S.N. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, L. Dalar, Ş. Aydin, L. Karasulu. Does CPAP titration method or titration night satisfaction affect long-term device compliance? In the proceedings of the 15th National Sleep Medicine Congress, November 2014, Dalaman
32. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Airway Stents: Indications, Complications and Challenges. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir
33. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Interventional Pulmonology: The Single Center Experience. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir
34. Filiz Koşar, Levent Dalar, Pelin Uysal, Emel Eryüksel, Aybüke Kekeçoğlu Prognosis in Patients with Active Tuberculosis Requiring Intensive Care Monitoring. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
35. Seda Tural Önür, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Ekrem Cengiz Seyhan, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Are Soluble IL-2 Receptors and IL12p40 Functional in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleurisy in Serum and Pleural Effusion? Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
36. Emine Altuntaş, Levent Dalar, Selen Yurdakul, Özlem Soğukpınar, Önder Demiröz, Çavlan Çiftçi. Presence and Efficacy of COPD in Patients Performed Coronary AngiographyNext: A Cross-sectional Study Controversial Poster Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
37. Özcan Hançer, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. Cost Analysis in Patients with COPD Frequently Applying to the Emergency Department. Controversial Poster Respiration 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
38. Songül Akbaş Gökduman, Merve Tarhan, Abdulkadir Ayan, Levent Dalar. Knowledge Levels of Nurses about the Care of Patients with Thorax Tubes: A Descriptive Study. Controversial Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
39. Merve Tarhan, Özcan Hançer, Levent Dalar, “I'm More Urgent!”: A Retrospective Study of Emergency Applications in a Chest Diseases Hospital. Controversial poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
40. Mehtap Üçer, Çetin Ordu, Kezban Nur Nur Pilancı, Levent Dalar. Treatment of Tracheomediastinal Fistula and Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) in a Case with Lung Adenocarcinoma. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
41. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Gönenç Ortaköylü. Late Resolving Pneumonia in a Case with Operated Larynx Carcinoma Poster Respiration 2014 Congress, Oral Presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
42. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Hilal Onaran Boyacı, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Foreign Body Aspiration in a Patient with Schizophrenia. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
43. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Tayfun Elibol, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Does Foreign Body Aspiration Mislead the Bronchoscopyist? Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
44. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Tayfun Elibol, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma in the Differential Diagnosis of Asthma. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
45. Merve Tarhan, Ozcan Hancer, Levent Dalar. Determining the Skills of Using Inhaler Medicines and Home Devices of COPD Patients Who Apply to the Emergency Department Frequently 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
46. Ozcan Hancer, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. Determination of the Frequency of Vaccination in COPD Patients who Admitted to Emergency. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
47. Aybuke Kekecoğlu, Levent Dalar, Derya Ozden Omaygenc, Ecder Ozenc, Filiz Koşar. Intensive care support in patients with thoracic and extrathoracic malignant tumors: Indications and survival. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
48. Levent Dalar, Serkan Guvenc, Emine Tulay Ozcelik, Mutlu Arat. Sudden left total atelectasis in a case of acute myelod leukemia who underwent allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
49. Ahmet Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Cengiz Ozdemir, Sinem Sokucu, Sedat Altın. Modified External Fixation Technique for the Prevention of Stent Migration in the Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
50. Cengiz Ozdemir, Ahmet Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Sinem Sokucu, Nihal Wide, Sedat Altın. The Use of Silicone Self-Expandable Stents in the Treatment of Tracheal Stenosis Associated with Posttraumatic Tracheal Fracture. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
51. Levent Dalar, Merve Tarhan, Ozcan Hancer. Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in chest diseases emergency: use and approach of wells clinical scoring method. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
52. Merve Tarhan, Özcan Hançer, Levent Dalar, Songül Akbaş, Fulya Polat. COPD patients frequently apply to the ED: where is the problem? What should be done? A survey study. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
53. Levent Dalar, Filiz Koşar Bronchoscopy in intensive care: indications, complications and safety. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
54. Özcan Hançer, Fulya Polat, Merve Tarhan, Songül Akbaş, Levent Dalar, Knowledge levels of nurses working in a training and research hospital about non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Controversial poster, October 2013, İzmir
55. O. Hançer, C. Yavuz, M. Tarhan, F. Polat, L. Dalar, Risks and knowledge levels faced by personnel working with medical waste, in the 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
56. Polat, M. Tarhan, Ö. Hançer, L. Dalar, Violence against nurses in the emergency room by patients and their relatives, in the 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
57. M. Tarhan, M. Batmaz, L. Dalar, Ö. Hançer, F. Polat, Comparison of nurses' perceptions of diversity climate working in different health institutions, in 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
58. Ahmet Selim Yurdakul, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk, Hülya Bayız, Soner Gürsoy, Ahmet Bircan, Ayşenaz Özcan, Atilla Akkoçlu, Funda Uluorman, Pınar Çelik, Deniz Köksal, Bahar Ulubaş, Eylem Özgür Sercan, Ömer Özbudak, Tuncay Göksel, Tuğba Önalan, Esra Yamansavci, Figen Turk, Gokhan Yuncu, Cigdem Copuraslan, Tugba Mardal, Esin Tuncay, Altemur Karamustafaoğlu, Pınar Yıldız, Funda Seçik, Muhammet Ali Kaplan, Emel Çağlar, Mediha Gönenç Ortaköylü, Mine Önal, Akif Turna, Evlin Hekimoğlu, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altın, Meral Gülhan, Evrim Action Akpınar, İsmail Savaş, Nalan Demir Euphrates. Patient and Doctor Delay in Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Turkey. (Oral presentation) Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013.
59. Nur Dilek Minister, Songül Büyükkale, Adalet Demir, Özgür İşgörücü, Derya Gencer, Serda Kanbur, Levent Dalar, Nur Ürer, Adnan Sayar. Medical complications following lung transplantation. (Oral presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
60. Ayşegül Erinç, Ayşe Filiz Koşar, Levent Dalar, Hatice Kutbay Özçelik Effects of Subglottic Secretion Drainage Intubation Tubes on Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Prevention. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
61. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Nurdan Şimşek Veske, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Songül Büyükkale, Özgür İşgörücü, Sedat Altın. Erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) and mean platelet volume (MPV) value in the differentiation of granulomatous hilar and mediastinal lymphadenitis due to tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
62. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altın. A case of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia that improved with Macrolide treatment. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
63. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Ekrem Cengiz Seyhan, Şenay Aydın, Sedat Altın Mean Platelet Volume; A Weight Indicator For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Or Is It Just Exaggerated? (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
64. L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, F. Koşar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, In the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings booklet of the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association, "In situ in a case who underwent partial laryngectomy thirty years ago." tracheal carcinoma and progressive pulmonary fibrosis with aspiration pneumonitis", 502 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
65. L. Dalar, B. Karaokur Akkök, F. Koşar, S. Altın, Turkish Respiratory Research Association 34. National Congress conference, in the "Respiration 2012" booklet, "Tracheal laceration as a rare complication of elective endotracheal intubation and silicone stent insertion." treatment: Two cases", 428 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
66. L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, "Effectiveness of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in diffuse alveolar hemorrhage requiring intensive care hospitalization", 360 pp. Turkey, October 2012
67. F. Şahin, L. Dalar, E. Aynacı, P. Yıldız, "Endobronchial Hamartoma Cases" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association, 306 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
68. L. Dalar, A. Uysal, M. January, "Respiratory function test results of workers working in a heavy metal factory: Smoking may potentiate non-toxic exposure" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association. , 205 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
69. L. Dalar, A. Uysal, I. Taş, "Respiratory function test screening results of normal chest X-ray workers working in a ceramics factory: Is the department a risk factor for obstructive disease?", 204 pp. Turkey, October 2012
70. C. Kutlu Taşkıran, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, "Cognitive functions in COPD acute exacerbation cases and their relation with exacerbation prognosis" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of Turkish Respiratory Research Society, 157 pp. , Izmir, Turkey, October 2012
71. TÜSAD Interventional Pulmonology Working Group, Ergun Tozkoparan, Benan Çağlayan, Levent Dalar, Semra Bilaçeroğlu, Ahmet Illgazlı, "Bronchoscopy applications in Turkey: A survey study" in the "Respiratory 2012" paper within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association. , 40 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
72. H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Büyükkale, A. Demir, L. Dalar, S. Kanbur, Ö. İşgörücü, N. D. Minister, Turkey Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association IX. "The use of donors in a lung transplant center: our first experiences" in the "Transplantation'12" booklet within the congress conference, 49 pp., Bursa, Turkey, September 2012
73. L. Dalar, M. Tarhan, A. Akbaş, SN. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Establishing a lung transplant program in the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society" in the booklet of the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress".To whom should the private transfer be made, what do the urgent applications show?", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
74. L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Risk factors in community-acquired P. jiroveceii pneumonia requiring intensive care hospitalization" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
75. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Tural Önür, B. Akkök, M. Metin, A. Sayar, MA. Bedirhan, A. Gürses, S. Altın, "Bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of postoperative bronchopleural fistula" in the booklet of "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
76. L. Dalar, SN.Sökücü, L. Karasulu, R. Çelik, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" paper within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress conference "Endobronchial treatment of a rare tumor-tracheal schwannoma" in the booklet, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
77. S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, SN. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, R. Çelik, A. Akbaş, N. Şimşek Veske, S. Altın, "Primary causes of central airway obstruction" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress conference tracheal B-cell lymphoma case", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
78. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, C. Özdemir, S. Altay, S. Altın, "Tracheobronchomalacia and dynamic airway collapse in adults" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society bronchoscopic approach in treatment", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
79th SN. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, A. Akbaş, "Six-month follow-up results of our endobronchial valve patients" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
80th SN. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, EC. Seyhan, S. Aydın, S. Altın, "The effect of hypoxia on glucose metabolism in patients with a diagnosis of non-diabetic obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" within the framework of the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
81. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, S. Sökücü, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference within the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" booklet "Endobronchial carcinoid bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of tumors", 264 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
82. L. Dalar, AL. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altay, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference, in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings booklet "Bronchoscopic treatment in benign tumors of the tracheobronchial tree ", 263 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
83. L. Dalar, AL. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, H. Akın, Y. Sönmezoğlu, A. Demir, S. Çuhadaroğlu, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference within the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory Respiratory Conference" 2011", "Bronchoscopic lobar embolization with endobronchial Watanabe spigot in the control of massive hemoptysis", 262 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
84. L. Dalar, E. Eryuksel, AL. Karasulu, F. Koşar, S. Altın, "Early tracheal stenosis as a cause of extubation failure and ventilator dependence" in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference, 161 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
85. L. Dalar, H. Caner, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Effective in pregnant with asthma with community-acquired pneumonia and hypoxic respiratory failure" in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference noninvasive mechanical ventilation application", 160 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
86. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Transplantation 2011 TONKKD VIII. "The relationship between the attitudes and social profiles of the relatives of the patients about organ donation and transplantation" in the "Transplantation 2011" booklet within the scope of the congress conference, 52 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2011
87. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Within the scope of Transplantation 2011 conference, "Opinions of health personnel working in a training and research hospital on organ transplantation and donation" in the "Transplantation 2011 TONKKD VIII. Congress" booklet ", 51 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2011
88. L Dalar, F Koşar, E Eryüksel, L Karasulu, S Sökücü, S Altın, "Watanabe Spigot in the treatment of bronchopleural fistula due to tuberculosis" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 11 Appendix 1" paper within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society,- pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
89. L Dalar, S Altın, E Eryüksel, F Koşar, L Karasulu, S Sökücü, "Alveoloscopy in the diagnosis of Pneumocytis carinii pneumonia" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 11 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
90. E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, L. Dalar, "Prognosis in Tuberculosis Patients Requiring Intensive Care Hospitalization" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, SS339 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
91. S Altın, L Kılıç, L Dalar, AL Karasulu, SN Sökücü, EC Seyhan, "Implications from Our 3-Year Bronchoscopy Results" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 11 Appendix 1" booklet within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
92. L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, N. Ulukol, Follow-up of Patients with Major Hemoptysis in the Intensive Care Unit in the "Turkish Journal of Thoracic Journal Volume 11 Appendix 1" within the 14th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society: A Retrospective Study ", P165 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
93. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, S. Sökücü, "Can Benign Tracheal Stenosis be Treated Endoscopically? Yedikule Series" in the proceedings booklet "Toraks Journal Vol 10 Appendix 1" within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. , 21 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
94. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, ST Önür, "Does CPAP titration method affect CPAP acceptance?" , 23-24 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
95. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Diode laser in the endoscopic treatment of airway diseases: Two years of experience" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 167-168 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
96th E.C. Seyhan, OK Köksalan, G. Günlüoğlu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, E. Çetinkaya, "Tuberculin skin test in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and the Relationship of Quantiferon-TB Gold test with clinical and radiological findings", 24 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
97. SN Sökücü, S. Altın, N. Ürer, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, N. Fener, L. Karasulu, A. Turna, C. Kocatürk, L. Dalar, within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Turkish Thoracic Journal" Volume 10 Appendix 1", "Carcinosarcoma of the Lung - Evaluation of six patients", 181-181 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
98. SN Sökücü, S. Altın, E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, EC Seyhan, within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet "In multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis" the experience of our clinic", 555 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
99. E.Yentürk, E. Tural, D. Kanmaz, Ö. Yılmaz, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, E. Tuncay, "Two carcinoid cases with atypical symptoms" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 56 pp., Istanbul, Turkey , May 2010
100. D. Kanmaz, S. Altun, E. Yentürk, L. Dalar, C. Kocatürk, F. Atabey, MA Bedirhan, within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" in the proceedings booklet " Endobronchial Hamartoma Case", 109 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
101. S Altın, S Çıkrıkçıoğlu, H Özyurt, F Koşar, E Çetinkaya, L Karasulu, L Dalar, "Our 30 Years of Experience in Bronchoscopy Education" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society , 52 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
102. SN Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, EC Seyhan, S. Altın, "Transbronchial needle aspiration under the guidance of Endobronchial Ultrasound" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 426 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
103. S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. T. Önür, p. Altın, "A new instrument in lung volume reduction, endobronchial valve" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 365 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
104. M. A. Bedirhan, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, B. Ö. Çakır, "External – Surgical Fixation of Silicone Stent Due to High Subglottic Tracheal Stenosis in a Case with Guillane-Barre" in the "Respiratory Volume 12 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATION 2010 conference, 73 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
105. Füsun Şahin, Levent Dalar, Engin Aynacı, Onur Kum, Pınar Yıldız, within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATION 2010 conference, "Br.A Case of Foreign Body Aspiration Mimicking an Inch Carcinoma", 64 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
106. MG Ortaköylü, A. Bahadır, F. Alkan, E. Çağlar, E. Korucu, L. Dalar, A Case of Secondary Localized Pulmonary Amyloidosis in the "Respiratory Volume 12 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATORY 2010 conference ", 155 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
107. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, SN Sökücü, ZN Ulukol, N. Solmazer, "Straight stent in malignant airway obstruction" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol. Yedikule experience", 143 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
108. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, ZN Ulukol, SN Sökücü, P. Karadağ, A. Gençoğlu, within the scope of the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet "Holding the carina Efficiency of Y stent in malignant airway obstruction: Yedikule experience", 144 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
109. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, C. Kocatürk, F. Koşar, within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress conference, "Benign Endoscopic approach in the treatment of tracheal stenosis: Yedikule experience", 144 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
110. S. Altın , MA Uysal , L. Kılıç , L. Dalar , A. Tekin, The Cost of Inpatient COPD Patients in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society Analysis", 101 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
111. MA Uysal , S. Altın , V. Yılmaz , L. Dalar , EC SEYHAN , H. CAN, to the "Third Level Chest Diseases Hospital" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the scope of the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society Disease Burden of Applicants and Those Diagnosed with COPD - A Cross-sectional Study", 221 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
112. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, G. Günlüoğlu, EC Seyhan, G. Çamsarı, SN Sökücü, within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress conference, "Tracheobronkopatia Osteochondroplasticada" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet local application of mitomycin C: A case", 52 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
113. EC Seyhan, H. Abalı, SN Sökücü, L. Dalar, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, S. Altın, Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress within the scope of the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" booklet "Resected small cell extracellular EGFR expression in lung cancer and its relationship with survival", 237 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
114. L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, S. Sökücü, L. Dalar, A. Uysal, S. Altın, "Heart rate variability variability" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" paper within the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. Comparison of patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome and normal population in terms of data", 190 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
115. S. Yurt, L. Dalar, H. Özçelik, A. Kekeçoğlu, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, AF Koşar, "A Rare Benign Tumor" in the "Respiratory Volume 11 Appendix 2" booklet within the scope of TÜSAD 31st National Congress - Respiratory 2009 conference A Case of Endobronchial hamartoma with Rigid Bronchoscopy and Treatment with Argon Plasma and Cryo Method", 67 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2009
116. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "The frequency of restless legs syndrome in stable COPD cases" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 8 Appendix 1" paper within the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 118 pp. ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
117. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "Stable COPD" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 8 Appendix 1" booklet within the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. The relationship between depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory markers", 150 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
118. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "With Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. The Relationship of Anxiety and Depression with Cytokine Levels and Peripheral T Lymphocyte Subtypes in Patients", PS8 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
119. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, "Our Cases of Postintubation Tracheal Stenosis Treated by Endobronchial Way" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol. pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
120. P. Özkan, L. Karasulu, EC Seyhan, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ( Corrective Effect of APAP on Impaired Autonomic Nervous System Function in Patients with OSASComparison of a person with CPAP", 85 pp., Antalya, Istanbul, April 2007
121. S. Altın, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, E. Çetinkaya, A. Gençoğlu, P. Özkan, within the scope of the 10th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, "Therapeutic Our First Experiences in Bronchoscopy", 166 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2007
122. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, Two Typical Carcinoid Tumor Cases Treated by the Endobronchial Way in the "Toraks Journal Vol 8 Appendix 2" paper within the 10th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. ", 113 pp., Antalya 2007, April 2007
123. L. Karasulu, A. Uysal, L. Dalar, S. Altın, Ç. Çuhadaroğlu, "CPAP Variability in Long-Term Follow-up in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients (OSAS)" in the "Toraks Journal Vol 7 Appendix 1" within the 9th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 26 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
124. L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, L. Dalar, S. Altın, A. Uysal, C. Seyhan, S. Timur, within the scope of the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Vol 7 Appendix 1" in the proceedings booklet " The Use of Partial Parameters and the Diagnostic Value of Nocturnal Oximetry in the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)", 134 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
125. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, Ü. Çetinçelik, E. Aynacı, V. Köksal, S. Timur, "The Relationship of Arg753Gln Mutation in Toll-like 2 Receptors with Tuberculosis Disease" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 7 Appendix 1" booklet within the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 148 pp. , Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
126. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, Ü. Çetinçelik, S. Timur, P. Özkan, V. Köksal, "The Relationship of Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Polymorphism with Tuberculosis Disease" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 7 Appendix 1" booklet within the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 149 pp., Antalya , Istanbul, April 2006
127. S. Sarıyıldız, R. Dodurgalı, M. Kafi, L. Cansever, N. Ürer, L. Dalar, N. Kılıçkesmez, M. Tutar, F. Atabey, H. Can, M. Bedirhan, A. Poluman, "The Importance and Value of TC-99M MIBI SPECT Analysis in the Mediastinal Lymph Node Staging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer", 91 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2005, in the "Toraks Journal Vol.
128. H. Can, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, C. Kocatürk, F. Seçik, A. Çevik, M. Bedirhan, A. Poluman, Within the 8th Annual Congress of the Thoracic Society, "Toraks Journal Volume 6 Appendix 1" "Not All Wheezing Is Asthma. A Case Of Tracheal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma", 83 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2005
129. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, M. Özel, G. Hacıibrahimoğlu, Ü. Aydoğmuş, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, A. Poluman, M. Bedirhan, "A case of bronchocentric granulomatosis" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 5 Appendix 1" booklet within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society, 66 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
130. F. Atabey, F. Ayyıldız, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, A. Şentürk, N. Kılıçkesmez, H. Yücel, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society conference "Characteristics of our inpatient pulmonary tuberculosis cases" in the "Toraks Journal Vol 5 Appendix 1" booklet, 198 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
131. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, S. Güven, E. Yılmaz, H. Kutbay, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society Conference "Toraks magazine Vol. 5 Appendix 1", "Irreversible way: A retrospective review of our COPD cases", 214 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
132. F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, A. Poluman, "Bronchial artery embolization in the control of massive hemoptysis" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 4 Appendix 1" booklet within the 6th Annual Congress of the Thoracic Society, 43 pp., Antalya , Turkey, April 2003
133. A. Poluman, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, F. Atabey, H. Can, F. Seçik, F. Şahin, S. Öztürk, 1st Asthma and Rhinitis Days conference "Respiratory Volume 6 Issue 4 Special Issue "The effect of intranasal corticosteroid therapy on respiratory functions in patients with allergic rhinitis", 220 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2004
134. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazici Ersoy, Emine Gulturk, M. Kemahli, Ö. Kınık, D. Gürbüz, L. Dalar, F. Borlu, 7th National Internal Diseases Congress within the conference "7th National Internal Diseases Congress Speeches and Free Papers" in the proceedings book "14- Upper gastrointestinal system bleeding with and without emergency endoscopic intervention examination of our cases", 191 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
135. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, C. Bes, G. Erol, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, H. Aniktar, F. Borlu, within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference, in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" booklet "Upper gasAnalysis of our cases with trointestinal bleeding.", 188 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
136. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, C. Bes, D. Gürbüz, G. Erol, L. Dalar, FK Küçükler, F. Borlu, in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference " Evaluation of our hospitalized patients for pancytopenia examination.", 211 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
137. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, F. Paksoy, E. Gültürk, L. Dalar, F. Borlu, within the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference "Acute isoniazid intoxication: Convulsion, rhabdomyolysis" in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" booklet and metabolic acidosis.", 197 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
138. F. K. Küçükler, S. K. Okutur, L. Dalar, Ç. Yazıcı Ersoy, M. Kemahlı, F. Borlu, E. Gümüş, B. Altay, "Peochromocytoma and Wolf-Parkinson-White" in the proceedings booklet of "7th National Congress of Internal Medicine Speeches and Free Papers" within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference syndrome case.", 174-175 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
139. A. Poluman, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, F. Atabey, F. Şahin, F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, 1st Asthma and Rhinitis Days conference "Respiratory Volume 6 Issue 4 Special Issue "Comparison of the efficacy of salmeterol/fluticasone propionate and formoterol/budesonide combinations in mild and moderate persistent bronchial asthma.", 221 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2004
140. L. Dalar, A. Poluman, S. Üner, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, F. Ayyıldız, "XII. National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Program and Summary Book" within the framework of the 12th National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress conference "The relationship between depression and anxiety and peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis.", 43 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2004
141. R. Dodurgalı, S. Sarıyıldız, L. Dalar, N. Kılıçkesmez, S. Güven, F. Ayyıldız, F. Atabey, S. Öztürk, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Vol. 5 Appendix 1", "Retrospective evaluation of inoperable lung carcinomas between 1999-2002", 122 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
142. F. Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Ayyıldız, A. Şentürk, p. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, R. Dodurgalı, F. Şahin, F. Seçik, H. Can, A. Poluman, The use of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the "Toraks Journal Volume 5 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society. importance and value", 27 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
143. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, A. Poluman, "Pulmonary tuberculosis that gives the appearance of a mass radiologically." , Antalya, Turkey, April 2003
144. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Öztürk, R. Dodurgalı, F. Atabey, H. Can, A. Poluman, Within the 6th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society conference, "Spontaneous A rare cause of pneumothorax: Histiocytosis X", 102 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2003
145. F.Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Seçik, A. Poluman, 23. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress within the conference "XXIII. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress Congress Book" in the proceedings booklet "3- An endobronchial and esophageal tuberculosis phenomenon", 138 pp., Malatya, Turkey, April 2003
146. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, F.Atabey, H. Can, A. Poluman, 23. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress within the conference "XXIII. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress Congress Book" in the proceedings booklet "Retrospective evaluation of our five-year pulmonary tuberculosis cases", 99 pp., Malatya, Turkey, April 2003
147. S. Güven, E. Yılmaz, H. Kutbay, F. Seçik, R.Dodurgalı, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, A. Poluman., within the 5th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Volume 3 Appendix 1" " Diagnostic value of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Bronchial Lavage in the proceedings booklet.", 34-35 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2002
148- H. Kutbay, E. Yılmaz, S. Güven, F. Seçik, R. Dodurgalı, S. Sarıyıldız, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, Within the 5th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society Conference "Toraks Journal Vol. 3 Appendix 1", "The importance of complement C3 and C4 in the differential diagnosis of pleural effusions", 165 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2002
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Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology Editor-in-Chief 2017-2018
Journal of Medicine Academic Editor (SCI)
Lung (SCI) journal refereeing
Respiratory Care (SCI) journal refereeing
BMC Pulmonary Medicine Journal refereeing
Thorax (SCI) journal refereeing
Reviewer of the Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Medical Science Monitor (SCI) journal refereeing
CHEST 2015 Congress Paper refereeing
CHEST 2016 World Congress paper refereeing
Respiratory Journal Associate Editor 2012-2016
Izmir Chest Hospital Journal Advisory Board Member
Respiratory Case Reports Journal Advisory Board Member
Turkey Clinics Advisory Board Member
Administrative Duties
President of Turkish Chest Diseases Proficiency Board Examination Commission 2016-present
Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine Head of Chest Diseases Department 2013-2018
Turkish Respiratory Research Association, Member of the Central Executive Board 2013-2016
Turkish Respiratory Research Association Interventional Pulmonology Working Group Vice President 2014-2016
Head of Interventional Pulmonology Working Group of Turkish Respiratory Research Association 2020-present
Member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association 2013-2017
4. European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Organizing committee and scientific advisory board member 2017
39th National Congress of Turkish Respiratory Research Association, Respiratory 2017, Organizing Committee Member
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Purchasing Commission Member (2008-2013)
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Unit (2008-2013)
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Transplantation Internal President (2008-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Society 33rd National Congress, Respiratory 2011, Organization Committee Member
Respiratory Journal Editorial Secretary (2011-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Association Interventional Pulmonology Working Group Secretary (2011-2013)
Turkish Thoracic Society Lung Transplant Working Group Secretary (2009-2011)
Turkish Thoracic Society Lung Transplant Working Group Executive Board Member (2011-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Association 35th National Congress, Respiratory 2013, Organizing Committee Member
2nd European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (ECBIP) Organizing Committee and Scientific Advisory Board Member 2013
2. L. Dalar, Y. Abul, E. Egilmez Morkoc, A. V Ozturk, Z. Tuncel, A. R Karaci, E. Pektok, Bronchoscopic Management Of Central Airway Obstruction In Children Underwent Congenital Heart Surgery. A4116-A4116 in the Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress 2017, Washington DC, May 2017
3. L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu, K.T. Saracoglu, Sılıcone stents save live with surgery in postintubation subglottic stenosis. In the 3rd European Airway Congress booklet, p41, Valencia, December 2016
4. L. Dalar, A. Saracoglu , K.T. Saracoglu, C. Kocaturk, Air leak with subcutaneous emphysema, p33 in the 3rd European Airway Congress booklet, Valencia, December 2016
5. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar. Metallic stent placement in central airway obstruction without using flouroscopy or guidewires, in 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings p: id38, Florence, May 2016
6. C. Ozdemir, S. Sokucu, N. Genis, S. Tural Onur, S. Buyukkale, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, A carcinoid tumor case with diffuse endobronchial and distant metastasis, 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings booklet in p:id77, Florence, May 2016
7. C. Ozdemir, S. Sokucu, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Onur, L. Dalar, A Case report of plastic bronchitis assessed as foreign body aspiration, in the 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress proceedings booklet p:id92, Florence, May 2016
8. Durak Erdinc Y., Saracoglu A., Dalar L., Saracoglu KT, Demirhan O., Sagbas LE, Preoperative airway obstruction as a cause of morbidity in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement, in EuroAnaesthesia 2016 Congress proceedings p: 246, London May 2016
9. S. Tural Onur, S. Sokucu, L. Dalar, K. Kara, S. Buyukkale, S. Altin, Malignant mesothelioma, are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio prognostic indicator parameters as reliable? In ERS International Congress 2015 proceedings booklet p: PA4324, Amsterdam September 2015
10. Cengiz Ízdemir, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Levent Karasulu, Songul Buyukkale, Levent Dalar Foreign body aspiration in adult: analysis of 28 cases.. 3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
11. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Ozdemir, Yasin Abul, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Levent Karasulu, Halide Nur Urer, Sedat Altin. Endobronchial treatment of benign tumors: Which modality is best? 3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
12. Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Cengiz Ízdemir, Nihal Genis, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasuklu Management of obstructive bronchial fibrolipoma bronchoscopically.3rd European Congress of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology April 2015, Barcelona Spain
13. Airway stents: Indications, complications and difficulties. Experiences from Istanbul. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın, 18th. World Bronchology Congress. Symposium p: 163, Kyoto April 2014
14. Interventional pulmonology: single center experience. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. 18th World Congress of Bronchology, Symposium p:175, Kyoto April 2014
15. Filiz Kosar, Pelin Uysal, Levent Dalar, Emel Eryuksel, Aybuke Kekecoglu, Turkay Akbas,. Prognosis of Patients With Active Tuberculosis Requiring Intensive Care Unit. In CHEST World Congress 2014 proceedings, Madrid March 2014
16. P. Schmitt, L. Dalar, S. Jouneau, B. Toublanc, J. Camuset, G. Chatte, L. Cellerin, H. Dutau, S. Sanchez, M. Sauvage, J.M. Vergnon, Y. Ammar, G.. Deslée, F. Lebargy Une série de 17 cas de syndrome de Mounier-Kuhn : description et prises en charge en pratique courante. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Volume 31, numéro S1 page A41 (janvier 2014)- Controversial poster, Marseille February 2014
17. Sinem Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Senay Aydin, Sedat Altin.Complete blood count alterations after 6 months of continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea European Respiratory Society 2013 Congress Barcelona (Poster presentation) , September 2013
18. Ahmet Yurdakul, Celalettin Kocatürk, Hülya Bayiz, Soner Gürsoy, Ahmet Bircan, Aysenaz Özcan, Atilla Akkoçlu, Funda Uluorman, Pinar Çelik, Deniz Köksal, Bahar Ulubas, Eylem Sercan, Ömer Özbudak, Tuncay Göksel, Tugba Önalan, Esra Yamansavci, Figen Türk, Gökhan Yuncu, Çigdem Çopuraslan, Tugba Mardal, Esin Tuncay, Altemur Karamustafaoglu, Pinar Yildiz, Funda Seçik, Muhammet Kaplan, Emel Çaglar, Mediha Ortaköylü, Mine Önal, Akif Turna, Evlin Hekimoglu, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altin, Meral Gülhan, Action Akpinar, Ismail Savas, Nalan Firat, Gungor Camsari, Gulcihan Ozkan, Erdogan Cetinkaya, Emine Kamiloglu, Bulent Celik, Yavuz Havlucu. Patient and doctor delays in the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Turkey. European Respiratory Society 2013 Congress Barcelona (Oral presentation)
19. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın Effect of interventional bronchoscopic treatment on survival in small cell lung cancer (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
20. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Endoluminal therapy in postincubation and post-tracheotomy stenoses of the trachea. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
21. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın. Interventional bronchoscopy in the palliation of endobronchial metastatic tumors. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
22. Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Adnan Sayar, Muzaffer Metin, Mehmet Ali Bedirhan, Filiz Koşar, Sedat Altın. Efficiency of bronchoscopic treatment in bronchopleural fistulas. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
23. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Airway management in malignant oesophago-respiratory fistulas. (Oral presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
24. Levent Dalar, Sinem Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Karasulu, Adnan Sayar, Sedat Altın Survival and clinical properties of tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma cases treated bronchoscopically. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
25. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Karasulu, Sinem Sökücü, Nilgün Ulukol, Betül Polat, Nur Solmazer, Nurgül Bilgin, Sedat Altın, Whole lung lavage in the treatment of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
26. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Seda Tural Önür, Sedat Altın. Bronchoscopy management in airway obstruction caused by malignant lymphoma (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
27. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın. Interventional bronchoscopic treatment in tracheobronchomalacia: for whom? When? How? (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
28. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sezin Altay, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Segmental embolization with endobronchial watanabe spigot in the treatment of bronchobiliary fistula. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
29. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Tuğba Mandal, Esin Yentürk, Levent Karasulu, Esin Tuncay, Sedat Altın. Long-term treatment of near-fatal haemoptysis in a non-small cell lung cancer case with interlobar carinal silicone y stent insertion. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
30. Levent Dalar, Burcu Akkök, Sinem Sökücü, Filiz Koşar, Adnan Sayar, Sedat Altın Tracheal laceration as a rare complication of elective endotracheal intubation and treatment with silicone stent insertion: two case reports. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
31. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Sedat Altın Broncho-oesophageal fistula located near to left lower lobe bronchus treated by interlobar carinal y stent insertion. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
32. Levent Dalar, Celalettin Kocatürk, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Mehmet Ali Bedirhan, Sedat Altın. Silicone stent insertion in tracheocutaneous fistula: a minimally invasive and effective method. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
33. Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Sökücü, Songül Büyükkale, Sedat Altın. Treatment of a solitary endobronchial vascular malformation causing mass and haemoptysis by argon plasma coagulation. (Poster presentation) 2. European Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Congress, Çeşme, İzmir, 2013
34. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, S. N. Sökücü, S. Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altay; R. Çelik, S. Altın, "Bronchoscopic treatment of benign tumors of the tracheobronchial tree" in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" conference booklet, 107s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
35. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Önür, SN Sökücü, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, "Endoscopic approach in the treatment of carcinoid" in the proceedings book of the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" within the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference tumors", 107s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
36. ST Önür, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, R. Çelik, A. Akbaş, N. Şimşek, S. Altın, in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" proceedings book within the scope of the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference. A case of primary tracheal B cell lymphoma leading to obstruction of central airway", 651s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
37. F. Koşar, L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, S. Yurt, "Prognosis of patients with active tuberculosis requiring intensive care unit" in the "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress" proceedings book within the context of the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress, 350s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
38. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, SN Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Önür, M. Metin, A. Sayar, MA Bedirhan, A. Gürses, S. Altın, within the European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress conference "European Respiratory Society 22th Annual Congress", "Bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of postoperative bronchopleural fistula", 440s pp., Vienna, Austria, September 2012
39. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Organ Donation Congress 2011 within the conference "The view of religious officials on organ transplantation and donation in Istanbul, Zeytinburnu disrtict", 380-381 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 27-30 2011
40. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, "The knowledge on organ transplantation and donation of last year high school students" in the "Organ Donation Congress 2011" proceedings book within the scope of Organ Donation Congress 2011 conference and the impact of education on their attitude", 492-493 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2011
41. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altin, SN Sökücü, "Can benign tracheal stenosis treated endoscopically? Yedikule series" in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" paper within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference, 770s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
42. MM Schuurmans, L. Dalar, C. Benden, A. Boehler., Influenza A/H1N1 vaccination in lung a transplant program in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" proceedings book within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference: Coverage, safety and clinical effectiveness during the pandemic 2009/2010", 563s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
43. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN Sökücü, S. Altin, "Use of diode laser in the endoscopic treatment of airway diseases, 2 years experience in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 36 Supp 54" within the ERS 20th Annual Congress conference ", 769s pp., Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
44. G. Ortakoylu, A. Bahadır, F. Alkan, E. Caglar, E. Korucu, L. Dalar, "A case report of secondary amyloidosis with localized pulmonary amyloidosis" in the booklet "Respirology (2010) 15 (Suppl. 2)," within The 15th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology conference, 55–109 pp ., Manila, Philippines, November 2010
45. EC Seyhan, H. Abali, SN Sökücü., L. Dalar, N. Büyükpınarbasili, S. Altin, "Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in the proceedings book of the "European Respiratory Journal Vol Supp" within the scope of the ERS Annual 18th Congress conference operable non-small cell lung cancer and its correlation with survival", 248s pp., Vienna, Austria, October 2009
46. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. S.Ökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "The relation between anxiety/depression and cytokine levels and peripheric lymphocyte subtypes in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 32 Supp 52" within the ERS 18th Annual Congress conference ", 433s pp., Berlin, Germany, October 2008
47. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, S. Altın, K. Okutur, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, "Relation between the ATS 2008 Konre CD" in the proceedings book of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress conference depression and anxiety and inflammatory markers in stable COPD cases", A826p pp., Toronto, Canada, May 2008
48. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, S. Sökücü, "Frequency of restless leg syndrome in stable COPD patients" in the "ATS 2008 Congress CD" proceedings book within the scope of the American Thoracic Society Annual Congress, A779p pp. , Toronto, Canada, May 2008
49. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, "Two typical carcinoid cases treated endobronchially" in the proceedings book of "European Respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" within the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference, 562s pp. , Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
50. S. Altın, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, E. Çetinkaya, A. Gençoğlu, P. Özkan, "Our first experience" in the "European respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" booklet within the scope of the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference with therapeutic bronchoscopy", 562s pp., Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
51. P. Özkan, L. Karasulu, E. Seyhan, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, within the ERS 17th Annual Congress conference "Comparisson of corrective effects of APAP" in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 30 Supp 51" booklet and CPAP on disordered autonomic nervous system function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)", 332s pp., Stockholm, Sweden, September 2007
52. L. Karasulu, A. Uysal, L. Dalar, S. Altın, P. Özkan, Ç. Çuhadaroğlu, "CPAP variability in long term follow-up of OSAS patients", 412s pp., Munich, Germany, September 2006 in the "European Respiratory Journal Vol 28 Supp 50" paper within the 16th ERS Annual Congress conference
53. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, U. Çetinçelik, S. Timur, P. Özkan, V. Köksal, "European Respiratory Journal Vol 28 Supp 50" paper within the 16th ERS Annual Congress conference booklet "The relationship between interleukin-1 receptor antagonist polymorphism and tuberculosis disease", 802s pp., Munich, Germany, September 2006
54. E. Çetinkaya, S. Altın, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Timur, N. Solmazer, "Resection of giant endobronchial hamartoma" in the "14th World Congress for Bronchology Abstracts Book" proceedings book within the 14th World Congress for Bronchology conference by electrocautery and cryotherapy via flexible bronchoscopy", 57 pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2006
55. L. Dalar, A. Poluman, S. Üner, F. Atabey, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, "The relation between depression" in the proceedings booklet of "European Respiratory Journal V.26 Supp 49" within the European respiratory Society Annual Congress conference and anxiety and peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in active pulmonary tuberculosis", 23s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
56. S. Öztürk, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Ürer, U. Aydoğmuş, L. Dalar, L. Cansever, MA Bedirhan, A. Poluman, within the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress conference "European Respiratory Journal V. 26 Supp. 49 "Glomus tumor of the trachea: a case of extremely rare", 170s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
57. S. Sarıyıldız, R. Dodurgalı, M. Kafi, L. Cansever, N. Ürer, L. Dalar, M. Tutar, F. Atabey, MA Bedirhan, A. Poluman, within the "European Respiratory Society Annual Congress" conference Respiratory Journal V. 26 Supp. 49", "Role of Tc-99m MIBI chest SPECT to detect mediastinal lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer", 314s pp., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2005
58. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" within the context of the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest "Pulmonary tuberculosis presenting radiographic mass appearance (three case reports)" in the booklet, 144 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
59. F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, A. Poluman, 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest conference, "Bronchial artery embolization in the management" in the "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" booklet of massive haemoptysis", 153 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
60. E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, B. Arpınar, within the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest conference "The nail that lost its way: an interesting case of aspiration", 157 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003
61. F. Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Seçik. C. Bes, A. Poluman, "A case of endobronchial and oesophageal tuberculosis" in the booklet of "Chest 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest" within the 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, 207-208 pp., Istanbul , Turkey, September 2003
C. Written National / International Books or Chapters in Books
C1. National / International Books Written
1- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, Istanbul 2017
2- Chest Diseases in Medical Education (Editor), Istanbul Medicine Bookstore, Istanbul 2015
3- Asthma for Patients and Their Relatives (Editor), TÜSAD, Probiz Yayın, İstanbul 2015
4- Interventions in Chest Diseases, (Translation editor), Ankara 2014
C2. Chapters in Written National / International Books
1. Cansel Atinkaya, Levent Dalar. Invasive Procedures in Treatment-Therapeutic Approach to Refractory Malignant and Non-Malignant Pleural Effusions. A. Mirici, E. Babaoglu, P. Mutlu Eds. .E201-E211. TÜSAD Educational Books Series, Istanbul 2019.
2. B. Duman, L. Dalar. Heart Lung Interactions. Dilek Dai Özcengiz, Hülya Sungurtekin, Antonio Esquinas Eds. Pp 9-15, Academician Bookstore Ankara 2018.
3. B. Duman, L. Dalar. Changes in Respiratory Function in the Elderly. A. Ertürk, A. Bahadır, F. Koşar Eds. 61-69 pp, TÜSAD, Istanbul 2018
4. B. Duman, L. Dalar. New Ventilation Modes. Mechanical Ventilation. Dilek Özcengiz, Onur Özlü Çukurova Nobel Medicine Bookstore, 163-170 pp. Adana 2017
5. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar. Dynamic Strictures. L. Dalar, A. Yilmaz Eds. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, 231-240 pp. Istanbul 2017
6. L. Dalar Postintubation Tracheal Stenoses. L. Dalar, A. Yilmaz Eds. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Consensus Report (Editor), TÜSAD, 171-178 pp. Istanbul 2017
7. L. Dalar, M. Gulhan, U. Yılmaz, Supportive Therapy in Lung Cancer (Hemoptysis in Lung Cancer), 112-116pp, Istanbul, Probiz Ltd, 2016
8. L. Dalar, Other causes of exudate, Pleural Diseases Guide for Chest Diseases Specialists, TTD and TÜSAD publication Ankara 2016
9. L. Dalar. Pathophysiology in Respiratory Diseases. Chest Diseases. Eds. L. Dalar, M. Süerdem, C. Öztürk, A. Saygı. Istanbul Medical Bookstore, Istanbul 2015,
10. L. Dalar. Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest Diseases. Eds. L. Dalar, M. Süerdem, C. Öztürk, A. Saygı. Istanbul Medical Bookstore, Istanbul 2015
11. L. Dalar. Home care after lung transplantation and surgery. Home care in Chronic Respiratory Diseases. Eds. E. Kunter, C. Kıraklı, M. Aydogdu. TÜSAD Educational Books Series, Ankara 2015
12. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, C. Özdemir, Endoscopic applications in the trachea and main bronchi, Thoracic Surgery (eds M. Yüksel, A. E. Balcı), Istanbul, 2015
13. L. Dalar, Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz) Rotatip Bookstore, 327-344 pp, Ankara 2014
14. L. Dalar, Rigid bronchoscopy applications in special cases, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz) Rotatip Bookstore, 123-154 pp, Ankara 2014
15. L. Dalar, Laser in interventional bronchoscopy, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz)Rotatip Bookstore, 369-404 pp, Ankara 2014
16. L. Dalar, Bronchoscopy in Lung Transplantation, Interventional Pulmonology (Eds. M. Metintaş, Z.T. Selçuk, A. Yılmaz)Rotatip Bookstore, 535-556 pp, Ankara 2014
17. L. Dalar, Lung transplantation, Turkish Chest Diseases Qualification Book, in www.tghyk.org
18. A.L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, Therapeutic bronchoscopy and endoluminal treatments, Thoracic Surgery (Eds. İ. Ökten, H.Ş. Kavukçu), 1145-1182pp, İstanbul 2013
19. L. Dalar, M. A. Bedirhan, Trachea (Interventional Bronchoscopic Methods in Benign Stenosis of the Trachea), 129-158 pp., Istanbul, Probiz Ltd., 2012
20. H. Dutau, L. Dalar, M.A. Bedirhan, Trachea (Tracheobronchomalacia in Adults), 55-72 pp., Istanbul, Probiz Ltd., 2012
21. L. Dalar, S. Altın, N. Numanoğlu, Ç. Atasoy, A. Kaya, Lung Diseases with Cases (Case 2), 5-10 pp., Istanbul, Aves Publishing, 2011
22. L. Dalar, S. Altın, H. Dutau, M. Metintaş, A. Zamani, S. Altın, T. Selçuk, Bronchoscopy (Endobronchial Stents and Applications), 337-354 pp., Ankara, Poyraz Medical Spring. Singing. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti, 2008
23. L. Dalar, S. Altın, T. Özlü, M. Metintaş, M. Karadağ, A. Kaya, Basic Reference Book on Respiratory System and Diseases (Endobronchial Treatment in Lung Cancer), 1535-1553 pp., İstanbul, İstanbul Medikal Publishing Ltd. Sti., 2010
D. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
1. Tarhan, M., Ersoy, E., Yılmaz, A.G., and Dalar, L. (2020). An Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Medication Errors of Emergency Nurses. SBU Nursing Journal, 2(1), 63-72.
2. Öztürk A, Dalar L. Bronchoscopy and respiratory specimen collection for COVID-19. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2020;22:S25-8
3. Berna Duman, Ali Vefa Öztürk, İpek Shepherd, Tuğba Coşgun, Alper Toker, Levent Dalar. A Rare Complication of Chronic Constipation: Lipoid Pneumonia Respir Case Rep 2019;8(3):99-102 DOI: 10.5505/respircase.2019.40326
4. Dalar L. Treatment in interventional pulmonology: Which stent, when, to whom? Ilgazli A, editor. Interventional Pulmonology. 1st Edition. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2019. p.71-8.
5. Levent Dalar, Seda Tural Önür, Mesut Bayraktaroglu, Sinem Nedime Sokucu, Pinar Ozkan Epozturk, Sedat Altin. (2018). The Relationship between Tuberculosis and Tool-Like Receptor 2 Mutation and IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Polymorphism (Vol. 1, pp. 35–41). Vol. 1, p. 35–41. Erzincan Medical Journal.
6. YD. Erdinç, A. Saraçoğlu, L. Dalar, KT Saraçoğlu, Ö. Demirhan, LE Sagbas. Preoperative airway obstruction as a cause of morbidity in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement. Kocaeli Med J. 2018; 7(1): 70-76 | DOI: 10.5505/ktd.2018.04900
7. Levent Dalar, Kemal Tolga Saracoglu, Ayten Saracoglu. Airway management in patients with a tracheobronchial mass: challenges and solutions. Kocaeli Med J. 2018; 7(1): 52-53 | DOI: 10.5505/ktd.2018.52207
8. Levent DALAR Airway Stents Turkiye Klinikleri J Pulm Med-Special Topics. 2018;11(1):104-10
9. Dalar L. Treatment: Endoscopic Treatment Methods. Ercan S, editor. Trachea Surgery. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2018. p.74-82.
10. L. Dalar. Inhalation Treatments in Geriatric Cases. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2017;10(3):241-6
11. E. Altuntaş, A. Ş. Bengü, Z. K. Kiraz, C. Mertoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Usalp, C. Farmer. Relationship Between Newly Detected Essential Hypertension and Smoking, Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine, and Ischemic Modified Albumin. Istanbul Med J 2017; 18: 86-90 DOI: 10.5152/imj.2017.76258
12. Antonio M. Esquinas, Annia Schreiber, Antonio Javier Domínguez Petit, Paolo Groff, Andrea Purro, Rodolfo Ferrari, Andrea Antonelli, Sven Stieglitz, Roberto Cosentini, Guniz Koksal, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Levent Dalar: Intra-hospital transport of patients on non -invasive ventilation: review analysis and key practical recommendations by International NIV Committee. Eurasian J Pulmonol; 04/2017; 19(3)., DOI:10.5152/ejp.2017.73745
13. Emine Altuntas, Aydin Sukru Bengu, Zeynep Kusku Kiraz, Cuma Mertoglu, Levent Dalar, Songul Usalp, Cavlan Ciftci: Association between Newly Diagnosed Essential Hypertension, Smoking, Assymetric Dimethylarginine and ischemia-Modified Albumin. Istanbul Medical Journal 2017:DOI:10.5152/imj.2017.76258
14. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Examining the mental health status of nurses and affecting factors, Gazi University Journal of Health Sciences 2016:1(2): 25-39
15. L. Dalar, Medical Thoracoscopy in Daily Practice of Chest Medicine, Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2016; 18(3): 119-120
16. M. Tarhan, S. Akbaş Gökduman, A. Ayan, L. Dalar. Nurses' Knowledge Levels of Chest Drain Management: A Descriptive Study. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2016; 18(3): 153-159
17. L. Dalar, Kartagener Syndrome, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Turkey Clinics J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2016;9(3):59-64
18. L. Dalar, A. L. Karasulu, Bronchoscopy in Lung Transplantation, Turkey Clinics J Pulm Med-Special Topics 2016;9(2):39-45
19. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Ö. Dagger. Determining the Perceptions of Nurses Working in a Training and Research Hospital towards Differences and Climate of Difference. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing 2016; 18(1): 1-13
20. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, F. Hançer, Ö. Dagger. Frequency and Causes of Violence among Nurses Working in Emergency Services. Health and Society 2015; 25(3): 59-70
21. S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, S. Iliaz, A. D. Yalçın. Pneumonia in HIV-Infected Patients Eurasian J Pulmonol 2016; 18: 11-7
22. S. N. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Tural Önür, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar. A Case Report of Thyroid Cancer who Followed an Asthma Diagnosis. doi: 10.5505/respircase.2016.48278 RCR 2016; 5 :25 – 29
23. Dabak G, Dalar L, Taşçı E, Clark S, Lung transplantation in Turkey: lessons from surgeons and pulmonologists. Turk J Med Sci. (ISI) 2016 Nov 17;46(5):1434-1442. doi: 10.3906/sag-1506-51.
24. M. Tarhan, Ö. Hançer, F. Polat, S. Akbaş Gökduman, L. Dalar Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation Knowledge Level of the Nurses: A Questionnaire Survey in a Tertiary Care Training and Research Hospital. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2015; 17: 163-70
25. Dalar L. Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapse and Tracheobronchomalacia Increase the Frequency of Hospitalization in COPD Patients. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2014; 16: 141-3
26. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Songül Büyükkale, Levent Dalar. Foreign Body Aspiration in Adult: Analysis of 28 Cases. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2015; 17: 29-34
27. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Cengiz Özdemir, Songül Büyükkale, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Does Foreign Body Aspiration Mislead the Doctor? Three Different Case Presentati-ons of Foreign Body Aspiration in Adults. doi: 10.5505/respircase.2013.66376 RCR 2013; 2 – 1: 27 – 31
28. Şimşek Veske N, Sökücü SN, Günlüoğlu G, Seyhan EC, Dalar L, Altın S. Place of vibration response imaging in preoperative lung cancer patients.Tuberk Toraks. 2014;62(4):279-85.
29. Kekeçoğlu, B. Karaokur, S. Yurt, L. Dalar, A. F. Koşar. Pleural Fluid and Serum Leptin Levels in the Differential Diagnosis of Pleurisy. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2014; 16(1): 13-16
30. E. Tozkoparan, B. Çağlayan, L. Dalar, S. Bilaçeroğlu, A. Ilgazlı. Bronchoscopy Practice in Turkey: A Questionnaire Study. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2014; 16(2): 110-117
31. Kekeçoğlu, C. Özdemir, L. Karasulu, A. F. Koşar, L. Dalar. Tracheal Laceration Due to Elective Intubation and Its Treatment with Endotracheal Stenting. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2015; 17(2): 119-121
32. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, The Relationship Between Attitudes and Social Profiles of Relatives of Patients Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation, Bakırköy Medical Journal 2013;9:152-158
33. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. The Effect of Informing on the Levels of Knowledge and Attitudes towards Organ Transplantation and Donation of Senior High School Students in Zeytinburnu District of Altın, Intensive Care Journal 2012; 3: 27-35, DOI: 10.5152/dcbybd.2012.08
34. A. Sayar, N. Çıtak, S. Büyükkale, M. Metin, MZ Günlüoğlu, S. Kanbur, A. Demir, L. Dalar, MA Özgül, F. Koşar, S. Çıkrıkçıoğlu, A. Gürses, Sleeve carinal resection and reconstruction: surgical indication and results of carinal invasion by malignant tumors, Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (ISI) 2013 April;21(2):392-401
35. S. N. Sökücü, L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, S. Büyükkale, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, Tuberculosis Case Presented with a Solid Mass Lesion in the Lung, doi: 10.5505/respircase.2013.66376 RCR 2013; 2 – 1: 27 – 31
36. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Heart rate variability analysis of single channel electrocardiogram can help to differentiate high risk patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome-a study on diagnostic accuracy", Anadolu Journal of Cardiology (ISI), 331-338 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.5152/akd.2012.097. Epub 2012 Apr 6
37. L. Dalar, S. N. Sökücü, A. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, "Tuberculosis can mimic lung cancer: Case series", Turkish Toraks Journal, 2013; 14:30-5
38. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, "A Survey of the Opinions of Health Care Personnel Working in a Teaching Hospital on Organ Donation and Transplantation", Respiration, 84-92 pp ., 2012 , DOI:-
39. L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, AL Karasulu, N.Ürer, SN Sökücü, S. Altın, "Central airway obstruction due to malignant fibrous histiocytoma metastasis in a case with Mounier – Kuhn syndrome", Tuberculosis and Thorax Journal, 167-171 pp., 2012, DOI:-
40. A. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altin, N. D. Minister, S. N. Sokucu, "Semirigid Thoracoscopy in the Diagnosis of Pleural Effusion: The First Four Cases in Turkey", Journal of Tuberculosis and Thorax, 188-193 pp., 2011 , DOI: -
41. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, G. Günlüoğlu, SN Sökücü, EC Seyhan, G. Çamsarı, "Topical Mitomycin C Application in Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: A Case", Respiratory, 54-56 pp., 2011 , DOI :-
42. S. N. Remover, L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu, S. T. Önür, M. Tutar, S. Altın, "Eosinophilic pneumonia due to heroin inhalation", Turkish Thoracic Journal, 76-78 pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.5152/ttd.2012.18
43. SN Remover, AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, N. Fener, S. Altın, "Intrabronchial inflammatory tumor treated with Argon Plasma Coagulation and cryotherapy", Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (ISI), 652-655 pp., 2012, DOI: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2012.129
44. Dalar L, Karasulu AL, Altın S, Sökücü SN, Düger M, Urer N., "Diode laser therapy for endobronchial malignant melanoma metastasis leading bilateral main bronchus obstruction", Tuberk Toraks , 444-9 pp., 2010
45. L. Dalar, S. Üner, AL Karasulu, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, F. Ayyıldız, SN Sökücü, S. Altın, “Does Grief Cause Tuberculosis? The Relationship of Depression and Anxiety with Peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis ", Tur Toraks Der, 112-6 pp., 2010 , DOI: false
46. Karasulu AL, Altin S, Dalar L, Sökücü SN, Ozkan P., "Can hospitalization provide better compliance in smear positive tuberculosis patients?", Tuberk Toraks , 277-81 pp., 2009
47. A. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, "Tracheobronchial Stents", Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics, 21-8 pp., 2009
48. Karasulu L, Altin S, Dalar L, Sökücü S, Simşek N, "Two typical carcinoid cases treated by endobronchial approach", Tuberk Toraks, 212-7 pp., 2009
49. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, N. Kalkan, S. Sökücü, N. Şimşek, S. Altın, "The Diagnostic Value of Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125) in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Pleurisy", Turk Toraks Journal , 27-33 pp., 2008
50. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Öztürk, F. Atabey, H. Can, Arman Poluman, "Bronchial Artery Embolization in the Control of Massive Hemoptysis", Toraks Magazine, 47-51 pp., 2007
51. Altin S, Dalar L, Karasulu L, Cetinkaya E, Timur S, Solmazer N., "Resection of giant endobronchial hamartoma by electrocautery and cryotherapy via flexible bronchoscopy", Tuberk Toraks, 390-4 pp., 2007
52. Okutur SK, Elibol ZS, Paksoy F, Dalar L, Borlu F., "An atypical sarcoidosis case", Respiratory, 128-131 pp., 2006
53. Seçik F, Dalar L, Sarıyıldız S, Özel M, Hacıibrahimoğlu G, Aydoğmuş Ü, Büyükpınarbaşılı N, Poluman A, Bedirhan MA., "A case of bronchocentric granulomatosis", Toraks Journal, 264-266 pp., 2005
54. Dalar L, Atabey F, Ayyıldız F, Okutur SK, Sarıyıldız S, Kılıçkesmez N, Dodurgalı R, Can H, Poluman A., "The importance and value of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 23-25 pp. ., 2005
55. Dalar L, Atabey F, Okutur SK, Ayyıldız F, Sarıyıldız S, Kılıçkesmez N, Can H, Dodurgalı R, Poluman A, "Characteristics of inpatient pulmonary tuberculosis cases: a retrospective analysis", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 12-15 p., 2005
56. Dodurgalı R, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Küçükler K, Atabey F, Bes C, Can H, Şahin F, Ersoy ÇY, Poluman A., "A chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia with subacute clinic", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 53-55 p., 2005
57. Dodurgalı R, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Bes C, Can H, Küçükler K, Atabey F, Koç A, Ersoy ÇY, Poluman A., "Multiple staphylococcal abscess and empyema in a young adult patient", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 50- 52, pp., 2005
58. Küçükler FK, Ersoy ÇY, Okutur SK, Bes C, Şirin G, Kerimoğlu Ü, Öztürk S, Dalar L, Borlu F, "Reactive thrombocytosis secondary to infection in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 48- 52 pp., 2004
59. Güven S, Yılmaz E, Kutbay H, Sarıyıldız S, Dalar L, Poluman A., "The diagnostic value of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bronchioalveolar lavage", Eastern Journal of Medicine, 7-12 pp., 2004
60. Seçik F, Bes C, Dalar L, Okutur SK, Elibol ZS, Küçükler FK, Dodurgalı R, Atabey F, Can H, Poluman A., "Examination of one thousand and sixty-five cases with pulmonary tuberculosis.", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 18-20 pp., 2003
61. Atabey F, Bes C, Dalar L, Elibol ZS, Okutur SK, Küçükler FK, Seçik F, Poluman A, "A case of esophageal tuberculosis", ŞEH Medical Bulletin, 43-45 pp., 2003
62. Seçik F, Dalar L, Öztürk S, Dodurgalı R, Atabey F, Can H, Poluman A, "A rare cause of spontaneous pneumothorax: Histiocytosis X", Turkish Hospital Medical Journal, 14-16 pp., 2003
63. S. Altın, S. N. Remover, L. Dalar, A.L. Karasulu. Endobronchial Valve: A new method for lung volume reduction- First cases. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2011, Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2013 July;21(3):823-828
E. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings
1. L. Dalar, E. Eğilmez Morkoç, A. V. Öztürk, Z. Tuncel, A. R. Karacı. Main Airway obstruction and bronchoscopic treatment in children with congenital heart defect repair, 1st Congress of Pediatric Chest Diseases, Istanbul September 2016
2. U. Aka Aktürk, D. Ernam, B. Çağlayan, L. Dalar, N. Yılmaz Demirci, Are the Interventional Procedures Performed by Chest Diseases Assistants During Specialization Training Sufficient? 159 pp in Respiration 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
3. L. Dalar, E. Eğilmez Morkoç, A. V. Öztürk, Z. Tuncel, A. R. Karacı, Main airway obstruction and bronchoscopic treatment in children undergoing congenital heart defect repair Respiratory 2016 Proceedings 315 pp, October 2016, izmir
4. L. Dalar, A. V. Öztürk, Branched Silicone Stent in Right Main Bronchial Obstruction, 318 pp in Respiration 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
5. E. Ersoy, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, The Effect of Sleep Quality and Work Stress on Safe Drug Administration Behaviors of Emergency Nurses, 646 pp in Respiratory 2016 Proceedings, October 2016, İzmir
6. G. Kaya, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Don't Touch My Child!: Determining the Relationship Between Pediatric Nurses' Levels of Diagnosing the Symptoms and Risks of Child Abuse and Neglect and their Attitudes towards Sexual Abuse, in Respiratory 2016 Proceedings, 648 pp, October 2016, İzmir
7. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, Endobronchial metastasizing leiomyosarcoma case, 715 pp in the Proceedings of Respiratory 2016, October 2016, İzmir
8. M. Tarhan, A. Aydın, L. Dalar, How Smoking Affects Personal Image: A Questionnaire Study with Nurses, in the Turkish Thoracic Society 2016 Congress Proceedings, 209pp, April 2016 Antalya
9. Ozdemir, S.N. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, The potential role of neurophile/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio in the differentiation of stage I sarcoiodosis and tuberculous lymphadenopathy, in the Turkish Thoracic Society 2016 Congress Proceedings, 212pp, April 2016 Antalya
10. L. Dalar, H. S. Göksoy, F. Aktepe, Common Variable Immunodeficiency and Castleman's Disease in an Adult Case Presenting with Respiratory Failure, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, izmir
11. Altuntaş, A. Ş. Bengü, Z. Küskü Kiraz, C. Mertoğlu, L. Dalar, S. Usalp, Ç. Farmer, Newly Detected Essential Hypertension, Smoking With Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine and Ischemic Modified AlbuminRelationship Between Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, izmir
12. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Health of the Paramedic: The Effect of Nurses' Shift Work and Perceptions of the Working Environment on General Health Outcomes, in Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
13. S. Güven, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, How Much Do I Know? How Much Am I Applying?: A Study with Nurses on Tuberculosis Control Measures, in Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
14. S. Tural Önür, İ. Önür, S. N. Sökücü, S. Aydın, L. Dalar, E. B. Karaayvaz, S. Emet, C. Özdemir, E. Çetinkaya, Tp-Te Interval Variability in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings in October 2015, İzmir
15. Ağtaş Şahin, M. Tarhan, A. Şahin, L. Dalar, Knowledge Levels and Attitudes of Nursing Students at a University about Electronic Cigarettes, in the Proceedings of Respiration 2015, October 2015, izmir
16. Çevik, A. V. Öztürk, M. Üçer, M. E. Açık, G. Dedebek, S. Koçulu, L. Dalar, Bronchoscopic Lavage in the Diagnosis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis, Respiration in 2015 proceedings book October 2015, izmir
17. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, Fluoroscopy in Airway Strictures and Metallic Stent with Rigid Bronchoscope Without Guide,
18. Implementation in the Proceedings of Respiration 2015, October 2015, İzmir
19. L. Dalar, N. Güdücü, Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia and Billionaire Tuberculosis in Pregnant Women with In Vitro Fertilization, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, izmir
20. C. Özdemir, S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, Levent Dalar, A Case of Plastic Bronchitis Considered as Foreign Body Aspiration, Respiratory 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, İzmir
21. V. Öztürk, T. Özçelik, M. Arat, H. S. Göksoy, S. Koçulu, E. Çevik, A. Ordu, L. Dalar, The Role of Bronchoscopy in Patients with Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. (Retrospective Study.), In Respiration 2015 Proceedings, October 2015, İzmir
22. Şahin, M. Tarhan, E. Agtaş Şahin, L. Dalar, Should There be Smoking Cessation Counseling in Physical Therapy Education?: Student Perspective, in Respiration 2015 proceedings book, October 2015, İzmir
23. Aydın, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, Dr. What Google Says About the Flu Vaccine. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
24. S. Tural Önür, S. N. Sökücü, L. Dalar, K. Kara, S. Büyükkale, S. Altın. Are neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio reliable parameters as prognostic indicators in malignant mesothelioma? 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
25. E. Ersoy, M. Tarhan, L. Dalar. Quitting Smoking: Analysis of Twitter Accounts. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
26. Ahsen Gülizar Kaya, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar Are Smartphone Applications Functional for Quitting Smoking?. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Oral presentation, April 2015, Antalya
27. Gul Dabak, Levent Dalar, Erdal Tasci, Stephen Clark. Lung Transplantation in Turkey: Projection of a Survey Study. Controversial poster. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
28. Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. What Was Written About Influenza in the Top 10 Most Read Turkish Newspapers: Analysis of 2014. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
29. Şeyma Özden, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. YouTube™ Videos About Asthma. 18th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, April 2015, Antalya
30. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Seda Tural Önür, Nihal Wide, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu Tracheal bronchus that was found incidentally in a postintubation tracheal stenosis case. 18. Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, Poster presentation, April 2015, Antalya
31. S.N. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, L. Dalar, Ş. Aydin, L. Karasulu. Does CPAP titration method or titration night satisfaction affect long-term device compliance? In the proceedings of the 15th National Sleep Medicine Congress, November 2014, Dalaman
32. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Airway Stents: Indications, Complications and Challenges. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir
33. Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Merve Tarhan, Sedat Altın. Interventional Pulmonology: The Single Center Experience. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir
34. Filiz Koşar, Levent Dalar, Pelin Uysal, Emel Eryüksel, Aybüke Kekeçoğlu Prognosis in Patients with Active Tuberculosis Requiring Intensive Care Monitoring. Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
35. Seda Tural Önür, Sinem Sökücü, Levent Dalar, Ekrem Cengiz Seyhan, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sedat Altın. Are Soluble IL-2 Receptors and IL12p40 Functional in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleurisy in Serum and Pleural Effusion? Respiratory 2014 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
36. Emine Altuntaş, Levent Dalar, Selen Yurdakul, Özlem Soğukpınar, Önder Demiröz, Çavlan Çiftçi. Presence and Efficacy of COPD in Patients Performed Coronary AngiographyNext: A Cross-sectional Study Controversial Poster Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
37. Özcan Hançer, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. Cost Analysis in Patients with COPD Frequently Applying to the Emergency Department. Controversial Poster Respiration 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
38. Songül Akbaş Gökduman, Merve Tarhan, Abdulkadir Ayan, Levent Dalar. Knowledge Levels of Nurses about the Care of Patients with Thorax Tubes: A Descriptive Study. Controversial Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
39. Merve Tarhan, Özcan Hançer, Levent Dalar, “I'm More Urgent!”: A Retrospective Study of Emergency Applications in a Chest Diseases Hospital. Controversial poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
40. Mehtap Üçer, Çetin Ordu, Kezban Nur Nur Pilancı, Levent Dalar. Treatment of Tracheomediastinal Fistula and Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) in a Case with Lung Adenocarcinoma. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
41. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Gönenç Ortaköylü. Late Resolving Pneumonia in a Case with Operated Larynx Carcinoma Poster Respiration 2014 Congress, Oral Presentation, October 2014, İzmir.
42. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Hilal Onaran Boyacı, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Foreign Body Aspiration in a Patient with Schizophrenia. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
43. Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Tayfun Elibol, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Does Foreign Body Aspiration Mislead the Bronchoscopyist? Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
44. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Tayfun Elibol, Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar. Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma in the Differential Diagnosis of Asthma. Poster. Respiratory 2014 Congress, October 2014, İzmir.
45. Merve Tarhan, Ozcan Hancer, Levent Dalar. Determining the Skills of Using Inhaler Medicines and Home Devices of COPD Patients Who Apply to the Emergency Department Frequently 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
46. Ozcan Hancer, Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar. Determination of the Frequency of Vaccination in COPD Patients who Admitted to Emergency. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
47. Aybuke Kekecoğlu, Levent Dalar, Derya Ozden Omaygenc, Ecder Ozenc, Filiz Koşar. Intensive care support in patients with thoracic and extrathoracic malignant tumors: Indications and survival. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
48. Levent Dalar, Serkan Guvenc, Emine Tulay Ozcelik, Mutlu Arat. Sudden left total atelectasis in a case of acute myelod leukemia who underwent allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
49. Ahmet Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Cengiz Ozdemir, Sinem Sokucu, Sedat Altın. Modified External Fixation Technique for the Prevention of Stent Migration in the Treatment of Benign Tracheal Stenosis. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
50. Cengiz Ozdemir, Ahmet Levent Karasulu, Levent Dalar, Sinem Sokucu, Nihal Wide, Sedat Altın. The Use of Silicone Self-Expandable Stents in the Treatment of Tracheal Stenosis Associated with Posttraumatic Tracheal Fracture. 17th Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress, poster presentation, April 2014, Antalya
51. Levent Dalar, Merve Tarhan, Ozcan Hancer. Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in chest diseases emergency: use and approach of wells clinical scoring method. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
52. Merve Tarhan, Özcan Hançer, Levent Dalar, Songül Akbaş, Fulya Polat. COPD patients frequently apply to the ED: where is the problem? What should be done? A survey study. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
53. Levent Dalar, Filiz Koşar Bronchoscopy in intensive care: indications, complications and safety. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Oral presentation, October 2013, İzmir
54. Özcan Hançer, Fulya Polat, Merve Tarhan, Songül Akbaş, Levent Dalar, Knowledge levels of nurses working in a training and research hospital about non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Respiratory 2013 Congress, Controversial poster, October 2013, İzmir
55. O. Hançer, C. Yavuz, M. Tarhan, F. Polat, L. Dalar, Risks and knowledge levels faced by personnel working with medical waste, in the 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
56. Polat, M. Tarhan, Ö. Hançer, L. Dalar, Violence against nurses in the emergency room by patients and their relatives, in the 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
57. M. Tarhan, M. Batmaz, L. Dalar, Ö. Hançer, F. Polat, Comparison of nurses' perceptions of diversity climate working in different health institutions, in 14th National Nursing Congress proceedings, October 2013 Bodrum
58. Ahmet Selim Yurdakul, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk, Hülya Bayız, Soner Gürsoy, Ahmet Bircan, Ayşenaz Özcan, Atilla Akkoçlu, Funda Uluorman, Pınar Çelik, Deniz Köksal, Bahar Ulubaş, Eylem Özgür Sercan, Ömer Özbudak, Tuncay Göksel, Tuğba Önalan, Esra Yamansavci, Figen Turk, Gokhan Yuncu, Cigdem Copuraslan, Tugba Mardal, Esin Tuncay, Altemur Karamustafaoğlu, Pınar Yıldız, Funda Seçik, Muhammet Ali Kaplan, Emel Çağlar, Mediha Gönenç Ortaköylü, Mine Önal, Akif Turna, Evlin Hekimoğlu, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altın, Meral Gülhan, Evrim Action Akpınar, İsmail Savaş, Nalan Demir Euphrates. Patient and Doctor Delay in Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Turkey. (Oral presentation) Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013.
59. Nur Dilek Minister, Songül Büyükkale, Adalet Demir, Özgür İşgörücü, Derya Gencer, Serda Kanbur, Levent Dalar, Nur Ürer, Adnan Sayar. Medical complications following lung transplantation. (Oral presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
60. Ayşegül Erinç, Ayşe Filiz Koşar, Levent Dalar, Hatice Kutbay Özçelik Effects of Subglottic Secretion Drainage Intubation Tubes on Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Prevention. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
61. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Nurdan Şimşek Veske, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Songül Büyükkale, Özgür İşgörücü, Sedat Altın. Erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) and mean platelet volume (MPV) value in the differentiation of granulomatous hilar and mediastinal lymphadenitis due to tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
62. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Sedat Altın. A case of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia that improved with Macrolide treatment. (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
63. Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Cengiz Özdemir, Levent Dalar, Levent Karasulu, Ekrem Cengiz Seyhan, Şenay Aydın, Sedat Altın Mean Platelet Volume; A Weight Indicator For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Or Is It Just Exaggerated? (Poster presentation)Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013
64. L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, F. Koşar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, In the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings booklet of the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association, "In situ in a case who underwent partial laryngectomy thirty years ago." tracheal carcinoma and progressive pulmonary fibrosis with aspiration pneumonitis", 502 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
65. L. Dalar, B. Karaokur Akkök, F. Koşar, S. Altın, Turkish Respiratory Research Association 34. National Congress conference, in the "Respiration 2012" booklet, "Tracheal laceration as a rare complication of elective endotracheal intubation and silicone stent insertion." treatment: Two cases", 428 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
66. L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, "Effectiveness of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in diffuse alveolar hemorrhage requiring intensive care hospitalization", 360 pp. Turkey, October 2012
67. F. Şahin, L. Dalar, E. Aynacı, P. Yıldız, "Endobronchial Hamartoma Cases" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association, 306 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
68. L. Dalar, A. Uysal, M. January, "Respiratory function test results of workers working in a heavy metal factory: Smoking may potentiate non-toxic exposure" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association. , 205 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
69. L. Dalar, A. Uysal, I. Taş, "Respiratory function test screening results of normal chest X-ray workers working in a ceramics factory: Is the department a risk factor for obstructive disease?", 204 pp. Turkey, October 2012
70. C. Kutlu Taşkıran, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, "Cognitive functions in COPD acute exacerbation cases and their relation with exacerbation prognosis" in the "Respiratory 2012" proceedings book within the 34th National Congress of Turkish Respiratory Research Society, 157 pp. , Izmir, Turkey, October 2012
71. TÜSAD Interventional Pulmonology Working Group, Ergun Tozkoparan, Benan Çağlayan, Levent Dalar, Semra Bilaçeroğlu, Ahmet Illgazlı, "Bronchoscopy applications in Turkey: A survey study" in the "Respiratory 2012" paper within the 34th National Congress of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association. , 40 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
72. H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Büyükkale, A. Demir, L. Dalar, S. Kanbur, Ö. İşgörücü, N. D. Minister, Turkey Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association IX. "The use of donors in a lung transplant center: our first experiences" in the "Transplantation'12" booklet within the congress conference, 49 pp., Bursa, Turkey, September 2012
73. L. Dalar, M. Tarhan, A. Akbaş, SN. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Establishing a lung transplant program in the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society" in the booklet of the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress".To whom should the private transfer be made, what do the urgent applications show?", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
74. L. Dalar, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Risk factors in community-acquired P. jiroveceii pneumonia requiring intensive care hospitalization" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
75. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN. Sökücü, C. Özdemir, S. Tural Önür, B. Akkök, M. Metin, A. Sayar, MA. Bedirhan, A. Gürses, S. Altın, "Bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of postoperative bronchopleural fistula" in the booklet of "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
76. L. Dalar, SN.Sökücü, L. Karasulu, R. Çelik, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" paper within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress conference "Endobronchial treatment of a rare tumor-tracheal schwannoma" in the booklet, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
77. S. Tural Önür, L. Dalar, SN. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, R. Çelik, A. Akbaş, N. Şimşek Veske, S. Altın, "Primary causes of central airway obstruction" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress conference tracheal B-cell lymphoma case", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
78. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, SN. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, C. Özdemir, S. Altay, S. Altın, "Tracheobronchomalacia and dynamic airway collapse in adults" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society bronchoscopic approach in treatment", - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
79th SN. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, A. Akbaş, "Six-month follow-up results of our endobronchial valve patients" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" booklet within the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
80th SN. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, C. Özdemir, EC. Seyhan, S. Aydın, S. Altın, "The effect of hypoxia on glucose metabolism in patients with a diagnosis of non-diabetic obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea" in the "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress" within the framework of the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
81. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Tural Önür, S. Sökücü, A. Akbaş, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference within the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" booklet "Endobronchial carcinoid bronchoscopic approach in the treatment of tumors", 264 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
82. L. Dalar, AL. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, S. Tural Önür, A. Akbaş, S. Altay, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference, in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings booklet "Bronchoscopic treatment in benign tumors of the tracheobronchial tree ", 263 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
83. L. Dalar, AL. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, H. Akın, Y. Sönmezoğlu, A. Demir, S. Çuhadaroğlu, S. Altın, TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference within the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory Respiratory Conference" 2011", "Bronchoscopic lobar embolization with endobronchial Watanabe spigot in the control of massive hemoptysis", 262 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
84. L. Dalar, E. Eryuksel, AL. Karasulu, F. Koşar, S. Altın, "Early tracheal stenosis as a cause of extubation failure and ventilator dependence" in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference, 161 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
85. L. Dalar, H. Caner, E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, "Effective in pregnant with asthma with community-acquired pneumonia and hypoxic respiratory failure" in the "TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 33rd National Congress Respiratory 2011 conference noninvasive mechanical ventilation application", 160 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2011
86. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Transplantation 2011 TONKKD VIII. "The relationship between the attitudes and social profiles of the relatives of the patients about organ donation and transplantation" in the "Transplantation 2011" booklet within the scope of the congress conference, 52 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2011
87. M. Tarhan, L. Dalar, H. Yıldırımoğlu, A. Sayar, S. Altın, Within the scope of Transplantation 2011 conference, "Opinions of health personnel working in a training and research hospital on organ transplantation and donation" in the "Transplantation 2011 TONKKD VIII. Congress" booklet ", 51 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2011
88. L Dalar, F Koşar, E Eryüksel, L Karasulu, S Sökücü, S Altın, "Watanabe Spigot in the treatment of bronchopleural fistula due to tuberculosis" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 11 Appendix 1" paper within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society,- pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
89. L Dalar, S Altın, E Eryüksel, F Koşar, L Karasulu, S Sökücü, "Alveoloscopy in the diagnosis of Pneumocytis carinii pneumonia" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 11 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
90. E. Eryüksel, F. Koşar, L. Dalar, "Prognosis in Tuberculosis Patients Requiring Intensive Care Hospitalization" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, SS339 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
91. S Altın, L Kılıç, L Dalar, AL Karasulu, SN Sökücü, EC Seyhan, "Implications from Our 3-Year Bronchoscopy Results" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 11 Appendix 1" booklet within the 14th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, - pp ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
92. L. Dalar, F. Koşar, E. Eryüksel, N. Ulukol, Follow-up of Patients with Major Hemoptysis in the Intensive Care Unit in the "Turkish Journal of Thoracic Journal Volume 11 Appendix 1" within the 14th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society: A Retrospective Study ", P165 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
93. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Altın, S. Sökücü, "Can Benign Tracheal Stenosis be Treated Endoscopically? Yedikule Series" in the proceedings booklet "Toraks Journal Vol 10 Appendix 1" within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. , 21 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
94. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, ST Önür, "Does CPAP titration method affect CPAP acceptance?" , 23-24 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
95. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "Diode laser in the endoscopic treatment of airway diseases: Two years of experience" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 167-168 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
96th E.C. Seyhan, OK Köksalan, G. Günlüoğlu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, E. Çetinkaya, "Tuberculin skin test in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and the Relationship of Quantiferon-TB Gold test with clinical and radiological findings", 24 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
97. SN Sökücü, S. Altın, N. Ürer, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, N. Fener, L. Karasulu, A. Turna, C. Kocatürk, L. Dalar, within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Turkish Thoracic Journal" Volume 10 Appendix 1", "Carcinosarcoma of the Lung - Evaluation of six patients", 181-181 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
98. SN Sökücü, S. Altın, E. Çetinkaya, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, EC Seyhan, within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet "In multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis" the experience of our clinic", 555 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
99. E.Yentürk, E. Tural, D. Kanmaz, Ö. Yılmaz, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, E. Tuncay, "Two carcinoid cases with atypical symptoms" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 56 pp., Istanbul, Turkey , May 2010
100. D. Kanmaz, S. Altun, E. Yentürk, L. Dalar, C. Kocatürk, F. Atabey, MA Bedirhan, within the scope of the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" in the proceedings booklet " Endobronchial Hamartoma Case", 109 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
101. S Altın, S Çıkrıkçıoğlu, H Özyurt, F Koşar, E Çetinkaya, L Karasulu, L Dalar, "Our 30 Years of Experience in Bronchoscopy Education" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" booklet within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society , 52 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
102. SN Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, EC Seyhan, S. Altın, "Transbronchial needle aspiration under the guidance of Endobronchial Ultrasound" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 426 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
103. S. N. Sökücü, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. T. Önür, p. Altın, "A new instrument in lung volume reduction, endobronchial valve" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 10 Appendix 1" paper within the 13th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 365 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2010
104. M. A. Bedirhan, L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, B. Ö. Çakır, "External – Surgical Fixation of Silicone Stent Due to High Subglottic Tracheal Stenosis in a Case with Guillane-Barre" in the "Respiratory Volume 12 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATION 2010 conference, 73 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
105. Füsun Şahin, Levent Dalar, Engin Aynacı, Onur Kum, Pınar Yıldız, within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATION 2010 conference, "Br.A Case of Foreign Body Aspiration Mimicking an Inch Carcinoma", 64 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
106. MG Ortaköylü, A. Bahadır, F. Alkan, E. Çağlar, E. Korucu, L. Dalar, A Case of Secondary Localized Pulmonary Amyloidosis in the "Respiratory Volume 12 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the scope of TÜSAD 32nd NATIONAL CONGRESS - RESPIRATORY 2010 conference ", 155 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2010
107. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, SN Sökücü, ZN Ulukol, N. Solmazer, "Straight stent in malignant airway obstruction" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol. Yedikule experience", 143 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
108. L. Dalar, AL Karasulu, S. Altın, ZN Ulukol, SN Sökücü, P. Karadağ, A. Gençoğlu, within the scope of the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet "Holding the carina Efficiency of Y stent in malignant airway obstruction: Yedikule experience", 144 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
109. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, C. Kocatürk, F. Koşar, within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress conference, "Benign Endoscopic approach in the treatment of tracheal stenosis: Yedikule experience", 144 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
110. S. Altın , MA Uysal , L. Kılıç , L. Dalar , A. Tekin, The Cost of Inpatient COPD Patients in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society Analysis", 101 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
111. MA Uysal , S. Altın , V. Yılmaz , L. Dalar , EC SEYHAN , H. CAN, to the "Third Level Chest Diseases Hospital" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" proceedings book within the scope of the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society Disease Burden of Applicants and Those Diagnosed with COPD - A Cross-sectional Study", 221 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
112. AL Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Altın, G. Günlüoğlu, EC Seyhan, G. Çamsarı, SN Sökücü, within the scope of the Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress conference, "Tracheobronkopatia Osteochondroplasticada" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet local application of mitomycin C: A case", 52 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
113. EC Seyhan, H. Abalı, SN Sökücü, L. Dalar, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, S. Altın, Turkish Thoracic Society 12th Annual Congress within the scope of the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" booklet "Resected small cell extracellular EGFR expression in lung cancer and its relationship with survival", 237 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
114. L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, S. Sökücü, L. Dalar, A. Uysal, S. Altın, "Heart rate variability variability" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol 9 Appendix 1" paper within the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. Comparison of patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome and normal population in terms of data", 190 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2009
115. S. Yurt, L. Dalar, H. Özçelik, A. Kekeçoğlu, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, AF Koşar, "A Rare Benign Tumor" in the "Respiratory Volume 11 Appendix 2" booklet within the scope of TÜSAD 31st National Congress - Respiratory 2009 conference A Case of Endobronchial hamartoma with Rigid Bronchoscopy and Treatment with Argon Plasma and Cryo Method", 67 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2009
116. L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, "The frequency of restless legs syndrome in stable COPD cases" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 8 Appendix 1" paper within the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 118 pp. ., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
117. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "Stable COPD" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 8 Appendix 1" booklet within the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. The relationship between depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory markers", 150 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
118. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, S. Sökücü, O. Tankaya, O. Karamustafalıoğlu, S. Altın, "With Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Volume 9 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of the 11th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. The Relationship of Anxiety and Depression with Cytokine Levels and Peripheral T Lymphocyte Subtypes in Patients", PS8 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
119. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, S. Sökücü, "Our Cases of Postintubation Tracheal Stenosis Treated by Endobronchial Way" in the "Turkish Thoracic Journal Vol. pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2008
120. P. Özkan, L. Karasulu, EC Seyhan, S. Sökücü, S. Altın, L. Dalar, "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ( Corrective Effect of APAP on Impaired Autonomic Nervous System Function in Patients with OSASComparison of a person with CPAP", 85 pp., Antalya, Istanbul, April 2007
121. S. Altın, L. Karasulu, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, E. Çetinkaya, A. Gençoğlu, P. Özkan, within the scope of the 10th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, "Therapeutic Our First Experiences in Bronchoscopy", 166 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2007
122. L. Karasulu, S. Altın, L. Dalar, SN Sökücü, N. Şimşek, Two Typical Carcinoid Tumor Cases Treated by the Endobronchial Way in the "Toraks Journal Vol 8 Appendix 2" paper within the 10th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society. ", 113 pp., Antalya 2007, April 2007
123. L. Karasulu, A. Uysal, L. Dalar, S. Altın, Ç. Çuhadaroğlu, "CPAP Variability in Long-Term Follow-up in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients (OSAS)" in the "Toraks Journal Vol 7 Appendix 1" within the 9th Annual Congress conference of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 26 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
124. L. Karasulu, P. Özkan, L. Dalar, S. Altın, A. Uysal, C. Seyhan, S. Timur, within the scope of the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Vol 7 Appendix 1" in the proceedings booklet " The Use of Partial Parameters and the Diagnostic Value of Nocturnal Oximetry in the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)", 134 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
125. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, Ü. Çetinçelik, E. Aynacı, V. Köksal, S. Timur, "The Relationship of Arg753Gln Mutation in Toll-like 2 Receptors with Tuberculosis Disease" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 7 Appendix 1" booklet within the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 148 pp. , Antalya, Turkey, April 2006
126. L. Dalar, L. Karasulu, M. Bayraktaroğlu, S. Altın, Ü. Çetinçelik, S. Timur, P. Özkan, V. Köksal, "The Relationship of Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Polymorphism with Tuberculosis Disease" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 7 Appendix 1" booklet within the 9th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, 149 pp., Antalya , Istanbul, April 2006
127. S. Sarıyıldız, R. Dodurgalı, M. Kafi, L. Cansever, N. Ürer, L. Dalar, N. Kılıçkesmez, M. Tutar, F. Atabey, H. Can, M. Bedirhan, A. Poluman, "The Importance and Value of TC-99M MIBI SPECT Analysis in the Mediastinal Lymph Node Staging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer", 91 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2005, in the "Toraks Journal Vol.
128. H. Can, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, C. Kocatürk, F. Seçik, A. Çevik, M. Bedirhan, A. Poluman, Within the 8th Annual Congress of the Thoracic Society, "Toraks Journal Volume 6 Appendix 1" "Not All Wheezing Is Asthma. A Case Of Tracheal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma", 83 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2005
129. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, M. Özel, G. Hacıibrahimoğlu, Ü. Aydoğmuş, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, A. Poluman, M. Bedirhan, "A case of bronchocentric granulomatosis" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 5 Appendix 1" booklet within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society, 66 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
130. F. Atabey, F. Ayyıldız, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, A. Şentürk, N. Kılıçkesmez, H. Yücel, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society conference "Characteristics of our inpatient pulmonary tuberculosis cases" in the "Toraks Journal Vol 5 Appendix 1" booklet, 198 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
131. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, S. Güven, E. Yılmaz, H. Kutbay, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society Conference "Toraks magazine Vol. 5 Appendix 1", "Irreversible way: A retrospective review of our COPD cases", 214 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
132. F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, A. Poluman, "Bronchial artery embolization in the control of massive hemoptysis" in the "Toraks Journal Volume 4 Appendix 1" booklet within the 6th Annual Congress of the Thoracic Society, 43 pp., Antalya , Turkey, April 2003
133. A. Poluman, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, F. Atabey, H. Can, F. Seçik, F. Şahin, S. Öztürk, 1st Asthma and Rhinitis Days conference "Respiratory Volume 6 Issue 4 Special Issue "The effect of intranasal corticosteroid therapy on respiratory functions in patients with allergic rhinitis", 220 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2004
134. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazici Ersoy, Emine Gulturk, M. Kemahli, Ö. Kınık, D. Gürbüz, L. Dalar, F. Borlu, 7th National Internal Diseases Congress within the conference "7th National Internal Diseases Congress Speeches and Free Papers" in the proceedings book "14- Upper gastrointestinal system bleeding with and without emergency endoscopic intervention examination of our cases", 191 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
135. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, C. Bes, G. Erol, S. Öztürk, L. Dalar, H. Aniktar, F. Borlu, within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference, in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" booklet "Upper gasAnalysis of our cases with trointestinal bleeding.", 188 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
136. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, C. Bes, D. Gürbüz, G. Erol, L. Dalar, FK Küçükler, F. Borlu, in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference " Evaluation of our hospitalized patients for pancytopenia examination.", 211 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
137. S. K. Okutur, C. Yazıcı Ersoy, F. Paksoy, E. Gültürk, L. Dalar, F. Borlu, within the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference "Acute isoniazid intoxication: Convulsion, rhabdomyolysis" in the "7th National Internal Medicine Congress Speeches and Free Papers" booklet and metabolic acidosis.", 197 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
138. F. K. Küçükler, S. K. Okutur, L. Dalar, Ç. Yazıcı Ersoy, M. Kemahlı, F. Borlu, E. Gümüş, B. Altay, "Peochromocytoma and Wolf-Parkinson-White" in the proceedings booklet of "7th National Congress of Internal Medicine Speeches and Free Papers" within the scope of the 7th National Internal Medicine Congress conference syndrome case.", 174-175 pp., Antalya, Turkey, September 2005
139. A. Poluman, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, H. Can, F. Atabey, F. Şahin, F. Seçik, S. Öztürk, 1st Asthma and Rhinitis Days conference "Respiratory Volume 6 Issue 4 Special Issue "Comparison of the efficacy of salmeterol/fluticasone propionate and formoterol/budesonide combinations in mild and moderate persistent bronchial asthma.", 221 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2004
140. L. Dalar, A. Poluman, S. Üner, S. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, F. Ayyıldız, "XII. National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Program and Summary Book" within the framework of the 12th National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress conference "The relationship between depression and anxiety and peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulation in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis.", 43 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2004
141. R. Dodurgalı, S. Sarıyıldız, L. Dalar, N. Kılıçkesmez, S. Güven, F. Ayyıldız, F. Atabey, S. Öztürk, A. Poluman, Within the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Vol. 5 Appendix 1", "Retrospective evaluation of inoperable lung carcinomas between 1999-2002", 122 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
142. F. Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Ayyıldız, A. Şentürk, p. Sarıyıldız, N. Kılıçkesmez, R. Dodurgalı, F. Şahin, F. Seçik, H. Can, A. Poluman, The use of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the "Toraks Journal Volume 5 Appendix 1" booklet within the scope of the 7th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society. importance and value", 27 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2004
143. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, A. Poluman, "Pulmonary tuberculosis that gives the appearance of a mass radiologically." , Antalya, Turkey, April 2003
144. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, S. Öztürk, R. Dodurgalı, F. Atabey, H. Can, A. Poluman, Within the 6th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society conference, "Spontaneous A rare cause of pneumothorax: Histiocytosis X", 102 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2003
145. F.Atabey, L. Dalar, F. Seçik, A. Poluman, 23. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress within the conference "XXIII. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress Congress Book" in the proceedings booklet "3- An endobronchial and esophageal tuberculosis phenomenon", 138 pp., Malatya, Turkey, April 2003
146. F. Seçik, L. Dalar, R. Dodurgalı, F.Atabey, H. Can, A. Poluman, 23. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress within the conference "XXIII. National Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Congress Congress Book" in the proceedings booklet "Retrospective evaluation of our five-year pulmonary tuberculosis cases", 99 pp., Malatya, Turkey, April 2003
147. S. Güven, E. Yılmaz, H. Kutbay, F. Seçik, R.Dodurgalı, L. Dalar, S. Sarıyıldız, A. Poluman., within the 5th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society "Toraks Journal Volume 3 Appendix 1" " Diagnostic value of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Bronchial Lavage in the proceedings booklet.", 34-35 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2002
148- H. Kutbay, E. Yılmaz, S. Güven, F. Seçik, R. Dodurgalı, S. Sarıyıldız, L. Dalar, F. Atabey, A. Poluman, Within the 5th Annual Congress of Thoracic Society Conference "Toraks Journal Vol. 3 Appendix 1", "The importance of complement C3 and C4 in the differential diagnosis of pleural effusions", 165 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2002
Duties Performed in Projects
Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology Editor-in-Chief 2017-2018
Journal of Medicine Academic Editor (SCI)
Lung (SCI) journal refereeing
Respiratory Care (SCI) journal refereeing
BMC Pulmonary Medicine Journal refereeing
Thorax (SCI) journal refereeing
Reviewer of the Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Medical Science Monitor (SCI) journal refereeing
CHEST 2015 Congress Paper refereeing
CHEST 2016 World Congress paper refereeing
Respiratory Journal Associate Editor 2012-2016
Izmir Chest Hospital Journal Advisory Board Member
Respiratory Case Reports Journal Advisory Board Member
Turkey Clinics Advisory Board Member
Administrative Duties
President of Turkish Chest Diseases Proficiency Board Examination Commission 2016-present
Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine Head of Chest Diseases Department 2013-2018
Turkish Respiratory Research Association, Member of the Central Executive Board 2013-2016
Turkish Respiratory Research Association Interventional Pulmonology Working Group Vice President 2014-2016
Head of Interventional Pulmonology Working Group of Turkish Respiratory Research Association 2020-present
Member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Turkish Respiratory Research Association 2013-2017
4. European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Organizing committee and scientific advisory board member 2017
39th National Congress of Turkish Respiratory Research Association, Respiratory 2017, Organizing Committee Member
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Purchasing Commission Member (2008-2013)
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Unit (2008-2013)
Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital Transplantation Internal President (2008-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Society 33rd National Congress, Respiratory 2011, Organization Committee Member
Respiratory Journal Editorial Secretary (2011-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Association Interventional Pulmonology Working Group Secretary (2011-2013)
Turkish Thoracic Society Lung Transplant Working Group Secretary (2009-2011)
Turkish Thoracic Society Lung Transplant Working Group Executive Board Member (2011-2013)
Turkish Respiratory Research Association 35th National Congress, Respiratory 2013, Organizing Committee Member
2nd European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (ECBIP) Organizing Committee and Scientific Advisory Board Member 2013
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP)
- Societé de Pnemologie de langue Française (SPLF)
- Groupe d'Endoscopie de langue française (GELF)
- International Association Against Lung Cancer (IASLC)
- Chest Association (FCCP)
- Turkish Thoracic Society
- Turkish Respiratory Research Association
- Turkish Immunology Association
- AL Karasulu, L Dalar, S Altın, G Günlüoğlu, EC Seyhan, G ÇamsarıI, SN Sökücü, "Local Mytomycin C Application in Tracobronkopatia Osteochondroplasticada: A Case" in the "-" paper of the 12th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, PS030 pp. , Antalya Turkey, 2009 (Poster Presentation First Prize)
- Establishing a lung transplant program Who should receive lung transplants in Turkey: What do emergency applications show? Levent Dalar, Merve Tarhan, Ayşegül Akbaş, Sinem Nedime Sökücü, Sedat Altın. Turkish Thoracic Society 15th National Congress, 2012 Lung Transplant Working Group Paper Award
- Pulmonary function test screening results of workers working in a heavy metal factory: Smoking can potentiate non-toxic exposure. Levent Dalar, Atilla Uysal, Metin Ocak, 34th National Congress of Turkish Respiratory Research Association, Respiratory 2012, Controversial Poster Award
- Levent DALAR, Esin Eğilmez Morkoç, Ali Vefa Öztürk, Zeliha Tuncel, Ali Rıza Karacı, Main airway obstruction and bronchoscopic treatment in children who underwent congenital heart defect repair Respiratory 2016 Congress Case Council First Prize
- Levent Dalar, Ayten Saraçoğlu, Cengiz Özdemir, Sinem Nedime Sökucu, Kezban Aydan Okuyucu, Kemal Tolga Saraçoğlu. Occlusion with endobronchial watanabe spigot for the management of critically ill patients with massive hemoptysis. Chest Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association 24. National Congress 2018. Best Poster Competition First Prize.
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