Prof. MD.
Nebil Yıldız
Liv Hospital Ulus
Areas of Interests
- Peripheral nerve disorders, electromyography
- Epilepsy, electroencephalography
- Sleep disorders, polysomnography
- Headache
- Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Movement Disorders,
- Botulinum toxin Applications
International Articles
- Subspeciality on Clinical Neurophysiology, Abant Izzet Baysal University / Ministry of Health, The Commision of the Subspecialties, 2011
- Speciality on Neurology, Department of Neurology, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, 1991
- MD, Istanbul University, Istanbul School of Medicine, 1985
- Şişli High school, 1979
- Liv Hospital Ulus 2018-Professor, Department of Neurology, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2015-2018
- Liv Hospital Ulus 2014- 2015 Professor, Department of Neurology, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2011-2014
- Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2005-2011
- Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2002-2005
- Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Sutcu Imam University , 2001
- Private SEP Medical EMG-EEG Center 1998-2001
- Department of Neurology, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, Chief Assistant 1994-1998
- Department of Neurology, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, Neurologist. 1992-1993
- Gulhane Military Academy of Medicine, Neurology Department, Neurologist, sub lieutenant, 1991-1992
- Department of Neurology, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, Resident/Assitant , 1987-1991
- Konya Ilgın Beykonak Primary Health Care Center, General Practitioner, 1986-1987
- Pitie Salpatriere University Hospital, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroophtalmology , 1990 (Observer)
- 2006-2007 Head of the University Hospital, AIBU
- 2002-2014 Director of the Neurology Department, AIBU
- 2016-1018 Director of the Neurology Department, AIBU
- 2017-2018 Head of the Ethics Commitee of Clinical Researchs, AIBU
- Mustafa Tahtacı , Nebil Yıldız, Harika Okutan, Serpil Kuyucu Yıldız. Nerve excitability in iron deficiency anemia: a prospective study. Neurol Sci Neurophysiol 2018; 35: 132-137
- Sule Aydin Turkoglu, Siddika Halicioglu, Fatma Sirmatel, Murside Yildiz, Nebil Yildiz, Serpil Yildiz. Vasculitis and neurobrucellosis: Evaluation of nine cases using radiologic findings. Brain and Behavior. 2018;8: (4)
- SA Turkoglu, MN Ogun, S Karabork, N Yildiz, S Yildiz. The association of Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with multiple sclerosis. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2018; 34 (3), 637-641.
- Tarik Eroglu, Sule Aydin Turkoglu, Elif Sultan Bolac, Serpil Yildiz, Nebil Yildiz Hemogram parameters in epilepsy may be indicators of chronic inflammation and hypoxemia. J Neurol Clin Neurosci. 2017;1(1):17-20.
- Elif Sultan BOLAC, Sule AYDIN TURKOGLU, Serpil YILDIZ, Nebil YILDIZ, Tarik EROGLU; Electrophysiological Study of Lateral and Medial Branches of Nervus Radialis Superficialis; Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 33:(1)# 47; 045-055, 2016
- Bektaş KORKMAZ, Serpil YILDIZ, Nebil YILDIZ. Unilateral Migrenli Hastalarda Boyun Sempatik Deri Yanıtları Sympathetic Skin Responses from the Neck Area in Patients with Unilateral Migraine Arch Neuropsychiatr 2015; 52: 151-6
- Altunrende B, Yildiz S, Cevik A, Yildiz N. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in restless legs syndrome:preliminary results. Neurol Sci. 2014 Jul; 35(7): 1083-8.
- Bes C, Altunrende B, Yılmaz Türkoğlu Ş, Yıldız N, Soy M. Parkinsonism in elderly rheumatoid arthritis patients. Clin Ter. 2014;165(1):19-21.
- Altunrende B, Yildiz S, Kandi B, Yildiz N. Sympathetic skin responses from the scalp evoked by electrical stimulation in seborrheic dermatitis. J Dermatol. 2013 Jun; 40 (6): 458-62.
- Kurt OK, Yildiz N. The importance of laboratory parameters in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013 Jun;24(4):371-4. doi: 10.1097/ MBC.0b013e32835d53d4.
- Sahin O, Yildiz S, Yildiz N, Yasar MF, Kaptanoglu E. Evaluation of autonomic nervous system dysfunction in fibromyalgia. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011; 57: 62-5.
- Sahin O, Yildiz S, Yildiz N. Cutaneous silent period in fibromyalgia. Neurological Research 2011 May; 33(4): 339-43
- Yıldız N, Turkoglu SA, Yıldız SK, Altunrende B. Presynaptic inhibition and disynaptic reciprocal 1a inhibition in Parkinson's Disease, The effect of the dopaminergic treatment. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish], 2010; 27 (3); 292-301.
- Yıldız N, Doğan N, Yıldız S, Altunrende B, Dikbaş O. The evaluation of small nerve fiber dysfunction with quantitative sensory testing in patients with type II diabetes mellitus without large fiber neuropathy, and normal values for thermal thresholds. Archives of Neuropsychiatry (Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi) 2010; 47: 223-9.
- Bugdayci G, Yildiz S, Altunrende B, Yildiz N, Alkoy S.Salivary alpha amylase activity in migraine patients. Auton Neurosci. 2010;155:121-4.
- Yildiz SK, Yildiz N, Korkmaz B, Altunrende B, Gezici AR, Alkoy S. Sympathetic skin responses from frontal region in Migraine Headache: A Pilot Study. Cephalalgia 2008; 28: 696-704.
- Baykan B, Ertas M, Karli N, Akat-Aktas S, Uzunkaya O, Zarifoglu M, Siva A, Saip S; the MIRA-Neurology Study Group. The burden of headache in neurology outpatient clinics in Turkey. Pain Pract. 2007; 7(4): 313-23.
- Karlı N, Ertaş M, Baykan B, Uzunkaya O, Saip S, Zarifoğlu M, Siva A and MIRA study group The validation of ID migraine™ screener in neurology outpatient clinics in Turkey, The Journal of Headache and Pain (2007), Volume 8, Number 4, 217-223, DOI: 10.1007/s10194-007-0397-4
- Ertaş M, Baykan B , Tuncel D, Gökçe M, Gökçay F, Şirin H, Deniz O, Öztürk V, İdiman F, Karlı N, Zarifoğlu M, Yıldız N7, Siva A, Saip S, Göksan B, Ak F, Aluçlu U, Duman T, Melek İM, Bulut S, Berilgen S, MIRA-3 Study Group, A comparative ID migraine™ screener study in ophthalmology, ENT and neurology out-patient clinics, Cephalalgia Volume 29, Issue 1, pages 68-75, January 2009
- Yildiz SK, Koybasi S, Turkoglu SA, Yildiz N, Korkmaz B, Akyurek F. Sympathetic skin responses from postauricular region in Meniere’s disease. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007; 118(9):1991-8.
- Yildiz SK, Turkoglu SA, Yildiz N, Ozturk A,Tore F. Sympathetic skin responses of the face and neck evoked by electrical stimulation. Autonomic Neuroscience:Basic and Clinical. 2007; 134(1-2): 85-91.
- Yildiz S, Bademkiran F, Yildiz N, Aydogdu I, Uludag B, Ertekin C. Facial motor cortex plasticity in patients with unilateral peripheral facial paralysis. NeuroRehabilitation 2007; 22(2):133-40.
- Tamer A, Yildiz S, Yildiz N, Kanat M, Gunduz H, Tahtaci M, Celebi H. The prevalence of neuropathy and relationship with risk factors in diabetic patients: a single-center experience. Med Princ Pract 2006; 15(3): 190-4.
- Yildiz N, Ertekin C, Ozdemirkıran T, Yildiz SK, Aydogdu I, Uludag B, Secil Y.Corticonuclear innervation to facial muscles in normal controls and in patients with central facial paresis. Journal of Neurology, 2005; 252: 429-435.
- Ertekin C, Bademkıran F, Yıldız N, Ozdedeli K, Altay B, Aydogdu I, Uludag B, Central and peripheral motor conduction to cremasteric muscle. Muscle Nerve, 2005; 31: 349-354.
- Yıldız N, Yıldız S, Ertekin C, Aydoğdu I, Uludag B. Changes in the perioral muscle responses to cortical TMS induced by decrease of sensory input and electrical stimulation to lower facial region. Clinical Neurophysiology 2004; 115: 2343-2349.
- Baslo MB, Yalınay P, Yıldız N, Ertaş M. Optimum trace count necessary for jitter calculation in single-fiber electromyography. Acta Neurol Scand 2003; 108: 262-266.
- Baslo MB, Yıldız N, Yalınay P, Ertaş M. Effect of triggering potential on calculations of jitter in single-fiber EMG. Muscle & Nerve 2002; 25(6):906-8.
- Baslo MB, Yildiz N, Ertaş M. Surface stimulation single-fiber electromyography in myasthenia gravis. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 2002;19(1): 73-6.
- Ertaş M, Baslo MB, Yıldız N, Yazıcı J, Öge AE. Concentric needle electrode for neuromuscular jitter analysis. Muscle & Nerve 2000; 23(5): 715-19.
- Case Reports (SCIE...):
- Altunrende ŞS, Canan A, Yıldız S, Yıldız N. Bilateral Thalamic Infarct: Occlusion of the Percheron Artery. Bilateral Talamik İnfarkt: Percheron Arteri Oklüzyonu. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2013;50:195-196.
- Altunrende B, Altunrende S, Yıldız S, Yıldız N. A case of Brucellosis with Multiple Neurological Complications (Çeşitli Nörolojik Komplikasyonlarla Seyreden Bir Bruselloz Olgusu). Archives of Neuropsychiatry (Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi)2012; 49:80-2.
- Altunrende B, Yıldız S, Yıldız N, Gürel K. Multiple Sclerosis and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A case Report. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2011; 48:224-6.
- Alicanoğlu.R, Canbakan B, Yildiz N, Arikan E, Kundur H, Bahtiyar K, Sayali E. DIDMOAD-Syndrome. Wien Med Wochenschr, 1994:144(4):78-81
Research Articles (Domestic 11)
- Şule Aydın Türkoğlu, Serpil Yıldız, Nebil Yıldız, Elif Sultan Bolaç. The Effect of Sympathetic Skin Responses Recorded from the Frontal Region in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease According to the Side of Involvement; J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. 2016; 23(1): 62-69 doi: 10.5455/jtomc.2015.3224
- Akyıldız K, Sercan M, Yıldız N, Çevik a, Kıyan A. Is Headache Only Headache? Thinking Man, J of Psych. Neurol Sci. 2015 ; 3; 28(1): 34-46
- Altunrende B, Bölük S, Yıldız S, Yıldız S, Yıldız N, Kurt EB. Sympathetic Skin Responses in Asthma Bronchiale Patients. Journal of AİBÜ İzzet Baysal Faculty of Medicine 2012; 7(1-2-3):33-39.
- Yildiz N, Altunrende B, Yildiz S. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of Neuropathic Pain. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology-Special Topics. 2010; 3(4):35-53.
- Yıldız SK, Yıldız N, Korkmaz B, Türkoğlu ŞA. The Role of Mixed Nerve Conduction in the Diagnosis of Ulnar Nerve Trap Neuropathy at the Elbow Level. Journal of AİBÜ İzzet Baysal Faculty of Medicine, 2005; (3): 132-137.
- Gündüz H, Arınç H, Tamer A, Yıldız S, Yıldız S, Yıldız N, Akdemir R, Uyan C. P Wave Dispersion in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. Journal of AİBÜ İzzet Baysal Faculty of Medicine, 2005; (2): 73-78.
- Kutlu MA, Yıldız N, Kuyucu S, Griladze H, Ömeroğlu A. Sympathetic skin responses in ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Taksim Hospital Medical Journal; 2002; 32,2, 24-29.
- Tanyeri S, Yildiz N, Kuyucu S. Examination of cases with cervical dystonia. Taksim Hospital Medical Journal. 2002; 32,2: 12-16.
- Erman N, Kuyucu S, Yıldız N, Griladze H, Bilge T. Comparison of different electrophysiologic methods in the evaluation of lumbosacral radiculopathies. Thinking Man, 2002; 15(1): 51-55.
- Ünalan H, Rezvani A, Karacan İ, Aydın N, Yıldız N, Koyuncu H, Karamehmetoğlu ŞS, Özkılıç S, Tuna H, Kokino S. Electrophysiological findings below the level of the lesion in patients with spinal cord injury. J Rheum Med Rehab; 2001:12(1):12-16.
- Kuyucu S, Yıldız N, Üstün S, Griladze H. Comparison of sensitive electrophysiologic methods in the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. Thinking Man, 2001; 14 (4): 227-231.
- Yalınay P, Baslo B, Yıldız N, Ertaş M. Unmodified concentric macro EMG. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 2000;17: 4.
Case Presentations (Domestic, 12)
- Şule Aydın Türkoğlu, Elif Sultan Bolaç, Tarık Eroğlu, Serpil Yıldız, Nebil Yıldız. A Case Report of Hashimoto Encephalopathy Presenting with Pseudotumor Cerebri Clinic. Abant Med J 2017;6(3):123-125
- Şule Aydın Türkoğlu, Elif Sultan Bolaç, Serpil Yıldız, Abdulkadir Küçükbayrak, Fatma Sırmatel, Nebil Yıldız; Neuroborreliosis and autoimmunity, Guillain Barré syndrome: two case reports; Cukurova Med J. 2016; 41(1): 152-155; doi: 10.17826/cutf.159192
- A Case of Acute Inflammatory Polyneuropathy with Atypical Features A Case of Acute Inflammatory Polyneuropathy with Atypical Features; Sule Aydin Turkoglu, Elif Sultan Bolac, Serpil Yildiz, Nebil Yildiz; Anatolian Clinic January 2016; Volume 21, Issue 1
- Altunrende B, Yildiz S, Yildiz N, Dogan N. Multiple Sclerosis Clinic Mimicking
- Sjögren's Syndrome. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology, 2008; 3(3): 132-136.
- Tamer A, Tahtaci M, Çelebi H, Yıldız S, Yıldız N, Gündüz H, Kamil Gürel. Idiopathic
- A Case with Epilepsy Diagnosed as Hypoparathyroidism. Trends in Endocrinology. 2005;14 (2): 51-53.
- Yildiz S, Yildiz N, Omeroglu A, Tamer A, Korkmaz B. Anterior interosseous nerve involvement in a patient with type II diabetes mellitus: MRI and EMG findings. Journal of Duzce Faculty of Medicine, 2003; 5(2): 31-34.
- Çınar SM, Hız F, Yıldız N, Tezcanlı A, Griladze H. Pseudohypoparathyroidism Syndrome - Case report. Journal of Taksim Hospital 2001; 31,3: 12-13
- Yıldız N, Çelebi A, Sayalı E, Alicanoğlu R, Delibalta N. Atypical Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Clinical, Neuroradiologic and Neuropathologic Evaluation. Taksim Hospital Medical Journal, 1999; 29,3: 33-36.
- Parman YG, Serdaroğlu P, Deymeer F, Yıldız N. Necrotizing Vasculitis: Histopathologic examination of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy in two cases. Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 1998; 35(2):73-76.
- Hız F, Engin B, Yıldız N, Gedik MS, Tahtacı ES. Sturge-Weber syndrome. Taksim Hospital Medical Bulletin, 1993; XXIII( 2): 83-85.
- Hız F, Yıldız N, Alyanak B, Engin B, Griladze H. Neurologic findings in porphyria. Taksim Hospital Medical Bulletin, 1993; XXIII ( 2): 80-82.
- Griladze H, Hız F, Yıldız N, Solmaz B, Aykut C. A case of hypoparathyroidism with cerebral calcification. Taksim Hospital Medical Bulletin, 1988; XVIII (1-4): 38-40.
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Neurology Society
- Turkey Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Society
- Brain Research Society (Turkey)
- Yalınay P, Yıldız N, Baslo MB, Ertaş M. How many traces are required for a jitter measurement in a single fiber EMG? Oral presentation. 18th National Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG and 5th International Clinical Neurophysiology Symposium- Belek, Antalya, 1-5 May 2001. Best third presentation
- Yalınay, P., B. Baslo, N.Yıldız , M. Ertaş, Macro EMG and clinical application with unmodified concentric needle electrode. XVII. National Electrophysiology Congress - Antalya, Belek, 24 - 28 May 2000.Best oral presentation
- Baslo B, Yıldız N, Ertaş M. Concentric Macro-EMG. Oral presentation. XVI. National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress and III. International Satellite Symposium on New Developments in Clinical Neurophysiology, 3-5 June 1999, Kayseri. Best second presentation
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