Prof. MD.
Seher Akbaş
Liv Hospital Ulus
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry
Areas of Interests
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Learning Disorders (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Diskalkuli)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Mood Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Internet addiction
- Trauma and Sexual Abuse
International Articles
- Speciality, Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, 1993
- Medical Specialization, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2002
- Associate Professor, Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011
- Professor Dr. Istinye University Medical Faculty Hospital, 2018
- Istinye University Medical Faculty Hospital / Istanbul
- Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Education and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Training Clinic / Istanbul
- Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Samsun, Turkey
- Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, İzmir
Articles published in international refereed journals: 25
Sections in national books: 5
- Karabekiroğlu K., ve Akbaş S.,. “Why and When the Difference in Head Circumference in Autism Begins? (Kafa çevresi farkı otizmde neden ve ne zaman başlıyor?)” (Türkçe makale) Anatolian J Psychiatry, 9(1), 31-38 (2008)
- Karabekiroglu K. Akbaş S.,, G.N. Tasdemir, ve M.N. Karakurt, “Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescents After Two Murders in a School: A controlled- follow-up study” Int J Psychiatry Med, 38(4), 407-424 (2008)
- Akbaş S., A. Turla, K. Karabekiroğlu,O. Pazvantoğlu, T. Keskin, ve Ö. Böke. “Characteristics of sexual abuse in a sample of Turkish children with and without mental retardation, referred for legal appraisal of the psychological repercussions” Sexuality and Disability 2009, 27:205-2013
- Akbas S., K. Karabekiroglu, T. Ozgen, G. Tasdemir, M. Karakurt, A. Senses, O. Boke ve M. Aydın, “Association Between Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Metabolic Control in Children & Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes”. J Endocrinol Invest. 32(4), 325-329 (2009)
- Karabekiroglu K., A. Rodopman-Arman, P. Ay, M. Ozkesen, . Akbaş S.,, G.N. Tasdemir, O. Boke ve Y. Pekşen, “The Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of the Brief Infant and Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA)” Infant Behav Dev. 32(3),291-297 (2009)
- Avsar A., . Akbaş S., ve T. Ataibis, “Traumatic dental injuries in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” Dent Traumatol, 25(5):484-9 (2009)
- Agirtan CA., T., Akbaş S., R. Akdur, C. Aydin, G. Aytar, S. Ayyıldız, S. Baskan, T. Belgemen, O. Bezirci, U. Beyazova, F.Y. Beyaztas, B. Buken, E. Buken, A.D. Camurdan, D. Can, S Canbaz, G. Cantürk, M. Ceyhan, A. Coskun, A. Celik, F.C. Cetin, A.G. Coskun, A. Dağçınar, Y. Dallar, B. Demirel, B. Demirogullari, O. Derman, D. Dilli, Y. Ersahin, B. Eşiyok, G. Evinc, O. Gencer, B. Gökler, H. Hanci, E. Iseri, A.B. Isir, N. Isiten, G. Kale, F. Karadag, N. Kanbur, B. Kiliç, E. Kultur, D. Kurtay, A. Kuruoglu, S. Miral, A.B. Odabasi, R. Oral, F.S. Orhon, C. Ozbesler, D.F. Ozdemir, M.S. Ozkok, E. Ozmert, B. Oztop, H. Ozyürek, F. Pasli, Y. Peksen, O. Polat, F. Sahin, A. Rıfat Sahin, S. Salacin, E. Suskan, B. Tander, D. Tekin, O. Teksam, U. Tiras, Y. Tomak, A.R. Tumer, A. Turla, B. Ulukol, R. Uslu ve F.V. Tas, Vatandas N, Velipasaoglu S, Yagmur F, Yağmurlu A, Yalcin S, Yavuz S, Yurdakok K; “Contributing Multidisciplinary Teams (MDT). Establishment of interdisciplinary child protection teams in Turkey 2002-2006: Identifying the strongest link can make a difference!” Child Abuse Negl. 33(4), 247-55 (2009)
- Akbaş S., S. Kesebir, Ö. Böke, K. Karabekiroğlu, G. Sarısoy, O. Pazvantoğlu ve A.R. Şahin. “Temperament Characteristics of Adolescents and Mothers with Major Depressive Disorder with and without Suicide Attempts” Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 11(1):9-17
- Kesebir S, Şimşek Y, Akbaş S. Suicide attempt temperament: Mediating role of cortisol Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 11(4):293-298
- Karabekiroglu K, Briggs-Gowan MJ, Carter AS, Rodopman-Arman A, . Akbaş S., The clinical validity and reliability of the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA).Infant Behav Dev. 2010 Dec;33(4):503-9. Epub 2010 Aug 30.
- Karakurt MN, Karabekiroğlu MK, . Akbaş S.,, Bilgici B, Kılıç M, Şenses A, Baykal S, Böke Ö. Relationship Between Symptoms and Serum Iron and Ferritin Levels in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Neuropsychiatry Archive 2011; 48(2):125-128
- Pazvantoğlu O, Karabekiroğlu K, Sarısoy G, Baykal S, Korkmaz IZ, . Akbaş S.,, Böke Ö, Şahin AR. The relationship between adult ADHD and attachment style. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2011; 12(4):274-279
- Ulus Y, Tander B, Akyol Y, Ulus A, Tander B, Bilgici A, Kuru O, . Akbaş S.,. Functional disability of children with spina bifida: its impact on parents' psychological status and family functioning. Dev Neurorehabil. 2012;15(5):322-8.
- Pazvantoğlu O, Aker AA, Karabekiroğlu K, . Akbaş S.,, Sarısoy G, Baykal S, Korkmaz IZ, Pazvantoğlu EA, Böke O, Sahin AR Neuropsychological weaknesses in adult ADHD; cognitive functions as core deficit and roles of them in persistence to adulthood. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2012 Sep;18(5):819-26.
- Pazvantoğlu O1, Güneş S, Karabekiroğlu K, Yeğin Z, Erenkuş Z. Akbaş S.,, Sarısoy G, Korkmaz IZ, Böke O, Bağcı H, Sahin AR. The relationship between the presence of ADHD and certain candidate gene polymorphisms in a Turkish sample. Gene. 2013 Oct 10;528(2):320-7. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.07.004. Epub 2013 Jul 18.
- Say GN, Tasdemir HA, . Akbaş S., Yüce M, Karabekiroglu K. Self-esteem and psychiatric features of Turkish adolescents with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: a comparative study with epilepsy and healthy control groups. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2014;47(1):41-53.
- Say GN, Sahin B, Aslan K, . Akbaş S.,, Lncesu L, Ceyhan M. Increased Laterality of the Thalamus in Children and Adolescents with Asperger's Disorder: An MRI and Proton Spectroscopy Study. Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Jul;11(3):237-42.
- Say GN, Babadağı Z, Karabekiroğlu K, Yüce M, . Akbaş S.,. Abuse Characteristics and Psychiatric Consequences Associated with Online Sexual Abuse. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2015 Jun;18(6):333-6.
- Aydin B, . Akbaş S.,, Turla A, Dundar C, Yuce M, Karabekiroglu K Child sexual abuse in Turkey: an analysis of 1002 cases. J Forensic Sci. 2015 Jan;60(1):61-5
- Usta MB, Tuncel OK, . Akbaş S.,, Aydin B, Say GN. Decreased dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate levels in adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder after single sexual trauma. Nord J Psychiatry. 2016 Feb;70(2):116-20
- Akbaş S.,, Aydın B, Dündar C, Turla A. Relations between depression and PTSB and perceived social support in female child victims of incest. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2016; 17(4): 300-308
- Aydin B, Akbas S, Turla A, Dundar C. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in child victims of sexual abuse: perceived social support as a protection factor. Nord J Psychiatry. . 2016; 70(6): 418-23
- Tunçel ÖK, “Akbaş S, Bilgici B. Increased Ghrelin Levels and Unchanged Adipocytokine Levels in Major Depressive Disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2016; 26(8):733-739
- Akbaş S, Nahir M, Pirzirenli ME, Dündar C, Ceyhan M, Sarısoy G, Şahin B. Quantitative analysis of the amygdala, thalamus and hippocampus on magnetic resonance images in paediatric bipolar disorders and compared with the children of bipolar parents and healthy control.Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2017; 30;270:61-67
- Sapmaz D, Baykal S, Akbaş S. The Clinical Features of Comorbid Pediatric Bipolar Disorder in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018; 48(8):2800-2808
- Akbaş S., M. Tamar, B. Burcu. Effects of parental alcoholism on children Psychopathology and mechanisms mediating alcohol use in children of alcoholics” Gaziantep State Hospital Journal of Anatolian Medicine 1(5), 50-57,2003.
- Akbaş S., E. Tütüncü, M. Tamar, H. Çoşkunol, H. Kesikçi. “Academic success in Type I and Type II alcoholic children” Journal of Addiction 3(4), 91-95,2003.
- Akbaş S., T. Emel, T. Müge, H. Çoşkunol ve K. Hande. “Psychopathology in Type I and Type II alcoholic children” Journal of Addiction 3 (5),101-106,2004.
- Böke Ö., G. Sarısoy, S. Akbaş, S. Aker, S. Korkmaz, A. Alptekin Aker, Z. Bahçe, C. Çelik, A.R. Şahin, “Multiple antipsychotic use in inpatients: A retrospective study” Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 16(3),167-173 (2006).
- Böke ö., A Turla, S. Akbaş, “Fathers who killed their children: A compilation” Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 5(1), 19-24 (2008)
- Akbaş S., Ö. Böke ve K. Karabekiroğlu, “Life experiences of children with alcoholic father”. Journal of Addiction 9(2), 55-59 (2008)
- Akbaş S., K. Karabekiroğlu, T. Özgen, Ö. Böke ve H.M. Aydın “Characteristics and difficulties of children with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Turkey, 3(3), 117-121 (2008)
- Akbaş S., Ö. Böke, K. Karabekiroğlu, G. Sarısoy, Ö. Yorbık ve A.R. Şahin, “Distinguishing characteristics of depressed children and adolescents with and without suicide attempt” Journal of Psychiatry in Turkey 10(2), 57-63 (2008).
- Avşar A., S. Akbaş, M. Elli ve B. Topaloğlu, “The effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on dental anxiety in pediatric oncology patients” Journal of Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Dentistry 10(1), 3-7 (2009).
- Karabekiroğlu K., S. Akbaş, G.N. Taşdemir, “Breastfeeding is a specific risk factor for psychiatric problems in early childhood.?” Journal of Pediatrics Turkey 2009, 3 (3), 24-33.
- Akbaş S., A. Turla, A. Şenses, Ö. Böke ve K. Karabekiroğlu, “Mental and Physical Examination Characteristics of Sexual Abused Children Sent by Forensic Authorities” Journal of Forensic Sciences 8 (1), 24-32 (2009).
- Karakurt M.N., S. Akbaş K. Karabekiroğlu, B. Bilgici, G.N. Taşdemir, S. Baykal, A. Şenses ve Ö. Böke, “Relationship Between Subtypes and Symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Thyroid Function” Journal of Psychiatry in Turkey 2009; 11(2):75-79
- Karabekiroğlu K, Memik NC, Özel ÖÖ, Toros F, Öztop D, Özbaran B, Kültür EÇ, Akbaş S, Taşdemir GN, Ayaz M, Aydın C, Bildik T, Erermiş S, Yaman AK.
- Information Levels and Stigma on ADHD and Autism: A Multicenter Study with Classroom Teachers and Parents, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2009; 12(2):79-89
- Akbaş S, K Karabekiroğlu, O Pazvantoğlu, Ö Böke. Eight-week follow-up and comorbidity characteristics of children with autistic disorder receiving special education and medication in terms of autistic symptoms Clinical Psychiatry 2009; 12: 134 140
- Bicakci U, Dinler GC , Bozkurter T, Tander B, Gunaydin B, Akbas S, Ariturk E. Caustic esophagitis in two siblings: Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Journal of Pediatric Sciences 2010;2:6:e62
- Karabekiroğlu K, Akbaş S. Identifying and distinguishing PDD-CTA: a comparison with autism and ADHD New Symposium 2011; 49(3):141-152
- Akbaş S, Aydın B, Şahin S, Yıldırım ZG. Parental Alienation Syndrome Two Case Reports. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2013; 12(3): -41-46
- Pazvantoğlu O, Akbaş S, Sarısoy G, Güneş S, Zabun Korkmaz I, Karabekiroğlu K, Böke O,Various ADHD associated problematic life events in parents of children with ADHD Diagnosis The Journal of Pschiatry and Neurological Sciences, 27:61-68, 2014
- Şenses A, Akbaş S, Baykal S, Karakurt MN. Distribution of psychiatric diagnoses and neuropsychological characteristics of male adolescents. Journal of Forensic Medicine 2014; 28, 223-233
- Akbaş S. Anksiyete Bozuklukları, Classification and Epidemiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder According to DSM-5 Diagnostic System. Turkiye Klinikleri J Child Psychiatry-Special Topics 2016;2(3):1-6
Presented report in international and national congresses: 65
Reports presented in international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
- Böke Ö., G. Sarısoy, C. Çelik, Akbas S, O. Pazvantoğlu ve A.R. Şahin, “Neuropsychologic deficits in violent schizophrenia patient” Violence in Clinical Psychiatry – Sixth European Congress, 232, Stockholm 2009. (Poster sunumu)
- Akbaş S., S. Kesebir, Ö. Böke, K. Karabekiroglu, G. Sarısoy ve A. R. Şahin, “Temperamental Features in Depressive Adolescence,” World Psychiatric Association International Congress, Aust N Z J Psychiatry 41:(Suppl 2), A382, Melbourne, Avustralya, 2007. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroglu K., O. Ozcan-Ozel, F. Toros, N. Cakin-Memik, Akbas S, G.N. Tasdemir, A. Rodopman-Arman, E. Kültür, B. Ozbaran, D. Oztop, M. Ayaz, C. Aydin, M. Berkem, O. Basay, M. Kucukkose, T. Bildik, S. Erermis ve A.K. Yaman, “Stigmatization & Assumptions of Parents and Teachers on Attention Deficit Disorders”, Together Against Stigma- Third International Conference, 77, İstanbul, 2006. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroglu K., O. Ozcan-Ozel, F. Toros, N. Cakin-Memik, Akbas S, G.N. Tasdemir, A. Rodopman-Arman, E. Kültür, B. Ozbaran, D. Oztop, M. Ayaz, C. Aydin, M. Berkem, O. Basay, M. Kucukkose, T. Bildik, S. Erermis ve A. K. Yaman, “Stigmatization & Assumptions of Parents and Teachers on Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Together Against Stigma- Third International Conference, 78, İstanbul, 2006. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroglu K., ve . Akbaş S., “Head Circumference in Autism is Enlarged From 2 to 3 Years of Age” World Psychiatric Association International Congress, Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 17(2):Supp1, 258-259, İstanbul, 2006 (poster presentation)
- Pazvantoğlu O, Baykal S Korkmaz IZ Karabekiroğlu K, Sarısoy G, Akbaş S, Pazvantoğlu EA. The relationship of adulthood ADHD and attechment styl: Is there a difference according to childhood ADHD. Türk Psikiyatrisi Dergisi, 22: s;118, 2011
- Pazvantoğlu O,Güneş S, Karabekiroğlu K, Yeğin Z, Sarısoy G, Korkmaz IZ, Akbaş S, Böke Ö, Bağcı H, Şahin AR. The relationship Between ADHD and Norepinephrine Transporter Gene Polymorphisim im a Genetically Loaded Population. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, TAP Psychopharmacology Therapeutics Update 2012, Antalya
- Usta MB, Aral A, Akbas S, Aydin B. Behavioral assessment of child sexual abuse victims attending a child psychiatry clinic in Samsun/Turkey after a traumatic event Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2015; 25 (1), S118-S9
Reports presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
- Akbaş S., E. Tütüncü, M. Tamar, H. Çoşkunol and H. Kesikçi, Psychopathology in children of Type I and Type II alcoholics. 1st National Alcohol and Substance Addiction Congress.117-118, Antalya, 2004, (poster presentation)
- Böke Ö., A.R. Şahin, S. Korkmaz, S. Akbaş and M. Sönmez, Combined antipsychotic use; A retrospective study, 40th National Psychiatry Congress. 28 September-03 October, Kuşadası, 2004, (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Children of alcoholic parents. 48th National Pediatrics Congress, 121-122, Samsun, 2004, (oral presentation)
- Akbaş S., K. Karabekiroğlu, F.G. Pınarlı, M. Elli and Ö. Böke, “Psychosocial Characteristics in Twenty-One Surviving Children with Cancer” 10. Adolescent Days, 71-72, İzmir, 2005. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Ö. Böke and K. Karabekiroğlu, “Suicide Attempt and Psychosocial Characteristics of Patients Who Present with Suicide Attempt” 10. Adolescent Days, 73-74, İzmir, 2005. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Ö. Böke ve K. Karabekiroğlu, “Sociodemographic characteristics and suicide attempt risks of depressive disorder patients admitted to the outpatient clinic with suicidal attempt and depressive disorder” 41. National Psychiatry Congress, 152-153, Erzurum, 2005. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., To be the child of alcoholic parents. 3rd National Alcohol and Substance Addiction Congress.37, 14.17 December 2006, İstanbul (oral presentation )
- Akbas S., The Path from Childhood to Alcoholism, IV. National Addiction Congress and Activity Week, 85-86, İzmir, 2007 (oral presentation)
- Akbas S., The lives of alcoholic children during the period when their father used alcohol. IV. National Addiction Congress and Activity Week, 166-167, İzmir, 2007 (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu K., A. Rodopman-Arman, P. Ay, M. Özkesen, S. Akbaş, G.N. Taşdemir, Ö. Böke ve Y. Peşken, “Short 1-3 Age Social Emotional Assessment Scale (K/1-3SDD) Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version” 17. National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 129, İzmir, 2007. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu K., S. Akbaş, G.N. Taşdemir ve M.N. Karakurt, “Posttraumatic stress disorder after 5 months of in-school murder: frequency and risk factors” 17th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 132, İzmir, 2007. (poster presentation)
- Taşdemir, G.N., K. Karabekiroğlu, S. Akbaş ve M.N. Karakurt, “Psychiatric Comorbidity in Hinman Syndrome: A Case Report” 17th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 172, İzmir, 2007. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu K., S. Akbaş, G.N. Taşdemir ve M.N. Karakurt, “Acute stress disorder in adolescents after in-school murder - a controlled study” 17. National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 140, İzmir, 2007 (poster presentation)
- Taşdemir, G.N., K. Karabekiroğlu, S. Akbaş ve M.N. Karakurt, “Psychiatric Comorbidity in Adolescents Expecting Renal Transplantation” 17th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 133, İzmir, 2007 (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Suicide in children and adolescents. 43rd National Psychiatry Congress and Schizophrenia Symposium, 85, İstanbul, 2007 (oral presentation)
- Akbaş S., Parental alienation syndrome Two Case Reports 22nd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 24-27 April 2012 Abant
- Akbaş S., Use of Atomoxetine in a case with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with idiopathic thrombocytopenia: Case Report 22nd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 24-27 April 2012 Abant
- Akbaş S., Aydin B. Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Case Report. X Forensic Sciences Congress 22-24 November 2012 Istanbul
- Pazvantoğlu O,Güneş S, Karabekiroğlu K, Yeğin Z, Sarısoy G, Korkmaz IZ, Akbaş S, Böke Ö, Bağcı H, Şahin AR. Relationship between ADHD and SNAP-25 Gene Polymorphisms in Parents of Children Diagnosed with ADHD. 48th National Psychiatry Congress 09-13. October 2012, Bursa
- Akbas S., Adolescence and psychiatric problems. 12th Turkish Urology Congress 22-24 November 2013 Antalya (oral presentation)
- Akbas S., Sexual Identity development 12th Turkish Urology Congress 22-24 November 2013 Antalya (oral presentation)
- Bozkurt A, Akbaş S., Tander B, Kara C, Bıçakçı Ü. Patients with Gender Identity Disorder: Clinical and Demographic Characteristics. 24th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 9-12 April 2014 Konya (poster presentation)
- Say GN, Taşdemir AH, Akbaş S., Yüce M, Karabekiroğlu K. Comparison of Self-Esteem and Psychiatric Characteristics in Adolescents with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures with Epilepsy and Healthy Control Groups 24th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 9-12 April 2014 Konya (poster presentation)
- Şahin B, Çakır M, Müjdeci M, Akbaş S., Kaçıngan Restricted food intake disorder: A case report 24th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 9-12 April 2014 Konya (poster presentation)
- Usta MB, Aral A, Akbaş S., Behavior evaluation of sexual abuse victims after traumatic experience. 25th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress1 - 4 April 2015 Istanbul (poster presentation
- Akbaş S., Depression in adolescents in the Black Sea Region. 12 Adolescent days, 47, İstanbul, 2007 (oral presentation)
- Taşdemir, G.N., O. Pazvantoğlu, K. Karabekiroğlu ve . Akbaş S., “Autistic Characteristics in Childhood and Adulthood in Adults with Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Case Report” 44th National Congress of Psychiatry, 182, Antalya, 2008. (poster presentation)
- Taşdemir G.N., M.N. Karakurt, K. Karabekiroğlu ve . Akbaş S., “Plucking Behavior in Infants: A Case Report” 18th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 57, İstanbul, 2008. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., G.N. Taşdemir, A. Turla ve K. Karabekiroğlu, “Report of False Positive Sexual Abuse: A Case Report” 18th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 58, İstanbul, 2008. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., A. Turla, A. Şenses, Ö. Böke ve K. Karabekiroğlu, “Characteristics of Sexual Abused Children” 18th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 58-59, İstanbul, 2008. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., T. Özden, G.N. Taşdemir, M.N. Karakurt, A. Şenses, Ö. Böke, K. Karabekiroğlu ve M. Aydın, “Psychiatric Characteristics of Children with Type I Diabetes and Their Relationship with Metabolic Control”. 18th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 62, İstanbul, 2008. (poster presentation)
- Turla A., B. Aydın, . Akbaş S., ve C. Süer, Children allegedly committed theft in Samsun, VIII Congress of Forensic Sciences “Children and Forensic Medicine” , 101, Kocaeli, 2008 (poster presentation)
- Karakurt M.N., G.N. Taşdemir, S. Baykal, A. Şenses, K. Karabekiroğlu ve . Akbaş S.,, Evaluation of symptom distribution and severity of adolescent onset mania. 18th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 55, 28-30 April 2008 İstanbul (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Learned from Post-Disaster Psychosocial Services / Working Group (Ç9) Disaster Psychiatry was organized by CBD. TTurkey Psychiatry Association 12th Annual Meeting / Spring Symposium, 64, Fethiye-Muğla, 2008
- Akbaş S., Alcohol and psychopathology: Mood in children and adolescents, 17th Anatolian Psychiatry Days, 47, Zonguldak, 2008 (oral presentation)
- Pazvantoğlu O., A. Alptekin Aker, K. Karabekiroğlu, S. Baykal, I. Zabun, . Akbaş S., ve G. Sarısoy, “Neurocognitive examination of parents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” 45th National Congress of Psychiatry, 16, Ankara, (2009). (oral presentation)
- Akbaş S., G.N. Taşdemir, K. Karabekiroğlu, “Atomoxetine Use in Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: A Case Report” 19th National Congress of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 203, Hatay, 2009. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S.,, K. Karabekiroğlu, “Eight-week follow-up and comorbidity characteristics of children with autistic disorder receiving special education and medication and in terms of autistic symptoms” 19th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 202, Hatay, 2009. (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., A. Turla, K. Karabekiroğlu, T. Keskin ve Ö. Böke, “Abuse, Psychiatric and Physical Examination Characteristics of Mentally Suffered Children with Sexual Abuse” 19th National Congress on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 201, Hatay, 2009. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu K, Akbaş S., ve G.N. Taşdemir, “The Relationship Between Breastfeeding Time and 1-4 Years of Psychiatric Problems” 19th National Congress of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, 171, Hatay, 2009. (poster presentation)
- Şenses A, Sapmaz D, Akbaş S, Karabekiroğlu K. Reynaud's Phenomenon Due to Atomoxetine Use. 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 78, Bodrum, 2010. (poster presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu, K.M.Z., R. Uslu, E.G. Kapçı-Seyitoğlu, B. Özbaran, D.B. Oztop, O. Özel-Özcan, B. Doğangün, Ş. Gülen-Şişmanlar, I. Görker, T. Fidan, M.K. Bahalı, Y. Barut, K. Gürkan, B.G. Kılıç, P. Ay, Akbaş S.,, Y. Pekşen, B. Taşkın, N. Bilgin, S.E. Çengel-Kültür, D. Foto-Özdemir, E. İşeri. “Turkey's 1-4 Year Old Mental Health Profile” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 128, Bodrum, 2010. (oral presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu, K., Akbaş S., “Defining and Differentiating PDD-CTA: A Comparison with Autism and ADHD” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 129, Bodrum, 2010. (oral presentation)
- Karabekiroğlu, K., Akbaş S., A. Rodopman-Arman. “The Relationship between Parents' Romantic Attachment Style and Social and Emotional Problems in Early Childhood” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 130, Bodrum, 2010. (poster presentation)
- Karakurt, M.N., Akbaş S., K. Karabekiroğlu, G.N. Taşdemir, S. Baykal, A. Şenses. “The Relationship Between Symptoms and Serum Iron and Ferritin Levels in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 132, Bodrum, 2010. (oral presentation)
- Karakurt, M.N., S. Şahin, Akbaş S., K. Karabekiroğlu. “A Case of Priapism Caused by Clozapine” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 133, Bodrum, 2010. (poster presentation)
- Baykal, S., O. Pazvantoğlu, M.Z.K. Karabekiroğlu, Akbaş S., I. Zabun-Korkmaz, “Attachment Characteristics of Parents of Children Diagnosed with ADHD and Their Relationship with Adult ADHD Diagnosis” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 151, Bodrum, 2010. (poster presentation)
- Baykal, S., M.Z.K. Karabekiroğlu, Akbaş S., Z.G. Tozan. “Glioneuronal Tumor Starting with Psychiatric Symptoms: A Case Report” 20th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 152, Bodrum, 2010. (poster presentation)
- Şahin S, Yıldırım Z, Baykal S, Şenses A, Karakurt MN, Sapmaz D, Karabekiroğlu K, Yüce M Akbaş S., Turla A, Aydın B. Child Abuse: 280 Cases in One Year. 21st National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 99-100 Antalya, 2011. (poster presentation)
- Kurt AD, Yıldırım ZG, Akbaş S., Use of Quetiapine in a Patient Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Comorbid Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Who Presented with Catatonia: Case Report 25th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress1 - 4 April 2015 Istanbul (poster presentation)
- Akbaş S., Understanding street children. 1st National Congress on Understanding Violence. 12-14 November 2015 Istanbul (oral presentation)
- Akbaş S., Aydın B, Dündar C, Turla A. The relationship between depression and PTSD and perceived social support in female incest victims. 26th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 13-16 April 2016 Izmir p. 242
- Akbaş S., Mahir M, Aydın Pırzırenli ME, Dündar C, Ceyhan M, Sarısoy G, Şahin B. Comparison of amygdala, hippocampus and thalamus volumes in adolescents diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder with children of parents with bipolar disorder and healthy controls. 26th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 13-16 April 2016 Izmir p. 241
- Adak I. Akbas S., An ADHD case experiencing sweating side effects with long-acting methylphenidate treatment. 26th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress 13-16 April 2016 Izmir p. 192
- Adak I. Akbas S., Fluoxetine-induced sleep bruxism case 26th Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases congress 13-16 April 2016 Izmir p. 177
- Akbaş S. Children and sexual assaults in prison. Sexuality and Sexual Therapies XI National Congress 14-16 October 2016 Istanbul (oral presentation)
- Akbaş S., Substance addiction in adolescents: How can we recognize it, how can we prevent it? 5th Children's Friends Congress 6-8 March 2017 Istanbul (oral presentation)
Sections in national books: 5
- Akbaş S., Adjustment Disorder. Basic Book of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, ed. Çetin Çuhadaroğlu F, Coşkun A, İş E, Miral S, Motovallı N, Pehlivantürk B, Türkbay T, Uslu R, Ünal F, 587-593, Child and Youth Mental Health Association Publications, Ankara, 2008.
- Akbaş S., “Child Mental Health and Diseases”, Mother and Father's Book - Child Health Guide, ed. Küçükhödük Ş. 414-438, Pelin Ofset, Ankara, 2006.
- Akbaş S.,. Divorce and children. Divorce in all its aspects. Edt: Eyigün S, Günay R, Ergün Ö, Yıldız H. Dicle University. 2013; pages: 239-246
- Akbaş S., Mixed Phase Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents, Treatment of Mood Disorders in Children and Adolescents Edt: Emiroğlu Nİ, Edt Yard: Kılıç BG, . Akbaş S., Baykara B, Perdahlı Fiş N. Turkish Child and Youth Psychiatry Association Publications. pp: 143-162. 8 2014
- Kurt M, Akbaş S, Kaya SN, Köksaldı AG, Balkız D. Commission report on the frequency of incest and the profile of incest cases in Samsun. Samsun, 2013
- Investigation of Thalamus Volume and Chemical Metabolites in Children and Adolescents with Asperger Disorder, MR Imaging and H-MR Spectroscopy Study (Dr. Gökçe Nur Taşdemir).
- Psychiatric Diagnosis Distributions and Psychometric Characteristics of Children and Adolescents Driven to the Crime of Theft (Dr. Ahmet Şenses)
- Clinical Features of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Comorbidity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Dr. Dicle Sapmaz)
- Project coordinator supported by TÜBİTAK and other similar institutions (4)
- being a researcher in the project (2)
- Determination of Turkey's Early Childhood (1-3 Years) Mental Health Profile, TÜBİTAK-Social and Human Sciences- Project, 107K501, Project Karedeniz Regional Manager, 2008
- Examination of iron and thyroid functions in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was supported by the Samsun Branch of the Turkish Psychiatric Association. Project Manager, 200
- Investigation of Thalamus Volume and Chemical Metabolites in Children and Adolescents with Asperger's Disorder, MR Imaging and H-MR Spectroscopy Study. Supported by Ondokuz Mayıs University. Project No. PYO.TRIP. 1904.10.010. Project Manager, 2010
- Brain MRI and clinical features in children diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and children of parents with Bipolar Disorder. Supported by the Samsun Branch of the Turkish Psychiatric Association Project Manager, 2011
- Adipocytokine (leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin and resistin) levels in children with major depressive disorder. Supported by Ondokuz Mayıs University. Project researcher, 2014.
- The relationship between serum DHEA-S and cortisol levels and post-traumatic stress disorder in children who are victims of sexual abuse. Project Manager, 2011
- Turkish Medical Association Istanbul Medical Chamber
- Child and Youth Mental Health Association, 2011-2013 Qualification Executive Board Member, 2011-2018 Proficiency Exam Subcommittee Member
- Turkish Psychiatric Association
- Addiction Journal Prof. Dr. Ertaç İlkay Research Second Prize. (2005). Akbaş S., E. Tütüncü, M. Tamar, H. Çoşkunol and H. Kesikçi. Psychopathology in children of Type I and Type II alcoholics. Journal of Dependence Addiction Journal 3 (5);101-106,2004
- Ord. Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Kerim Gökay- Best research poster third prize (2008). Akbaş, S., A. Turla A., A. Şenses, Ö. Böke and K. Karabekiroğlu, (2008). Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children Applying Forensically]. 18th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 28-30 April, Istanbul
- Ord. Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Kerim Gökay- Best research poster second prize (2007). Karabekiroğlu K., A. Rodopman-Arman, P. Ay, M. Özkesen, . Akbaş S., G.N. Taşdemir, Ö. Böke and Y. Pekşen, (2007). Validity and Reliability of the Short 1-3 Year Old Social Emotional Assessment Scale (K/1-3SDD) Turkish Version]. 17th National Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Congress, 19-22 April, Izmir
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