Süleyman Tevfik Ecder
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Cystic Kidney Diseases
- Hypertension
- Fluid-electrolyte and acid-base disorders
- Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1981-1987)
- English High School, Istanbul (1973-1981)
- Arnavutköy Primary School, Istanbul (1968-1973)
- Medical Residency Student at Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1987-1992)
- Medical Residency Student at Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1992-1995)
- Visiting scholar (international scholar) at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the USA (March-June 1995)
- Associate Professorship of Internal Medicine (October 2, 1996)
- Scientific research fellow (1998-2000) at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in the USA (with a fellowship from the International Society of Nephrology)
- Professoriate of Internal Medicine (May 2002)
- Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology (June 2014-December 2021)
1. ASCEND-ND (Anemia Studies in CKD: Erythropoiesis via a Novel PHI Daprodustat-Non-Dialysis): A randomized, open-label, controlled, multicenter, international phase 3, multicenter, international phase 3 study comparing the efficacy and safety of daprodustat treatment with darbepoetin alfa treatment in anemic chronic kidney disease patients not requiring dialysis
2. RAPID-ADPKD (Retrospective epidemiologic study of Asian patients with disease progression of ADPKD): A multicenter, international, observational and retrospective study investigating the clinical features and natural history of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
A. International Publications and Events
1. Authorship of a chapter in a book
1. Fick-Brosnahan GM, Ecder T, Schrier RW: Chapter 18: Polycystic Kidney Disease. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract. Seventh Edition. Edited by Robert W. Schrier. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pp: 547-588, 2001.
2. Ecder T, Hockensmith ML, Korular D, Schrier RW: Hypertension, Diabetes and the Heart. Medical Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease. Edited by Burton E. Sobel, David J. Schneider. Markel Dekker, Inc. Pp: 65-84, 2002.
3. Ecder T, Fick-Brosnahan GM, Schrier RW: Chapter 18: Polycystic Kidney Disease. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract. Eigth Edition. Edited by Robert W. Schrier. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2007.
4. Ecder T: Epidemiology/Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in the General Population and in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Dyslipidemias in Kidney Disease. Editors: Covic, Kanbay, Lerma. Springer 2014.
5. Ecder T, Arıcı M, Ateş K, Söylemezoğlu O, Süleymanlar G, Türkmen A: Nephrology in Turkey. Nephrology Worldwide. Editors: Moura-Neto, Divino-Filho, Ronco. Springer 2021.
2. Publications in journals within the scope of "Science Citation Index (SCI)"
a. Original research, articles and reviews
1. Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Türkmen A, Kılıçaslan I, Uysal V, Eraksoy H, Çalangu S, Çarin M, Eldegez U: Living unrelated (paid) kidney transplantation in Third-World countries: High risk of complications besides the ethical problem. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 9:350-354, 1994.
2. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Aydın AE, Erkoç R, Eraksoy H, Eldegez U, Ark E: Posttransplant malaria. Transplantation 62:1521-1523, 1996.
3. Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder ST, Kahraman T, Gürel N, Erkoç R, Aysuna N, Türkmen A, Bekiroğlu N, Ark E: Effects of zinc supplementation on the immune system and on antibody response to multivalent influenza vaccine in hemodialysis patients. The International Journal of Artificial Organs 21: 274-278, 1998.
4. Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Erkoç R, Ecder T, Görçin B, Türk S, Aydın AE, Eldegez U, Ark E, Sever MŞ: Transplantation in renal amyloidosis. Clinical Transplantation 12: 375-378, 1998.
5. Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Kayacan SM, Kılıçaslan I, Koçak T, Eldegez U: Kaposi’s sarcoma after renal transplantation in Turkey. Clinical Transplantation 12: 472-475, 1998.
6. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Beşışık F, Tabak L, Kılıçarslan I, Ark E: Tuberculosis after renal transplantation: experience of one Turkish centre. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 13: 1872-1875, 1998.
7. Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Orhan Y: Fever in dialysis patients with recently rejected renal allografts. The International Journal of Artificial Organs 21: 403-407, 1998.
8. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Demirel Ş, Akkaya V, Türk S, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Ark E: Improvement of uremic autonomic dysfunction after renal transplantation: A heart rate variability study. Nephron 80: 57-60, 1998.
9. Yıldız A, Erkoç R, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Ecder ST, Türk S, Kılıçarslan I, Ark E: The prognostic importance of severity and type of post-transplant proteinuria. Clinical Transplantation 13: 241-244, 1999.
10. Ecder T, Edelstein CL, Chapman AB, Johnson AM, Tison L, Gill EA, Brosnahan GM, Schrier RW: Reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 14: 1113-1116, 1999.
11. Ecder T, Chapman AB, Brosnahan GM, Edelstein CL, Johnson AM, Schrier RW: Effect of antihypertensive therapy on renal function and urinary albumin excretion in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 35: 427-432, 2000.
12. Ecder T, Edelstein CL, Fick-Brosnahan GM, Johnson AM, Duley IT, Gabow PA, Schrier RW: Progress in blood pressure control in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 36: 266-271, 2000.
13. Ecder T, Edelstein CL, Fick-Brosnahan GM, Johnson AM, Chapman AB, Gabow PA, Schrier RW: Diuretics versus angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Nephrology 21: 98-103, 2001.
14. Melnikov VY, Ecder T, Fantuzzi G, Siegmund B, Lucia MS, Dinarello CA, Schrier RW, Edelstein CL: Impaired IL-18 processing protects caspase-1-deficient mice from ischemic acute renal failure. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 107: 1145-1152, 2001.
15. Knotek M, Rogachev B, Wang W, Ecder T, Melnikov V, Gengaro PE, Esson M, Edelstein CL, Dinarello CA, Schrier RW: Endotoxemic renal failure in mice: Role of tumor necrosis factor independent of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Kidney International 59: 2243-2249, 2001.
16. Sever MŞ, Kazancıoğlu R, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Kayacan SM, Çelik V, Şahin S, Aydın AE, Eldegez U, Ark E: Outcome of living unrelated (commercial) renal transplantation. Kidney International 60: 1477-1483, 2001.
17. Ecder T, Schrier RW: Hypertension in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease: Early occurrence and unique aspects. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12: 194-200, 2001.
18. Ecder T, Korular D, Gurevich AK, Weinberger HD, Schrier RW: Therapy of heart failure. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2(1):81-86, 2001.
19. Schrier RW, Ecder T: Unifying hypothesis of body fluid volume regulation: Implications for cardiac failure and cirrhosis. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 68:350-361, 2001.
20. Sever MS, Turkmen A, Sahin S, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Kayacan MS, Nane I, Aydin AE, Eldegez U: Renal transplantation in amyloidosis secondary to Familial Mediterranean Fever. Transplantation Proceedings 33: 3392-3393, 2001.
21. Ecder T, Melnikov VY, Stanley M, Korular D, Lucia MS, Schrier RW, Edelstein CL: Caspases, Bcl-2 proteins and apoptosis in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney Int 61: 1220-1230, 2002.
22. Bayraktar G, Kazancıoglu R, Bozfakıoglu S, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Ark E: Stimulated salivary flow rate in chronic hemodialysis patients. Nephron 91(2): 210-214, 2002.
23. Schrier R, McFann K, Johnson A, Chapman A, Edelstein C, Brosnahan G, Ecder T, Tison L: Cardiac and renal effects of standard versus rigorous blood pressure control in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: Results of a seven-year prospective randomized study. J Am Soc Nephrol 13: 1733-1739, 2002.
24. Parikh CR, McSweeney PA, Korular D, Ecder T, Merouani A, Taylor J, Slat-Vasquez V, Shpall EJ, Jones RB, Bearman SI, Schrier RW: Renal dysfunction in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Kidney Int 62: 566-573, 2002.
25. Ecder T, McFann KK, Raynolds MV, Schrier RW: No effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism on disease progression and left ventricular hypertrophy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Nephrology 23: 466-470, 2003.
26. Hockensmith ML, Estacio RO, Mehler P, Havranek EP, Ecder ST, Lundgren RA, Schrier RW: Albuminuria as a predictor of heart failure hospitalizations in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Cardiac Failure 10: 126-131, 2004.
27. Kocaman O, Oflaz H, Yekeler E, Dursun M, Erdogan D, Demirel S, Alisir S, Turgut F, Mercanoglu F, Ecder T: Endothelial dysfunction and increased carotid intima-media thickness in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 43: 854-860, 2004.
28. Ecder T, Schrier RW: Hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2(3), 369-374, 2004.
29. Oflaz H, Alisir S, Buyukaydın B, Kocaman O, Turgut F, Namli S, Pamukcu B, Oncul A, Ecder T: Biventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney International 68: 2244-2249, 2005.
30. Caliskan Y, Besisik SK, Sargin D, Ecder T: Early renal injury after myeloablative allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 38 (2): 141-147, 2006.
31. Namli S, Oflaz H, Turgut F, Alisir S, Tufan F, Ucar A, Mercanoglu F, Ecder T: Improvement of endothelial dysfunction with simvastatin in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Renal Failure 29 (1): 55-59, 2007.
32. Turgut F, Oflaz H, Namli S, Alisir S, Tufan F, Temiz S, Umman S, Ecder T: Ambulatory blood pressure and endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Renal Failure 29: 979-984, 2007.
33. Turkmen K, Oflaz H, Uslu B, Cimen AO, Elitok A, Kasikcioglu E, Alisir S, Tufan F, Namli S, Uysal M, Ecder T: Coronary flow velocity reserve and carotid intima media thickness in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: From impaired tubules to impaired carotid and coronary arteries. Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology 3: 986-991, 2008.
34. Parving H-H, Persson F, Lewis JB, Lewis EJ, Hollenberg NK, for the AVOID Study Investigators. Aliskiren combined with losartan in type 2 diabetes and nephropathy. N Engl J Med 358: 2433-2446, 2008.
35. Atamer A, Alisir Ecder S, Akkus Z, Kocyigit Y, Atamer Y, Ilhan N, Ecder T: Relationship between leptin, insulin resistance, insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in patients with chronic kidney disease. The Journal of International Medical Research 36: 522-528, 2008.
36. Atamer A, Kocyigit Y, Ecder SA, Selek S, Ilhan N, Ecder T, Atamer Y: Effect of oxidative stress on antioxidant enzyme activities, homocysteine and lipoproteins in chronic kidney disease. J Nephrol 21(6): 924-930, 2008.
37. Ecder T, Schrier RW: Cardiovascular abnormalities in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nature Reviews Nephrology 5: 221-228, 2009.
38. Ecder T: Influence of protein-restricted diets on proteinuria and endothelial dysfunction. Journal of Renal Nutrition 19 (5 Suppl): S13-S14, 2009.
39. Aparicio M, Cano NJ, Cupisti A, Ecder T, Fouque D, Garneata L, Liou HH, Lin S, Schober-Halstenberg HJ, Teplan V, Zakar G. Keto-acid therapy in predialysis chronic kidney disease patients: consensus statements. Journal of Renal Nutrition 19 (5 Suppl): S33-S35, 2009.
40. Locatelli F, Palmer BF, Kashihara N, Ecder T: Renal protective effect of RAAS blockade across the renal continuum, with a review of the efficacy and safety of valsartan. Curr Med Res Opin Oct 16, 2009.
41. Ecder T: Renin inhibition and kidney. Arch Turk Soc Cardiol 37 Suppl 7: 28-31, 2009.
42. Alisir S, Turkmen K, Alpay N, Elitok A, Oflaz H, Uslu B, Cimen A, Kasikcioglu E, Tufan F, Ecder T: Improvement of coronary flow velocity reserve with telmisartan in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Southern Medical Journal 103(5): 409-413, 2010.
43. Kazancioglu R, Ecder T, Altintepe L, Altiparmak MR, Tuglular S, Uyanik A, Cavdar C, Alisir Ecder S, Tokgoz B, Duman N, Duzova A, Cetinkaya R on the behalf of the Turkish Society of Nephrology Polycystic Kidney Disease Working Group. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: A multicenter experience. Nephron Clin Pract 117(3):c270-c275, 2010.
44. Tufan F, Uslu B, Cekrezi B, Uysal M, Alpay N, Turkmen K, Disci R, Ozbey NC, Ecder T: Assessment of adrenal functions in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 118: 741-746, 2010.
45. Süleymanlar G, Utaş C, Arinsoy T, Ateş K, Altun B, Altiparmak MR, Ecder T, Yilmaz ME, Çamsari T, Başçi A, Serdengeçti K: A population-based survey of Chronic REnal Disease In Turkey – the CREDIT study. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 26: 1862-1871, 2011.
46. Turkmen K, Tufan F, Alpay N, Kasikcioglu E, Oflaz H, Alisir S, Ecder T: Insulin resistance and coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Internal Medicine Journal 42: 146-153, 2012.
47. Kanbay M, Turkmen K, Ecder T, Covic A: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: from old concepts to novel insights. Int Urol Nephrol 44: 173-182, 2012.
48. Aparicio M, Bellizzi V, Chauveau P, Cupisti A, Ecder T, Fouque D, Garneata L, Lin S, Mitch WE, Teplan V, Zakar G, Yu X. Protein-restricted diets plus keto/amino acids - a valid therapeutic approach for chronic kidney disease patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition 22 (2 Suppl):S1-S21, 2012.
49. Aparicio M, Bellizzi V, Chauveau P, Cupisti A, Ecder T, Fouque D, Garneata L, Lin S, Mitch WE, Teplan V, Zakar G, Yu X. Keto Acid therapy in predialysis chronic kidney disease patients: final consensus. Journal of Renal Nutrition 22 (2 Suppl):S22-4, 2012.
50. Caliskan Y, Ozkok A, Akagun T, Alpay N, Guz G, Polat N, Tufan F, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S: Cardiac biomarkers and noninvasive predictors of atherosclerosis in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 35 (5): 340-348, 2012.
51. Altun B, Suleymanlar G, Utas C, Arinsoy T, Ates K, Ecder T, Camsari T, Serdengecti K: Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in adults with chronic kidney disease in Turkey: Results from the CREDIT study. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 36 (1): 36-46, 2012.
52. Ozkok A, Akpinar TS, Tufan F, Kanitez NA, Uysal M, Guzel M, Caliskan M, Alisir S, Yazici H, Ecder T: Clinical characteristics and predictors of progression of chronic kidney disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a single center experience. Clin Exp Nephrol, 17(3): 345-351, 2013.
53. Türkmen K, Tufan F, Selçuk E, Akpınar T, Oflaz H, Ecder T: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Indian J Nephrol 23(1): 34-40, 2013.
54. Ecder T: Cardiovascular complications in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Current Hypertension Reviews, 9 (1): 2 – 11, 2013.
55. Aparicio M, Bellizzi V, Chauveau P, Cupisti A, Ecder T, Fouque D, Garneata L, Lin S, Mitch W, Teplan V, Yu X, Zakar G: Do ketoanalogues still have a role in delaying dialysis initiation in CKD predialysis patients? Seminars in Dialysis 26 (6): 714 – 719, 2013.
56. Ecder T: Early diagnosis saves lives: focus on patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl 3 (4): 335-336, 2013.
57. Ozkok A, Akpinar TS, Tufan F, Kaya O, Bozbey HU, Atas R, Toz B, Atay K, Yilmaz E, Besiroglu M, Nas K, Hadrovic N, Illyés M, Ecder T: Cystatin C is better than albuminuria as a predictor of pulse wave velocity in hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Hypertens 36 (4): 222 – 226, 2014.
58. Turkmen K, Tufan F, Engin S, Akpinar T, Oflaz H, Ecder T: Author’s reply (Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Indian J Nephrol 23(1): 34-40, 2013). Indian J Nephrol 24 (1): 66, 2014.
59. Spithoven EM, Kramer A, Meijer E et al., on behalf of the ERA-EDTA Registry, the EuroCYST Consortium and the WGIKD: Renal replacement therapy for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in Europe: prevalence and survival – an analysis of data from the ERA – EDTA Registry. Nephrol Dial Transplant 29: iv15 – iv25, 2014.
60. Petzold K, Gansevoort RT, Ong ACM, Devuyst O, Rotar L, Eckardt K-U, Köttgen A, Pirson Y, Remuzzi G, Sanford R, Tesar V, Ecder T, Chaveau D, Torra R, Budde K, Le Meur Y, Wüthrich RP, Serra AL: Building a network of ADPKD reference centres across Europe: the EuroCYST initiative. Nephrol Dial Transplant 29: iv26 – iv32, 2014.
61. Yelken B, Gorgulu N, Gursu M, Yazici H, Caliskan Y, Telci A, Ozturk S, Kazancioglu R, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S: Effects of spironolactone on residual renal function and peritoneal function in peritoneal dialysis patients. Adv Perit Dial 30: 5 – 10, 2014.
62. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Should transplant ureter be stented routinely or not? Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 18(23):3551-6, 2014.
63. Spithoven EM, Kramer A, Meijer E, Orskov B, Wanner C, Caskey F, Collart F, Finne P, Fogarty DG, Groothoff JW, Hoitsma A, Nogier MB, Postorino M, Ravani P, Zurriaga O, Jager KJ, Gansevoort RT; ERA-EDTA Registry; EuroCYST Consortium; WGIKD; EuroCYST Consortium; WGIKD. Analysis of data from the ERA-EDTA Registry indicates that conventional treatments for chronic kidney disease do not reduce the need for renal replacement therapy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 86(6):1244-1252, 2014.
64. Ecder T: Renal and metabolic effects of valsartan. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. Suppl 2:S14-9, 2014.
65. Chapman AB, Devuyst O, Eckardt KU, Gansevoort RT, Harris T, Horie S, Kasiske BL, Odland D, Pei Y, Perrone RD, Pirson Y, Schrier RW, Torra R, Torres VE, Watnick T, Wheeler DC; Conference Participants. Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD): executive summary from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int 88(1):17-27, 2015.
66. Palmer SC, Ruospo M, Campbell KL, Larsen VG, Saglimbene V, Natale P, Gargano L, Craig JC, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Knight J, Bednarek-Skublewska A, Celia E, del Castillo D, Dulawa J, Ecder T, Fabricius E, Frazao JM, Gelfman R, Hoischen SH, Schön S, Stroumza P, Timofte D, Török M, Hegbrant J, Wollheim C, Frantzen L, Strippoli GFM: Nutrition and dietary intake and their association with mortality and hospitalization in adults with chronic kidney disease treated with haemodialysis: protocol for DIET-HD, a prospective multinational cohort study. BMJ Open March 23, 2015.
67. Emre T, Kiliçkesmez Ö, Büker A, İnal BB, Doğan H, Ecder T: Renal function and diffusion-weighted imaging: a new method to diagnose kidney failure before losing half function. Radiol Med 121: 163-172, 2016.
68. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Sakaci T, Koc Y, Basturk T, Akin EB, Ecder T: New-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation and pretransplant hypomagnesemia. Progress in Transplantation 26 (1): 55 – 61, 2016.
69. Ecder T: Statins in the treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 31 (8): 1194-1196, 2016.
70. Ecder T: Is glomerular filtration rate a marker of severity of coronary heart disease? Turk Kardiyol Dern Arş 44: 98-99, 2016.
71. Arinsoy T, Deger SM, Ates K, Altun B, Ecder T, Camsari T, Serdengecti K, Suleymanlar G: Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Turkish adults with obesity and metabolic syndrome: A post hoc analysis from Chronic Renal Disease in Turkey study. J Ren Nutr. 26 (6): 373-379, 2016.
72. Aşık M, Tufan F, Akpınar TS, Akalın N, Ceyhan E, Tunç N, Hasıloğlu ZI, Altıparmak MR, Ecder T, Albayram S: Frequency of Nerve Root Sleeve Cysts in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Balkan Med J. 2016 Nov;33(6):652-656.
73. Kocyigit I, Sener EF, Taheri S, Eroglu E, Ozturk F, Unal A, Zararsiz G, Uzun I, Imamoglu H, Sipahioglu MH, Tokgoz B, Oymak O, Ecder T: Toll-like receptors in the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Ther Apher Dial, 2016 Dec: 20 (6): 615-622.
74. Saglimbene V, Palmer S, Scardapane M, Craig JC, Ruospo M, Natale P, Gargano L, Leal M, Bedranek-Skublewska A, Dulawa J, Ecder T, Stroumza P, Marco Murgo A, Schön S, Wollheim C, Hegbrant J, Strippoli GF: Depression and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients on haemodialysis: a multinational cohort study. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2017; 32(2): 377-384.
75. Ecder T, Utas C, Ates K, Bieber B, Robinson BM, Pisoni RL, Süleymanlar G. The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) in Turkey. Hemodial Int. 2017; 21(3): 430-439.
76. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Koc Y, Basturk T, Sakaci T, Akin EB, Ecder T: The incidence of new onset diabetes after transplantation and related factors. Nefrologia, 2017: 37(2): 181-188.
77. Kocyigit I, Taheri S, Sener EF, Eroglu E, Ozturk F, Unal A, Korkmaz K, Zararsız G, Sipahioglu MH, Ozkul Y, Tokgoz B, Oymak O, Ecder T, Axelsson J: Serum micro-RNA profiles in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease according to hypertension and renal function. BMC Nephrology 2017: 18: 179.
78. Rayner HC, Larkina M, Wand M, Graham-Brown M, van der Veer SN, Ecder T, Hasegawa T, Kleophas W, Bieber BA, Tentori F, Robinson BM, Pisoni RL: International comparisons of prevalence, awareness, and treatment of pruritus in people on hemodialysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 2000-2007, 2017.
79. Kaya O, Tufan F, Basar R, Akpinar TS, Atay K, Alpay N, Nas K, Illyes M, Ecder ST: The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on arterial stiffness and qt dispersion. Biomedical Research 2017; 28 (2): 503-507.
80. Harris T, Sandford R, de Coninck B, Devuyst O, Drenth JPH, Ecder T, Kent A, Gansevoort RT, Górriz JL, Ong ACM, Pirson Y, Torres VE, Budde K, Clément D, Derchi LE, Eleftheroudi M, Levtchenko E, Peters D, Van Poppel H, Vanholder R. European ADPKD Forum multidisciplinary position statement on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease care: European ADPKD Forum and Multispecialist Roundtable participants. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 33: 563-573, 2018.
81. Saglimbene VM, Wong G, Craig JC, Ruospo M, Palmer SC, Campbell K, Garcia-Larsen V, Natale P, Teixeira-Pinto A, Carrero JJ, Stenvinkel P, Gargano L, Murgo AM, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Gelfman R, Celia E, Ecder T, Bernat AG, Del Castillo D, Timofte D, Török M, Bednarek-Skublewska A, Duława J, Stroumza P, Hoischen S, Hansis M, Fabricius E, Felaco P, Wollheim C, Hegbrant J, Strippoli GFM. The Association of Mediterranean and DASH Diets with Mortality in Adults on Hemodialysis: The DIET-HD Multinational Cohort Study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018; 29(6): 1741-1751.
82. Saglimbene VM, Wong G, Ruospo M, Palmer SC, Campbell K, Larsen VG, Natale P, Teixeira-Pinto A, Carrero J-J, Stenvinkel P, Gargano L, Murgo AM, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Gelfman R, Celia E, Ecder T, Bernat AG, Del Castillo D, Timofte D, Török M, Bednarek-Skublewska A, Dulawa J, Stroumza P, Hoischen S, Hansis M, Fabricius E, Wollheim C, Hegbrant J, Craig JC, Strippoli GFM: Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in adults on hemodialysis: The DIET-HD multinational cohort study. Clinical Nutrition 38: 429-439, 2019
83. Yalın SF, Eren N, Sinangil A, Yılmaz VT, Tatar E, Ucar AR, Sevinc M, Can O, Gurkan A, Aril N, Alisir Ecder S, Uyar M, Yasar M, Gulcicek S, Mese M, Dheir H, Cakir U, Cevher SK, Turkmen K, Guven B, Taymez DG, Senates BE, Ecder T, Kocak H, Uslu A, Demir E, Basturk T, Ogutmen MB, Kinalp C, Dursun B, Bicik Bahcebasi Z, Sipahi S, Dede F, Oruc M, Caliskan Y, Genc A, Yelken B, Altıparmak MR, Turkmen A, Seyahi N: Fabry disease prevalence in renal replacement therapy in Turkey. Nephron Clinical Practice, February 8, 2019.
84. Ecder T: Which dialysis modality is better for the heart? Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 47 (2): 85-87, 2019.
85. Saglimbene VM, Wong G, Ruospo M, Palmer SC, Garcia-Larsen V, Natale P, Teixeira-Pinto A, Campbell KL, Carrero J-J, Stenvinkel P, Gargano L, Murgo AM, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Gelfman R, Celia E, Ecder T, Bernat AG, Del Castillo D, Timofte D, Torok M, Bednarek-Skublewska A, Duława J, Stroumza P, Hoischen S, Hansis M, Fabricius E, Felaco P, Wollheim C, Hegbrant J, Craig JC, Strippoli GFM. Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mortality in Adults undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 250-260, 2019.
86. Yalın SF, Eren N, Sisngil A, Yilmaz VT, Tatar E, Ucar AR, Sevinc M, Can Ö, Gurkan A, Arik N, Alisir Ecder S, Uyar M, Yasar M, Gulcicek S, Mese M, Dheir H, Cakir U, Cevher SK, Turkmen K, Guven B, Guven Taymez D, Erkalma Senates B, Ecder T, Kocak H, Uslu A, Demir E, Basturk T, Ogutmen MB, Kinalp C, Dursun B, Bicik Bahcebasi Z, Sipahi S, Dede F, Oruc M, Caliskan Y, Genc A, Yelken B, Altıparmak MR, Turkmen A, Seyahi N: Fabry disease prevalence in renal replacement therapy in Turkey. Nephron 142 (1): 26-33, 2019.
87. Kocyigit I, Ozturk F, Eroglu E, Karaca Z, Kaynar AS, Cetin M, Tokgoz B, Sipahioglu MH, Bayramov R, Sen A, Oymak O, Ecder T, Axelsson J: Dysmetabolic markers predict outcomes in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 2019.
88. Gallieni M, Hollenbeck M, Inston N, Kumwenda M, Powell S, Tordoir J, Al Shakarchi J, Berger P, Bolignano D, Cassidy D, Chan TY, Dhondt A, Drechsler C, Ecder T, Finocchiaro P, Haller M, Hanko J, Heye S, Ibeas J, Jemcov T, Kershaw S, Khawaja A, Labriola L, Lomonte C, Malovrh M, Marti I Monros A, Matthew S, McGrogan D, Meyer T, Mikros S, Nistor I, Planken N, Roca-Tey R, Ross R, Troxler M, van der Veer S, Vanholder R, Vermassen F, Welander G, Wilmink T, Koobasi M, Fox J, Van Biesen W, Nagler E. Clinical practice guideline on peri- and postoperative care of arteriovenous fistulas and grafts for haemodialysis in adults. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019 Jun 1;34(Supplement_2):ii1-ii42. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfz072.
89. Barlas IS, Aydogdu I, Sinangil A, Ucar ZA, Koc Y, Ecder T, Akin EB: Hand-assisted nephrectomy predisposes incisional herniation in obese living donors. Tranplantation Proceedings 51, 2210-2214, 2019.
90. Sinangil A, Ucar ZA, Koc Y, Barlas S, Abouzahir S, Ecder ST, Akin EB: Outcome of desensitization therapy in immunologically high-risk kidney transplantation: Sinlge-center experience. Tranplantation Proceedings 51, 2268-2273, 2019.
91. Ucar ZA, Sinangil A, Koc Y, Barlas S, Abouzahir S, Ecder T, Akin EB: Clinical prognosis of renal retransplant patients: A single-center experience. Tranplantation Proceedings 51, 2274-2278, 2019.
92. Gallieni M, Hollenbeck M, Inston N, Kumwenda M, Powell S, Tordoir J, Al Shakarchi J, Berger P, Bolignano D, Cassidy D, Chan TY, Dhondt A, Drechsler C, Ecder T, Finocchiaro P, Haller M, Hanko J, Heye S, Ibeas J, Jemcov T, Kershaw S, Khawaja A, Labriola L, Lomonte C, Malovrh M, Marti I Monros A, Matthew S, McGrogan D, Meyer T, Mikros S, Nistor I, Planken N, Roca-Tey R, Ross R, Troxler M, van der Veer S, Vanholder R, Vermassen F, Welander G, Wilmink T, Koobasi M, Fox J, Van Biesen W, Nagler E. Clinical practice guideline on peri- and postoperative care of arteriovenous fistulas and grafts for haemodialysis in adults. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Dec 4;35(12):2203. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa106.
93. Saglimbene VM, Wong G, Teixeira-Pinto A, Ruospo M, Garcia-Larsen V, Palmer SC, Natale P, Campbell K, Carrero JJ, Stenvinkel P, Gargano L, Murgo AM, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Gelfman R, Celia E, Ecder T, Bernat AG, Del Castillo D, Timofte D, Török M, Bednarek-Skublewska A, Duława J, Stroumza P, Hansis M, Fabricius E, Felaco P, Wollheim C, Hegbrant J, Craig JC, Strippoli GFM; DIET-HD Investigators and Dieticians. Dietary Patterns and Mortality in a Multinational Cohort of Adults Receiving Hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 Mar;75(3):361-372.
94. Ryu H, Park HC, Oh YK, Sangadi I, Wong A, Mei C, Ecder T, Wang AY, Kao TW, Huang JW, Rangan GK, Ahn C. RAPID-ADPKD (Retrospective epidemiological study of Asia-Pacific patients with rapId Disease progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease): study protocol for a multinational, retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2020 Feb 6;10(2):e034103. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034103.
95. Ozen N, Sayilan AA, Mut D, Sayilan S, Avcioglu Z, Kulakac N, Ecder T, Akyolcu N: The effect of chewing gum on dry mouth, interdialytic weight gain, and intradialytic symptoms: A prospective, randomized controlled trial. Hemodial Int. 2021 25: 94-103.
96. Arıcı M, Ecder T, Erdinler İ, Ok E, Arıcan Öztürk Ö, Türk UÖ, Alioğlu E: New Oral AntiCoagulants Use in REnal Disease and AF (NOACURE-AF) – Where do we stand?: An expert consensus view using the Delphi method. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2021 Jul;49(5):345-352. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2021.40652.
97. Erdem E, Karataş A, Ecder T: The relationship between serum ferritin levels and 5-year all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients. Blood Purif. 2021 Apr 7:1-7. doi: 10.1159/000515639. Online ahead of print.
98. Ozen N, Aydin Sayilan A, Sayilan S, Mut D, Akin EB, Ecder ST: Relationship between arteriovenous fistula cannulation practices and dialysis adequacy: A prospective, multicenter study. J Ren Care. 2021 Jan 25. doi: 10.1111/jorc.12365. Online ahead of print.
99. Eren Sadioglu R, Ustuner E, Ergun I, Ecder ST, Nergizoglu G, Keven K: Warfarin is associated with the risk of vascular calcification in abdominal aorta in hemodialysis patients: A multicenter case-sontrol study. Turk J Med Sci. 2021 Jul 22. doi: 10.3906/sag-2104-221. Online ahead of print.
100. Akpinar TS, Kucukdagli P, Ozer PK, Karaayvaz EB, Ince B, Bakkaloglu OK, Sarihan I, Medetalibeyoglu A, Antinkaynak M, Uzun DD, Bozbora E, Kose M, Ecder T, Yazici H: Subclinic arterial and left ventricular systolic impairment in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with preserved renal functions. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 Aug 26. doi: 10.1007/s10554-021-02389-8. Online ahead of print.
101. Singh AK, Carroll K, McMurray JJV, Solomon S, Jha V, Johansen KL, Lopes RD, Macdougall IC, Obrador GT, Waikar SS, Wanner C, Wheeler DC, Więcek A, Blackorby A, Cizman B, Cobitz AR, Davies R, DiMino TL, Kler L, Meadowcroft AM, Taft L, Perkovic V; ASCEND-ND Study Group. Daprodustat for the Treatment of Anemia in Patients Not Undergoing Dialysis N Engl J Med. 2021 Dec 16;385(25):2313-2324.
b. Letters to the editor and case reports
1. Ecder T, Tbakhi A, Braun WE, Tubbs RR, Myles J, McMahon JT: De novo light-chain deposition disease in a cadaver renal allograft. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 28: 3; 461-465, 1996.
2. Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T: Successful treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma in a renal allograft recipient (letter). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantion 11:223, 1996.
3. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Türk S, Akkaya V, Ark E: The interaction between cyclosporine A and verapamil, felodipine and isradipine. Nephron 81: 117-118, 1999.
4. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Alış H, İmer M, Barlas O, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Aydın AE, Eldegez U, Sever MŞ: Successful therapy combined with surgery for severe post-transplant nocardiosis. Journal of Nephrology 14:304-306, 2001.
5. Adaş M, Tanakol R, Yarman S, Boztepe H, Ecder T, Alagol F: Acute renal failure associated with nonfulminant hepatitis A virus infection. Renal Failure 24 (1): 97-102, 2002.
6. Çalışkan Y, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Sargın D, Ecder T: Cyclosporine-associated hyperkalemia: Report of four allogeneic blood stem cell transplant cases. Transplantation, 75 (7): 1069-1072, 2003.
7. Sezer M, Nisanci Y, Ozsaruhan O, Olcay A, Ecder T: Stenting for bilateral renal artery occlusion: a report of two cases. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18: 2663-2664, 2003.
8. Caliskan Y, Yazici H, Kucuk M, Alisir S, Kilicaslan I, Ecder T: Nephrotic syndrome associated with hidradenitis suppurativa. Clinical Nephrology 63:171-172, 2005.,
9. Tufan F, Cefle K, Turkmen S, Turkmen A, Zorba U, Dursun M, Ozturk S, Palanduz S, Ecder T, Mundlos S, Horn D: Clinical and molecular characterization of two adults with autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 136(2): 185-189, 2005.
10. Atamer T, Artim-Esen B, Yavuz S, Ecder T: Massive post-obstructive diuresis in a patient with Burkitt’s lymphoma. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 20: 1991-1993, 2005.
11. Caliskan Y, Ozturk S, Demirturk M, Ozkan O, Yazici H, Ecder T, Turkmen A, Sever MS: A renal transplant patient with a solitary plasmacytoma in the oral cavity. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 21: 1741-1742, 2006.
12. Caliskan Y, Demirturk M, Cagatay AA, Guven D, Ozkan O, Ecder T, Turkmen A, Sever MS: Isolated hepatic tuberculous abscess in a renal transplant recipient. Transplant Proc 38: 1341-1343, 2006.
13. Kocabay G, Ozturk S, Ecder T: Werner syndrome associated with renal involvement. Saudi Med J 27 (11); 1768-1769, 2006.
14. Kocabay G, Alisir S, Serdaroglu P, Sever MS, Ecder T: Myastenia gravis associated with nephrotic syndrome. Neurosciences 11: 217-218, 2006.
15. Kocabay G, Erelel M, Tutkun IT, Ecder T: Optic neuritis and bitemporal hemianopsia associated with isoniazid treatment in end-stage renal failure. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 10 (12): 1418-1419, 2006.
16. Yelken B, Namli S, Gorgulu N, Ecder T: Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis associated with Good’s syndrome. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Plus 1: 26-27, 2008.
17. Halacli B, Ecder T: The use of bilirubin for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy. Med Hypotheses, 2008.
18. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Cabuk FK, Akin EB, Ecder T: A very rare tumor in a renal transplant donor candidate: Primary mesenteric neuroendocrine tumor. International Journal of Advances in Case Reports 2 (4): 244-249, 2015.
19. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Altunrende F, Akin EB, Ecder T: Calcified double J stent after sequential liver and renal transplantation associated to primary oxalosis: Case Report. BANTAO Journal 13 (2): 97-99, 2015.
20. Sinangil A, Celik V, Kockar A, Ecder T: Synthetic cannabinoid induced acute tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome: A case report and review of literature. J Clin Diagn Res 10 (5): OD31-32, 2016.
21. Kocyigit I, Eroglu E, Ecder T: Nebivolol can be used for combination therapy in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 2017; 18(4): 455.
3. Publications in journals outside the scope of "Science Citation Index (SCI)"
1. Ünver S, Kızılcık Özkan Z, Ecder T, Çetin B: Attitudes of patients’ relatives towards organ donation. Journal of Human Rhythm 5(1): 23-33, 2019.
4. Papers presented at international scientific meetings
a. Papers presented orally at international scientific meetings
1. Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Yıldız A, Çelik AV, Türkmen A, Ecder ST, Ander H, Sever M: The analysis of living donor transplant recipients – A single centre’s experience in Turkey. International Workshop, Living Donor Kidney Transplantation, Uppsala, Sweden, September, 10-12, 1998.
2. Ecder T, Edelstein CL, Brosnahan GM, Johnson AM, Gabow PA, Schrier RW: Effect on renal function of diuretics versus angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, November 1-8, 1999, Miami Beach, Florida, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10: A2097, 1999
American Journal of Nephrology 21: 98-103, 2001’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
3. Melnikov VY, Schrier RW, Fantuzzi G, Ecder T, Edelstein CL: Ischemic acute renal failure in caspase-1 knockout mice: Role of interleukin-18. 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 10-16, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11: A3130, 2000
The Journal of Clinical Investigation 107: 1145-1152, 2001’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
4. Sever MŞ, Kazancıoğlu R, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Ecder ST, Kayacan SM, Çelik V, Şahin S, Aydin AE, Eldegez U: Mid-term outcome of living unrelated (commercial) renal transplantation. XVIII International Congress of the Transplantation Society, August 27-September 1, 2000, Rome.
Kidney International 60: 1477-1483, 2001’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
5. Türkmen K, Oflaz H, Alısır Acder S, Elitok A, Cimen A, Namli S, Uslu B, Uysal M, Ecder T: Impaired coronary flow reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Fourth Mediterranean Meeting on Hypertension and Atherosclerosis. May 9-12, 2007, Lykia World Hotel, Fethiye-Turkey
6. Ecder T, Alpay N, Altıntepe L, Kazancıoğlu R, Altıparmak MR, Tuğlular S, Uyanık A, Çavdar C, Alişir Ecder S, Tokgöz B, Duman N, Düzova A: The demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: Analysis of 1318 Turkish patients. 9th Congress of the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (BANTAO). BANTAO Journal 2009; Volume 7: Supplement 1, page 18.
7. Türkmen K, Alpay N, Kaşıkçıoğlu E, Oflaz H, Alışır Ecder S, Tufan F, Ecder T: Insulin resistance and coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 9th Congress of the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (BANTAO). BANTAO Journal 2009; Volume 7: Supplement 1, page 21.
8. Usta I, Güzel M, Eser F, Hacıhasanoğlu E, Arık S, Cırık H, Yazıcı H, Ecder T: Effect of discontinuation of ACEI / ARB treatment due to hyperkalemia on progression of diabetic nephropathy. 22nd International Medical Sciences Student Congress. 14 -16 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
9. Güzel M, Alpay N, Uysal M, Ecder T: The clinical characteristics of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: An analysis of 407 patients. 22nd International Medical Sciences Student Congress. 14 -16 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
10. Sahin H, Naci E, Ozak AN, Toz B, Bozbey HU, Kaya O, Elcioglu OC, Tufan F, Ecder T: Correlation of body mass index and waist circumference with blood pressure measurements. 22nd International Medical Sciences Student Congress. 14 -16 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
11. Özdemircioglu F, Yılmaz R, Güzel M, Mestanzade T, Ecder T, Önal E: Research on knowledge attitude and behaviour of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 3rd grade students about giving up tobacco (2009-2010 education year research). 22nd International Medical Sciences Student Congress. 14 -16 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
12. Albayram S, Asık M, Ceyhan E, Isık Z, Tufan F, Akalın N, Tunc N, Ozer H, Altıparmak M, Ecder T: Frequency of nerve root sleeve cysts in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Society of Neuroradiology. 2010 Proceedings, May 15-20, 2010, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusettes, USA, page 139.
13. Caliskan Y, Besiroglu M, Yazici H, Altun I, Gurdal A, Ecder T: Endothelial dysfunction in renal transplant recipients with functioning arteriovenous fistula. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, November 8 – 13, 2011, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
14. Ekin B, Çörekçioğlu B, Çiftkaya A, Ecder T: Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 24th International Medical Sciences Student Congress. 17 -19 May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
15. Kocyigit I, Sener EF, Taheri S, Eroglu E, Ozturk F, Unal A, Zararsiz G, Ozbay I, Imamoglu H, Sipahioglu MH, Tokgoz B, Oymak O, Ecder T: Toll-like receptors in the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. American Society of Nephrology kidney Week 2016, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Abstract Supplement, 27: 34A, 2016.
b. Posters presented at international scientific meetings
1. Ergin Karadayı H, Dilşen G, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ, Ecder ST, Özdoğan E, Tuna Ş: Bone mineral density in different periods of chronic renal failure and after renal transplantation. XXXIth Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July 3-6, 1994, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, p:29.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 906-907 (1994)".
2. Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Ökten A, Aysuna N, Badur S, Besler M, Ecder ST: Hepatitis C virus infection in a haemodialysis unit: The results of a three-year follow-up. XXXIth Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July 3-6, 1994, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, p: 167.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 977 (1994)".
Published as an article in Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 29: 23-26 1996.
3. Beşışık F, Ökten A, Sever M, Kaymakoğlu S, Çakaloğlu Y, Ecder T, Erdem L, Yalçın S: Chronic liver dysfunction in renal allograft recipients with special reference to viral hepatitis B and C. 10th World Congress of Gastroenterology, October 2-7, 1994, Los Angeles, California, USA, Abstracts II: Poster Presentations 972P.
4. Besler M, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Özdoğan E: Effects of lovastatin on lipid and lipoprotein profiles in unremittent primary nephrotic syndrome. XXXIIth Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, June 11-14, 1995, Athens, Greece, Abstracts, p: 96
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 10: 966 (1995)".
5. Bozfakıoğlu S, Türkoğlu S, Badur S, Ark E, Ökten A, Aysuna A, Bozacı M, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Yıldız A: HCV viraemia in anti-HCV positive and negative hemodialysis patients. XXXIIth Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, June 11-14, 1995, Athens, Greece, Abstracts, p: 195. This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 10: 1003 (1995)".
6. Ecder ST, Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Kahraman T, Aysuna N, Erkoç R, Türkmen A, Bekiroğlu N, Ark E: Relationship with zinc levels and tumor markers in hemodialysis patients. XXXIII. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, 18-21 June, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstracts, p: 269.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 11: A195 (1996)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
7. Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder ST, Kahraman T, Gürel N, Erkoç R, Aysuna N, Türkmen A, Bekiroğlu N, Barut A, Ark E: Effects of zinc supplementation on immune system and antibody response to multivalent influenza vaccine in hemodialysis patients. XXXIII. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, 18-21 June, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Absracts, p: 269.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 11: A195 (1996)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
The International Journal of Artificial Organs 21: 274-278, 1998’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
8. Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder ST, Kahraman T, Gürel N, Erkoç R, Aysuna N, Görçin B, Bekiroğlu N, Barut A, Ark E: Effects of selenium on immune system and antibody response to multivalent influenza vaccine in hemodialysis patients. XXXIII. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, 18-21 June, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstracts, p: 269.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 11: A196 (1996)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
9. Beşışık SF, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Çevikbaş U, Ökten A: Association of long-term follow-up transaminase values to liver histology in renal transplant patients with chronic hepatitis C. XXXIII. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, 18-21 June, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstracts, p: 385.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 11: A282 (1996)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
10. Yıldız A, Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Kahraman T, Akkaya V, Türkmen A, Erkoç R, Ecder T, Ark E: The effect of zinc replacement on endocrine changes in hemodialysis patients. XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 121.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A102 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
11. Bozfakıoğlu S, Türkoğlu S, Ecder ST, Bozacı M, Yıldız A, Aysuna N, Türkmen A, Badur S, Ark E: Is hepatitis G virus infection a new problem in dialysis units? XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 164.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A137 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
12. Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Erkoç R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Aysuna N, Ark E: The effect of unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin on lipid abnormalities in hemodialysis patients. XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 176.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A148 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 61:3: 286-289, 1998’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
13. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Türk S, Akkaya V, Ark E: The interaction between cyclosporine A and verapamil, felodipine and isradipine. XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 265.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A217 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
Nephron 81: 117-118, 1999’da makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
14. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Demirel Ş, Akkaya V, Türk S, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Ark E: The effect of renal transplantation on uremic autonomic dysfunction: a heart rate variability study. XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 266.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A218 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
Nephron 80: 57-60, 1998’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
15. Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Erkoç R, Ecder T, Görçin B, Türk S, Aydın AE, Ark E, Sever MŞ: Transplantation in renal amyloidosis. XXXIV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, September 21-24, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland, Abstracts, p: 266.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: A218 (1997)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
Clinical Transplantation 12: 375-378, 1998’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
16. Türkmen A, Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E: Transdermal estrogen therapy in ureamic haemostatic disorders. Can it be an alternative therapy? XXXV. Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, June 6-9, 1998, Rimini, Italy, Abstracts, p: 188.
Bu özet, "Nephrol Dial Transplant 13: A139 (1998)"de de yayınlanmıştır.
Medical Bulletin of İstanbul Medical Faculty 33: 17-20, 2000’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
17. Ecder ST, Edelstein CL, Chapman AB, Johnson AM, Tison L, Gill E, Brosnahan GM, Schrier RW: Reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. XVth International Congress of Nephrology, May 2-6, 1999, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstracts, p: 121
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 14: 1113-1116, 1999’da makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
18. Ecder ST, Edelstein CL, Chapman AB, Johnson AM, Tison L, Brosnahan GM, Schrier RW: Effect of antihypertensive therapy on renal function and urinary albumin excretion in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. XVth International Congress of Nephrology, May 2-6, 1999, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstracts, p: 122
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 35: 427-432, 2000’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
19. Altıntepe L, Ecder ST, Kazancıoğlu R, Sever MŞ, Çelik AV: Comparison of the effects of losartan and enalapril in patients with nephritic syndrome resistant to immunosuppressive therapies. XVth International Congress of Nephrology, May 2-6, 1999, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstracts, p: 371
20. Ecder T, Edelstein CL, Brosnahan GM, Johnson AM, Gabow PA, Schrier RW: Progress in the blood pressure control in hypertensive patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, November 1-8, 1999, Miami Beach, Florida, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10: A2096, 1999.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 36: 266-271, 2000’de makale şeklinde yayınlanmıştır.
21. Ecder T, Melnikov VY, Schrier RW, Edelstein CL: Caspases and apoptosis in polycystic kidneys of Han:Sprague-Dawley (Han:SPRD) rats. 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 10-16, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11: A2037, 2000.
22. Hockensmith ML, Estacio RO, Mehler PS, Havranek EP, Ecder ST, Lundgren RA, Schrier RW: Albuminuria predicts the onset of congestive heart failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12: A0771, 2001.
23. Ecder T, Stanley M, Melnikov VY, Schrier RW, Edelstein CL: Caspase activation and downregulation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-XL protein in polycystic kidneys of Han:SPRD rats. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12: A2767, 2001.
24. Ecder T, McFann KK, Johnson AM, Chapman AB, Edelstein CL, Tison M, Schrier RW: Reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients with rigorous blood pressure control. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12: A2768, 2001.
25. Kocaman O, Oflaz H, Genchellac H, Ungor S, Kazancioglu R, Ozsaruhan O, Ecder T: Endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 30-November 4, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 13: 507A, 2002.
26. Oflaz H, Kocaman O, Demirel S, Dursun M, Turgut F, Alisir S, Ecder T: Endothelial dysfunction and carotid intima-media thickness in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic disease. World Congress of Nephrology, June 8-12, 2003, Berlin, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18: Suppl 4: 369 (T279), 2003.
27. Caliskan Y, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Acarturk G, Sargin D, Ecder T: Renal dysfunction early in the course of hematopoietic cell transplantation. World Congress of Nephrology, June 8-12, 2003, Berlin, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18: Suppl 4: 666 (W378), 2003.
28. Kocaman O, Oflaz H, Alisir S, Turgut F, Namli S, Goren T, Ecder T: Biventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, November 12-17, 2003, San Diego, CA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14: 110A, 2003.
29. Namli S, Oflaz H, Kocaman O, Alisir S, Turgut F, Buyukaydin B, Umman S, Ecder T: Improvement of endothelial dysfunction with simvastatin in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. XLI Congress of the European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association, May 15-18, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, SP131.
30. Namli S, Oflaz H, Turgut F, Alisir S, Buyukaydin B, Tufan F, Umman S, Ecder T: Improvement of endothelial dysfunction (ED) with simvastatin in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 27-November 1, 2004, St. Louis, MO, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 15: 219A, 2004.
31. Caliskan Y, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Alisir S, Sargin D, Ecder T: Incidence and outcome of renal dysfunction early in the course of hematopoietic cell transplantation. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 27-November 1, 2004, St. Louis, MO, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 15: 581A, 2004.
32. Ecder SA, Dilsen N, Ecder T, Kilicaslan I, Uysal V, Sever MS: An analysis of 543 cases of secondary amyloidosis diagnosed by renal biopsy during the last 50 years in Turkey. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2005, Vienna 8-11 June, 2005, Abstracts, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 64:Suppl III, July 2005.
33. Turgut F, Oflaz H, Namli S, Alisir S, Tufan F, Temiz S, Umman S, Ecder T: Ambulatory blood pressure, microalbuminuria and endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, November 10-13, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 16:360A, 2005
34. Turkmen K, Oflaz H, Alisir S, Elitok A, Cimen A, Namli S, Tufan F, Temiz S, Ecder T: Impaired coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, November 16-19, 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17:513A, 2006
35. Uslu B, Oflaz H, Turkmen K, Alisir S, Elitok A, Cimen A, Onur I, Namli S, Tufan F, Temiz S, Uysal M, Ecder T: Effect of telmisartan on coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. World Congress of Nephrology, April 21-25, 2007, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, WCN 2007, Book of Abstracts.
36. Yelken B, Namli S, Gorgulu N, Tayfur M, Ecder T: Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis associated with Good’s syndrome. XLIV Congress of the European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), June 21-24, 2007, Barcelona, Spain.
Alpay N, Uslu B, Turkmen K, Elitok A, Oflaz H, Cimen A, Onur I, Alisir S, Tufan F, Ecder T: Effect of telmisartan on coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, October 31 - November 5, 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18: 369A, 2007.
37. Karakoc ZC, Namli S, Ecder ST, Tekin R: Multiple cavitary nodules accompanied by pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The 3rd Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases. 01-04 October 2009, Ramada Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan.
38. Caliskan Y, Ozkok A, Ozkan B, Ozata A, Tufan F, Ataman R, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S. Arterial stiffness and QT dispersion in hemodialysis patients. XLVII ERA-EDTA congress, June 25-28, 2010, Munich, Germany. NDT plus Volume 3; Supplement 3: 2010.
39. Caliskan Y, Yazici H, Akagun T, Turkmen A, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Sever MS, Bozfakioglu S. Outcome and risk factors for mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients: Fifteen years experience in a single Turkish Center. 13th Congress International Society for Peritoneal Dıalysis. July 23-26. Mexico City. Mexico. Peritoneal Dialysis International Vol 30, Supplement 2: S17, 2010
40. Caliskan Y, Yazici H, Akagun T, Alpay N, Oflaz H, Ecder T, Sever MS, Bozfakioglu S. Relationship between coronary flow reserve and cardiovascular disease in peritoneal dialysis patients. 13th Congress International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. July 23-26. Mexico City. Mexico. Peritoneal Dialysis International Vol 30, Supplement 2: S33, 2010.
41. Caliskan Y, Akagun T, Yazici H, Molnar F, Nas K, lllyes M, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S. Residual renal function and interrelationship between noninvasive predictors of atherosclerosis in peritoneal dialysis patients. 13th Congress International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. July 23-26. Mexico City. Mexico. Peritoneal Dialysis International Vol 30, Supplement 2: S33, 2010.
42. Yelken B, Gorgulu N, Gürsu M, Yazici H, Caliskan Y, Kazancioglu R, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S. Effects of spironolactone on residual renal function in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis. 13th Congress International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. July 23-26. Mexico City. Mexico. Peritoneal Dialysis International Vol 30, Supplement 2: S52, 2010.
43. Çalışkan Y, Akagun T, Yazici H, Alpay N, Guz G, Polat N, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S: Diagnostic potential of serum biomarkers for atherosclerosis in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients. World Congress of Nephrology, 8 – 12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
44. Akdeniz F, Guerra M, Ecder T, Cowperthwaite J, Hegbrant J, Schön SW: Use of Continuous quality improvement to promote procedure adherence and enhance patient safety. EDTNA/ERCA Abstract number 11EE-0044.40th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, 10 – 13 September 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
45. Çetin B, Ünver S, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: Arm hygiene improvement activity in chronic haemodialysis patients. EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, Abstract Number P106, 15-18 September 2012, Convention Centre Strasbourg, France.
46. Çetin B, Ünver S, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: The power of team-work interventions on diabetic foot wound care. EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, Abstract Number P119, 15-18 September 2012, Convention Centre Strasbourg, France.
47. Caliskan Y, Yazici H, Alpay N, Akagun T, Ecder T, Bozfakioglu S. Relationship between coronary flow reserve and cardiovascular disease in peritoneal dialysis patients: a 5-year prospective studyalysis. 14th Congress International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. 9th – 12th September 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Peritoneal Dialysis International Vol 32, Supplement 3: S129, 2012.
48. Okur I, Biberoglu G, Ezgü FS, Tümer L, Hasanoglu A, Bicik Z, Akın Y, Mumcuoglu M, Ecder T: Prevalence of Fabry disease among hemodialysis patients in Turkey. ERA-EDTA 50th Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, May 18 – 21, 2013.
49. Palmer S, Saglimbene V, Ruospo M, Craig JC, Celia E, Gelfman R, Stroumza P, Bednarek A, Dulawa J, Frazao J, Del Castillo D, Ecder T, Hegbrant J, Strippoli G: Depression in patients requiring hemodialysis: Prevalence, correlates and association with mortality in a large multi-national cohort study. ERA-EDTA 50th Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, May 18 – 21, 2013.
50. Ozkok A, Akpinar TS, Tufan F, Kaya O, Bozbey HU, Atas R, Toz B, Atay K, Yilmaz E, Besiroglu M, Nas K, Hadrovic N, Illyes M, Ecder T: Arterial stiffness, microalbuminuria and serum cystatin C levels in healthy and hypertensive subjects. World Congress of Nephrology, May 31 – June 4, 2013, Hong Kong.
51. Süleymanlar G, Utas C, Ecder T, Ates K, Bieber B, Robinson BM, Pisoni RL: The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) in Turkey: Study design and initial comparisons with Turkish Registry data. 51st ERA-EDTA Congress Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 31 – June 3, 2014
52. Akpinar TS, Ozkok A, Tufan F, Kose M, Bakkaloglu OK, Ince B, Sarihan EI, Uzun DD, Bozbora E, Yazici H, Caliskan Y, Ecder T, Nas K, Illyes M: Arterial stiffness in young non-uremic autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients compared to young healthy subjects. Kidney Week, November 11 – 16, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25: 764A, 2014.
53. Ryu H, Park H, Oh Y, Mei C, Rangan G, Ecder T, Wang A, Kao J, Huang J, Ahn C: RAPID-ADPKD (Retrospective Epidemiologic Study of Asian-Pacific Patients with Rapid Disease Progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease): Design and Methods. ISN World Congress of Nephrology, April 12 – 15, 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
54. Sadioglu RE, Ustuner E, Ergun I, Ecder T, Nergizoglu G, Keven K: Warfarin increases the risk of vascular calcification in haemodialysis patients: A multicenter case-control study. PO1035. Kidney Week 2020. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 31: 353, 2020
B. National Publications and Events
1. Book authorship
1. Ecder ST: Acid-base balance and disorders. Turkish Kidney Foundation, Istanbul, 1998.
2. Ecder T, Karşıdağ K, Sansoy V: 90 Soruda Diabetes, Hypertension and Cardiorenal Protection, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2009.
2. Book chapter authorship
1. Sever MS, Ecder ST: Acute oligoanuria and acute uremic syndrome. Emergency Internal Medicine (4th edition), Editors: Prof. Dr. Semra Çalangu, Assoc. Dr. Kerim Güler. Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası, pages 427-459, 1995.
2. Ecder T: Renal transplantation (Topic 14C). Handbook of Nephrology 2nd Edition. Editors: Assoc. Dr. Tekin Akpolat, Assoc. Dr. Cengiz Utaş, Prof. Dr. Gültekin Süleymanlar Pages 301-310, Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası A.Ş., İstanbul, 1999.
3. Ecder T: Renal transplantation (Topic 14C). Handbook of Nephrology 3rd Edition. Editors: Assoc. Dr. Tekin Akpolat, Assoc. Dr. Cengiz Utaş, Prof. Dr. Gültekin Süleymanlar Pages 328-338, Nobel Medical Bookstores, 2000.
4. Akpolat T, Ecder T: Problems related to fluid-electrolyte and acid-base metabolism (Topic 30). Handbook of Nephrology 3rd Edition. Editors: Assoc. Dr. Tekin Akpolat, Assoc. Dr. Cengiz Utaş, Prof. Dr. Gültekin Süleymanlar Pages 488-502, Nobel Medical Bookstores, 2000.
5. Ecder T: Nephrological problems in the perioperative period (Chapter 8). Perioperative Internal Medicine Consultation. Editors: M. Akif Karan, S. Vatansever. Pages 91-100, Nobel Medical Bookstores, 2003.
6. Çağlar Ş, Süleymanlar G, Ecder T: Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders (Chapter 8). Internal Diseases 2nd Edition. Editors: İliçin, Biberoğlu, Süleymanlar, Ünal. Pages 1251-1285, Güneş Kitabevi, 2003.
7. Ecder T: Acid-base balance and disorders. Internal Diseases. Editor: Enver Dolar. Pages 260-263, Nobel & Güneş 2005.
8. Ecder T, Selcuk Y, Dilek K: Electrolyte balance disorders. Internal Diseases. Editor: Enver Dolar. Pages 264-268, Nobel & Güneş 2005.
9. Ecder T: Chronic renal failure. Oral Diagnosis with Systemic Approaches. Editor: İlknur Özcan. Pages 387-394, Nobel Medical Bookstore, 2007.
10. Akpolat T, Ecder T: Problems related to fluid-electrolyte and acid-base metabolism (Topic 30). Handbook of Nephrology 4th Edition. Editors: Prof. Dr. Tekin Akpolat, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Utaş, Prof. Dr. Gültekin Süleymanlar Pages 535-549, Nobel Medical Bookstores, 2007.
11. Ecder T: Renal physiology. Internal Diseases. Editor: Kemalettin Büyüköztürk. Nobel Medical Bookstores, Chapter 268, Pages 2495-2509, 2007.
12. Ecder T: Fluid-electrolyte disorders and treatment. Internal Diseases. Editor: Kemalettin Büyüköztürk. Nobel Medical Bookstores, Chapter 272, Pages 2537-2545, 2007.
13. Ecder T: Acid-base balance and disorders. Internal Diseases. Editor: Kemalettin Büyüköztürk. Nobel Medical Bookstores, Chapter 273, Pages 2547-2559, 2007.
14. Ecder T: Cystic diseases of the kidney. Internal Diseases. Editor: Kemalettin Büyüköztürk. Nobel Medical Bookstores, Chapter 295, Pages 2689-2699, 2007.
15. Ecder T: Urinary tract stone disease due to medical diseases and treatments. Urinary System Stone Disease. Editors: Muslimoglu, Esen, Tefekli. Nobel Medical Bookstores, Pages 499-505, 2007.
16. Ecder T: Bölüm 21: Asit-baz dengesi ve bozuklukları. Acil Dahiliye (7. Baskı), Prof. Dr. Kerim Güler, Prof. Dr. Semra Çalangu, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 519-538, 2009.
17. Ecder T: Bölüm 22: Sıvı-elektrolit bozuklukları ve tedavisi. Acil Dahiliye (7. Baskı), Prof. Dr. Kerim Güler, Prof. Dr. Semra Çalangu, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 539-556, 2009.
18. Ecder T: Böbrek yetersizliğinin sinir sistemine yansımaları. Nöroloji Temel Kitabı (Birinci Baskı), Editör: Murat Emre, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 1488-1492, 2013.
19. Ecder T: Sistemik iyon dengesi bozukluklarının sinir sistemine yansımaları. Nöroloji Temel Kitabı (Birinci Baskı), Editör: Murat Emre, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 1492-1497, 2013.
20. Ecder T: Hipertansiyonda Klinik Değerlendirme. Hipertansiyon. Editörler: Nurol Arık, Melda Dilek. Türk Nefroloji Derneği Hipertansiyon Çalışma Grubu, 2013.
21. Ecder T: Bölüm 32: Parenteral sıvı tedavisi: Kristalloidler ve kolloidler. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 202-205, 2016.
22. Ecder T: Bölüm 33: Hiponatremi ve hipernatremi. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 206-212, 2016.
23. Ecder T: Bölüm 37: Asit-baz dengesi ve bozuklukları. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 230-242, 2016.
24. Ecder T: Bölüm 38: Asit-baz bozukluğu olan hastaya yaklaşım. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 243-247, 2016.
25. Ecder T: Kısım 3, Bölüm 4: Asit-baz denge bozuklukları. Temel Nefroloji, Editörler: Prof. Dr. Yavuz Yeniçerioğlu, Doç. Dr. Özkan Güngör, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Arıcı, Güneş Tıp Kitabeveleri, Sayfa 101-113, 2019.
26. Ecder T: Bölüm 32: Parenteral sıvı tedavisi: Kristalloidler ve kolloidler. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 224-227, 2020.
27. Ecder T: Bölüm 33: Hiponatremi ve hipernatremi. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 228-234, 2020.
28. Ecder T: Bölüm 37: Asit-baz dengesi ve bozuklukları. Dahili – Cerrahi – Adli ‘Acil’ler El Kitabı. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Doç. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 252-264, 2020.
29. Ecder T: Chapter 38: Approach to the patient with acid-base disorder. Handbook of Internal - Surgical - Forensic 'Emergencies'. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Assoc. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Medical Bookstores, pages 265-269, 2020.
30. Atan Uçar Z, Ecder ST: Hypertension: Never Happens Without a Kidney. Hypertension 2020. Editor: Prof. Dr. Hakan Karpuz. Page 113-119, 2020.
31. Ecder T: Dialyzers and Dialysis Membranes. Hemodialysis Principles and Applications. Editor: Prof. Dr. Gültekin Süleymanlar. Güneş Medical Bookstores, Pages 117-124, 2020.
32. Ecder T: Chapter 34: Parenteral fluid therapy: Crystalloids and colloids. Internal - Surgical - Forensic 'Emergencies' Handbook. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Assoc. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Medical Bookstores, pages 244-247, 2021.
33. Ecder T: Chapter 35: Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia. Internal - Surgical - Forensic 'Emergencies' Handbook. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Assoc. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Medical Bookstores, pages 248-254, 2021.
34. Ecder T: Chapter 39: Acid-Base Balance and Disorders. Internal - Surgical - Forensic 'Emergencies' Handbook. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Assoc. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Medical Bookstores, pages 272-284, 2021.
35. Ecder T: Chapter 39: Approach to the Patient with Acid-Base Disorder. Internal - Surgical - Forensic 'Emergencies' Handbook. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Assoc. Dr. Halil Yazıcı, Nobel Medical Bookstores, pages 285-289, 2021.
36. Ecder T: Water and Sodium Metabolism Disorders. Turkish Society of Nephrology, Book of Nephrology. Editors: Güngör, Koçyiğit, Ulu, Tokgöz, Arıcı, Ateş, Akademisyen Kitabevi. Pages 181 - 196, 2021.
37. Ecder T, Oktay V: Diabetes and Hypertension. Questions about Diabetes and Chronic Complications, Editor: Şakir Özgür Keşkek, Academic Internal Medicine Association Publications, First Edition, pages 23-34, 2021.
3. Publications in national journals
1. Ecder T, Tuna Ş: IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease). Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 53:179-184, 1990.
2. Ecder T, Tuna Ş: Diabetic nephropathy and recent developments in its treatment. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 54: 153-156, 1991.
3. Özgözükara A, Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Sander B, Puşuoğlu G, Ark E, Koçak N: Sudden death during hemodialysis applications. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 55: 349-356, 1992.
4. Taşçıoğlu C, Azezli A, Ateş A, Ecder T, Acarlı K, Akpınar E, Kaysı A: A case of cholestasis due to tuberculous adenitis. Journal of the Turkish Medical Association 58: 72-75, 1992.
5. Sever MS, Çarin M, Eldegez U, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Ünlübozkurt M, Ataman R, Karakullukçu F, Sarsmaz N, Özgözükara A, Telaferli A, Önen K, Koçak N: Demographic analysis of the cadaveric kidney pool of the Istanbul Medical Faculty Transplantation Unit-711 cases- Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 1: 52-56, 1992.
6. Ecder ST, Sever MS, Aysuna N, Tuna Ş, Ander H, Uysal V: A case of urinary bladder paraganglioma. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 25:149-154, 1992.
7. Özgözükara A, Ecder ST, Sander B, Ark E, Sever MS, Puşuoğlu G, Koçak N: The effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on various clinical and laboratory parameters in patients receiving chronic regular hemodialysis treatment. Journal of Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty 23: 315-320, 1992.
8. Ecder ST, Güven Ö: A case of bilateral pelvic ectopic kidneys. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 26: 115-117, 1993.
9. Ecder T, Tanakol R, Oğuz H, Alagöl F, Azizlerli H, Sandalcı Ö: Comparison of clinical and laboratory findings in patients with classic, variant and mosaic forms of Turner syndrome. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 56:1: 10-14, 1993.
10. Tanakol R, Ecder T, Sever M, Oguz H, Azizlerli H, Alagöl F, Sandalci O: Changes in serum PTH-calcitonin levels after renal allograft rejection. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 56:2: 58-63, 1993.
11. Taşçıoğlu C, Azezli A, Beşışık F, Güler K, Keskin H, Ecder T, Ateş A, Kaysı A: Liver cirrhosis and coagulation. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 56:3: 13-17, 1993.
12. Sever MŞ, Çarin M, Eldegez U, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Ünlübozkurt M, Ataman R, Karakullukçu F, Sarsmaz N, Özgözükara Ö, Telaferli A, Önen K, Koçak N: Cadaveric kidney pool of Istanbul Medical Faculty Transplantation Unit -711 cases- II. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 2: 94-99, 1993.
13. Beşışık SF, Ökten A, Sever M, Kaymakoğlu S, Çakaloğlu Y, Ecder T, Eldegez U, Yalçın S: Clinical significance of anti-HCV seropositivity in renal transplant patients. Klimik Journal, 6:1:31-34, 1993.
14. Beşışık F, Yalçın S, Sever M, Ökten A, Kaymakoğlu S, Ecder T, Çakaloğlu Y, Eldegez U: Hepatitis B virus infection and renal transplantation. Türkiye Klinikleri Gastroenterohepatoloji 4:270-274, 1993.
15. Beşışık F, Ecder ST, Sever MŞ: Renal transplantation and liver disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 2:43-48, 1993.
16. Kılıçaslan I, Uysal V, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Türkmen A, Eldegez U: Mucormycosis in a renal transplantation case. Turkish Journal of Pathology (Symposium Special Issue) 10-2:78-79, 1994.
17. Buğra Z, Adalet K, Mercanoğlu F, Ecder T, Sever M, Venn GE, Büyüköztürk K, Ertem G: Surgical treatment of medically refractory infective endocarditis in a uremic patient on hemodialysis. Medical Network Cardiology 1:112-114, 1994.
18. Ecder ST, Sever MS, Tuna S: A comparison of the nutritional status of chronic hemodialysis patients and uremic patients not requiring dialysis therapy. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 27: 20-23, 1994.
19. Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Ark E, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Koçak T, Nane İ Kılıçaslan I, Aydın AE, Eldegez U: Kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplant recipients. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 27: 86-89, 1994.
20. Sever MS, Ecder ST: Medical complications of renal transplantation (I). Istanbul Medical Faculty 57:4: 92-95, 1994.
21. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Aydın AE, Koçak T, Ander H, Ark E, Tuna Ş, Özdoğan E, Eldegez U: Posttransplant diabetes mellitus. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 58:2: 9-11, 1995.
22. Aysuna N, Ergin Karadayı H, Mudun A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Ecder ST, Besler M, Büyükuncu C, Demirkol O: The role of bone radiology, scintigraphy and densitometry in the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy in chronic hemodialysis patients. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 58:3: 41-45, 1995.
23. Yıldız A, Aydın AE, Sever MŞ, Özger H, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Özsoy C, Ark E, Eldegez U, Tellaloğlu S: Aseptic bone necrosis in renal transplantation patients. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 58:4: 29-33, 1995.
24. Kılıçaslan Z, Ece T, Sever M, Tabak L, Ecder T, Arseven O, Çuhadaroğlu Ç, Aydın AE: Pulmonary problems in renal transplant recipients. Respiration 19: 496-500, 1995.
25. Sever MŞ, Ecder ST: Medical complications of renal transplantation (II). Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 58:1: 102-107, 1995.
26. Ecder ST, Sever MS: Transplantation in diabetic patients. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 2: 66-69, 1995.
27. Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Ökten A, Aysuna N, Badur S, Besler M, Ecder ST: Hepatitis C virus infection in a haemodialysis unit: The results of a three-year follow-up. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 29: 23-26 1996.
28. Yıldız A, Beşışık F, Erdem L, Akkaya V, Türkmen V, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Sever MŞ, Yılmaz G, Badur S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Özdoğan E, Sezer R: Helicobacter pylori infection in dialysis and transplantation patients. Türkiye Klinikleri Gastroenterohepatoloji Dergisi 6: 100-103, 1996.
29. Yıldız A, Tuna Ş, Sever MŞ, Sarıca R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Azizlerli G, Ark E, Özdoğan E: The frequency of IgA nephropathy in primary glomerulopathies and the diagnostic value of skin biopsy and quantitative immunoglobulins. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 59:1: 45-48, 1996.
30. Tanakol R, Ecder T, Sever M, Yarman S, Oğuz H, Alagöl F, Azizlerli H, Sandalcı Ö: The effect of renal allograft rejection on glycometabolic hormones. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 59: 1: 54-60, 1996.
31. Tuna Ş, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Besler M, Özdoğan E: Short-term effects of captopril on various biochemical parameters, renal water and electrolyte transport and GFR in essential hypertension. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 59:3: 9-13, 1996.
32. Sever MŞ, Ecder T: Dialysis in diabetic patients. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 59: 2: 106-110, 1996.
33. Yıldız A, Sever MS, Bozfakıoğlu S, Erkoç R, Türkmen A, Ecder ST, Tuna Ş: Antithrombin III levels in nephrotic syndrome. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 60:3: 293-296, 1997.
34. Yıldız A, Sever MS, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Erkoç R, Özdoğan E: Lipoprotein (a) in nephrotic syndrome. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 60:4: 494-497, 1997.
35. Türkmen A, Kılıçaslan I, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Erkoç R, Uysal V, Ark E, Sever MŞ: Clinico-pathologic evaluation of 108 renal transplantation patients with allograft biopsy. Turkish Journal of Pathology 13-2: 33-36, 1997.
36. Ecder ST: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuasi 60:3: 386-390, 1997.
37. Ecder ST, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E: Complications in hemodialysis. Aktüel Tıp Dergisi 2:4: 212-217, 1997.
38. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Kılıçaslan I, Uysal V, Yıldız A, Ecder ST, Aydın AE, Kayacan MS, Türk S, Eldegez U: Renal allograft biopsies in the early posttransplant period. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 31: 11-14, 1998.
39. Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Erkoç R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Aysuna N, Ark E: Effects of low molecular weight heparin and standard heparin on lipid metabolism in dialysis patients. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 61:3: 286-289, 1998.
40. Türkmen A, Kılıçaslan I, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Erkoç R, Türk S, Uysal V, Ark E, Sever MŞ: The importance of biopsy in late allograft dysfunction in renal transplantation patients. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 61:3: 295-299, 1998.
41. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Özbilgin N, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Ark E: Serum digoxin levels in chronic renal failure. Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal 15: 134-138, 1998.
42. Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Erkoç R, Türk S, Palanduz Ş, Eldegez U, Sever MŞ: Posttransplant cytomegalovirus disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 1:35-39, 1998.
43. Kayacan SM, Sever MS, Turkmen A, Celik AV, Yildiz A, Ecder ST, Ermis H: Marriage, pregnancy and fertilization in the posttransplant period. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 7(2): 67-70, 1998.
44. Erkoç R, Bozfakıoğlu S, Türk S, Ecder T, Kılıçaslan I, Uysal V, Özarmağan S, Genç FA, Gören T, Aysuna N, Kazancıoğlu R, Kahraman T, Ark E: Renal failure and gangrenous finger lesions due to cholesterol crystal embolization: Two case reports. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 3:154-156, 1998.
45. Ecder ST: Essential amino acid therapy in hemodialysis patients. Bulletin of Dialysis and Nephrology 2(1): 42-45, 1998.
46. Ecder ST: Renoprotective effect of angiotensin II antagonists. AII Council Bulletin 2(1): 30-31, 1998.
47. Kazancioglu R, Yildiz A, Turkmen A, Kayacan SM, Ecder ST, Ece T, Cakar N, Aydin AE, Eldegez U, Ark E, Sever MS: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in renal transplant patients. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 1:36-39, 1999.
48. Erkoç R, Bozfakıoğlu S, Türk S, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Ark E: The effect of cefazolin-containing heparin solution in the prevention of double lumen catheter-related infections in hemodialysis patients. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 2:65-68, 1999.
49. Türkmen A, Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder ST, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E: Evaluation of transdermal estrogen therapy in uremic hemostatic disorders. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 33: 17-20, 2000.
50. Kazancıoğlu R, Erelel M, Kayacan SM, Öztoprak S, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Yılmazbayhan D, Ark E: A case of secondary amyloidosis with miliary dissemination in the lung. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 63:4: 415-419, 2000.
51. Ecder T: Polycystic kidney disease and apoptosis. Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 64: 168-173, 2001.
52. Akkan Z, Ecder T: Hypertension in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 12: 74-77, 2003.
53. Ecder T: Appropriate antihypertensive treatment approaches in renoprotection. BMJ Turkey Volume 8, Issue 8, 60-61, 2003.
54. Ecder T: Acid-base disorders. ANKEM Journal 17: 361-364, 2003.
55. Ecder T: Fluid-electrolyte balance disorders. ANKEM Journal 17: 377-380, 2003.
56. Ecder T: Hypertension in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and the importance of inhibition of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 13, (Supplement 1): 22-25, 2004.
57. Ecder T, Alışır Ecder S, Altıparmak MR, Tuğlular S, Kazancıoğlu R, Çavdar C, Odabaş AR, Altıntepe L: Demographic and clinical characteristics of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients in Turkey: Report of the TND Polycystic Kidney Disease Study Group. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 13, (Supplement 1): 39-42, 2004.
58. Ecder T: Is antihypertensive agent or blood pressure level important for kidney protection in chronic nephropathies? Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 13 (Supplement 2): 34-37, 2004.
59. Kazancioglu R, Ecder T: Experimental models in cystic kidney diseases. Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 1(4): 3-5, 2005.
60. Ecder T: Hypertension in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 1(4): 20-24, 2005.
61. Alisir Ecder S, Kılıçaslan I, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Özağarı A, Uysal V, Sever MŞ: Clinicopathologic evaluation of five hundred thirteen renal biopsies. Journal of Istanbul Medical Faculty 68: 43-45, 2005.
62. Kocabay G, Avcı D, Görçin S, Büyükbabani N, Ecder T: Cholesterol crystal embolism syndrome after coronary angiography. Journal of Istanbul Medical Faculty 68: 50-52, 2005.
63. Ecder T: Fluid-electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders in renal failure and dialysis. Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 2(18): 29-39, 2006.
64. Ecder T: Hypertension and cardiovascular problems in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 16 (Supplement 1) 22-26, 2007.
65. Ecder T: Antihypertensive therapy and cardiorenal protection. Clinical Actual Medicine, Cardiology Forum. Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages: 31-38, July-September 2007.
66. Çalışkan Y, Alışır Ecder S, Güven D, Özkan O, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Sirolimus associated interstitial pneumonitis in a renal transplant patient: Is it a hypersensitivity response? Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 70: 19-22, 2007.
67. Ecder ST: Smoking and kidney. Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 3(38):58-61, 2007.
68. Ecder T: Can complications in type 2 diabetes be prevented? Results of the ADVANCE Study. Actual Medicine Volume: 16, Issue: 3, March 2008.
69. Ecder T: Control of hypertension in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes Forum Volume 4, Issue 3, 32-36, 2008.
70. Ecder T: Nutritional therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease. Klinik Aktüel Tıp Nephrology Forum Volume 2, Issue 2, 30-32, 2008.
71. Ecder T: Current drugs used in the treatment of hypertension. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nephrology - Special topics. 2:77-84, 2009.
72. Ecder T: Antihypertensive therapy and cardiorenal protection. Klinik Aktüel Tıp Kardiyoloji Forum Volume 4, Issue 1, 36-45, 2010.
73. Güler K, Ecder T, Vatansever S: Acid-base balance disorders. Clinic Medicine. Volume 6, Issue 3, 1-5, 2010.
74. Ecder T: Cardiovascular problems in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Journal of Internal Medicine Specialty 17:2; 81-88, 2010.
75. Türkmen K, Ecder T, Türk S: Effects of selenium level on cell-mediated immunity and on antibody response to multivalent influenza vaccine in hemodialysis patients. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 21:1: 84-88, 2012.
76. Ecder T: Cardiovascular complications in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nephrol - Special Topics 5 (1): 43-49, 2012.
77. Ecder T: Antihypertensive therapy in diabetic nephropathy. Klinik - Aktüel Tıp. Cardiology Forum. June August 2013, Volume 5, Volume 1, 51-57.
78. Tatar M, Ergin G, Ecder T: Cost analysis of private hemodialysis centers in Turkey. Turk Neph Dial Transplant 22(3): 270-282, 2013.
79. Ecder T: Renal and metabolic effects of valsartan. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Suppl 1: 14-19, 2014.
80. Furuncuoglu Y, Ecder T, Yildiz A, Turkmen A: A case of acute renal failure due to nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis. Ist Tıp Fak Derg 77: 3: 48-50, 2014.
81. Api O, Breyman C, Çetiner M, Demir C, Ecder T: Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and the postpartum period: Iron deficiency anemia working group consensus report. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 12: 173-181, 2015.
82. Başaran D, Şahin Altun Ö, Kaban F, Ecder T: Evaluation of hopelessness levels of hemodialysis patients. Journal of Nephrology Nursing, 1: 10-17, 2016.
83. Barlas İS, Asmaz E, Sinangil A, Çelik AV, Ecder T: The role of simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation in the treatment of diabetes with end-stage renal failure: Case discussion and new approaches. Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Journal of Transplantation 1:1; 5-9, 2016.
84. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Asmaz E, Akin B, Ecder T: Post-transplant diabetes mellitus. Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Journal of Transplantation 1:1; 35-42, 2016.
85. Uslu N, Sinangil A, Celik AV, Ecder T: Current approach to hyponatremia. Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Medical Journal 2:1; 63-68, 2016.
86. Sinangil A, Celik V, Caglar A, Ecder T: A rare cause of pruritus in a hemodialysis patient: Kyrle's disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 25: Supplement/Suppl 1: 122-125, 2016.
87. Aydın Bahat K, Özkök A, Önal Y, Dizman N, Şahin Yıldız B, Şaşak G, Alışır S, Ecder T, Odabaş AR: Tuberous sclerosis complex and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: A case report. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 25: Supplement/Suppl 1: 200-202, 2016.
88. Özdemir Ş, Durmaz Akyol A, Iravul E, Temizkan Kırkayak A, Kaban F, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: Investigation of Factors That Affect Learning Styles in Hemodialysis Patients. Journal of Nephrology Nursing, 2: 41-51, 2016.
89. Yardımcı B, Ecder ST, Tunçkale A: Rhabdomyolysis developing after heavy exercise: A report of two cases. Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Medical Journal 2:3; 214-216, 2016.
90. Sinangil A, Ecder T: Indications for kidney transplantation. Türkiye Klinikleri J Radiol - Special Topics 9 (3): 83-86, 2016.
91. Duman D, Erdem E, Ecder T: Evaluation of physical activity in hemodialysis patients with pedometer. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 27(2): 173-177, 2018.
92. Yardımcı B, Ecder T: Smoking and chronic kidney disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology 28 (1): 75-80, 2019.
93. Erdem E, Karatas A, Ecder T. Do hemodialysis patients aware of the importance of using home sphygmomanometer? Turk J Nephrol 28(3): 202-207, 2019.¬
94. Erdem E, Karatas A, Ecder T: Factors affecting registration on kidney transplant waiting list. Turkish Journal of Nephrology 28(4): 280-285, 2019.
95. Koçyiğit İ, Eroğlu E, Ecder T: Urinary findings and biomarkers in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Turkish Journal of Nephrology 29(1): 66-76, 2020.
96. Atan Uçar Z, Sinangil A, Ecder T: Follow-up of chronic kidney disease in primary care. Turkey Clinics 50-57, 2020.
97. Kızılırmak P, Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Kaptanoğulları H, Arınsoy T: Diyal-TR Registry Study: Investigation of clinical characteristics of patients receiving chronic hemodialysis treatment in Turkey. Türkiye Klinikleri J Intern Med 5(1):1-7, 2020.
98. Kızılırmak P, Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Kaptanoğulları H, Arınsoy T: Cardiovascular events in one-year follow-up of patients in the Dial-TR Registry Study: Interim analysis findings. Türkiye Klinikleri J Intern Med 5(3):105-111, 2020.
99. Atan Uçar Z, Ecder T: Electrolyte disturbances during the course of COVID-19. Turkey Clinics 36-40, 2021
4. Papers presented at national scientific meetings
a. Papers presented orally at national scientific meetings
1. Sever MŞ, Çarin M, Eldegez U, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder T, Ünlübozkurt M, Ataman R, Karakullukçu F, Sarsmaz N, Özgözükara A, Telaferli A, Önen K, Koçak N: Istanbul Medical Faculty Transplantation Unit cadaveric kidney pool -demographic analysis of 711 cases- VIII. National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, June 12-14, 1991, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Book of Abstracts, page 12.
This abstract was also published in "Kidney Int 41: 1467-1468 (1992)".
Published as an article in Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 1: 52-56, 1992.
2. Sever M, Çarin M, Eldegez U, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder T, Ünlübozkurt M, Ataman R, Karakullukçu F, Sarsmaz N, Özgözükara A, Telaferli A, Önen K, Koçak N: Cadaveric kidney pool of Istanbul Medical Faculty Transplantation Unit -711 cases. VIII. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, June 12-14, 1991, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, Book of Abstracts, page 13. Published as an article in Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 2: 94-99, 1993.
3. Ecder T, Tanakol R, Oğuz H, Alagöl F, Azizlerli H, Sandalcı Ö: Comparison of clinical and laboratory findings in patients with classic and mosaic form of Turner syndrome. XV. National Endocrinology Congress, October 1-4, 1991, Atatürk Culture Center, Izmir, Program Booklet, S26.
Published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 56:1: 10-14, 1993.
4. Aydın AE, Akar U, Ecder T, Sever MS, Eldegez U: Malignancies detected after transplantation in our patients (n=252). IXth National Renal Diseases and Transplantation Congress, October 1-4, 1992, Perissia Hotel, Urgup, Book of Abstracts, page 43.
5. Ecder ST, Tuna Ş, Sever MŞ, Özdoğan E, Ark E, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ergin Karadayı H, Aydın AE, Koçak N: The effect of orally administered essential amino acid preparations on different laboratory parameters in patients receiving chronic regular hemodialysis treatment. IXth National Congress of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, October 1-4, 1992, Perissia Hotel, Urgup, Book of Abstracts, page 59.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 100 (1994)".
6. Ecder ST, Tuna Ş, Sever MŞ, Özdoğan E, Ark E, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ergin Karadayı H, Aydın AE, Koçak N: Comparison of nutritional status of patients on chronic regular hemodialysis and pre-dialysis uremic patients. IXth National Congress of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, October 1-4, 1992, Perissia Hotel, Urgup, Book of Abstracts, page 61.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 100 (1994)".
Published as an article in Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 27: 20-23, 1994.
7. Aysuna N, Sever MŞ, Ecder ST, Ark E, Özdoğan E, Tuna Ş, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ergin Karadayı H, Koçak N: Comparative effects of cyclosporine-A and corticosteroids in the treatment of nephrotic syndromes of various etiologies. IXth National Congress of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, October 1-4, 1992, Perissia Hotel, Urgup, Abstract Book page 69.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 100 (1994)".
8. Sever MŞ, Aydın AE, Ecder ST, Kılınçaslan I, Uysal V, Eraksoy H, Çalangu S, Özdoğan E, Çarin M, Eldegez U: Transplantation abroad, is every center safe? IXth National Congress of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, October 1-4, 1992, Perissia Hotel, Urgup, Book of Abstracts, page 97.
This abstract was also published in "Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 99 (1994)".
9. Aysuna N, Ergin Karadayı H, Mudun A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Ecder ST, Besler M, Büyükuncu C, Demirkol O: The role of bone radiology, scintigraphy and densitometry in the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy in chronic hemodialysis patients. X. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Book of Abstracts, page 15.
Published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 58:3: 41-45, 1995.
10. Ergin Karadayı H, Bozfakıoğlu S, Mudun A, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Çakır A, Demirkol O, Ark E: Demonstration of the effect of renal transplantation on renal osteodystrophy by bone radiology, scintigraphy and densitometry. X. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 19-22, 1993, Bursa, Book of Abstracts, page 42.
11. Sever MS, Ark E, Ecder ST, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ergin H, Aydın AE, Tuna Ş, Çarin M, Özdoğan E, Eldegez U: Demographic analysis of a transplantation outpatient clinic. X. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 19-22, 1993, Bursa, Book of Abstracts, page 53.
12. Türkmen A, Sever MS, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ark E, Tuna Ş, Özdoğan E, Eldegez U: Posttransplant diabetes mellitus. X. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 19-22, 1993, Bursa, Book of Abstracts, page 54.
Published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Mecmuası 58:2: 9-11, 1995.
13. Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Ark E, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Görçin B, Kılıçaslan I, Nane İ, Aydın AE, Eldegez U: Posttransplant neoplasms. XI. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 11-14, 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Book of Abstracts, page 39.
14. Ecder ST, Sever MS, Yildiz A, Turkmen A, Besler M, Koçak T, Ander H, Eldegez U, Ozdogan E: The effect of switching to dual therapy on various clinical and laboratory findings in renal transplant patients receiving triple immunosuppressive therapy. XII. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 3-7, 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Book of Abstracts, page 14.
15. Yıldız A, Sever MS, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Ander H, Eldegez U, Özdoğan E: Comparison of hemodialysis and transplantation as replacement therapy in patients with end-stage renal failure. XII. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 3-7, 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Book of Abstracts, page 41.
16. Kazancıoğlu R, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Ece T, Çakar N, Eldegez U, Ark E, Sever MŞ: Pnemocystis carinii pneumonia in renal transplant patients. XIIIth National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 22-26, 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 19.
Published as an article in Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 1:36-39, 1999.
17. Yıldız A, Sever MS, Erkoç R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Türk S, Kılıçaslan I, Ark E: Prognostic significance of posttransplant proteinuria. XIIIth National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 22-26, 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 37.
Published as an article in Clinical Transplantation 132: 241-244, 1999.
18. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A, Ecder ST, Erkoç R, Türk S, Kazancıoğlu R, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E: Transplantation abroad. XIII. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 22-26, 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 38.
19. Korular D, Ecder ST, Yildiz A, Turkmen A, Koçak T, Ander H, Eldegez U, Ark E, Sever MS: The effect of switching to dual therapy on different clinical and laboratory findings in renal transplant patients receiving triple immunosuppressive therapy. XIII. National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 22-26, 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 39.
20. Sever MŞ, Ermiş H, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder ST, Türk S, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Ander H, Ark E: Marriage, pregnancy and fertilization in the posttransplant period. XIVth National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, November 10-14, 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 25.
Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 7(2): 67-70, published as an article in 1998.
21. Kazancıoğlu R, Sever MŞ, Önel D, Eraksoy H, Çelik V, Kayacan SM, Ecder ST, Badur S: Immune response to pneumococcal vaccination in renal transplantation patients. XVth National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation and International Summer School, October 4-9, 1998, İzmir, Büyük Efes Hotel, Abstracts, page 27.
22. Acartürk G, Kazancıoğlu R, Memişoğlu E, Tepe S, Çalışkan Y, Türkmen A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Sever MŞ, Ecder T: Coronary artery calcification in patients receiving renal replacement therapy. 20th National Congress of Nephrology Hypertension Dialysis and Transplantation, September 12-16, 2003, Atlantis Hotel, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, Book of Abstracts, 2:2, 2003.
23. Alışır Ecder S, Özağarı A, Ecder T, Kılıçaslan I, Türkmen A, Görçin S, Güven D, Uysal V, Sever MŞ: Clinicopathologic evaluation of 513 renal biopsies. 21st National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, September 10-14, 2004, Pine Beach Hotel, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Abstract Book, 13 (Annex 3): 23, 2004.
24. Ecder T, Alışır Ecder S, Altıparmak MR, Kazancıoğlu R, Altıntepe L, Tuğlular S, Odabaş AR, Yıldız A, Tokgöz B, Çavdar C, Düzova A, Süleymanlar G: Demographic and clinical characteristics of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney patients in Turkey-an analysis of 908 patients. 22nd National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, Book of Abstracts, 14 (Annex 1): 23, 2005.
25. Türkmen K, Oflaz H, Alışır Ecder S, Elitok A, Çimen A, Namlı Ş, Uslu B, Temiz S, Uysal M, Ecder T: Impaired coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 23rd National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, Proceedings Abstract Book, 15, No 4 Appendix, 25, 2006.
26. Tufan F, Uslu B, Cekrezi B, Uysal M, Alpay N, Türkmen K, Dişçi R, Çolak Özbey N, Ecder T: Investigation of adrenal functions in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 25th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, Book of Abstracts, 17, No: 3 Appendix 2; 13, 2008.
27. Doğan S, Kirikçi G, Yazıcı H, Çalışkan Y, Bakkaloğlu H, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Removal of superficial felt in recurrent and treatment-resistant catheter exit site infection in peritoneal dialysis. 19th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, November 18-22, 2009, Abstracts, 18, Supplementary issue, 96, 2009.
28. Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Akagün T, Alpay N, Özkök A, Polat N, Illyes M, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Relationship between residual renal function and non-invasive atherosclerosis markers in peritoneal dialysis patients. 27th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, September 22-26, 2010, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 19, Supplementary Issue, 30, 2010.
29. Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Polat N, Alpay N, Güz N, Güz G, Aysuna N, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: The relationship between coronary flow reserve and cardiovascular diseases in peritoneal dialysis patients. 27th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, September 22-26, 2010, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 19, Supplementary Issue, 32, 2010.
30. Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Akagün T, Alpay N, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Risk factors and outcomes for mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients: A 15-year single center experience. 27th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, September 22-26, 2010, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 19, Supplementary Issue, 34, 2010.
31. Çalışkan Y, Özkök A, Akagün T, Alpay N, Güz G, Polat N, Aysuna N, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Evaluation of atherosclerosis in peritoneal dialysis patients by non-invasive methods. 28th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 19 - 23, 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
32. Yelken B, Görgülü N, Gürsu M, Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Telci A, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: The effect of spironolactone on residual renal function and peritoneal structure in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis. 28th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 19 - 23, 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
33. Çetin B, Ünver S, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: Arm hygiene improvement activity in chronic hemodialysis patients. 21st National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, October 19 - 23, 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
34. Çetin B, Ünver S, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: Interventional power of the team in diabetic foot wounds. 21st National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, October 19 - 23, 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
35. Erciyes Y, Bozoğlu K, Kalkan G, Ersever S, Şumnu A, Çalışkan Y, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Determination of the changes in the level of knowledge about the disease, compliance with the disease and quality of life of patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure. 21st National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, October 19 - 23, 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
36. Özkök A, Akpınar TS, Tufan F, Alpay Kanıtez N, Uysal M, Güzel M, Çalışkan Y, Alışır Ecder S, Yazıcı H, Ecder T: Factors affecting the progression of chronic kidney disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: A single center experience. National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, November 14 - 18, 2012, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 21, Supplementary Issue 1, Page 14, 2012.
37. Güzelant G, Küçükdağlı P, Öksüzer Çimşir D, Oto ÖA, Uçar AS, Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Türkmen A: A case of amyloidosis on the background of Caroli disease. Traditional Internal Medicine Days, Interactive Update 2013, 8 - 10 March 2013, The Green Park Pendik Hotel & Convention Center, Istanbul, Meeting Book, Page 76.
38. Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Artan AS, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ: The importance of consanguineous marriage-related kidney diseases in the adult population in Turkey: An epidemiologic study. 30th National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, November 13 - 17, 2013, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Center, Antalya.
39. Karaca F, Tekyiğit N, Apaydın ME, Baş F, Taştan G, Kaban F, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: The effect of clinical practices and nurse turnover on catheter infection in catheterized hemodialysis patients. 23rd National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, November 13 - 17, 2013, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Center, Antalya.
40. Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: The relationship between pretransplant serum magnesium level and newly developed diabetes mellitus after renal transplantation. 31st National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 22 - 26, 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 30, 2014
41. Akyol G, Tekyiğit N, Özdemir Ş, Öngün S, Kaban F, Temizkan Kırkayak AG, Ecder T: Expectations of hemodialysis patients from dialysis clinics where they receive treatment. 25th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 - 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 271, 2015.
42. Düzyol Ş, Akdeniz F, Kaban F, Özdemir Ş, Duman D, Uzun F, Erkalkan S, Ecder T: The role of disinfectants used in catheter dressing in the prevention of catheter infections. 25th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 - 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 272, 2015.
43. Yurdusever S, Özdemir Ş, Kaban F, Akdeniz F, Temizkan Kırkayak AG, Sifil HM, Akyol A, Ecder T: Investigation of sleep problems and affecting factors in hemodialysis patients. 25th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 - 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 272, 2015.
44. Özdemir Ş, İravul E, Temizkan Kırkayak AG, Kaban F, Akdeniz F, Ecder T, Akyol A: Investigation of learning styles of hemodialysis patients and factors affecting learning styles. 25th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 - 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 273, 2015.
45. Duman D, Erdem E, Kaban F, Ecder T: The relationship of hemodialysis patients' illness perception scale with clinical outcomes. 25th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 - 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 274, 2015.
46. Koçyiğit İ, Çavdar C, Tokgöz B, Eroğlu E, Demir E, Yazıcı H, Elçioğlu ÖC, Kazancıoğlu R, Yıldız A, Altıntepe L, Aşıcıoğlu E, Arıkan H, Koç M, Uyanık A, Trabulus S, Altıparmak MR, Sinangil A, Ecder T: Clinical characteristics of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: Data from the TND Cystic Kidney Disease Study Group. 33rd National Congress of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation. October 19 - 23, 2016, Susesi Luxury Resort & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 25: Supplementary Issue 1, 9, 2016.
47. Koçyiğit İ, Sener EF, Taheri S, Eroğlu E, Öztürk F, Ünal A, Zararsız G, Uzun İ, İmamoğlu H, Sipahioğlu MH, Tokgöz B, Oyman O, Ecder T: The effect of Toll-like receptors on the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Oral Presentation 04. Page 17. 19th National Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Congress. May 10 - 14, 2016, Elexus Hotel Kyrenia, K.K.T.C.
48. Özkan ZK, Ünver S, Çetin B, Ecder T: Determination of hemodialysis patients' compliance with fluid control. 28th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress. October 3 - 7, 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 179, 2018.
49. Duman D, Erdem E, Ecder T: Comparison of routine and standard blood pressure values before and after hemodialysis. 28th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress. October 3 - 7, 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 180, 2018.
50. Mert S, Sinangil A, Barlas S, Atan Uçar Z, Koç Y, Akin EB, Ecder ST: Monitoring the clinical course of renal transplant patients who were exposed to hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. 28th National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress. October 3 - 7, 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 187, 2018.
51. Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Arınsoy T, Kaptanoğlulları H, Kızılırmak P: Investigation of treatment status for mineral-bone disease and anemia in incidental chronic hemodialysis treatment patients. Nephrology Winter School, April 27 - 30, 2019, Concorde Luxury Resort Hotel, Bafra, TRNC.
52. Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Arınsoy T, Kaptanoğlulları H, Kızılırmak P: Cardiovascular events in chronic hemodialysis patients: Results of an interim analysis of one-year follow-up. Nephrology Winter School, April 27 - 30, 2019, Concorde Luxury Resort Hotel, Bafra, TRNC.
53. Kızılırmak P, Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Kaptanoğulları H, Arınsoy T: Investigation of the effect of anemia level on cardiovascular events in patients receiving chronic hemodialysis treatment. 36th National Congress of Nephrology, October 16 - 20, 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 12.
54. Kızılırmak P, Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Kaptanoğulları H, Arınsoy T: Diyal-TR Study: Impact of regional differences on mortality and morbidity observed in chronic hemodialysis patients. 19th Winter School of Nephrology, May 20 - 23, 2021, Online.
55. Kızılırmak P, Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Kaptanoğulları H, Arınsoy T: DİYAL-TR Main Results: Cardiovascular events and anemia observed in chronic hemodialysis patients at two-year follow-up. 38th National Congress of Nephrology, Elexus Hotel Kyrenia, K.K.T.C. October 13 - 17, 2021.
b. Posters presented at national scientific meetings
1. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Özger H, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Ark E, Aydın AE, Eldegez U: Aseptic bone necrosis in our kidney transplant patients. Xth National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Abstract Book, page 121.
It was published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 58:4: 29-33, 1995.
2. Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Ark E, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Kılıçaslan I, Aydın AE, Eldegez U: Kaposi sarcoma in kidney transplant patients. Xth National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Abstract Book, page 123.
This summary was also published in "Kidney Int 48: 1677 (1995)".
It was published as an article in Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 27: 86-89, 1994.
3. Sever MŞ, Ecder ST, Aydın AE, Türkmen A, Kılıçaslan I, Çalangu S, Çarin M, Eldegez U: Transplantation in India -Ethical and medical issues-. Xth National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Abstract Book, page 125.
This summary was also published in "Kidney Int 48: 1679 (1995)".
4. Ergin Karadayı H, Dilşen G, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ, Ecder ST, Özdoğan E, Tuna Ş: Evaluation of biochemical parameters and bone densitometry findings of renal osteodystrophy in various periods of chronic kidney failure and after kidney transplantation. Xth National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Abstract Book, page 133.
5. Yıldız A, Tuna Ş, Sever MŞ, Sarıca R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Azizlerli G, Ark E, Özdoğan E: Frequency of Ig A nephropathy in primary glomerulopathies and diagnostic value of skin biopsy and quantitative immunoglobulins. Xth National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19-22 October 1993, Bursa, Abstract Book, page 158.
This summary was also published in "Kidney Int 48: 1678 (1995)".
It was published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Magazine 59:1: 45-48, 1996.
6. Beşışık F, Yalçın S, Sever M, Kaymakoğlu S, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Eldegez U, Çakaloğlu Y, Ökten A: HBV infection and renal transplantation. Xth National Turkish Gastroenterology Congress, 3-7 October 1993, Bursa, Congress Book, Paper No: 140, page 149.
7. Beşışık F, Yalçın S, Ökten A, Sever M, Kaymakoğlu S, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Türkmen A, Çakaloğlu Y: Renal transplantation and HCV infection. Xth National Turkish Gastroenterology Congress, 3-7 October 1993, Bursa, Congress Book, Paper No: 158, page 167.
8. Beşışık F, Yalçın S, Sever M, Kaymakoğlu S, Eldegez U, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Çakaloğlu Y, Ökten A: Histopathological evaluation of chronic transaminase elevations in hemodialysis patients. Xth National Turkish Gastroenterology Congress, 3-7 October 1993, Bursa, Congress Book, Paper No: 168, page 177.
9. Kılıçaslan Z, Ece T, Sever M, Tabak L, Ecder T, Arseven O, Çuhadaroğlu Ç, Aydın AE: Lung problems in kidney transplantation cases. Turkish Respiratory Research Association (TÜSAD) XXII. National Congress, 18-21 September 1994, Hotel Nevşehir Dedeman, Nevşehir, Summary Book, P. 87.
Published as an article in Respiration 19: 496-500, 1995.
10. Tanakol R, Ecder T, Sever M, Oğuz H, Yarman S, Alagöl F, Azizlerli H, Sandalcı Ö: Effect of renal allograft rejection on glycometabolic hormones. 1994 National Diabetes Congress, 4-7 May 1994, Izmir Efes Hotel Convention Center.
It was published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 59: 1: 54-60, 1996.
11. Tanakol R, Ecder T, Sever M, Oğuz H, Yarman S, Alagöl F, Azizlerli H, Sandalcı Ö: Changes in serum PTH and calcitonin levels after renal allograft rejections. XVII. National Endocrinology Congress Abstract Book, 16-17 June 1994, Ibn-i Sina Hospital, Ankara, page 81.
It was published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 56:2: 58-63, 1993.
12. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Besler M, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Eldegez U, Ander H, Özdoğan E: Transplantation in patients with renal amyloidosis. XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 37.
13. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Besler M, Görçin B, Aydın AE, Ander H, Ark E, Tuna Ş: Posttransplant tuberculosis. XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 38.
14. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Besler M, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Koçak T, Ark E, Özdoğan E: Posttransplant erythrocytosis. XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 40.
15. Sever MŞ, Ark E, Ecder ST, Bozfakıoğlu S, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Besler M, Ergin H, Aysuna N, Ander H, Aydın AE, Çarin M, Özdoğan E, Eldegez U: Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Kidney Transplantation Polyclinic . XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 41.
16. Yıldız A, Beşışık F, Erdem L, Akkaya V, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Sever MŞ, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E, Özdoğan E: Helicobacter pylori infection in dialysis and transplantation patients. XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 148.
It was published as an article in Turkish Clinics Gastroenterohepatology Journal 6: 100-103, 1996.
17. Tuna Ş, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Besler M, Özdoğan E: Effect of captopril on various biochemical parameters, renal water and electrolyte transports and GFR in essential hypertension with low or normal PRA. period effects. XI. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 11-14 October 1994, Turban Hotel, Samsun, Abstract Book, page 150.
It was published as an article in Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal 59:3: 9-13, 1996.
18. Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Görçin B, Erkoç R, Aydın AE, Eldegez U, Ark E: Posttransplant malaria. XII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 3-7 October 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Abstract Book, page 46.
Published as an article in Transplantation 62:1521-1523, 1996.
19. Bozfakıoğlu S, Türkoğlu S, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ark E, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Badur S, Yüksel D, Özdoğan E: Hepatitis E virus antibodies in hemodialysis and predialysis patients. XII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 3-7 October 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Abstract Book, page 49.
20. Yıldız A, Sever MŞ, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Özdoğan E: Lipoprotein (a) in nephrotic syndrome. XII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 3-7 October 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Abstract Book, page 53.
It was published as an article in Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Journal 60:4: 494-497, 1997.
21. Türkmen A, Arıncı A, Sever MŞ, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Doğan Ö, Ark E: An interesting tumor case occurring in the posttransplant period: Ameloblastoma. XII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 3-7 October 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Abstract Book, page 144.
22. Görener Y, Çelik Kirikçi G, Bostan G, Mutlu M, Eren G, Yıldız N, Avunduk S, Ecder ST, Bozfakıoğlu S: Hemodialysis treatment with and without low-dose heparin. XII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 3-7 October 1995, Abant Palace Hotel, Abant, Abstract Book, page 168.
23. Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Kirikçi G, Ark E: Peritonitis in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients: Treatment with vancomycin + gentamicin combination. 11th Antibiotic and Chemotherapy (ANKEM) congress, 2-6 June 1996, Kuşadası, ANKEM Magazine, Program and Poster Abstracts, 10: 2: 157, 1996.
24. Bozfakıoğlu S, Türkoğlu S, Ark E, Badur S, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Bozacı M: HCV viremia and HCV genotypes in hemodialysis patients. XIII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22-26 October 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 52.
25. Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder ST, Görçin B, Erkoç R, Kazancıoğlu R, Tireli E, Onursal E, Eldegez U: Aortic dissection in renal transplant patients. XIII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22-26 October 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 135.
26. Erkoç R, Bozfakıoğlu S, Türk S, Ecder ST, Kılıçaslan I, Uysal V, Özarmağan S, Atagenç F, Gören T, Aysuna N, Kazancıoğlu R, Kahraman T, Ark E: Renal failure and gangrenous foot due to cholesterol crystal embolization Two cases with finger lesions. XIII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22-26 October 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 136.
27. Mutlu M, Bostan G, Yıldız N, Eren G, Görener Y, Kirikçi G, Erkoç R, Türk S, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S: Comparison of intravenous and subcutaneous erythropoietin administration in hemodialysis patients in terms of dosage. XIII. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22-26 October 1996, Istanbul, Free Abstracts, page 188.
28. Türkmen A, Kılıçaslan I, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Türk S, Kayacan SM, Uysal V, Sever MŞ: The importance of Banff classification in determining graft prognosis in cases with chronic rejection detected by allograft biopsy. XIV. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 November 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 58.
29. Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aydın AE, Erkoç R, Türk S, Eldegez U, Sever MŞ: Posttransplant CMV disease. XIV. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 November 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 144.
It was published as an article in the Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 1:35-39, 1998.
30. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder T, Çevikbaş U, Sever MŞ: Perforation due to intestinal tuberculosis in a kidney transplant patient. XIV. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 November 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 148.
31. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Özbilgin N, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Ark E: Serum digoxin levels in chronic renal failure. XIV. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 November 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 180.
It was published as an article in Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal 15: 134-138, 1998.
32. Türkmen A, Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ark E: Use of transdermal estrogen (TDS) in uremic hemostasis disorder. XIV. National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 November 1997, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstracts, page 184.
It was reported as an article in Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 33: 17-20, 2000.
33. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Alış H, İmer M, Aydın AE, Ecder ST, Sever MŞ, Eldegez U: An interesting nocardia infection treated with a combination of medical and surgical treatment. 13th Antibiotic and Chemotherapy (ANKEM) Congress, 1-5 June 1998, Manavgat, Antalya, ANKEM Magazine, 12: 2: 180, 1998.
It was published as an article in the Journal of Nephrology 14:304-306, 2001.
34. Erkoç R, Bozfakıoğlu S, Türk S, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Ark E: Effect of heparin solution containing cefazolin on preventing central venous catheter-related infections in hemodialysis patients. XV. National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress and International Summer School, 4-9 October 1998, Izmir, Büyük Efes Hotel, Abstracts, page 139.
It was published as an article in the Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 2:65-68, 1999.
35. Kayacan SM, Türkmen A, Çelik AV, Türk S, Yıldız A, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder ST, Koçak T, Aydın AE, Eldegez U, Sever MŞ: Intravenous iron sucrose treatment in early posttransplant anemia. Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association 1st Congress, 11-15 November 1998, Antalya, Dedeman Hotel, Abstract Book, page 30.
36. Kazancıoğlu R, Beşışık S, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Aysuna N, Ecder ST, Kayacan SM, Doğan Ö, Kılıçaslan I, Bozfakıoğlu S, Sever MŞ, Ark E: Retrospective analysis of our multiple myeloma cases presenting with renal failure. 17th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Istanbul 2000, 5-9 June 2000, Lütfi Kırdar International Congress and Exhibition Center, Abstracts, page 53.
37. Kazancıoğlu R, Erelel M, Kayacan SM, Öztoprak S, Ecder ST, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Yılmazbayhan D, Ark E: A rare clinical presentation in secondary amyloidosis. 17th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Istanbul 2000, 5-9 June 2000, Lütfi Kırdar International Congress and Exhibition Center, Abstracts, page 55.
38. Canbakan M, Küçük M, Manga G, Kayacan SM, Kazancıoğlu R, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Kılıçaslan I, Ark E: Complications of ultrasonography-guided kidney biopsy. 18th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Cappadocia 2001, 5-9 September 2001, Cappadocia, Abstract Book, page 21
39. Manga G, Aktürk F, Ecder ST, Türkmen A, Ark E, Kılıçaslan I: A case of kidney and lung amyloidosis due to silicone breast implantation. 18th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Cappadocia 2001, 5-9 September 2001, Cappadocia, Abstract Book, page 29.
40. Bayraktar G, Kazancıoğlu R, Bozfakıoğlu S, Ecder T, Yıldız A, Ark E: The relationship between stimulated salivary flow rate and hemodialysis duration in patients undergoing hemodialysis. 18th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Cappadocia 2001, 5-9 September 2001, Cappadocia, Abstract Book, page 34.
41. Tutucu KN, Yazıcı H, Erten S, Alışır S, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ, Ark E: Opinions, behaviors and recommendations about organ transplantation among the specialist, research assistant and student population of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association III. Congress, Transplantation 2002, 17-20 October 2002, Adana Hilton Hotel, Proceedings Book, page 29.
42. Kocaman O, Oflaz H, Alışır S, Turgut F, Namlı Ş, Gören T, Ecder T: Evaluation of biventricular diastolic functions by echocardiography in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 5th National Internal Medicine Congress, 26-30 September 2003, Limak Atlantis Hotel, Belek, Antalya, Congress Book, page 203, P31014.
43. Öztürk S, Çağatay A, Bahat G, Yazıcı H, Soyluk Ö, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Non-convulsive status epilepticus after antibiotic treatment in patients with renal failure. VI. National Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Congress, 2-6 June 2004, Pine Beach Resort, Belek, Antalya, Congress Book, page 74, P25.
44. Öztürk S, Akgün O, Çıtır M, Coşan F, İnanç M, Diz Küçükkaya R, Kılıçaslan I, Türkmen A, Ecder T: Renovascular hypertension due to antiphospholipid syndrome: Case report. VI. National Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Congress, 2-6 June 2004, Pine Beach Resort, Belek, Antalya, Congress Book, page 76, P31.
45. Görçin Erten S, Küçük M, Alışır Ecder S, Güven D, Öztürk S, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Transplantation in polycystic kidney disease. National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 September 2004, Pine Beach Hotel, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Abstract Book, 13 (Supplement 3): 85, 2004.
46. Alışır Ecder S, Görçin S, Güven D, Öztürk S, Kılıçaslan I, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Polyomavirus infection in kidney transplant patients. National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 September 2004, Pine Beach Hotel, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Abstract Book, 13 (Supplement 3): 86, 2004.
47. Öztürk S, Kocabay G, Alışır S, Görçin S, Güven D, Çağatay A, Ecder T, Türkmen A: Antibiotic-induced changes in consciousness in renal failure: Case report. National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 10-14 September 2004, Pine Beach Hotel, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Abstract Book, 13 (Supplement 3): 107, 2004.
48. Çalışkan Y, Alışır Ecder S, Kalayoğlu Beşışık S, Sargın D, Ecder T: Development of renal damage in the early period after myeloablative allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 22nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Abstract Book, 14 (Supplement 1): 66, 2005.
49. Çalışkan Y, Demirtürk M, Güven D, Yazıcı H, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: A case of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis associated with truncus arteriosus. 22nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Abstract Book, 14 (Supplement 1): 80, 2005.
50. Çalışkan Y, Öztürk S, Demirtürk M, Özkan O, Yazıcı H, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Kidney transplant patient with solitary plasmacytoma in the oral cavity. 22nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Abstract Book, 14 (Supplement 1): 118, 2005.
51. Çalışkan Y, Demirtürk M, Güven D, Özkan O, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: Isolated liver tuberculosis abscess in a renal transplant recipient. 22nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Abstract Book, 14 (Supplement 1): 124, 2005.
52. Çalışkan Y, Alışır Ecder S, Yazıcı H, Özkan O, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever MŞ: A case of sirolimus-related interstitial pneumonia. 22nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Abstract Book, 14 (Supplement 1): 125, 2005.
53. Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Bozfakıoğlu S, Kılıçarslan I, Sever MŞ: Treatment and results of primary glomerular diseases: Immunosuppressive drugs and renin angiotensin system blockers. 23rd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Proceedings Abstract Book, 15, No 4 Supplement, 61, 2006.
54. Yazıcı H, Çalışkan Y, Öztürk S, Kalfa M, Yönal İ, Ecder T, Kılıçarslan I, Türkmen A: Immunoglobulin A nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal failure. 23rd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Proceedings Abstract Book, 15, No 4 Supplement, 61, 2006.
55. Tufan F, Kurt R, Akdemir M, Özkan O, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Sever MŞ, Yenerel M: A case of biclonal multiple myeloma presenting with low back pain and acute renal failure. Congress Book, P097, 9th National Internal Medicine Congress, 5-9 September 2007, Kervansaray Hotel, Lara, Antalya.
56. Tufan F, Coşan F, Akdemir M, Pınarbaşı B, Özkan O, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Sever MŞ: Toxic megacolon due to pseudomembranous enterocolitis with right colon involvement: Case report. Congress Book, P356, 9th National Internal Medicine Congress, 5-9 September 2007, Kervansaray Hotel, Lara, Antalya.
57. Görgülü N, Yelken B, Yazıcı H, Çalışkan Y, Ecder T: Factors affecting the progression of chronic renal failure. 26th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 18-22 November 2009, Abstracts, 18, Additional issue, 57, 2009.
58. Uçar AS, Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Yelken B, Yıldız A, Türkmen A, Ecder T, Sever MŞ: Acute renal failure secondary to tumoral infiltration of the renal parenchyma. 26th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 18-22 November 2009, Abstracts, 18, Additional issue, 61, 2009.
59. Beşiroğlu M, Çalışkan Y, Bozbet HU, Toz B, Yazıcı H, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Güler K, Bozfakıoğlu S: Analysis of hemodialysis patients admitted to the emergency internal medicine unit: Single center experience. 27th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22-26 September 2010, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 19, Supplementary Issue, 73, 2010.
60. Kayar Y, Müftüoğlu M, Alpay N, Akagün T, Ecder ST: Gitelman syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. 12th National Internal Medicine Congress, 6 – 10 October 2010, Starlight Hotel and Congress Center, Side, Antalya. Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 17, Supplement 1, Page 71, 2010.
61. Hadrovic N, Tufan F, Kaya Ö, Toz B, Özpolat T, Bozbey HU, Atay K, Yılmaz E, Nas K, Illyes M, Ecder T: As a risk factor in non-diabetic people with type 2 diabetes in their first-degree relatives. microalbuminuria. 28th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19 – 23 October 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
62. Türkmen K, Tufan F, Oflaz H, Engin S, Ecder T: Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 28th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19 – 23 October 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
63. Yazıcı H, Çalışkan Y, Güzel M, Akagün T, Ecder T, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ: The effect of interrupting ACEI/ARB treatment due to hyperkalemia on the progression of diabetic nephropathy. 28th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19 – 23 October 2011, Abstracts, Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 2011.
64. Artan AS, Başgöze BH, Çalışkan Y, Yazıcı H, Oto Ö, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Ecder T, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ: Effect of desmopressin acetate application on biochemical indicators before biopsy procedure. 30th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 13 – 17 November 2013, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Center, Antalya.
65. Çalışkan Y, Artan AS, Akgül S, Erol A, Yazıcı H, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakıoğlu S, Aysuna N, Sever MŞ: Effect of serum ADMA levels on disease progression in primary glomerulonephritis. 30th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 13 – 17 November 2013, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Center, Antalya.
66. Ekin B, Çörekçioğlu B, Çiftkaya A, Uzun DD, Bozbora E, Sarıhan Eİ, İnce B, Mestanzade M, Akpınar TS, Yazıcı H, Ecder T: Demographic and clinical characteristics of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney patients. 16th National Internal Medicine Congress. 15-19 October 2014, Titanik Delux Hotel and Congress Center, Belek, Antalya.
67. Akin EB, Barlas S, Çelik V, Sinangil A, Ecder T: Retroperitoneoscopic hand-assisted nephrectomy technique is a safe endoscopic surgery technique for kidney donors. 31st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 114-115, 2014
68. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Should the transplant ureter be stented routinely? 31st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 115, 2014
69. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Çabuk FK, Akin EB, Ecder T: A rare tumor formation in a renal transplant donor candidate: Primary mesenchymal neuroendocrine tumor. 31st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 115, 2014
70. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Investigation of the frequency of new diabetes after kidney transplantation and related factors: Single center experience. 31st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 181, 2014
71. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Pretransplant hyperparathyroidism and newly developed diabetes mellitus after transplantation. 31st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 181, 2014
72. Ünver S, Çetin B, Ecder T: Determination of the health perception levels of hemodialysis nurses. 24th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 195, 2014
73. Çetin B, Ünver S, Kaban F, Ecder T: Determination of the knowledge levels and attitudes of hemodialysis patients regarding fistula care. 24th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 197, 2014
74. Ünver S, Çetin B, Kaban F, Ecder T: Determination of attitudes and thoughts of hemodialysis patient relatives regarding organ donation. 24th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 22 – 26 October 2014, Susesi Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 23: Supplementary Issue 1, 202-203, 2014
75. Sinangil A, Altunrende F, Çelik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Double J stent calcification developing in the early period after consecutive liver-kidney transplantation with the diagnosis of primary oxalosis: Case report. 4th Current Kidney Diseases, Hypertension and Transplantation Congress. 8 – 12 April 2015, NG Sapanca Convention. Clinical Series, Nephrology, Dialysis and Hypertension Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 52, 2015.
76. Bahat KA, Özkök A, Önal Y, Dizman N, Yıldız BŞ, Şaşak G, Alışır S, Ecder T, Odabaş AR: A rare disease included in the differential diagnosis with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: Tuberous sclerosis complex. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 89, 2015.
77. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Asmaz E, Uslu N, Akin EB, Ecder T: Use of mTOR inhibitors in the maintenance treatment of renal transplant patients. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 143, 2015.
78. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Uslu N, Asmaz E, Akin EB, Ecder T: The relationship between the presence of metabolic syndrome before transplantation and diabetes mellitus developing after transplantation. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 143, 2015.
79. Uslu N, Sinangil A, Çelik V, Barlas S, Asmaz E, Akin EB, Ecder T: Frequency of early urinary system infection and related factors in renal transplant patients. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 144, 2015.
80. Emre T, Kılıçkesmez Ö, Büker A, İnal BB, Doğan H, Ecder T: Renal function and diffusion weighted imaging: A new method to diagnose kidney failure before losing half function. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 201, 2015.
81. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Çağlar A, Kayabaşı H, Uslu N, Bayraktar S, Ecder T: A rare cause of itching common in hemodialysis patients: Kyrle disease. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 234, 2015.
82. Utaş C, Arık N, Ateş K, Ecder T, Sifil A: Differences in hemodialysis patient profiles and parameters between different geographical regions in Turkey. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 236, 2015.
83. Oruç A, Yıldız A, Kaban F, Ecder T: Home hemodialysis treatment: single center experience with 3 patients. 32nd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 239, 2015.
84. Uzun F, Oruç A, Türksöz N, Özcan B, Ökesli B, Karakaş A, Kaban F, Ecder T: Experience of “buttonhole” needle insertion technique in hemodialysis patients. 25th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 291, 2015.
85. Özdemir Ş, Bozkurt S, Temizkan Kırkayak AG, İravul E, Kaban F, Akdeniz F, Ecder T: Examination of burnout levels of nurses working in public and private dialysis centers. 25th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress, 21 – 25 October 2015, Sueno Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 24: Supplementary Issue 1, 291, 2015.
86. Sinangil A, Çelik V, Koçak MG, Sökmen BK, Barlas S, Asmaz E, Akin EB, Ecder T: Hematoma developing late after donor nephrectomy: Case report. 33rd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress. 19 – 23 October 2016, Susesi Luxury Resort & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 25: Supplementary Issue 1, 158, 2016.
87. Uçar ZA, Sinangil A, Koç Y, Abouzahir S, Barlas S, Koyuncu B, Akin EB, Ecder ST: Early complication in a renal transplant patient: Miliary tuberculosis. 35th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress. 3 – 7 October 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 128, 2018.
88. Koç Y, Sinangil A, Uçar ZA, Abouzahir S, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T: Clinical course of patients with renal retransplantation: Single center experience. 35th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress. 3 – 7 October 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 133, 2018.
89. Abouzahir S, Sinangil A, Koç Y, Uçar ZA, Özlük Y, Kılıçaslan I, Ecder ST: Anabolic steroids abuse and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis among bodybuilders. 35th National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress. 3 – 7 October 2018, Titanic Deluxe Hotel & Congress Center, Belek, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 27: Supplementary Issue 1, 135, 2018.
90. Ecder T, Ateş K, Arıcı M, Sezer S, Arınsoy T, Kaptanoğlulları H, Kızılırmak P: Investigation of clinical features in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis treatment. Nephrology Winter School, 27 – 30 April 2019, Concorde Luxury Resort Hotel, Bafra, TRNC.
91. Atan Uçar Z, Koç Y, Sinangil A, Barlas İS, El Hannani S, Demir M, Ercan Z, Kırhan İ, Koçulu S, Ecder T, Akin B: Case report of profound anemia due to parvovirus after renal transplantation. 36th National Nephrology Congress, 16 – 20 October 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 56.
92. Sinangil A, Atan Uçar Z, Koç Y, Barlas İS, El Hannani S, Demir M, Kırhan İ, İsleem M, Ecder T, Akin B: A case report of delayed graft function due to hyperparathyroidism. 36th National Nephrology Congress, 16 – 20 October 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 59.
93. Atan Uçar Z, Koç Y, Sinangil A, Barlas İS, El Hannani S, Demir M, Ercan Z, İsleem M, Ecder T, Akin B: Immunological risk monitoring in high immunological risk patients and its effect on clinical outcomes. 36th National Nephrology Congress, 16 – 20 October 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 105.
94. Mert S, Koç Y, Uçar Z, Sinangil A, Barlas İS, Demir M, El Hannani S, İsleem M, Ecder T, Akin B: Does being a donor affect quality of life, anxiety and depression? 29th National Nephrology Nursing Congress, 16 – 20 October 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 153.
95. Mert S, Koç Y, Uçar Z, Sinangil A, Barlas İS, Demir M, El Hannani S, Ercan Z, Ecder T, Akin B: Does renal transplantation have an effect on quality of life in the early period? 29th National Nephrology Nursing Congress, 16 – 20 October 2019, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Belek, Antalya. Book of Abstracts Page 175.
96. Arıcı M, Ecder T, Erdinler İ, Ok E, Arican Özlük Ö, Türk UÖ: Non-vitamin K Oral AntiCoagulants Use in REnal Disease and AF (NOACURE-AF). Where do we stand? A consensus view of experts using the Delphi method. 37th National Nephrology Congress. 15 – 18 October 2020. Online Congress.
97. Özen N, Aydın Sayılan A, Sayılan S, Mut D, Akin EB, Ecder T: Determination of the relationship between fistula cannulation practices and dialysis adequacy: A multicenter study. 30th National Nephrology Nursing Congress. 15 – 18 October 2020. Online Congress.
5. Translations
1. Ecder ST, İnce N: Chapter 2. Physiological Principles. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 13-29, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
2. Ecder ST, İnce N: Chapter 3. Hemodialysis Device. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 30-52, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
3. Ecder ST, Kazancıoğlu R: Chapter 5. Prescribing Acute Hemodialysis. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 78-91, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
4. Ecder ST, Kazancıoğlu R: Chapter 6. Prescribing Chronic Hemodialysis: Urea Kinetics Approach. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 92-120, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
5. Ecder ST, İnce N: Chapter 22. Nutrition. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 374-400, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
6. Ecder ST: Chapter 23. Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 401-415, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
7. Ecder ST: Chapter 40. Digestive System. Dialysis Handbook, Second Edition (translation). Nobel Medicine Bookstores, pages 623-634, 1997. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Second Edition), Editors: John Daugirdas, Todd S. Ing (1994)”
8. Ecder ST: Chapter 9. Anticoagulation. Dialysis Handbook, Third Edition (translation). Güneş Kitabevi, pages 182-198, 2003. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Third Edition), Editors: John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, Todd S. Ing”
9. Ecder ST: Chapter 23. Nutrition. Dialysis Handbook, Third Edition (translation). Güneş Kitabevi, pages 420-445, 2003. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Third Edition), Editors: John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, Todd S. Ing”
10. Ecder ST: Chapter 34. Digestive System. Dialysis Handbook, Third Edition (translation). Güneş Kitabevi, pages 601-610, 2003. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Third Edition), Editors: John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, Todd S. Ing”
11. Ecder T: Chapter 10. Infectious Complications and Management of Kidney Transplantation. Handbook of Kidney Transplantation, Third Edition (translation). Güneş Kitabevi, pages 221-262, 2003. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Kidney Transplantation (Third Edition), Editor: Gabriel M. Danovitch”
12. Ecder T: Chapter 3. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis. Kidney and Electrolyte Diseases, Güneş Kitabevi, pages 115-153, 2005. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Renal and Electrolyte Disorders, Editor: Robert W. Schrier”
13. Ecder T: Chapter 4. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Respiratory Disorders and Mixed Acid-Base Disorders. Kidney and Electrolyte Diseases, Güneş Kitabevi, pages 154-170, 2005. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Renal and Electrolyte Disorders, Editor: Robert W. Schrier”
14. Ecder ST: Chapter 38. Digestive System. Dialysis Handbook, Fourth Edition (translation). Güneş Medicine Bookstores, pages 647-655, 2010. Translation of the relevant section of the book titled “Handbook of Dialysis (Fourth Edition), Editors: John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, Todd S. Ing”
15. Ecder T: Neurological Dysfunction and Kidney Disease. Neurology and General Medicine, Michael J. Aminoff, Fourth Edition (translation). Güneş Medicine Kitabevleri, pages 327 – 346, 2010. Translation Editors: Sara Zarko Bahar, Oğuzhan Çoban.
16. Ecder T: Chapter 17. Chronic renal failure and uremic syndrome. Nephrology and Hypertension, Diagnosis and Treatment, Lerma, Berns, Nissenson (translation). Güneş Medicine Kitabevleri, pages 149 – 154, 2012, Translation Editor: Şükrü Sindel.
17. Ecder T: Chapter 22. Slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease. Nephrology and Hypertension, Diagnosis and Treatment, Lerma, Berns, Nissenson (translation). Güneş Medicine Kitabevleri, pages 201 – 210, 2012, Translation Editor: Şükrü Sindel
1. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 1 (January 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
2. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 2 (February 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
3. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 3 (April 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
4. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 4 (June 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
5. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 5 (August 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
6. Nephrology Seminars, Year 1, Issue 6 (November 2005): Seminars in Nephrology (Editor: Neil A. Kutzman)
7. Nutritional Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease: Protein Restricted Diets Supplemented with Keto/Amino Acids (Abstracts: 2006 International Advisory Board Meeting). December 2006. American Journal of Nephrology
8. Kidney Physiopathology, Basic Information, 2008
9. DeGowin's Semiology Book, Ninth Edition, Translation Editors: M. Aktan, T. Ecder, 2011.
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Society of Nephrology (Board Member between 2003-2011)
- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis (Board Member)
- Turkish Association of Specialization in Internal Medicine
- International Society of Nephrology
- American Society of Nephrology
- European Dialysis and Transplant Association
- Istanbul University Research Fund Successful Researcher Award (December1995)
- International Society of Nephrology Fellowship Training Award (1998-2000)
- Istanbul University Research Fund Successful Researcher Award (January 2001)
- Istanbul University Research Fund Successful Researcher Award (April 2008)