Selenay Yücel Keleş
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric Psychology
Areas of Interests
- Child and Adolescent Psychopathologies;
- Fears and Phobias
- Anxiety Disorders
- Childhood Depression
- School Problems
- Exam Anxiety
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
- Specific Learning Disability
- Behavior and Adaptation Problems ,
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Preschool Problems (breast weaning, toilet training, bedwetting, fecal incontinence)
- Psychological Assessment Tests
- Experiential Play Therapy
- Art Therapy for Children
- Sand Play Therapy
- Istanbul Kultur University- Psychology, 2018
- Istanbul Kultur University- Preschool Teaching, 2019 (Double Major Program)
- Biruni University- Family Counseling, 2019
- Işık University Child and Adolescent Focused Clinical Psychology Master's Program, 2021
- Mini Seed Kindergarten, 2019-2021, Clinical Psychologist
- Manisa Mental and Nervous Diseases Hospital- 2017, Intern Psychologist
- Justice Kindergarten Bakırköy Women's Closed Prison- 2016, Intern Psychologist
- Doğa College- 2016, Intern Psychologist
- Pembe Kule Montessori Kindergarten- 2016, Intern Psychologist
- TİN Psychological and Counseling Center- 2015, Intern Psychologist
- Private Golden Steps Rehabilitation Center- 2015, Intern Psychologist
- Turkish Psychologists Association
- Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer
- Maya Foundation
- Türkiye Children's Freedom Again Foundation
- Analysis of Drawings of Children with Traumatic Experiences, 2020
- “Intergenerational Communication Program (KAP)”, which was translated from UNESCO and implemented for the first time in Turkey between 06.01.2016-30.05.2016 – Galatasaraylılar Dormitory Peace and Nursing Home.
- “There is a Child Inside” Project, organized for children living with their mothers in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison between 06.06.2016-01.07.2016. A story book called “Pencere” was written with the children.
- Rainbow Project (September 2017): A project founded by a Psychology student consisting of different activities every week to support children living with their mothers in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison from a psychosocial perspective.
- Hand in Hand We Are Happy Project (02.2018-06.06.2018): This is a project full of activities that will enable a total of 14 children, 7 with autism and 7 with high potential, aged between 11 and 18, to come together once a week and interact, facilitating their socialization and communication.
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