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Salmon DNA

Salmon DNA

Salmon DNA is the DNA most similar to human DNA found in nature. Considered as one of the youth vaccines, salmon DNA contains a high amount of hyaluronic acid as well as numerous vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Salmon DNA

What is Salmon DNA?

As we age, the mechanisms of cell renewal and repair in our cells deteriorate, one of the most important reasons being the breakdown and insufficient functioning of our DNA repair system with age. Salmon DNA is the DNA most similar to human DNA found in nature. Considered as one of the youth vaccines, salmon DNA contains a high amount of hyaluronic acid as well as numerous vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

What are the Benefits of Salmon DNA Vaccine?

  • Treating wound and burn scars
  • Reducing fine lines in the face, neck, hands, and décolleté areas
  • Providing moisture and preventing loss of elasticity
  • Revitalizing dull skin
  • Diminishing under-eye dark circles and fine lines
  • Treating hyperpigmentation
  • Reducing acne scars

How is Salmon DNA Applied?

It is applied using the mesotherapy technique. Topical anesthetic creams are applied to the area approximately 20-30 minutes before the procedure. After anesthesia, the procedure is performed using very fine-tipped injectors. Depending on the size of the targeted area, the procedure takes an average of 20-30 minutes. The individual can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

How Many Sessions of Salmon DNA are Done?

The frequency of applications varies from region to region, but on average, it is done in 3 sessions spaced between 14-21 days.

How Long Do the Effects of Salmon DNA Last?

Salmon DNA results in younger and plumper-looking skin in as short as 3-4 months. For long-term effectiveness, a course of treatment (3 sessions) is recommended. The effectiveness of the treatment course varies between 1-2 years. It is recommended to repeat the application every year.