Labor Coach

Feel safe with your labor coach

At Liv Hospital Ulus, our labor coaches are ready to support the mother during the labor process. 

Our labor coaches; 

  • Plan all the details about the labor and inform the mother,
  • Accompany mother from the beginning to the end of the labor,
  • Support mothers' choices, 
  • Help mother to understand the general hospital procedures, 
  • Help mother to make conscious decisions, 
  • Physically relax mother during the labor process, 
  • Help mother to communicate with the people around her, 
  • Help mother maintain the tranquility she needs, 
  • Increase the mother's self-confidence, 
  • Help mother to realize that everything is going well when everything is going well.


Who is labor coach?

The labor coach helps the woman who gives birth to protect her sacred and intimate area. They are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and after childbirth. Pregnant women feel more comfortable with their labor coach and better adapt to changing family dynamics. Mothers receive postnatal education about infant care, diseases, nutrition and sleep patterns of the babies. In this way, they feel more comfortable with their motherhood.

What are the duties of the labor coach?

In the first stage, the labor coach accompanies the mother during the pregnancy process, provide training for nutrition, breathing, Pilates and Yoga and ensures the mother to have a healthy pregnancy.

In the second stage, the labor coach supports the mothers during labor and birth trauma with massage-thermal treatments, meditation and other techniques. The labor coach does not interfere in the doctor, does not decide the type of birth and does not oppose hospital rules.

In the third stage, the labor coach provides training for breast milk, nutrition, breastfeeding and baby care during the postpartum period.

What are the advantages of having a labor coach during birth process?

Correct breathing, correct straining, diaphragm use, correct positions increase the possibility of shorter and less complicated births.

Mother's negative thoughts about childbirth are reduced. Mother learns to trust herself, her baby and her body. Mother may continue to use the breathing and yoga practices in her life which helps her to maintain a healthier life style. 

Fathers are involved in the birth process, which helps to form the basic psychological infrastructure of the parent and baby.

Educated pregnant women feel more comfortable in delivery room. Instead of being afraid, shouting, getting tired, these mothers give oxygen to their babies through breathing exercises and deep relaxation methods. When they stay calm they also help to keep the cervix open and help the birth process to progress easier.

If they feel or hear that something is wrong with the process, they learn not to fear it. They are aware of that intervention is the best interests of the child and the mother and they prepare to welcome their babies.

A professional guide encourages the mother during childbirth, keeps the environment calm, teamwork with the doctor, give information to the family and helps the birth process to progress easier and shorter.

The expectant mother trusts her professional midwife and does not get stressed. The stress-free mother focuses only on her baby, not on outer environment. She dreams, she does her best and reaches a happy end.

What does a birth coach do during the birth process?

  • When the mother plans the birth, the birth coach informs her about her options and supports her choice.
  • Accompany mother from the beginning to the end of the labor,
  • Help mother to understand the general hospital procedures, 
  • Help mother to make conscious decisions, 
  • Physically relax mother during the labor process at home and at the hospital
  • Help mother to feel comfortable with massage-thermal treatments and correct positions
  • Help mother maintain the tranquility she needs, 
  • Increase the mother's self-confidence, 
  • Help mother to realize that everything is going well when everything is going well
  • Support mother’s partner and help him to accompany and to experience the birth process. 

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