Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction is the breakdown of fat tissue using high frequency sound waves before fat removal using vacuum in conventional liposuction. This is a new technology developed to prevent problems such as bleeding, bruising and waves on the surface of the skin that may arise in the conventional method. Depending on skin elasticity of each patient, wearing a corset for 2-3 weeks after the surgery increases the effectiveness of the result. These corsets are special medical corsets and are invisible under clothing. In spring and summer, special corsets with holes and ventilation are used. the patient can shower 1 or 2 days after vaser liposuction. The corset should be worn again after being removed during bathing.

Can be performed in combination with cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgeries such as breast augmentation, breast reduction or lifting, abdominal lifting and face lifting can be applied in combination with Vaser lipo surgeries. Furthermore, as the structure of fat cells is not disrupted in vaser surgery, these molten fat tissues can be injected into certain areas such as the face and legs. After this application, if the patient doesn't pay attention to their diet and sports and acquires excessive eating habits weight gain is inevitable. However, as weight gain will be equal in all parts of the body, fat won’t accumulate in a single region. As long as the patient pays attention to diet, a shaped, healthy and fit appearance can be maintained.

What are the advantages of Vaser liposuction?

Sound waves used in the vaso-liposuction method only target fat cells and, unlike other methods, do not damage important tissues (such as connective tissue, vessels and nerves). Therefore, less pain, bruising and bloating are experienced after vaser lipo compared to other techniques. With Vaser lipo, patients can quickly return to their daily lives. In addition, fats disintegrated during the application are removed through special cannulae. While other liposuction methods can damage the fat tissue due to heat or other causes, the fat that is removed is not damaged since ultrasonic sound waves are used in vaser, and can be used in other parts of the body for fat injection as necessary.

For whom is Vaser liposuction suitable?

This FDA-approved method contributes to an effective result by breaking down the fat in parts of the body such as abdomen, butt, arm, leg, knee, cheek, neck and  chest. It is also a very effective method for treating gynecomastia in men. The vaser lipo method is a safe and effective method of fat removal with low risk of complications for all those who can't get rid of their regional excesses despite dieting and sports.

Daily life after vaser liposuction 

In Vaser liposuction surgeries, the healing process is very rapid thanks to the fact that the device is specifically effective on adipose tissue and does not damage muscles, vessels and connective tissue. Less bruising, bleeding and redness are experienced. This enables a return to normal life within 3 days. It takes 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the person, to eliminate edema and reacquire normal skin structure. After this period, curved, thin lines appear more clearly. Herbal products and various massage therapies can also be applied to remove the edema.

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