Spec. MD.
Burça Takar
Liv Hospital Ankara
Areas of Interests
- Infectious Lung Diseases
- Bronchial Asthma
- Pulmonary Thromboembolism
- Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Occupational Lung Diseases
- Respiratory Failure
- End-Stage Lung Diseases and Palliative Care
- Intensive Care
- Bronchoscopy
- Thoracentesis
Education and Experience:
- 2023-2024 Malatya Battalgazi State Hospital (Compulsory Service)
- 2018-2022 Dokuz Eylul University Chest Diseases Clinic (Speciality training)
- 2016-2018 Darıca Farabi State Hospital (Compulsory Service)
- 2010-2016 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (Undergraduate)
Research and Publications:
- Mahmut Kaya, Gökcen Ömeroglu Şimşek, Eyüp Sabri Ucan, Burça Takar, Ferdane Ataş, Damla Gündüz and Ali Osman Saatci. 2022. ‘Types of Fundus Involvement in Intraocular Tuberculosis.’ Turkish Thoracic Journal 23 (5): 322-30.
- Uçan ES, Alpaydın AÖ, Takar B, Gündüz Karayazı D, Kapkaç M, Zekioğlu O, et al. Tuberculous mastitis: A masquerading face of granulomatous mastitis. Tuberk Toraks 2022;70(3):271-278 doi:10.5578/tt.20229706
- Burca Takar, Selin Ercan, Damla Gunduz, Eyup Sabri Ucan ‘A case report of diagnostic challenge of pulmonary nodules: primary or metastasis?’ Türk Toraks Derneği 25.Yıllık Uluslararası Kongresi,Serik, May 2022, poster presentation, Refereed organisation
- Burca Takar , Karayılanoglu Aslı, Kahraman Hakan ‘Pulmonary effusion in a patient with brucella’ European Respiratory Society International Congress 2021, Case Report
- Turkish Thoracic Society
- European Respiratory Society
- Intensive Care
- Thoracic Ultrasonography
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