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X-ray and Fluoroscopy

X-ray and Fluoroscopy

X-ray and fluoroscopy are radiological imaging techniques used in medical diagnosis and treatment practices.
X-ray and Fluoroscopy

X-ray and fluoroscopy are radiological imaging techniques used in medical diagnosis and treatment practices. Both methods are used to visualize structures inside the body using X-rays, but their application purposes and methods are different.

X-Ray and Fluoroscopy at Liv Hospital


Liv Hospital offers a high level of service in the field of radiography and fluoroscopy with the state-of-the-art Luminos Fusion device. This advanced device offers patients the opportunity to perform many comprehensive examinations such as esophageal passage radiography, small intestine passage radiography, voiding cystouretrography, HSG, colonography and IVP (intravenous pyelography) in a single system.

Liv Hospital's X-ray and Fluoroscopy services use leading technologies of modern medicine for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of patients. The Luminos Fusion device allows high-quality images to be obtained with low doses of radiation, which prioritizes patient safety.

This service, managed by specialist physicians and experienced healthcare personnel, aims to provide precise and reliable medical imaging, prioritizing the comfort and health of patients. Liv Hospital continues to provide high quality healthcare services to its patients using the most up-to-date technology in the field of radiology.

Digital X-Ray


Safe low-dose, high-quality x-rays that prevent patients from receiving unnecessary radiation dose due to repeat films can be performed in our hospital with Siemens Ysio. Images are uploaded to the PACS system immediately after acquisition, and clinicians can also view the images via the intranet. In addition, thanks to the latest technology portable digital x-ray devices, high-quality, low-dose images in patient rooms are instantly sent to the pacs system via wifi.

Color Doppler and USG


Examinations can be performed for intra-abdominal organs, genital organs, thyroid glands, breast tissue, soft tissues, and hip ultrasonography. Additionally, Doppler examinations of the arteries and veins of the neck, arms and legs can be performed by experienced radiologists.