Emre Sivrikoz
- Laparoskopik ve Robotik Cerrahi
- Kolon Kanseri
- Rektum Kanseri
- Mide Kanseri
- Safra kesesi hastalıkları
- Kasık ve karın duvarı fıtıkları
- Kalın bağırsak divertikülleri
- Hemoroid
- Kompleks anal fistüller
- İstanbul Erkek Lisesi (1992-2000)
- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Tıp Eğitimi (2000-2006)
- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi İhtisası (2013)
- USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, ABD, Research Fellowship (2011-2012)
- St Mark’s Hospital, Londra, İngiltere, Colorectal Surgery Fellowship (2016)
- European Board of Coloproctology (2016)
- Liv Hospital Vadiistanbul
- Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi (2013-2015)
- Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi (2015-2017)
- Yeni Yüzyıl Üniversitesi Özel Gaziosmanpaşa Hastanesi (2017-2018)
- Acıbadem Bakırköy Hastanesi (2019-2020)
- Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Medicalpark Göztepe Hastanesi (2021)
1. Keskin M, Sivrikoz E, Yeğen G, Bayraktar A, Kulle CB, Bugra D, Bulut MT, Balık E. Right vs Left Colon Cancers Have Comparable Survival: a Decade’s Experience Indian J Surg (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12262-019-01900-9
2. Stearns AT, Liccardo F, Tan KN, Sivrikoz E, Aziz O, Jenkins JT, Kennedy RH. Physiological changes after colorectal surgery suggest that anastomotic leakage is an early event: a retrospective cohort study. Colorectal Dis. 2019 Mar;21(3):297-306. doi: 10.1111/codi.14524.
3. 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group. Safety of primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre prospective audit. Colorectal Dis. 2018 Sep;20 Suppl 6:47-57.
4. Keskin M, Bayraktar A, Sivrikoz E, Yegen G, Karip B, Saglam E, Bulut MT, Balik E. Sparing Sphincters and Laparoscopic Resection Improve Survival by Optimizing the Circumferential Resection Margin in Rectal Cancer Patients. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Feb;95(5):e2669. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002669.
5. Kamali S, Yilmaz E, Sivrikoz E, Erturk MO, Kamali GH, Sivrikoz TS, Guven H. Galectin-3 as a potential biomarker in colorectal cancer? European Surgery 2015 Oct;47(5):254-257 doi: 10.1007/s10353-015-0344-6.
6. Inaba K, Chouliaras K, Zakaluzny S, Swadron S, Mailhot T, Seif D, Teixeira P, Sivrikoz E, Ives C, Barmparas G, Koronakis N, Demetriades D. FAST Ultrasound Examination as a Predictor of Outcomes After Resuscitative Thoracotomy: A Prospective Evaluation. Annals of Surgery 2015 Sep;262(3):512-8. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001421.
7. Sağlam F, Sivrikoz E, Alemdar A, Kamalı S, Arslan U, Güven H. Bouveret syndrome: A fatal diagnostic dilemma of gastric outlet obstruction. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi. 2015 Mar;21(2):157-9. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2015.62558.
8. Sivrikoz E, Timirci-Kahraman Ö, Ergen A, Zeybek Ü, Aksoy M, Yanar F, İsbir T, Kurtoğlu M. Gene expression levels of elastin and fibulin-5 according to differences between carotid plaque regions. In Vivo 2015 Mar-Apr;29(2):229-35.
9. Kurtoglu M, Sivrikoz E. Intermittent Pneumatic Compression from a Surgical Perspective. Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Diseases 2015;3:206. doi: 10.4172/2329-8790.1000206
10. Sivrikoz E, Teixeira PG, Resnick S, Inaba K, Talving P, Demetriades D. Angiointervention: An Independent Predictor of Survival in High-Grade Blunt Liver Injuries. American Journal of Surgery. 2015 Apr;209(4):742-6. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2014.06.024.
11. Sivrikoz E, Inaba K, Barmparas G, Benfield R, Recinos G, Joos E, Okoye O, Demetriades D. Prospective Evaluation of Serial Hemoglobin Values During the Initial Trauma Evaluation. American Surgeon. 2014 Jun;80(6):E165-7
12. Sivrikoz E, Karamanos E, Beale E, Teixeira P, Sivrikoz TS, Inaba K, Demetriades D. The effect of diabetes on outcomes following emergency appendectomy in patients without comorbidities: a propensity score-matched analysis of National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. American Journal of Surgery. 2015 Jan;209(1):206-11. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2014.03.015.
13. Yanar H, Ozçınar B, Yanar F, Sivrikoz E, Dağoğlu N, Ağcaoğlu O, Günay K, Güloğlu R, Ertekin C. The role of colorectal stent placement in the management of acute malignant obstruction. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi. 2014 Jan;20(1):23-7. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2014.39596.
14. Karamanos E, Teixeira PG, Sivrikoz E, Varga S, Chouliaras K, Okoye O, Hammer P. Intracranial pressure versus cerebral perfusion pressure as a marker of outcomes in severe head injury: a prospective evaluation. American Journal of Surgery. 2014 Sep;208(3):363-71. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.10.026.
15. Karamanos E, Sivrikoz E, Talving P, Inaba K, Resnick S, Demetriades D. The impact of ETOH intoxication on the development of admission coagulopathy after traumatic brain injury: a prospective evaluation. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2014 Feb;40(1):45-50. doi: 10.1007/s00068-013-0308-0.
16. Yanar H, Sivrikoz E. Management of open abdomen: single center experience. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2013;2013:584378. doi: 10.1155/2013/584378.
17. Kurtoglu M, Sivrikoz E. Venous Thrombo-embolism prophylaxis: Intermittent Pneumatic Compression. Reviews in Vascular Medicine 2013 Dec;1(4):71–75. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rvm.2013.08.005
18. Karamanos E, Sivrikoz E, Beale E, Chan L, Inaba K, Demetriades D. Effect of diabetes on outcomes in patients undergoing emergent cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. World Journal of Surgery. 2013 Oct;37(10):2257-64. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-2086-6.
19. Yanar F, Agcaoglu O, Sarici IS, Sivrikoz E, Ucar A, Yanar H, Aksoy M, Kurtoglu M. Local thrombolytic therapy in acute mesenteric ischemia. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2013 Feb 9;8(1):8. doi: 10.1186/1749-7922-8-8.
20. Teixeira PG, Sivrikoz E, Inaba K, Talving P, Lam L, Demetriades D. Appendectomy timing: waiting until the next morning increases the risk of surgical site infections. Annals of Surgery 2012 Sep;256(3):538-43. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318265ea13.
21. Sivrikoz E, Ozbey NC, Kaya B, Erbil Y, Kaya S, Yilmazbayhan D, Firat P, Kapran Y. Neuroendocrine tumors presenting with thyroid gland metastasis: a case series. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2012 Feb 27;6:73. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-6-73.
22. Kurtoglu M, Yanar H, Taviloglu K, Sivrikoz E, Plevin R, Aksoy M. Serious lower extremity venous injury management with ligation: prospective overview of 63 patients. American Surgeon 2007 Oct;73(10):1039-43.
23. Koker IH, Erhan SS, Alan O, Sivrikoz E. An Incidental Rectal Wall Bulging Lesion in a Patient With a History of Resected Ovarian Tumor. Turkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep. 2019;27(1):43-6
24. Yucesoy AN, Caglikulekci M, Sivrikoz E. Anal Sphincteroplasty and Counter-Clockwise Gracilis Muscle Transposition by Using Transperineal Ischioanal Fossa Access in a Male Patient with Fecal Incontinence Who Undergone to Low Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer. Turk J Colorectal Dis 2018;28:58-60
25. Zarbaliyev E, Sivrikoz E, Çağlıkülekçi M, Mercan S, Eren E. Application of Elective Surgery with Vacuum Assisted Treatment in Traumatic Rectum Injury. Turk J Colorectal Dis 2017;27:100-103
26. Ozcinar B, Yanar HT, Sivrikoz E, Yanar F, Sarici IS, Ucar A, Gunay K, Guloglu R, Ertekin C, Kurtoglu M. Should angiography be routinely employed in high grade liver injuries undergoing damage control surgery? J Ist Faculty Med 2016; 79: 4
27. Sivrikoz E, Gok AFK, Yanar H. Travmaya Yaklaşım ve yenilikçi gelişmeler. Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2014;7(3):65-8.
28. Yanar H, Sivrikoz E. Gastroenteropankreatik Nöroendokrin Tümörlerde Lokal Cerrahi Tedavi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Oncol-Special Topics 2013;6(2):28-33.
29. Yanar H, Sivrikoz E. Mide Kanserinde Takip ve Nüks. Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2013;6(3):111-4.
30. Kurtoglu M, Sivrikoz E. Derin Ven Trombozu: Tanı, Tedavi, Proflaksi. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2008;5(1):34-42
1. Sivrikoz E, Keskin M, Yegen G, Bayraktar A, Buyukuncu Y, Akyuz A, Yamaner S, Bugra D, Bulut MT, Balik E. Can central vascular ligation be performed laparoscopically in colon cancer surgery? European Society of Coloproctology 10th Annual Meeting, 23-25 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
2. Sivrikoz E, Saglam F, Kamali S, Alemdar A, Yavuz G, Esmer C, Guven H. Multivisceral resection of locally advanced (T4) colon cancer is associated with comparable in-hospital morbidity and mortality. European Society of Coloproctology 10th Annual Meeting, 23-25 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
3. Sivrikoz E, Keskin M, Yegen G, Bayraktar A, Buyukuncu Y, Yamaner S, Bugra D, Akyuz A, Balik E, Bulut MT. Does tumour location have an impact on survival in colon cancer? European Society of Coloproctology 10th Annual Meeting, 23-25 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
4. Keskin M, Sivrikoz E, Yegen G, Gulluoglu M, Buyukuncu Y, Akyuz A, Yamaner S, Bugra D, Bulut MT, Balik E. Does the location of mesorectal disruption have an impact on oncological outcome? European Society of Coloproctology 10th Annual Meeting, 23-25 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland. (Sözlü Sunum)
5. Inaba K, Chouliaras K, Zakaluzny S, Teixeira P, Sivrikoz E, Ives C, Barmparas G, Koronakis N, Demetriades D. Fast As a Predictor of Outcomes After Resuscitative Thoracotomy: A Prospective Evaluation. American Surgical Association 135th Meeting, 23-24 April 2015, San Diego, California. (Sözlü Sunum)
6. Sivrikoz E, Keskin M, Bulut T, Yamaner S, Buyukuncu Y, Akyuz A, Sokucu N, Bugra D, Balik E. Right and left colon cancers have comparable survival rates following curative intent oncologic resection. European Colorectal Congress, 1-4 December 2014, Munich, Germany.
7. Kamali S, Yesiltas M, Sivrikoz E, Kamali G, Alemdar A, Saglam F, Egin S, Guven H. Differences in right- vs left-sided colonic polyps at age at risk population. European Colorectal Congress, 1-4 December 2014, Munich, Germany.
8. Keskin M, Bayraktar A, Sivrikoz E, Yamaner S, Bulut T,
Buyukuncu Y, Akyuz A, Bugra D, Sokucu N, Balik E. The predictive factors for circumferential radial margin positivity for mid and distal rectal cancer: mid term survival results. European Society of Coloproctology 8th Annual Meeting, 25-27 September 2013, Belgrade, Serbia.
9. Cevheroglu C, Yanar H, Sivrikoz E, Suner M, Ertekin C, Gunay K, Guloglu R, Akyuz F, Ucar A. Can Endoscopic Ultrasound Replace MRCP or ERCP in Patients with Acute Biliary Pancreatitis with Suspected Choledocholithiasis. 14th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 4-7 May 2013, Lyon, France. (Sözlü Sunum)
10. Gok AFK, Ucuncu M, Sivrikoz E, Yanar F, Yanar H, Günay H, Guloglu R, Ertekin C. Geriatric Trauma: A Survey of Recent 4 Years. 14th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 4-7 May 2013, Lyon, France. (Sözlü Sunum)
11. Sivrikoz E, Karamanos E, Talving P, Inaba K, Demetriades D. ETOH Intoxication is Associated with Lower Incidence of Admission Coagulopathy After sTBI – A Prospective Study. XVI. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery, 22-24 November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. (Sözlü Sunum)
12. Yanar F, Agcaoglu O, Aksoy M,
Sarici IS, Yanar H, Ozkurt E, Sivrikoz E, Kurtoglu M. Local thrombolytic therapy in acute mesenteric ischemia. XVI. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery, 22-24 November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
13. Teixeira P, Sivrikoz E, Resnick S, Inaba K, Talving P, Demetriades D. Angioembolization: An Independent Predictor of Survival in High-Grade Blunt Liver Injuries. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery, 12-15 September 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
14. Mejaddam A, Lottenberg L, Thigpin T, Scalea TM, Kallam S, Kaylon B, Inaba K, Sivrikoz E, Cotton B, Al-Jabbari O, de Moya MA. A Multi-Institutional View Of Extra-Peritoneal Pelvic Packing. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery, 12-15 September 2012, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
15. Teixeira PG, Sivrikoz E, Inaba K, Talving P, Lam L, Demetriades D. Appendectomy Timing: Waiting Until the Next Morning May Result in Higher Risk of Surgical Site Infections. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, 26-28 April 2012, San Francisco, California, USA. (Sözlü Sunum)
16. Sivrikoz E, Inaba K, Barmparas G, Benfield R, Recinos G, Joos E, Okoye O, Demetriades D. Serial hemoglobin measurements at emergency department: are they useful? Annual Scientific Meeting of the Southern California Chapter American College of Surgeons, 20-22 January 2012, Santa Barbara, California, USA. (Tam Metin Bildiri)
17. Yanar H, Sivrikoz E, Sarici S, Gunay K, Ertekin C, Guloglu R. Endoscopic Cystoduodenostomy in Patients with Pancreatic Pseudocyts: A 3 Years Experience. 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, April 27-30, 2011 Milan, Italy. (Sözlü Sunum)
18. Yanar H, Sarici S, Sivrikoz E, Ertekin C, Gunay K, Guloglu R. Conservative Management of Periampullary Perforation Due to Endoscopic Sfincterotomy at ERCP: Experience in Recent 4 Years. 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, April 27-30, 2011 Milan, Italy. (Sözlü Sunum)
19. Sivrikoz E, Yanar H, Sarici S, Ertekin C, Gunay K, Guloglu R. Endoscopic retroperitoneal necrosectomy and debridement (ERND) for necrotising pancreatitis. 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, April 27-30, 2011 Milan, Italy. (Sözlü Sunum)
20. Yanar H, Taviloglu K, Ertekin C, Yanar F, Sivrikoz E. Recent Experience with Enterocutaneous Fistula Employing Multimodality Therapy. 10th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, May 13-17, 2009 Antalya, Turkey.
21. Yanar H, Ertekin C, Taviloglu K, Gok AFK, Sivrikoz E, Saricam G, Guloglu R. Endoscopic Gastrointestinal Stenting in Emergency Service. 10th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, May 13-17, 2009 Antalya, Turkey.
- European Society of Coloproctology
- Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
- Türk Cerrahi Derneği
- Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği
- İnkomplet Mezorektum Olguları Nasıl Değerlendirilmeli? Mezorektum Bütünlüğünün Bozulduğu Seviyenin Tümör ile Olan İlişkisi Önemli Mi? Sözlü Bildiri dalında İkincilik Ödülü, XV. Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Kongresi, 19-23 Mayıs 2015, Antalya, Türkiye.