Gül Nihal Özdemir
- Anemiler
- Trombositopeniler
- Kanama ve pıhtılaşma bozuklukları
- Nötropeniler
- Lökopeniler
- Lösemi
- Lenfoma
- Beyin tümörleri
- Solid tümörler
- Hemanjiom ve vasküler malformasyonlar
- Kemik iliği yetersizlikleri
- Lenfadenopatiler
- Splenomegali
- Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Hematoloji BD
- Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ABD
- Beşiktaş Atatürk Anadolu Lisesi
- Liv Hospital Ulus
- Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
- Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi
- Avusturya St George Hastanesi
- Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi
A1. İ. Akman, K. Kuşçu, N. Özdemir, Z. Yurdakul, M. Solakoğlu, L. Orhan, A. Karabekiroğlu, E. Özek, "Mothers’ postpartum psychological adjustment and infantile colic", Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91, 417-419 (2006).
A2. J.M. Clewing, H. Fryssira, D. Goodman, S.F. Smithson, E.A. Sloan, S. Lou, Y. Huang, K. Choi, T. Lucke, H. Alpay, J.L. Andre, Y. Asakura, N. Biebuyck-Gouge, R. Bogdanovic, D. Bonneau, C. Cancrini, P. Cochat, S. Cockfield, L. Collard, I. Cordeiro, V. Cormier-Daire, K. Cransberg, K. Cutka, G. Deschenes, J.H. Ehrich, S. Frund, H. Georgaki, E. Guillen-Navarro, B. Hinkelmann, M. Kanariou, B. Kasap, S.S. Kilic, G. Lama, P. Lamfers, C. Loirat, S. Majore, D. Milford, D. Morin, N. Özdemir, B.F. Pontz, W. Proesmans, S. Psoni, H. Reichenbach, S. Reif, C. Rusu, J.M. Saraiva, O. Sakallioglu, B. Schmidt, L. Shoemaker, S. Sigaudy, G. Smith, F. Sotsiou, N. Stajic, A. Stein, A. Stray-Pedersen, D. Taha, S. Taque, J. Tizard, M. Tsimaratos, N.A. Wong, CF. Boerkoel, "Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia: suggestions of genetic diversity", Human Mutation, 28, 273-283 (2007).
A3. S.G. Berrak, N. Özdemir, N. Bakırcı, E. Türkan, C. Canpolat, B. Berker, A. Yörük., "A double-blind, crossover, randomized dose-comparison trial of granisetron for the prevention of acute and delayed nausea and emesis in children receiving moderately emetogenic carboplatin-based chemotherapy", Supportive Care in Cancer, 15, 1163-1168 (2007).
A4. Z.S. Uyan, N. Özdemir, R. Ersu, I. Akpınar, S. Keskin, E. Çakır, B. Karadağ, F. Karakoç, E. Dağlı., "Factors that correlate with sleep oxygenation in children with cystic fibrosis", Pediatric Pulmonology, 42, 716-722 (2007).
A5. M.K. Kuşçu, İ. Akman, A. Karabekiroğlu, Z. Yurdakul, L. Orhan, N. Özdemir, M. Akman, E. Özek, "Early adverse emotional response to childbirth in Turkey: The impact of maternal attachment styles and family support", Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 29, 33-38 (2008).
A6. İ. Akman, MK. Kuşçu, Z. Yurdakul, N. Özdemir, M Solakoğlu, L. Orhon, A. Karabekiroğlu, E. Özek, "Breastfeeding duration and postpartum psychological adjustment: Role of maternal attachment styles", Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 44, 369-373 (2008).
A7. H. Alpay, N. Özdemir, E. Wühl, A. Topuzoğlu, "Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in healthy children with parental hypertension", Pediatric Nephrology, 24, 155-161 (2009).
A8. T.T. Celkan, S. Barış, N. Özdemir, A. Özkan, H. Apak, O. Doğru, S. Karaman, A. Canpolat, M. Özdil, H. Akı, İ. Adaletli, S. Kruoğlu, M. Hallaç, İ. Yıldız, "Treatment of pediatric Burkitt lymphoma in Turkey", Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, 32, 279-284 (2010).
A9. R. Kebudi, G.N. Özdemir, "Rhabdomyosarcoma of the tongue: Report of a case and review of the literature", Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 28, 60-64 (2011).
A10. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, K. Midilli, G. Aygün, S. Sinekbasan, O. Kılıç, H. Apak, Y. Camcıoğlu, İ. Yıldız, "Novel influenza a (H1N1) infection in a pediatric hematology oncology clinic during the 2009-2010 pandemia", Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 28, 288-293 (2011).
A11. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, S. Barış, B. Batar, M. Güven, "DNA repair gene XPD and XRCC1 polymorphisms and the risk of febrile neutropenia and mucositis in children with leukemia and lymphoma", Leukemia Research, 36, 565-569 (2012).
A12. F. Peyvandi, R. Palla, M. Menegatti, S.M. Siboni, S. Halimeh, B. Faeser, H. Pergantou, H. Platokouki, P. Giangrande, K. Peerlink, T. Celkan, N. Özdemir, C. Bidlingmaier, J. Ingerslev, M. Giansily-Blaizot, J. François Schved, R. Gilmore, A. Gadisseur, M. Benedik-Dolničar, L. Kitanovski, D. Mikovic, KM. Musallam, FR. Rosendaal; on behalf of the European Network of Rare Bleeding Disorders (EN-RBD) group, "Coagulation factor activity and clinical bleeding severity in rare bleeding disorders: results from the european network of rare bleeding disorders", Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 10, 615-621 (2012).
A13. F. Peyvandi, D. Di Michele, P.H. Bolton-Maggs, C.A. Lee, A. Tripodi, A. Srivastava; Project on Consensus Definitions in Rare Bleeeding Disorders of the Factor VIII/Factor IX Scientific and Standardisation Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, “Classification of rare bleeding disorders (RBDs) based on the association between coagulant factor activity and clinical bleeding severity”, J Thromb Haemost, 10, 1938-1943 (2012).
A14. H. Tüten, H. Çam, N. Özdemir, F. Bezgal, N. Buyru, B. Zülfikar, T. Celkan, "Effect of prothrombotic mutations on factor consumption in children with hemophilia", Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 19:445-448 (2012).
A15. Koka A, Saygin C, Uzunaslan D, Ozdemir N, Apak H, Celkan T. 17-year experience with ALL-BFM protocol in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: prognostic predictors and interruptions during protocol. Leuk Res, 38(6):699-705 (2014).
A16. Ozdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia from diagnosis to treatment in children. Turk Pediatri Ars;50(1):11-9 (2015).
A17. Guven M, Unal S, Erhan D, Ozdemir N, Baris S, Celkan T, Bostancı M, Batar B. Role of glutathione S-transferase M1, T1 and P1 gene polymorphisms in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia susceptibility in a Turkish population. Meta Gene;5:115-9 (2015).
A18. Tüysüz G, Özdemir N, Apak H, Kutlubay Z, Demirkesen C, Celkan T. Childhood mastocytosis: results of a single center. Turk Pediatri Ars;50(2):108-13 (2015).
A19. Yildiz I, Ozdemir N, Celkan T, Soylu S, Karaman S, Canbolat A, Dogru O, Erginoz E, Apak H Initial Management of Childhood Acute Immune Thrombocytopenia: Single-Center Experience of 32 Years. Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 32(6):406-14(2015).
A20. Fischer K, Iorio A, Hollingsworth, Makris M and EUHASS collaborators. FVIII inhibitor development according to concentrate: data from the EUHASS registry excluding overlap with other studies. Haemophilia;22(1):e36-8 (2015).
A21. Fischer K and Iorio A and Lassila R and Peyvandi F and Calizzani G and Gatt A and Lambert T and Windyga J and Gilman EA, Hollingsworth R, Makris M and EUHASS Participants. Inhibitor development in non-severe haemophilia across Europe. Haemost;115(3):684 (2016).
A22. Özdemir N, Tüysüz G, Çelik N, Yantri L, Erginöz E, Apak H, Özkan A, Yıldız İ and Celkan T. Febrile neutropenia in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: single center experience. Turk Pediatri Ars; 51(2):79-86 (2016).
A23. Kebudi R, Ozdemir GN. Secondary Neoplasms in Children Treated for Cancer. Curr Pediatr Rev;13(1):34-41 (2017).
A24. Iorio A, Barbara AM, Makris M, Fischer K, Castaman G, Catarino C, Gilman E, Kavakli K, Lambert T, Lassila R, Lissitchkov T, Mauser-Bunschoten E, Mingot-Castellano ME, Ozdemir N, Pabinger I, Parra R, Pasi J, Peerlinck K, Rauch A, Roussel-Robert V, Serban M, Tagliaferri A, Windyga J, Zanon E. Natural history and clinical characteristics of inhibitors in previously treated haemophilia A patients: a case series. Haemophilia; 23(2):255-263 (2017).
A25. Orsini S, Noris P, Bury L, Heller PG, Santoro C, Kadir RA, Butta NC, Falcinelli E, Cid AR, Fabris F, Fouassier M, Miyazaki K, Lozano ML, Zúñiga P, Flaujac C, Podda GM, Bermejo N, Favier R, Henskens Y, De Maistre E, De Candia E, Mumford AD, Ozdemir GN, Eker I, Nurden P, Bayart S, Lambert MP, Bussel J, Zieger B, Tosetto A, Melazzini F, Glembotsky AC, Pecci A, Cattaneo M, Schlegel N, Gresele P; European Hematology Association - Scientific Working Group (EHA-SWG) on thrombocytopenias and platelet function disorders. Bleeding risk of surgery and its prevention in patients with inherited platelet disorders. Haematologica; 102(7):1192-1203 (2017).
A26. Kizilocak H, Dikme G, Özdemir N, Kuruğoğlu S, Adaletli İ, Erkan T, Celkan T. Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome During Chemotherapy of Pediatric Cancers and its Successful Management With Defibrotide. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 39(7):e373-e376 (2017).
A27. Tüfekçi Ö, Koçak Ü, Kaya Z, Yenicesu İ, Albayrak C, Albayrak D, Yılmaz Bengoa Ş, Patıroğlu T, Karakükçü M, Ünal E, Ünal İnce E, İleri T, Ertem M, Celkan T, Özdemir GN, Sarper N, Kaçar D, Yaralı N, Özbek NY, Küpesiz A, Karapınar T, Vergin C, Çalışkan Ü, Tokgöz H, Sezgin Evim M, Baytan B, Güneş AM, Yılmaz Karapınar D, Karaman S, Uygun V, Karasu G, Yeşilipek MA, Koç A, Erduran E, Atabay B, Öniz H, Ören H. Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia in Turkey: A Retrospective Analysis of Sixty-five Patients. Turk J Haematol; 35(1):27-34 (2018).
A28. Menegatti M, Palla R, Boscarino M, Bucciarelli P, Muszbek L, Katona E, Makris M, Peyvandi F and PRO-RBDD study group. Minimal factor XIII activity level to prevent major spontaneous bleeds. J Thromb Haemost; 15(9):1728-1736 (2018).
A29. Kızılocak H, Ozdemir N, Dikme G, Koç B, Atabek AA, Çokuğraş H, İskeleli G, Dönmez-Demir B, Christiansen NM, Ziegler M, Ozdağ H, Schuster V, Celkan T Treatment of plasminogen deficiency patients with fresh frozen plasma. Pediatr Blood Cancer; 65(2) (2018).
A30. Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Akoğlu HA, Özdemir GN. The Efficacy of Oral Vitamin B12 Replacement for Nutritional Vitamin B12 Deficiency. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 40(2):e69-e72 (2018).
A31. Sezer RG, Akoğlu HA, Bozaykut A, Özdemir GN. Comparison of the efficacy of parenteral and oral treatment for nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in children. Hematology; 24:1-5 (2018).
A32. Aydogan G, Keskin S, Akici F, Salcioglu Z, Bayram C, Uysalol EP, Gucer TNT, Ersoy G, Ozdemir N. Causes of Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia in Children and Evaluation of Laboratory Parameters in the Differentiation. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 41(4):e221-e223 (2019).
A33. Yıldız M, Özdemir N, Önal H, Koç B, Eliuz Tipici B, Zülfikar B. Evaluation of Unfavorable Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Factors in Children and Young Adults with Haemophilia. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol, 11(2):173-180 (2019).
A34. Tuysuz G, Yildiz I, Ozdemir N, Adaletli I, Kurugoglu S, Apak H, Dervisoglu S, Bozkurt S, Celkan T. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Single Center Experience of 25 Years. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis; 11(1):e2019035
A35. Söbü E, Özdemir N, Uysal S, Buyru N, Celkan T. Pediatric Stroke: A Single-Center Experience. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 41(7):519-524 (2019).
A36. Kebudi R, Agasoy T, Kizilocak H, Ozdemir GN. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV in children with cancer at diagnosis and following therapy in Turkey: progress within the last 25 years. Turk Pediatri Ars; 54(2):82-85 (2019).
A37. Zulfikar B, Koc B, Ozdemir N. Low-dose Immune Tolerance Induction in Hemophilia: A Single-Center Experience. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 41(6):e355-e358 (2019).
A38. Brandão LR, Albisetti M, Halton J, Bomgaars L, Chalmers E, Mitchell LG, Nurmeev I, Svirin P, Kuhn T, Zapletal O, Tartakovsky I, Simetzberger M, Huang F, Sun Z, Kreuzer J, Gropper S, Brueckmann M, Luciani M; DIVERSITY Study Investigators. Safety of dabigatran etexilate for the secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism in children. Blood; 135(7):491-504 (2020).
A39. Yılmaz Karapınar D, Patıroğlu T, Metin A, Çalışkan Ü, Celkan T, Yılmaz B, Karakaş Z, Karapınar TH, Akıncı B, Özkınay F, Onay H, Yeşilipek MA, Akar HH, Tüysüz G, Tokgöz H, Özdemir GN, Aslan Kıykım A, Karaman S, Kılınç Y, Oymak Y, Küpesiz A, Olcay L, Keskin Yıldırım Z, Aydoğan G, Gökçe M, İleri T, Aral YZ, Bay A, Atabay B, Kaya Z, Söker M, Özdemir Karadaş N, Özbek U, Özsait Selçuk B, Özdemir HH, Uygun V, Tezcan Karasu G, Yılmaz Ş. Homozygous c.130-131 ins A (pW44X) mutation in the HAX1 gene as the most common cause of congenital neutropenia in Turkey: Report from the Turkish Severe Congenital Neutropenia Registry. Pediatr Blood Cancer; 66(10):e27923 (2019).
A40. Koca Yozgat A, Leblebisatan G, Akbayram S, Çınar Özel S, Karakaş Z, Erduran E, Yılmaz Ş, Koçak Ü, Ünal Ş, Özdemir GN, Albayrak M, Zengin E, Oymak Y, Bör Ö, Çakmaklı HF, Söker M, Gürlek Gökçebay D, Tokgöz H, Malbora B, Karaman S, Celkan T, Şaşmaz İ, Yaralı N, Ören H, Ünüvar A, Özbek NY. OUTCOMES OF ELTROMBOPAG TREATMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF IRON DEFICIENCY IN CHILDREN WITH IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN TURKEY. Turk J Haematol 2020 Mar 17. Epub ehad of print.
B1. M.K. Kuşçu, İ. Akman, Z. Yurdakul, A. Karabekiroğlu, L. Orhan, N. Özdemir, "Psychosocial predictors of postpartum depression in Turkey", XIV. Annual Scientific Meeting European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), İstanbul, Türkiye, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 59, s34, (2005).
B2. M.K. Kuşçu, İ. Akman, Z. Yurdakul, A. Karabekiroğlu, L. Orhan, N. Özdemir, "Early emotional response to childbirth in Turkey: the role of attachment styles", XIV. Annual Scientific Meeting European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) İstanbul, Türkiye, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 59, s35, (2005).
B3. N. Özdemir, H. Alpay, N. Bıyıklı, İ. Gökçe, A. Topuzluoğlu, "Is there any rationale for circumcision after newborn period: Does it really prevent urinary tract infection?", 2. Meeting of Southeastern European Paediatric Nephrology Working Group, Belgrad, Sırbistan, P29 (2006).
B4. H. Alpay, N. Özdemir, A. Topuzluoğlu, "Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children with parental hypertension", 2. Meeting of Southeastern European Paediatric Nephrology Working Group, Belgrad, Sırbistan, P44 (2006).
B5. S.G. Berrak, G.N. Özdemir, E. Türkan, C. Canpolat, D.S. Cebeci, B. Beker, A. Yörük, "A randomised, double-blind dose-comparison trial of granisetron in preventing emesis in children receiving carboplatin based chemotherapy", 38. Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Cenevre, İsviçre, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 47, Suppl. 6, s525 (2006).
B6. İ. Gökçe, H. Alpay, A. Özen, N. Bıyıklı, N. Özdemir, "Metabolic examination and clinical presentation of pediatric urolithiasis in İstanbul: A single center study", 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Palermo, İtalya, Pediatric Nephrology, 21, s1590 (2006).
B7. N. Bıyıklı, H. Alpay, N. Bozkurt, İ. Gökçe, N. Özdemir, T. Ispir, "Chemokine receptor 2 and chemokine receptor 5 polymorphisms in nephrotic syndrome" 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Palermo, İtalya, Pediatric Nephrology, 21, s1536 (2006).
B8. H. Alpay, N. Bıyıklı, T. Akkoç, İ. Gökçe, N. Özdemir, N. Yıldız, "The early and late response of pneumococcal vaccination in nephrotic children" 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Palermo, İtalya, Pediatric Nephrology, 21, s1535 (2006).
B9. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, S. Uysal, S.P. Keskin, O. Ünver, C. Islak, O. Kızılkılıç, "Sneddon syndrome in a child" 14th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Berlin, Almanya, Haematologica, 94, Suppl. 2, s675 (2009).
B10. İ. Yıldız, Ö. Doğru, U. Özbek, G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, H. Apak, A. Özkan, "Clinical features of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Turkish children (Results from a single center)", 41st Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brezilya, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 53, s773 (2009).
B11. İ. Yıldız, Ö. Doğru, U. Özbek, T. Celkan, H. Apak, A. Özkan, G.N. Özdemir, "The prognostic significance of genetic, immunophenotypic and clinical features of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Turkish children (Results from a single center)" 41st Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brezilya, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 53, s767 (2009).
B12. F. Peyvandi, M. Menegatti, R. Palla, S.M. Siboni, C. Bidlingmaier, N. Özdemir, L. Kitanovski, K. Peerlink, H. Pergantou, I. Ingerslev, P. Giangrande, "The European Network of Rare Bleeding Disorders (EN-RBD) Project: The Bleeding Score (BS)", XXIX International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Buenos Aires, Arjantin, Haemophilia, 16, Suppl. 4, s48 (2010).
B13. İ. Yıldız, T. Celkan, A. Özkan, H. Pazarlı, N. Özdemir, B. Koç, A. Sarıcı, S. Karaman, H. Apak, S. Kuruoğlu, İ. Adaletli, Ö. Uzel, G. Kaner, C. Demirkesen, R. Kebudi, "Retinoblastoma treatment results of 30 years from a center in Istanbul, Turkey", 42. Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Boston, ABD, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 55, s898 (2010).
B14. G.N. Özdemir, N. İlhan, G. Karasu, V. Uygun, M. Akcan, F. Tayfun, A. Küpesiz, V. Hazar, A. Yeşilipek, "Better outcome with Fludarabine based conditioning in Fanconi anemia", 37th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Paris, Fransa, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 46, Suppl., S376 (2011).
B15. F. Tayfun, B. Baytan, G.N. Özdemir, M. Akcan, V. Uygun, G. Karasu, A. Yeşilipek, "Higher incidence of hypertension with intravenous busulfan compared to oral busulfan in thalassaemic children who underwent haematopoietic stem cell transplantation", 37th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Paris, Fransa, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 46, Suppl., S186 (2011).
B16. R. Kebudi, İ. Ayan, Ö. Görgün, N. Özdemir, H. Emiroğlu, B. Zülfikar, H. Çamlıca, "Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: 18 years experience of a single institution", 3rd International Congress on Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, İstanbul, Türkiye, s236 (2011).
B17. T. Celkan, M. Güven, N. Özdemir, B. Batar, G. Tüysüz, H. Apak, "Toll-like 4 (TLR-4), NOD2, Dectin-1 polymorphisms and susceptibility to infections, relapse and other complications in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia", 3rd International Congress on Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, İstanbul, Türkiye, s239 (2011).
B18. B. Zülfikar, İ. Yıldız, N. Özdemir, H. Cansız, N. Tüzüner, "Burkitt lymphoma originating from the sphenoid sinus", 3rd International Congress on Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, İstanbul, Türkiye, s245 (2011).
B19. B. Zülfikar, H. Emiroğlu, N. Özdemir, Ö. Görgün, R. Kebudi, "Treatment of adolescents and young adults with ALL: COG experience in a single center", 3rd International Congress on Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, İstanbul, Türkiye, s260 (2011).
B20. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, M. Güven, B. Batar, G. Tüysüz, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "Polymorphism in TLR2 ARG753GLN and susceptibility to fungal infections in children with leukemia", 16th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Londra, İngiltere, Haematologica, 96, Suppl. 2, s630 (2011).
B21. R. Palla, M. Menegatti, S.M. Siboni, C. Mistretta, A. Gadisseur, M. Giansily-Blaizot, S. Halimeh, L. Kitanovski, D. Mikovic, N. Özdemir, H. Pergantou, F. Peyvandi, "Assessing bleeding in rare bleeding disorders (RBDS) with bleeding score: Results from the European Network of Rare Bleeding Disorders (EN-RBD)", XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Kyoto, Japonya, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9, Suppl. 2, s474 (2011).
B22. N. Özdemir, M. Güven, B. Batar, H. Apak, G. Tüysüz, S. Barış, İ. Yıldız, T. Celkan, "The association of Toll-like 4 (TLR-4) and NOD2 polymorphisms and febrile neutropenia in children with Burkitt lymphoma", 43. Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Auckland, Yeni Zellanda, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 57, s844 (2011).
B23. T. Celkan, N. Özdemir, L. Sever, S. Çalışkan, M. Eliçevik, H. Akı, İ. Yıldız, "Primary gastrointestinal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a renal transplant patient", 43. Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Auckland, Yeni Zellanda, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 57, s874 (2011).
B24. N. Özdemir, S. Jodele, K.C. Myers, P.A. Mehta, J.J. Bleesing, M.B. Jordan, R.A. Marsch, A.R. Kumar, D. Bellman, A.H. Filipovich, S.M. Davies, M.S. Grimley, "Prevalence of viral infections in children undergoing first allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Two year single center experience", 2012 BMT Tandem Meeting, San Diego, ABD, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18, Suppl., sS315 (2012).
B25. N. Özdemir, M.S. Grimley, S.M. Davies, K.C. Myers, P.A. Mehta, J.J. Bleesing, M.B. Jordan, R.A. Marsh, A.R. Kumar, A.H. Filipovich, S.Jodele, "Viral infections in children undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation", 2012 BMT Tandem Meeting, San Diego, ABD, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18, Suppl., sS302 (2012).
B26. N. Özdemir, S.M. Davies, A.H. Filipovich, J.J. Bleesing, S. Jodele, M.S. Grimley, R.A. Marsh, K.C. Myers, P.A. Mehta, "Norovirus gastroenteritis-An emerging pathogen in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients", 2012 BMT Tandem Meeting, San Diego, ABD, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18, Suppl., sS314 (2012).
B27. T. Celkan, G. Tüysüz, B. Kutlubay, G. Özdemir, "Management of hemangiomas: A single center experience", 17th Congress of European Hematology Association, Amsterdam, Hollanda, Haematologica, 97, Suppl. 1, s 417 (2012).
C1.1 G.N. Ozdemir, A. Ozkan, Growth factors. In: A. Ozkan ed. Paediatric Oncology. Istanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, 2009: 399-411.
C1.2. G.N. Özdemir, A. Özkan, Lymphoproliferative diseases. In: A. Özkan ed. Paediatric Oncology. Istanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, 2009: 625-631.
C1.3 G.N. Özdemir. Intravenous immunologlobulin therapy in febrile neutropenia. TPHD Education Series-I. Paediatric Febrile Neutropenia, 2016, Volume 1, Issue: 1.
C1.4 G.N. Özdemir, T.T. Celkan. Blood transfusion in children. T. Erkan, T. Kutlu, M. Satar, E. Ünüvar, editor. Essentials of Paediatrics. 1st Edition. Istanbul Medical Bookstore; 2016. P.775-780.
C1.5 N. Özdemir, B. Koç. Use of Prothrombin Complex in Internal Cases. Y. Çete, editor. Prothrombin Complex Concentrate. 1st Edition. Medical Network Publishing House, 2016. P. 72-86.
C1.6 G.N. Özdemir. Thrombocytopenia associated with autoimmune diseases. TPHD Education Series-IV. Platelet Diseases, 2017, Volume 2, Issue: 4.
C1.7. N. Özdemir, Ö. Doğru, E. Mammadov, G. Topuzlu Tekant, T. T. Celkan. Recurrent Ileus Associated with Thrombophilia. Cases in Paediatric Haematology Oncology. 1st Edition. Ankara: Turkish Paediatric Haematology Association; 2019. P.168-169.
D1. N. Özdemir, A. Soysal, H. Bilgen, G. Çulha, M. Bakır, E. Özek, "Nosocomial infections in Marmara University Medical Faculty Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in 2001", Journal of Hospital Infections, 8, 256-260 (2004).
D2. H. Alpay, N. Özdemir, "Renal osteodystrophy in children", Çocuk Dergisi, 6, 238-243 (2006).
D3. N.K. Bıyıklı, H. Alpay, N. Bozkurt, İ. Gökçe, N. Özdemir, T. İşbir, "Chemokine receptor 2 and chemokine receptor 5 polymorphisms in nephrotic patients", Advances in Molecular Medicine, 2, 165-170 (2006).
D4. H. Alpay, N.K. Bıyıklı, T. Akkoç, İ. Gökçe, N. Özdemir, N. Yıldız, "The early and late response of pneumococcal vaccination in nephrotic children", Advances in Molecular Medicine, 3, 177-181 (2007).
D5. İ. Yıldız, Ü. Altuntaş, T. Celkan, H. Apak, A. Özkan, Ö. Doğru, G. Özdemir, G. Mindan, S. Dervişoğlu, "Langerhans cell histiocytosis: Survival and clinical features of Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty paediatric patients", Turkish Journal of Paediatric Haematology, 2, 61-67 (2008).
D6. H. Apak, B. Ekici, S. Albayram, E. Erginöz, T. Celkan, A. Özkan, G.N. Özdemir, İ. Yıldız, "The effect of low dose methotrexate on brain complications in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia", Turkish Pediatrics Archives, 44, 62-67 (2009).
D7. G.N. Özdemir, H. Apak, "Basic principles of blood transfusion in children", Archives of Turkish Paediatrics, 44, Suppl. 1, 19-23 (2009).
D8. N. Özdemir, H. Alpay, N. Bıyıklı, İ. Gökçe, A. Topuzoğlu, "The effect of circumcision on the frequency of urinary tract infections in children", Turkish Paediatrics Archives, 45, 137-140 (2010).
D9. T. Celkan, N. Özdemir, Z. Bilgi, G. Oktay, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "The effect of treatment on mean erythrocyte volumes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia", Archives of Turkish Paediatrics, 46, 133-136 (2011).
D10. G.N. Özdemir, E. Çelik, M. Bulut, D. Uludağ, R. Özcan, T. Celkan, "Circumcision experience in children with bleeding disorders", Archives of Turkish Paediatrics, 46, 313-317 (2011).
D11. R. Kebudi, G.N. Özdemir, "Secondary cancers in childhood survivors", Archives of Turkish Paediatrics, 46, 270-274 (2011).
D12. B. Kutlubay, G.N. Özdemir, G. Tüysüz, H. Apak, T. Celkan, "Glanzmann thrombasthenia: Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty experience", Turkish Pediatrics Archives, 47, 104-106 (2012).
D13. B. Arcagök, N. Özdemir, İ. Yıldız, T. Celkan. The relationship of iron deficiency with blood zinc level in childhood. Journal of Paediatrics; 56: 63-70 (2013).
D14. B. Batar, T. Mutlu, N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, M. Güven. "Association of TLR4 and NOD2 Polymorphisms with Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia/Association oP the TLR4 and NOD2 Polymorphisms with Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia." Bezmialem Science, 6(2): 119. (2018).
D15. G.N. Özdemir. Congenital bone marrow deficiencies. Turkey Clinics; 2018. P.1-7.
E1. N. K. Bıyıklı, N. Özdemir, T. Tarcan, H. Alpay, "The relationship between clean intermittent catheterisation and urinary tract infection frequency in patients with neural tube defects", 47th National Pediatrics Congress, İstanbul (2003).
E2. A. Soysal, N. Özdemir, B. Erol, S. Esmaeilzadeh, T. Eren, M. Bakır, "Primary gastrocnemius muscle hydatid cyst: A case report", 47th National Pediatrics Congress, Istanbul (2003).
E3. N. Özdemir, R. Ersu, F. Karakoç, B. Karadağ, A. Kut, E. Dağlı, "Tracheal calcification: A case report", 47th National Pediatrics Congress, Istanbul (2003).
E4. S. Turan, N. Özdemir, F. Akalın, C. Ayabakan, A. Bereket, "Velocardiofacial syndrome: A report of two cases", VIII. National Pediatric Endocrinology Congress, 164, Erzurum (2003).
E5. Z. Uyan, E. Çakır, N. Özdemir, B. Karadağ, R. Ersu, S. Keskin, F. Karakoç, E. Dağlı, "The relationship between the nutritional status of children with cystic fibrosis and disease grade", 8th Congress of Thoracic Society, 34, Antalya (2005).
E6. A. Soysal, Ö. Türel, N. Özdemir, C. Ayabakan, F. Akalın, A. Dağçınar, M. Özek, M. Bakır, "Endocarditis and brain abscess due to vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium: A case report", 4th National Paediatric Infectious Diseases Congress, 243, İstanbul (2005).
E7. T. Celkan, Ö. Doğru, A. Özkan, H. Apak, N. Özdemir, İ. Yıldız, "Çocukluk çağında MDS", Türk Pediatrik Hematoloji Derneği Kemik iliği yetmezliği sempozyumu, Samsun, Türk Çocuk Hematoloji Dergisi, 2, 172 (2008).
E8. N. Özdemir, Ö. Doğru, M. Kıvılcım, Z. Aydemir, İ. Adaletli, S. Kuruoğlu, T. Celkan, "Nöroblastom: Olgu sunumu", XV. TPOG Ulusal Pediatrik Kanser Kongresi, 300, İzmir (2008).
E9. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, G. Dikme, H. Akı, S. Sözübir, F. Özkan, İ. Yıldız, "Leukemia Cutis: Çocuklarda nadir bir başvuru bulgusu", 34. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, 71, İzmir (2008).
E10. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, Ö. Doğru, S. Kantarcıoğlu, S. Kuruoğlu, Z. Alp-Aydemir, A. Yurt, G. Dikme, "Akut lenfoblastik lösemide çocukta invaziv mantar enfeksiyonunun posakonazol ile başarılı tedavisi: Olgu sunumu", 7. Ulusal Pediatrik Hematoloji Kongresi, Ankara, Türk Çocuk Hematoloji Dergisi, 3, 105 (2009).
E11. Z. Aydemir, N. Özdemir, N. Çelik, T. Celkan, "Alcaligenes xylosoxidans bacteraemia in a case with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia", 7th National Pediatric Haematology Congress, Ankara, Turkish Journal of Paediatric Haematology, 3, 102 (2009).
E12. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, T. Kutlu, M. Kara, G.T. Tekant, S. Kuruoğlu, "Thalidomide treatment in blueberry rubber nevus syndrome", 7th National Congress of Paediatric Haematology, Ankara, Turkish Journal of Paediatric Haematology, 3, 58 (2009).
E13. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, Ö. Doğru, E. Mammadov, G.T. Tekant, "Recurrent ileus associated with thrombophilia", 7th National Congress of Paediatric Haematology, Ankara, Turkish Journal of Paediatric Haematology, 3, 56 (2009).
E14. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, R. Kebudi, M. Bor, İ. Yıldız, "Iron deficiency anaemia and pancytopenia associated with iron therapy: A report of two cases", 7th National Pediatric Hematology Congress, Ankara, Turkish Journal of Pediatric Hematology, 3, 93 (2009).
E15. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, R. Kebudi, Ö. Doğru, H. Apak, B. Zülfikar, İ. Yıldız, "Our cases of cutaneous mastocytosis in childhood", 35th National Hematology Congress, 157, Antalya (2009).
E16. N. Özdemir, H. Apak, H.H. Toptan, F.Ç. Çokuğraş, "Parvovirus B19 infection mimicking juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia", 35th National Haematology Congress, 201, Antalya (2009).
E17. N. Özdemir, O. Ünver, S. Çimen, H. Apak, S. Uysal, S. Albayram, "A case of leukaemia presenting with cranial nerve palsy", 35th National Haematology Congress, 71, Antalya (2009).
E18. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, G. İskeleli, M. Özek, "Lignous conjunctivitis: Type 1 plasminogen deficiency: A report of 2 cases", 35th National Hematology Congress, 131, Antalya (2009).
E19. N. Özdemir, M. Kıvılcım, M. Kara, M. Vural, İ. Yıldız, "Congenital leukaemia: A case report", 35th National Hematology Congress, 72, Antalya (2009).
E20. N. Özdemir, E. Soyuçen, T. Celkan, "Polycythemia due to mercury intoxication", 35th National Hematology Congress, 202, Antalya (2009).
E21. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, K. Midilli, G. Aygün, S. Sinekbasan, Ö. Kılıç, Y. Camcıoğlu, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "Influenza A (H1N1) infection in Cerrahpaşa Pediatric Haematology-Oncology patients", 9th Febrile Neutropenia Symposium, 144, Ankara (2010).
E22. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, H. Apak, B. Zülfikar, İ. Yıldız, "Caspofungin experience in paediatric haematology patients: Cerrahpaşa results", 9th Febrile Neutropenia Symposium, 193, Ankara (2010).
E23. T. Celkan, N. Çelik, N. Özdemir, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "ESBL resistance in a paediatric haematology-oncology service in a 5-year period", 9th Febrile Neutropenia Symposium, 172, Ankara (2010).
E24. B. Zülfikar, N. Özdemir, H. Emiroğlu, Ö. Taşer, Ö. Kılıçoğlu, C. Türkmen, G. Ak, F. Bezgal, A. Çelik, T. Ovalı, "Surgery in patients with inhibitor-enhanced haemophilia: 11-year experience", 7th National Haemophilia Congress, 121, İstanbul (2010).
E25. M. Kıvılcım, H. Çam, N. Özdemir, E. Özek, Z. Alp, M.B. Özdil, H. İpek, T. Celkan, B. Tüysüz, Y. Camcıoğlu, "Secondary haemophagocytic syndrome: A report of 2 cases", 46th Turkish Pediatrics Congress, Izmir, Turkish Pediatrics Archives, 45, 212 (2010).
E26. R. Kebudi, N. Özdemir, "Tongue rhabdomyosarcoma", XVI. TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, P81, Samsun (2010).
E27. N. Özdemir, H. Apak, A. Tekin, S. Dervişoğlu, M. Söker, R. Kebudi, İ. Yıldız, "Juvenile granulosa-teka cell tumour causing carcinomatosis peritonei: case report", XVI. TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, 150, Samsun (2010).
E28. R. Kebudi, İ. Ayan, Ö. Görgün, B. Zülfikar, H. Emiroğlu, N. Özdemir, D. Uludağ, "Evaluation of extracranial germ cell tumours in childhood: 20 years experience", XVI. TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, 146, Samsun (2010).
E29. H. Apak, N. Özdemir, S. Celayir, S. Laçinel, R. Özcan, S. Dervişoğlu, İ. Yıldız, "Colorectal carcinoma in childhood: case report", XVI. TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, 182, Samsun (2010).
E30. N. Özdemir, R. Kebudi, H.T. Hakyemez, İ. Ayan, F.Y. Ağaoğlu, S. Dervişoğlu, E. Darendeliler, "Soft tissue sarcoma in a case treated with radiotherapy for bilateral retinoblastoma", XVI. TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, 207, Samsun (2010).
E31. R. Kebudi, İ. Ayan, Ö. Görgün, H. Emiroğlu, N. Özdemir, F.Y. Ağaoğlu, B. Zülfikar, Y. Dizdar, E. Darendeliler, "Secondary tumours in childhood cancer survivors", XVIth TPOG National Paediatric Cancer Congress, 203, Samsun (2010).
E32. T. Celkan, Z. Alp, S. Ören, E. Çakmak, N. Özdemir, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "Problems and periods causing treatment prolongation in BFM-ALL protocols", 36th National Hematology Congress, 9, Antalya (2010).
E33. H. Tüten, H. Çam, N. Özdemir, F. Bezgal, A. Buyru, B. Zülfikar, T. Celkan, "The effect of thrombophilia on factor use and bleeding type and severity in children with haemophilia", 105, Antalya (2010).
E34. N. Özdemir, R. Kebudi, H. Apak, S. Laçinel, "The role of deferasirox in the treatment of iron overload due to frequent transfusion in a patient with recurrent malignancies", 36th National Hematology Congress, 193, Antalya (2010).
E35. N. Özdemir, E. Çelik, T. Celkan, "Immune thrombocytopenic purpura developing after non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment: A report of 2 cases", 36th National Hematology Congress, 161, Antalya (2010).
E36. B. Zülfikar, G. Özcan, T. Akgül, N. Özdemir, F. Bezgal, U. Talu, "Major surgical intervention in patients with von-Willebrand disease", 36th National Hematology Congress, 180, Antalya (2010).
E37. G. Tüysüz, H. Apak, G.N. Özdemir, Ö.E. Uzel, "Treatment of a nasopharynx carcinoma in childhood with docataxel", 19th National Cancer Congress, 142, Antalya (2011).
E38. R. Kebudi, G. Tüysüz, N. Özdemir, Ö. Doğan, Ö. Görgün, E. Darendeliler, "Central nervous system relapse in a child with non-Hodgkin lymphoma", 19th National Cancer Congress, 766, Antalya (2011).
E39. B. Zülfikar, N. Özdemir, H. Emiroğlu, Ö. Görgün, R. Kebudi, E. Darendeliler, A. Kafadar, B. Öz, "Isolated central nervous system relapse in a child with stage 4 neuroblastoma", 19th National Cancer Congress, 753, Antalya (2011).
E40. N. Özdemir, B.C. Arcagök, A. Tekin, H. Apak, H. Çam, R. Özcan, M. Eliçevik, O.F. Şenyüz, T.T. Celkan, "Spontaneous splenic rupture in a patient with congenital afibrinogenemia", 8th National Haemophilia Congress, 280, Antalya (2011).
E41. G. Tüysüz, E. Sönmez, C. Beaumont, B. Kutlubay, G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "A Turkish family with hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome", 8th National Pediatric Hematology Congress, 128, Adana (2011).
E42. G. Tüysüz, B. Kutlubay, G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "A case of hemolytic anemia with glucose 6 phosphate isomerase deficiency", 8th National Pediatric Hematology Congress, 124, Adana (2011).
E43. G.N. Özdemir, R. Kebudi, G. Tüysüz, Ö. Kasapçopur, "A case of T-cell lymphoma diagnosed as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis", 8th National Pediatric Hematology Congress, 114, Adana (2011).
E44. İ. Yıldız, G.N. Özdemir, S. Soylu, T. Celkan, S. Karaman, A. Canbolat, H. Apak, "Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in childhood: 32-year experience results", 37th National Hematology Congress, 49, Ankara (2011).
E45. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, L. Yantri, N. Çelik, G. Tüysüz, H. Apak, İ. Yıldız, "Febrile neutropenia in children receiving acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment: Single center results", 37th National Hematology Congress, 102, Ankara (2011).
E46. B. Arcagök, T. Celkan, G.N. Özdemir, İ. Yıldız, "Evaluation of the relationship between iron deficiency and zinc in childhood", 37th National Hematology Congress, 118, Ankara (2011).
E47. G.N. Özdemir, C. Aras, S. Albayrak, A. Özkan, T. Celkan, "Endogenous endophthalmitis treatment in a case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia", 37th National Hematology Congress, 223, Adana (2011).
G1. R. Ersu, N. Özdemir, H. Hamzaoğlu, B. Karadağ, F. Karakoç, E. Dağlı, "Erişkin kistik fibrozis olgusu", Toraks Dergisi, 6, 85-88 (2005).
G2. C. Kocaman, Y. Yılmaz, N. Özdemir, "Carbamazepine in the treatment of chorea", Marmara Medical Journal, 19, 27-29 (2006).
G3. N. Özdemir, C. Kocaman, T. Baykal, M. Berber, Y. Yılmaz, "Nöbet ve/veya akut ensefalopati ile başvuran hastalarda nörometabolik hastalıklar: Üç olgu sunumu", Çocuk Dergisi, 6, 278-281 (2006).
G4. H. Alpay, N. Özdemir, "Çocuklarda renal osteodistrofi", Çocuk Dergisi, 6, 238-243 (2006).
G5. İ. Gökçe, H. Alpay, N. Bıyıklı, N. Özdemir, "Urinary tract pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in Turkish children", Pediatric Nephrology, 21, 1327-1328 (2006).
G6. N. Özdemir, H. Alpay, A. Bereket, G. Bereket, N. Bıyıklı, M. Aydoğan, F. Çakalağoğlu, I. Kılıçaslan, İ. Akpınar "Membranous nephropathy in Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia" Pediatric Nephrology, 21, 870-872 (2006).
G7. Y. Yılmaz, N. Özdemir, G. Ekinci, T. Baykal, C. Kocaman, "Corticospinal tract involvement in a patient with 3-HMG coenzyme A lyase deficiency", Pediatric Neurology, 35, 139-141 (2006).
G8. N. Özdemir, R. Ersu, F. Akalın, B. Karadağ, A. Kut, F. Karakoç, N. Elçioğlu, E. Dağlı, "Tracheobronchial calcification associated with Keutel Syndrome", Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 48, 357-361 (2006).G9. S. Turan, N. Özdemir, T. Güran, F. Akalin, T. Akçay, C. Ayabakan, Y. Yılmaz, A. Bereket, "Constitutional growth delay pattern of growth in Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome: Longitudinal follow up and final height of two cases", Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, 1, 43-48 (2008).
G10. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "What is your diagnosis?", Turkish Journal of Pediatric Hematology, 3, 45-46 (2008).
G11. G.N. Özdemir, E. Soyuçen, T. Celkan, "What is your diagnosis?", Turkish Journal of Pediatric Hematology, 4, 45-47 (2008).
G12. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "What is your diagnosis?", Turkish Journal of Pediatric Hematology, 3, 45-46 (2008).
G13. N. Özdemir, E. Soyuçen, T. Celkan, "What is your diagnosis?", Turkish Journal of Pediatric Hematology, 4, 45-47 (2008).
G14. N. Özdemir, O. Ünver, S. Çimen, H. Apak, S. Uysal, S. Albayram, "A six-year-old boy presenting with cranial nerve palsies", Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 44, 109-110 (2009).
G15. Z. Alp-Aydemir, N. Özdemir, N. Çelik, T. Celkan, "Akut lenfoblastik lösemili bir hastada Alcaligenes xylosoxidans bakteriyemisi", Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 43, 481-485 (2009).
G16. S. Barış, M. Özdil, N. Topal, Ö. Doğru, N. Özdemir, L. Sever, S. Albayram, İ. Kılıçaslan, T. Celkan, "Fokal segmental glomerüloskleroz ile komplike idarubisin ile tedavi edilen akut promyelositik lösemi", Çocuk Hematoloji Onkoloji Dergisi, 32, 82-84 (2010).
G17. E. Karaman, C. Duman, H. Cansız, İ. Yıldız, S. Dervişoğlu, G. Özdemir, "Sialoblastoma in cheek region: Olgu sunumu", International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra, 5, 47-49 (2010).
G18. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "Anaplastik astrositomlu bir çocukta eş zamanlı temozolamid ile radyoterapi sonrası psödoprogresyon", Pediatrik Hematoloji ve Onkoloji, 27, 317-319 (2010).
G19. N. Özdemir, H. Akı, H.T. Hakyemez, F.C. Çokuğraş, H. Apak, "Parvovirus B19 infection mimicking juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia", International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 14, Suppl. 3, 379-380 (2010).
G20. N. Özdemir, A. Yurt, E. Türkan, T. Celkan, "Travmatik hematomlu hemofilik hastada non-Hodgkin lenfoma", Turkish Journal of Hematology, 28, 237-238 (2011).
G21. N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, R. Kebudi, M. Bor, İ. Yıldız, "Demir eksikliği anemisi ve demir tedavisi ile ilişkili sitopeni: İki olgu sunumu", Türk Hematoloji Dergisi, 28, 243-244 (2011).
G22. T. Celkan, N. Özdemir, "Reduced early prophylaxis of children with haemophilia in a developing country, Turkey", Haemophilia, 17, e840-841 (2011).
G23. M. Kılınç, M. Özdil, G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, "A one-year-old boy with thrombocytosis", Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 46, 351-352 (2011).
G24. G.N. Özdemir, T. Celkan, Ö. Doğru, İ. Adaletli, S. Kuruoğlu, İ. Yıldız, "A case of neuroblastoma with a prediagnosis of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia", Turkish Journal of Oncology, 26, 82-84 (2011).
G25. N. Özdemir, R. Kebudi, H.T. Hakyemez, İ. Ayan, F.Y. Ağaoğlu, S. Dervişoğlu, E. Darendeliler, "Soft tissue sarcoma in a case of bilateral retinoblastoma treated with radiotherapy", Turkish Journal of Oncology, 26, 121-124 (2011)
G26. N. Özdemir, R. Kebudi, G. Tüysüz, Ö. Kasapçopur, "T-cell lymphoma masquerading as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis", Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 48, 366-367 (2012).
G27. D. Uzunaslan, C. Saygin, S. Gungor, Z. Hasiloglu, N. Ozdemir, T. Celkan, "Novel use of propranolol for management of pain in children with vertebral hemangioma: report of two cases", Childs Nerv Syst, 29:855-860 (2013).
G28. Uludag D, Ozdemir N, Tuysuz G, Eroglu AG, Celkan T. Voriconazole induced bradycardia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 30: 674-676 (2013).
G29. Zulfikar B, Akgul T, Ozdemir N, Bezgal F, Talu U. Successful management of bilateral total hip replacement in a patient with von Willebrand's disease and developmental hip dysplasia. Haemophilia, 19, e296-e323 (2013).
G30. Tuysuz G, Ozdemir N, Sonmez E, Kannengiesser C, Celkan T. A new family with hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome. Genet Couns, 24:393-7 (2013).
G31. F. Aygün, B. Koç, F. D. Aygün, G. N. Özdemir, B. Zülfikar, H. Çam. Hiperkalsemi için Hemodiyafiltrasyon uygulanan akut lenfoblastik lösemi vakası. Çocuk Dergisi 14(4):165-168 (2014).
G32. Tuysuz G, Ozdemir N, Senyuz OF, Emre S, Kantarcioglu S, Adaletli I, Kepil N, Tutuncu C, Celkan T. Successful management of hepatic mucormycosis in an acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patient: a case report and review of the literature. Mycoses, 57(8):513-8 (2014).
G33. Kebudi R and Tüysüz G and Doğan Ö, Özdemir N. Isolated central nervous system relapse in a child with non- Hodgkin lymphoma during treatment. Turk J Pediatr, 56(1):85-7(2014).
G34. Çelik E, Özdemir GN, Tüysüz G, Taştan Y, Çam H, Celkan T. A child presenting with hypercalcemia. Turk Pediatri Ars;49(1):81-3 (2014).
G35. Özdemir N, Çelik E, Başlar Z, Celkan T A rare cause of thrombocyte dysfunction: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Turk Pediatri Ars, 49(2):163-6 (2014).
G36. Arcagök BC, Özdemir N, Tekin A, Özcan R, Eliçevik M, Şenyüz OF, Çam H, Celkan T. Spontaneous splenic rupture in a patient with congenital afibrinogenemia. Turk Pediatri Ars ;49(3):247-9(2014).
G37. Tüysüz G, Özdemir GN, Celkan T An infant with chronic hemolytic anemia. Turk Pediatri Ars, 49(3):264-8 (2014).
G38. Tüysüz G, Tayfun F, Canpolat F, Zeytun H, Goya C, Keleş AN, Özdemir N. Wilms tümörünü taklit eden bir ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit olgusu. Turk J Pediatr; 57(4):409-412 (2015).
G39. Koç B, Dikme G, Özdemir N, Zülfikar B. Karın ağrısı ve eozinofili ile başvuran bir hasta. Turk Pediatri Ars;51(1):57-9 (2016).
G40. Kızılocak H, Özdemir N, Varol F, Koç BŞ, Dikme G, Çam H, Celkan T. Beş yaşında dil kanaması olan kız hasta. Turk Pediatri Ars;51(2):117-9 (2016).
G41. Özkasap S, Dereci S, Özdemir GN, Zülfikar B. Hemofili B'li Bir Bebeğin Tedavisindeki Zorluklar. Turk Pediatri Ars;51(2):120-1 (2016).
G42. Kızılocak H, Özdemir GN, Dikme G, Haşıloğlu ZI, Celkan T. Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemili Bir Çocukta Wernicke Ensefalopatisi. Turk J Haematol; 34(1):99-100 (2017).
G43. Aslan M, Alis D, Kalyoncu AU, Habibi HA, Ozdemir GN, Koc B, Adaletli I Bilateral Kistik Adrenal Nöroblastom ve Kistik Karaciğer metastazı. APSP J Case Rep;8(1):1 (2017).
G44. Tüysüz G, Özdemir N, Emir H, Durak H, Dervişoğlu S, Adaletli İ, Apak H. Bir Çocukta İskelet Kası Metastazı Olan Translokasyon Renal Hücreli Karsinom. Türk Patoloji Derg; 33(3):248-250 (2017).
G45. Odaman Al I, Bayram C, Ersoy G, Öztarhan K, Güzeltaş A, Kasar T, Uysalol E, Koç B, Ayçiçek A, Özdemir N. A Rare Late Complication of Port Catheter Implantation: Embolization of the Catheter. Turk J Haematol; 35(2):142-143 (2018).
G46. Kizilocak H, Ozdemir N, Dikme G, Koc B,Celkan T. Homozygous protein C deficiency presenting as neonatal purpura fulminans: management with fresh frozen plasma, low molecular weight heparin and protein C concentrate. J Thromb Thrombolysis; 45(2):315-318 (2018).
G47. Arslantaş E, Bayram C, Odaman Al I, Uysalol E, İribaş A, Akı H, Adaletli İ, Ayçicek A, Özdemir N. A Rare Cause of Paraplegia: Myeloid Sarcoma. Turk J Haematol; 35(3):206-207 (2018).
G48. Özdemir N, Koç B, Arslantaş E, Odaman Al I, Kelleci Ç, Uysalol EP, Bayram C, Ayçiçek A. Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Associated With Visceral Leishmaniasis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 40(5):395 (2018).
G49. Özdemir N, Koç B, Uysalol EP, Bayram C, Al IO, Şiraneci R, Yeğen G, Salduz A. Çoklu Kırıklar ile Başvuran Nadir Bir Pediatrik Kemik Öncüsü B-Hücreli Lenfoma Olgusu. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 40(6):489-490 (2018).
G50. N. Özdemir, B. Koç, S. Kantarcıoğlu, S. Kuruoğlu, T. Celkan. Akut lenfoblastik lösemili üç yaşında bir çocukta invaziv mantar enfeksionunun posakonazol ile başarılı tedavisi. Çocuk Dergisi, 18(3):144-149 (2018).
G51. Çifçi Sunamak E, Özdemir N, Celkan T. Akut lenfoblastik lösemili çocuklarda posterior reversible ensefalopati sendromu: BFM protokollerini kullanan tek bir merkezin deneyimi. Pediatr Blood Cancer; 66(6):e27711 (2019).
G52. Kebudi R, Özdemir N. Kanserli çocuklarda kemoterapi sonrası hepatit B antikor durumundaki değişiklikler. Pediatr Blood Cancer; 67(4):e28120 (2020).
G53. Odaman Al I, Bayram C, Koç B, Ersoy G, Paslı Uysalol E, Aki H, Özdemir GN. Bir Çocukta Prekürsör B-Hücre İmmünofenotipli ve t(14;18) ve t(8;14) İkili Translokasyonlu Burkitt Lösemi: Olgu Sunumu ve Literatürün Gözden Geçirilmesi. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol; 42(1):e61-e63 (2020).
G54. Al IO, Koç B, Bayram C, Paslı EU, Yıldız EP, Ayçiçek A, Çalışkan M, Özdemir GN. Hodgkin lenfomalı bir hastada varyant Guillain-Barré sendromu: AMSAN. Turk Pediatri Ars; 53(4):263-266 (2018).
G55. Aycicek A, Pasli Uysalol E, Tahtakesen TN, Ozdemir GN, Akici F, Bayram C. Flow Cytometry-based Absolute Blast Count on Day 8: Reliable, Fast, and Inexpensive Method. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2020 May 26. Epub ehad of print.
• Türk Hematoloji Derneği
• Türk Pediatri Kurumu
• İstanbul Febril Nötropeni Grubu
• Avrupa Hematoloji Birliği (EHA)
• Amerikan Hematoloji Birliği (ASH)
• Uluslararası Hemostaz Tromboz Derneği (ISTH)
- Çocukluk çağında demir eksikliğinin çinko ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi-Türk Pediatri Kurumu ödülü
- The association of Toll-like 4 (TLR-4) and NOD2 polymorphisms and febrile neutropenia in children with Burkitt lymphoma- International Congress of Leukaemia Lymphoma Myeloma ödülü
- En iyi bildiri ödülü: Celkan T, Güven M, Özdemir N, Batar B, Tüysüz G, Apak H. Toll-like 4 (TLR-4), NOD2, Dectin-1 polymorphisms and susceptibility to infections, relapse and other complications in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 3. International Congress on Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma. 2011, Türkiye.