Koray Acarlı
- İyi huylu tümörleri
- Kötü huylu tümörleri
- Metastatik tümörleri - SAFRA KESESİ:
- Taş
- Safra kesesi kanseri - SAFRA YOLLARI:
- İyi huylu tıkayıcı hastalıklar
o Biliyer striktürler
o Taş
- Kötü huylu tıkayıcı hastalıklar
o Kolanjiokarsinom
o Klatskin tümörleri - PANKREAS:
- Pankreatitler
- İyi huylu pankreas tümörleri
- Kötü huylu pankreas tümörleri
- 1963 - 1967 : Kınalıada İlkokulu - İSTANBUL
- 1967 - 1975 : Özel Sankt Georg Avusturya Erkek Lisesi - İSTANBUL
- 1976 -1981 : İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi
- 1982 - 1986 : İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı
- 1986 - 1988 : S.S.Y.B. Taksim Hastanesi - 2. Cerrahi Servisi - (Başasistan)
- 1988 - 1991 : İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı - Karaciğer Safra Yolları Cerrahisi Birimi - (Başasistan)
- 1991 - 1992 : Mount Sınai Medical Center Liver Transplant Department New York, USA "Research Fellow" (EK.1: Çalışma Raporu)
- 1992 - 1993 : İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Karaciğer Safra Yolları Cerrahisi Birimi (Başasistan)
- 2.4.1993 - 26.10 1993 : İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Karaciğer Safra Yolları Cerrahisi Birimi ( YARDIMCI DOÇENT )
- 27.10.1993 - 1999 : İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Karaciğer Safra Yolları Cerrahisi Birimi ( DOÇENT )
- 1.1.1995 - 18.2.1995 : Universität Hamburg Chirurgische Klinik “Visiting Surgeon”
- 28.10.1999 - 31.12.2006 : Genel Cerrahi ve HPB Cerrahi Profesörü İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Karaciğer Nakli Merkez Başkanı
- 2007 – 2012 ; MEMORİAL Şişli Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi ve HPB Cerrahi Profesörü Organ Nakli Merkezi Başkan Yardımcısı
- 2012 – 31.12.2024 : MEMORİAL Şişli Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi ve HPB Cerrahi Profesörü Organ Nakli Merkezi Başkanı0
- 7.01.2025 - : Genel Cerrahi ve HPB Cerrahi Profesörü ÖZEL LIV HOSPITAL ULUS HASTANESİ
1. New York Üniversitesi tarafından gerçekleştirilen "Eğitim Sonrası Transplantasyon Kursu" na katıldım ( EK 3).
2. "The American Association For The Study of Liver Diseases" in 2-5 Kasım tarihlerinde Chicago'da düzenlediği "Postgraduate Course and 42nd Annual Meeting" adlı toplant›da "The Effect of Allograft Flushing with Portal Blood on the Reperfusion Syndrome and Graft Function in Clinical Transplantation" adlı bildirimiz sunuldu ve özeti Hepatology dergisinde yayınlandı.
3. 30 Nisan - 1 Mayıs 1992 tarihlerinde Albany Şehrinde yapılan "Upstate New York Transplantation Meeting" de yapmış olduğum "Immunosuppressive Strategies for Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation with Preoperative Renal Dysfunction" adlı klinik çalışmayı sundum.
4. 29 Nisan - 2 May›s 1992 tarihleri arasında Mineapolis'de düzenlenen "Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society" de "Increased Cytokine Levels are Detected Systemically upon Reperfusion of Hepatic Allografts" adlı bildirimiz sunuldu.
5. Aynı toplantıda "N-Acetylcysteine Increases Hepatic Glutathione Levels and Decreases Reperfusion Injury in Ischemic Porcine Livers" adlı deneysel çalışmamız poster prezentasyonuna kabul edildi ve aynı zamanda panel tartışmaya layık bulundu.
6. "Liver Transplantation in Patients Beyond Age 60" adlı bildirimiz 16-21 Ağustos 1992 tarihinde Paris'de yapılan "XIVth International Congress of the Transplantation Society"adlı toplantıda sunuldu ve özet kitabında yer aldı.
7. "Liver Transplantation in Patients Beyond Age 60" adlı çalışma Transplantation Proceedings'in şubat 1993 sayısında yayınlandı.
8. "An alternative technique for in situ arterial flushing in elderly liver donors with atherosclerotic occlusive disease" adlı çalışma Transplantation'ın şubat 1993 sayısında yayınlandı.
9. "Intra-allograft production and systemic release of tumor necrosis factor-Alpha : Detection upon reperfusion." adlı çalışma Transplantation Proceedings'in Nisan 1993 sayısıda yayınlandı.
Doçentlikten önce
1. Demirkol K., Belgerden S., Bozfakioğlu Y., Acarlı K. : Analyse de 165 malades hospitalisés pour brülures diverses. XVIII'eme Semaine Medicale Balkanique 30 Aoüt - 4 Septembre 1984, İstanbul.
2. Hering B., Federlin K., Emre A., Altuğ T., Acarlı K., Büyükdevrim A.S., Demiroğlu C. : Methodical strategies for cooperative islet transplantation between Justus-Liebig and Istanbul Universities. 3rd Turkish - German Medical Symposium June 14, 1990, Istanbul.
3. Fukuzawa K., Schwartz M.E., Emre Ş., Katz E., Acarlı K., and Miller C.M. : The effect of allograft flushing with portal blood on the reperfusion syndrome and graft function in clinical liver transplantation. Postgraduate Course and 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases November 2-5, 1991, Chicago.
4. Kalb T.H., Walter M., Acarlı K., Fukuzawa K., Mayer L., Miller C. : Increased cytokine levels are detected systemically upon reperfusion of hepatic allografts. Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society April 29 - May 2, 1992, Minnesota.
5. Miller C.M., Fukuzawa K., Emre S., Acarlı K., Schwartz M.E. :N-Acetylsysteine increases hepatic glutathion levels and decreases reperfusion injury in ischemic porcine livers. Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society April 29 - May 2, 1992, Minnesota
6. Acarlı K., Emre Ş., Mor E., Katz E., Schwartz M., and Miller C. : Immunosuppressive strategies for patients undergoing liver transplantation with preoperative renal dysfunction. Upstate New York Transplant Meeting May 1, 1992, Albany.
7. Emre Ş., Mor E., Schwartz M., Katz E., Fukuzawa K., Acarlı K., Miller C. : Liver Transplantation in patients beyond age 60. XIVth International Congress of the Transplantation Society August 16-21,1992, Paris
Doçentlikten sonra
8. Çakaloğlu Y., Kaymakoğlu S., Ökten A., Acarlı K., Bilge O., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O., Yalçın S.: Interferon alfa treatment for recurrent viral hepatitis in liver transplant recipients. 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver September 7-10, 1994, Athens-Greece.
9. Tekant Y., Bilge O., Acarlı K., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O.: Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration. 2nd International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery September 15-17, 1994, Madrid-Spain.
10. Tekant Y., Bilge O., Acarlı K., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O.: Endoscopic sphincterotomy for the treatment of postoperative biliary fistulas. European I.H.P.B.A. Congress, "Athenes'95", 25-28 May 1995, Athenes, Greece.
11. Bilge O., Emre A., Acarlı K., Alper A., Tekant Y., Çakaloğlu Y., Ökten A., Arıoğul O.: Surgical treatment of alveolar echinococcosis of the liver. European I.H.P.B.A. Congress, "Athenes'95", 25-28 May 1995, Athenes, Greece. (Selected poster discussion)
12. Alper A., Emre A, Hazar H., Özden İ., Bilge O., Tekant Y., Acarlı K., Arıoğul O.: Laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid disease. European I.H.P.B.A. Congress, "Athenes'95", 25-28 May 1995, Athenes, Greece. (Selected poster discussion)
13. Tekant Y., Bilge O., Acarlı K., Yavru A., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O.: Local post-incisional injection of bupivacain decreases pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy - A double-blind randomized study. 2'nd Asian Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. 19-23 June 1995, Hong Kong.
14. Bilge O, Emre A, Özden I, Tekant Y, Acarlı K, Alper A, Arıoğul O.: Introflexion as a method of cavity management in surgery for hydatid disease. Second World Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 2-6 June 1996, Bologna.
15. Özden I. Bilge O, Tekant Y, Acarlı K, Alper A, Emre A, Arıoğul O, :Results of biliodigestive anastomosis in iatrogenic bile duct injuries. European Congress of The International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association’ 97, 8-12 June 1997, Hamburg.
16. Emre A., Kalaycı G., Bilge O., Özden İ., Acarlı K., Tekant Y., Ökten A., Alper A., Arıoğul O.: Mesoatrial shunt for the treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome. . European Congress of The International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 24-28 May 1999, Hungary.
17. Acarlı K., Demirel S., Tekant Y., Bilge O., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O.: Surgical treatment of hydatid disease. European Congress of The International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 24-28 May 1999, Hungary.
18. Özden İ, Erkan M, Emre A, Bilge O, Alper A, Rozanes İ, Acarlı K, Arıoğul O: Surgical treatment of alveolar hydatid disease. XX. International Congress of Hydatidology, 4-8 June 2001, Kuşadası-Turkey.
19. Erkan M, Acarlı K, Özden İ, Emre A, Alper A, Bilge O, Tekant Y, Arıoğul O: Negative prognostic factors in iatrogenic bile duct injuries. 4th Congress of the European Chapter of the IHPBA. 27-30 Mayıs 2001, Amsterdam, Hollanda.
20. Özden İ, Bilge O, Erkan M, Çevikbaş U, Acarlı K: 4 Years and 10 Months of Recurrence-Free Survival in Hepatic Angiosarcoma: Case Report. (POSTER). 5th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association. 25-29 April, 2002. Tokyo, Japan.
21. Erkan M, Bilge O, Özden I, Tekant Y, Acarli K: An unusual case of chronic megacolon without constipation. European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 1-5 October 2002, İstanbul.
22. Erkan M, Bilge O, Ozden I, Tekant Y, Acarli K: Definitive treatment of traumatic biliary injury. European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 1-5 October 2002, İstanbul.
23. Bilge o, ozkiran S, özden İ, Tekant Y, Acarlı K, Alper A, Arıoğul K.: The effect of concomitant vascular disruption in patients with iatrogenic biliary injuries.5th European Congress of the IHPBA May 28-31,2003. İstanbul, Turkey.
24. Özden İ, Bilge O, Tekant Y, Acarli K, Alper A, Emre A, Arıoğul O.: Liver Transplantation for biliary cirrhosis due to iatrogenic biliary injury during cholecystectomy 15 years ago. (POSTER). 5th European Congress of the IHPBA May 28-31,2003. İstanbul, Turkey.
25. Kanmaz T, Yankol Y, Karatas C, Mecit N, Orug T, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Liver transplantation as a treatment for homozygous familial hypecholesterolemia Pediatr Transplant. 2011 ; 15 (Suppl): 97 .6 th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association. June 25-28. Montreal,Canada.
26. Kanmaz T, Yankol Y, Karatas C, Mecit N, Orug T,Durmaz O, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Pediatric living donor liver transplantation: A single center study of 42 consecutive cases. Pediatr Transplant. 2011 ; 15 (Suppl):48. 6 th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association. June 25-28. Montreal,Canada.2011.
27. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Leiomyosarcoma of retrohepatic vena cava: Report of a case treated by resection and reconstruction with polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft 16 th Annual Meeting of European Society of Surgery November 22-24. Istanbul,Turkey
28. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. The first case of accessory liver with its own gallbladder 16 th Annual Meeting of European Society of Surgery November 22-24. Istanbul,Turkey)
29. Yankol Y, Topaloglu S, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Liver Transplantation in Hepatocelluler Carcinoma :Istanbul Sisli Memorial Hospital Experience 16 th Annual Meeting of European Society of Surgery November 22-24. Istanbul,Turkey
30. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Istanbul Sisli Memorial Hospital Experience Towards 500 Cases of Liver Transplants. 16 th Annual Meeting of European Society of Surgery November 22-24. Istanbul,Turkey
31. Kanmaz T, Yankol Y,Mecit N, Durmaz O,Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Pediatric liver transplantation: A single center study of 100 consecutive patients 7th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association. Warsaw,Poland July 13-16.2013.
32. Kocak B, Arpalı E,Yankol Y, Karatas C, Kanmaz T, Nayır A, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Combined Living Donor Liver and Kidney Transplantation in Children 16Th Congess of the European Society for Organ Transplantation(ESOT) Vienna, Austria September 8-11 .2013.
33. Celik N, Yankol Y, Dogrul AB, , Cimsit B, Mecit N,Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Pediatric liver transplantation: Istanbul Sisli Memorial Hospital experience.(25th Anniversary Liver Transplantation -Past/Present/Future Ankara .Turkey December 4-6.201)
34. Cimsit B, Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Durmaz O, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. 521 Liver transplant recipients with a minimum follow-up of 6 months: A single center experience. (25th Anniversary Liver Transplantation -Past/Present/Future Ankara .Turkey December 4-6.2013)
35. Yankol Y, Fernandez LA, Mecit N, Leverson GE, Mezrich JD, Cimsit B, Foley D, Kanmaz T,Bellingham JM, D'Alassendro AM, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Results From Live Donor Liver Transplantation When Compared To Recipient Of Deceaed Donors According To Their MELD Score (The Liver Meeting 2013 – The 64th Annual Meeting of The American Association for Study of Liver Disease . November 1-5.Washington .USA )
36. Yankol Y, Fernandez LA, Kanmaz T, Leverson GE, Foley D, Cimsit B, Mezrich JD, Mecit M,Bellingham JM, D'Alassendro AM, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M Donor Risk Index and MELD Score Interactions in Graft Survival, How those results compare to Live Donor Liver Transplantation? (The Liver Meeting 2013 – The 64th Annual Meeting of The American Association for Study of Liver Disease . November 1-5.Washington .USA )
37. Celik N, Yankol Y Aydogdu B, Ertugrul G,Dogrul AB, Cimsit B, Mecit N,Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M.. Pediatric liver transplantation in biliary atresia patients: One center experience.( World Transplant Congress 2014 , San Francisco .USA)
38. Ahmed Emily B, Yankol Y,Rizzari M, Fernandez LA, Leverson GE, Foley D, Mezrich JD, Kanmaz T, , D'Alessandro AM, Acarli K, Kalayoglu., Chronic kidney disease stage progression comparing living donor and deceased donor liver transplant recipients. ( World Transplant Congress 2014 , San Francisco .USA )
39. Yankol Y, Fernandez LA, Kanmaz T, Leverson GE, Mezrich JD, Foley D, Mecit N, D'Alessandro AM, Acarli K, Kalayoglu. M. Pediatric live donor transplantation compared to pediatric deceased donor liver transplantation according to PELD/MELD score.( World Transplant Congress 2014 , San Francisco . USA )
Doçentlikten önce
1. Emre A., Akpınar E., Acarlı K., Alper A., Çevikbaş A., Arıoğul A. : Primary solitary tuberculosis of the liver. HPB Surgery 5: 261-265, 1992.
2. Kalb T.H., Walter M., Mayer K., Acarlı K., Fukuzawa K., Schwartz M.E., Miller C.M. : Intra-allograft production and systemic release of tumor necrosis factor- alpha : Detection upon reperfusion. Transplantation Proceedings 25: 1817-1818, 1993.
3. Emre A., Acarlı K., Alper A., Arıoğul A., Ökten A., Bilge O., Kaymakoğlu S. : Sind Devascularisations-Transsektionsoperationen bei der Behandlung von Oesophagusvaricenblutungen noch indiziert ? Der Chirurg 64: 396-399, 1993
4. Emre S., Schwartz M.E., Katz E., Acarlı K., Fukuzawa K., Miller C.M. : Liver transplantation in patients beyond age 60. Transplantation Proceedings 25: 1075-1076, 1993.
5. Fukuzawa K, Schwartz ME, Katz E, Mor E, Emre S, Acarli K, Miller CM.: The arcuate ligament syndrome in liver transplantation. Transplantation 56: 223-224, 1993.
6. Fukuzawa K., Schwartz M.E., Katz E., Mor E., Emre S., Acarlı K., Miller C.M. : An alternative technique for in situ arterial flushing in elderly liver donors with atherosclerotic occlusive disease. Transplantation 55: 445_446, 1993.
7. Rozanes İ., Acunaş B., Çelik L., Acarlı K., Sayı İ., Minareci Ö., Alper A., Emre A., Arıoğul O., Gökmen E.: Grading of liver lesions caused by Echinococcus granulosus. European Radiology 3: 429-433, 1993.
Doçentlikten sonra
8. Fukuzawa K., Schwartz E.M., Acarlı K., Katz E., Gabrielson G., Gettes M., Jacobs E., Miller C.M.: Flushing with autologous blood improves intraoperative hemodynamic stability and early graft function in clinical hepatic transplantation. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 178: 541-547, 1994.
9. Fukuzawa K, Emre S, Senyuz O, Acarli K, Schwartz ME, Miller CM.: N-acetylcysteine ameliorates reperfusion injury after warm hepatic ischemia. Transplantation 59: 6-9, 1995.
10. Rozanes I., Acunaş B., Emre A., Alper A., Sayı I., Minareci O., Acarlı K., Hazar H., Arıoğul O.: CT staging of alveolar echinococcosis of the liver. European Radiology 5: 259-263, 1995.
11. Arıogul O., Guvenc H., Emre A., Acarlı K., Alper A., Ökten A.: Papillary adenocarcinoma of the common bile duct. HPB Surgery 8: 245-248, 1995.
12. Bilge O, Tekant Y, Emre A, Acarlı K, Alper A, Sar M, and Arıoğul O,: Solid and cystic tumors of the pancreas: A report of two cases. Journal of HPB Surgery 2:431-434, 1995.
13. Alper A., Emre A., Hazar H., Özden İ., Bilge O., Acarlı K., Arıoğul O.: Laparoscopic surgery of hepatic hydatid disease: Initial results and early follow-up in 16 patients. World Journal of Surgery 19: 725-728, 1995.
14. Tekant Y, Bilge O, Acarlı K, Alper A, Emre A, Arıoğul O,: Endoscopic sphincterotomy in the treatment of postoperative biliary fistulas of hepatic hydatid disease. Surgical Endoscopy 10: 909-911, 1996.
15. Alper A, Emre A, Acarlı K, Bilge O, Özden I, Arıoğul O,: Laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid disease. Journal of Laparoendoscopic Surgery 6: 29-33, 1996.
16. Bilge O, Emre A, Çevikbaş U, Acarlı K, Alper A, Arıoğul O.: Liver hamartoma in an adult: Report of a rare case. Surgery Today 26: 513-516, 1996.
17. Bilge O, Özden I, Bilsel Y, Tekant Y, Acarlı K, Alper A, Emre A, Arıoğul O,: The role of total pericystectomy in hepatic hydatidosis. Journal of HPB Surgery 4: 212-214, 1997.
18. Özden İ., Emre A., Bilge O., Tekant Y., Acarlı K., Alper A., Arıoğul O.: Elective repair of abdominal wall hernias in decompensated cirrhosis. Hepatogastroenterology. 45(23):1516-1518, 1998.
19. Özden İ., Acarlı K., Rozanes İ., Yılmazbayhan D., Çevikbaş U., and Arıoğul O.: Phantom steatosis of the liver: Report of a case. The Journal of Medical Investigation 46: 105-108, 1999.
20. Özden İ., Yavuz E., Acarlı K., Karabulut L., Yöney E., Çevikbaş U., Alper A.: Primary lymphoma of the liver: Report of a case. Surgery Today 30:376-379, 2000.
21. Emre A., Kalaycı G., Özdem İ., Bilge O., Acarlı K., Kaymakoğlu S., Rozanes İ., Ökten A., Tekant Y., Alper A., Arıoğul O.: Mesoatrial shunt in Budd – Chiari syndrome. Ameriacan Journal of Surgery 179: 304-308, 2000.
22. Ozden I, Emre A, Alper A, Tunaci M, Acarli K, Bilge O, Tekant Y, Ariogul O: Long-term results of surgery for liver hemangiomas. Arch Surg 2000, Aug. 135(8):978-81.
23. Balci NC, Ozden I, Acarli K, Tunaci A, Rozanes İ: Hepatic ischemia secondary to hepatic artery ligation: MRI findings. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 18:1035-1038, 2000.
24. Erkan M, Acarlı K, Özden İ, Emre A, Alper A, Bilge O, Tekant Y, Arıoğul O: Negative factors in iatrogenic bile duct injuries. HPB 3:34, 2001.
25. Bulut T, Yamaner S, Bugra D, Akyuz A, Acarlı K, Poyanli A.: False aneurysm of the hepatic artery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Acta chir belg 102.459-463, 2002.
26. Emre A, Ozden I, Bilge O, Arici C, Alper A, Okten A, Acunas B, Rozanes I, Acarli K, Tekant Y, Arıogul O : Alveolar Echinococcosis in Turkey. Experience from an Endemic Region. Dig Surg 20: 301-305, 2003.
27. Bilge O, Bozkiran S, Ozden I, Tekant Y, Acarli K, Alper A, Emre A, Ariogul O: The effect of concomitant vascular disruption in patients with biliary injuries. Langenbeck’s Arch of Surg 388:265-269, 2003.
28. Acarli K: Controversies in the laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid disease.HPB Surg 6:213-221, 2004.
29. Oran ES, Yankol Y, Tuzun B, Kocak B, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Cadaveric liver transplantation in biliary atresia splenic malformation syndrome with the absence of retrohepatic inferior vena cava, preduodenal portal vein, and intestinal malrotation:a case report. Transplant Proc.2008 40:313-315.
30. Yankol Y, Topaloglu S, Kocak B, Kanmaz T, Alan S, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Liver transplant in a patient with active pulmonary tuberculosis.Exp Clin Transplant. 2010 ;8(3):262-5
31. Kucukkartallar T, Yankol Y, Kanmaz T, Topaloglu S, Acarlı K, Kalayoglu M. Liver Transplantation as a treatment option for three siblings with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Pediat. Transplant. 2011 ;15(3):281-4.
32. Kanmaz T, Yankol Y,Mecit N, Durmaz O,Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Pediatric liver transplant: A single-center study of 100 consecutive patients. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014 ; 12(1), 41-45
33. Dogrul AB, Yankol Y,Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Cimsit B Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Preservation of the patent umbilical vein during a recipient hepatectomy: case report.. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014;12(5), 484-486
34. Cimsit B, Yankol Y,Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Calcification of cryopreserved arterial graft causing delayed obstruction of portal vein flow after liver transplant..Exp Clin Transplant. 2015 ; 13(5), 482-484.
35. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K Leiomyosarcoma of the retrohepatic vena cava: Report of a case treated with resection and reconstruction with polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft.. Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2015 Jun 19;31(3):162-5.
36. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Kalayoğlu M. Living donor liver transplantation in an adult patient with situs inversus totalis. Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2015 Jul 6;31(4):232-4
37. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. A very original case of a mini accessory liver lobe with its own gallbladder. Surg Radiol Anat. 2015 Jul;37(5):535-8.
38. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Acquired factor XI deficiency: a rare complication after liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2015 Jan-Feb;47(1):179-81.
39. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M. Living donor liver transplantation: a life-saving option in emergency situations for diffuse hepatic neuroendocrine tumor metastasis. Transplant Proc. 2015 Mar;47(2):427-30.
40. Krespi Boothby MR, Tankurt A, Acarlı K, Yankol Y. Kalayoğlu M, Kanmaz T,
Post-donation evaluation of life of donors of liverTransplantation Cogent Psychology (2016), 3: 1262724
41. Doğrul AB, Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarlı K, Kalayoğlu M Orthotopic Liver Transplant for Budd-Chiari Syndrome: An Analysis of 14 Cases Exp Clin Transplant. 2016 Dec;14(6):641-645.
42. Okur MH, Yankol Y, Mecit N, Hoş G, Ertugrul G, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M.
Diaphragmatic hernia after liver transplantation in children; Report of two cases. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016,( Accepted Apr, 20) doi: 10.6002/ect.2015.0242
43. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M.
Argininosuccinic Aciduria-A Rare Indication for Liver Transplant: Report of Two Cases. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016 (Accepted Jan, 14) doi: 10.6002/ect.2015.0078.
44. Tankurt A, Krespi Boothby MR, Acarlı K, Kalayoğlu M, Kanmaz T, Yankol Y.
Liver Transplantation: Recipients' Evaluation of Life from the Perspective of Living Donors. Transplant Proc. 2016 Jan-Feb; 48 (1):107-10.
45. Yankol Y, Ertugrul M, Kanmaz T, Mecit N, Ocak I,Durmaz O, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M Management of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure in a Region With Insufficient Deceased Donor Support: A Single-Center Experience. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016; 14 (5):535-541.
46. Yankol Y, Mecit N, Kanmaz T, Cimsit B, Cakaloglu Y, Acarli K, Kalayoglu M Lessons Learned From Review of a Single Center Experience With 500 Consecutive Liver Transplants in a Region With Insufficient Deceased-Donor Support. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016;14(2):191-200.
47. Yankol Y, Fernandez LA, Kanmaz T, Leverson GE, Mezrich JD, Foley D, Mecit N, D'Alessandro AM, Acarli K, Kalayoglu. M. Results of pediatric living donor compared to deceased donor liver transplantation in the PELD/MELD era: Experience from two centers on two different continents. M.Pediatr Transplant. 2016;;20 (1):72-82.