- Infertility
- Reproductive endocrinology
- Intrauterine dissemination
- Vaginoplasty/labiaplasty/genital aesthetics
- Pregnancy Follow-up
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Menstrual irregularities
- Vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases
- Laparoscopic Surgeries
- Hysteroscopic surgeries
- Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine-undergraduate
- Marmara University Gynecology and Obstetrics-Specialization
- American Hospital IVF Unit- IVF
- Liv Hospital Ulus
- Bezmialem University Faculty of Medicine - Assistant Professor
- Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine - Assistant Professor
- Ankara Polatlı State Hospital - Spec. Dr.
A. Articles published in international refereed journals:
A1. Atasayan K, Yoldemir T, Ramoglu S, Yavuz DG. The evaluation of endothelial function and structure in hirsute patients in reproductive age. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2016:206;208-212
A2. Ramoglu S, Yoldemir T, Atasayan K. Does Cardiovascular Risk Vary According to the Criteria for the Diagnosis of PCOS? The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 2017; 43 (12): 1848-1854 doi: 10.1111/jog.13455
A3. Yoldemir T, Garibova N, Atasayan K. The Association Between Sexual Dysfunction and Metabolic Syndrome Among Turkish Postmenopausal Women Climacteric. 2019;22 (5):472-477
A4. Angin P, Yoldemir T, Atasayan K. Quality of Life Among Infertile PCOS Patients. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2019; 300 (2): 461-467
A5. Yoldemir T, Garibova N, Atasayan K. Sexual function through decades: association with androgens and cardiometabolic features [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 15]. Climacteric. 2020;1-7. doi:10.1080/13697137.2020.1742683
A6. Yoldemir T, Yassa M, Atasayan K. Comparison of depression between primary and secondary infertile couples [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 20]. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2020;1-5. doi:10.1080/09513590.2020.1807503
A7. Atasayan K, Yoldemir T. The effect of PCOS status on atherosclerosis markers and cardiovascular disease risk factors in young women with vitamin D deficiency. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2020 Sep 30:1-5. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2020.1826428. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32996333.
A8. Yoldemir T, Yassa M, Atasayan K. Comparison of depression between primary and secondary infertile couples. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2020 Dec;36(12):1131-1135. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2020.1807503. Epub 2020 Aug 20. PMID: 32815425.
A9. Peker H, Atasayan K, Haliloglu Peker B, Kilicci C. Intraoperative superior hypogastric plexus block for pain relief after a cesarean section: a case-control study. Croat Med J. 2021 Oct 31;62(5):472-479. PMID: 34730887.
A10. Gürsoy A, Atasayan K, Tekbaş ED. Antenatal Factors Affecting the Decision to Have an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. J Contemp Med 2023;13(1):6-11
B. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:
B1. Yoldemir T, Atasayan K, Eraslan A. A giant extra-uterine fibroma originating from an utero-ovarian ligament initially diagnosed as an ovarian tumour. Marmara Medical Journal. 2014;27:132-135
B2. Gürsoy A, Atasayan K, Tekbaş ED, İlter E. The Dilemma of Cesarean Myomectomy: Is It Safe or Not. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 2021;38(4):410-5
B3. Gürsoy A, İlter E, Çelik A, Haliloğlu Peker B, Şerifsoy TE, Atasayan K, Özekici Ü. Carbetocin Versus Oxytocin for Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Cesarean Section. J Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2021;31(1):20-27
B4. Gürsoy A, Dogan E, Çelik A, Atasayan K. Birinci Trimester MPV/Trombosit ve PDW/Trombosit Oranlarının Abortus İmminens ve Abortusu Öngörmede Etkinliği. Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi 2022; 10(3):260-264.
B5. Atasayan K, Gürsoy A, Retrospective evaluation of women who had cesarean section due to breech presentation and examination of predisposing factors. Journal of Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine 2022;24(3):533-538
C. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
C1. Ramoglu S, Yoldemir T, Atasayan K. Does Cardiovascular Risk Vary According to the Criteria for the Diagnosis of PCOS? International 11. EMAS Congress
C2. Yoldemir T, Angın P, Ramoglu S, Atasayan K. Health-related quality of life (HRQL) in women with policystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). International 11. EMAS Congress
C3. Yoldemir T, Atasayan K, Eraslan A. A Giant Endometrioma Excision by Laparascopy in an Adolescent Girl. International 2. Asian Endometriosis congress 2012
C4. Atasayan K. Evaluation of Pap Smear a nd Cervical Biopsy Results of Women with High Risk HPV Positivity. International Congress of Medical and Health Sciences Studies Dec 2022
C5. Atasayan K. 46 XY inv(9)(p11q13) Mutation: Can it Be The Reason for Failed Invitro Fertilization Trials. 12th International Medical and Health Sciences Research Congress (UTSAK) Jan 2023
D. Reports presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
D1. Yoldemir T, Eraslan A. Atasayan K. Primary giant calculus in female urethral diverticulum: Report of a rare case. Urogynecology congress 2013
D2. Pekin T, Atasayan K, Yıldızhan B. Giant Mucinous Cystadenoma Complicating Pregnancy. National IV Reproductive Medicine Association Congress
D3. Atasayan K. A Rare Case Report: A Case of Vaginal Carcinoma Developing on the Ground of Total Uterine Prolapse. EMOS III. Maltepe Emergency Days Online Symposium / Emergency Toxicology Days 2023.
Written National Books or Chapters in Books:
E1 Atasayan K.Obstetric and Gynecological Emergencies. Ovarian Torsion. Ed. Sakin Ö, Anğın AD, Çıkman MS. 2019:117-122.
E2. Yoldemir T, Atasayan K. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Lifetime risks. Editör: Karadadaş N. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 1. Edition. Ankara: Turkish Clinics
E3. Atasayan K, İlter E. Dehydroepiandrosterone, which increases the ovarian response Editor: Özekici Ü. Role of Clinical Adjuvants in Assisted Reproductive Treatments. 1. Edition. Ankara: Turkish Clinics
E4. Atasayan K, Yoldemir T. gynecological and obstetric emergencies in the covid 19 environment. Gökaslan H, editor. Gynecology and Obstetrics - COVID-19. 1. Edition. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2020. p.62-70
E5. Yoldemir T, Atasayan K. AI and Menopause in the Digital Age. Ed. Erel T. Menopause 1. Edition, 2023, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri: ISBN: 978-625-8103-41-0.
- Istanbul Medical Chamber
- Turkish Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics (TJOD)
- Gynecological Endoscopy Association.(JED)
- Minimally Invasive Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (MİJİD)
- Turkish Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery Association (TÜPRCD)