Current Techniques

Assisted Hatching

This is the process of shaving and thinning the membrane that surrounds the embryo to facilitate its attachment to the wall of the uterus to which it will be transferred. It is thought to increase the implantation ratio.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

This is the procedure whereby a biopsy is performed on the embryo on the third to fifth day of its development to identify abnormal or diseased embryos, and healthy embryos are transferred to the couple. This is applied for couples who are carriers of a known genetic disease, who had recurrent miscarriages, recurrent in vitro fertilization failure, and for the determination of the appropriate tissue type embryo (HLA Determination) for the treatment of a sibling with blood disease, and advanced female age. This procedure aims to increase the live birth rate by transferring embryos with a healthy chromosome structure.

Sperm Selection by IMSI and Double Fracture Method

In the in vitro fertilization process, the semen sample taken from the male is generally selected and used only in the number of mature eggs obtained from thousands, millions of sperm cells. This choice is usually based solely on the experience of the embryologist. In the IMSI method, more image magnification is provided than classical microscopes, and the sperm structure is evaluated more clearly. Thus, better, quality sperm selection is provided. This method can help in the selection of better quality sperm in cases of severe male infertility, unexplained IVF failures and low quality embryo production.


Hysteroscopy, which is the process of accessing the uterus from the vagina with a light camera system, can detect problems such as uterine structural defects (curtain, double uterus), fibroids, polyps, adhesions (synechia) and treat them simultaneously. Hysteroscopy may increase the success of pregnancy if the problem detected before the IVF procedure is due to the uterus or is diagnosed as recurrent IVF failure.


Laparoscopy is the process of visualizing the abdomen with light camera system. Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, removal of adhesions due to previous surgeries, surgical treatment of uterine fibroids and evaluation of tubes are performed by this method. In fact, today almost all open surgeries can be performed by laparoscopy. It is known that laparoscopic removal of the tubes can increase pregnancy success in case of ”hydrosalpenx" where the tubes are filled with liquid which may adversely affect the success of IVF.

Embryo Freezing, Storage and Thawing

Embryos can be frozen by special methods at any time between the second and fifth days of their development and then stored in liquid nitrogen at “-196” degrees. Increased and good quality embryos after embryo transfer are then frozen for sibling request or for treatment failure.

Treatment with modern methods

The condition in which ovaries overrespond to the drugs that are used in IVF treatment and fluids accumulate in the prospective mother's body is called "Ovarian Hyperstimulation," or OHSS in short. In modern in vitro fertilization therapies, there are special drug treatment protocols for such risk patients. In addition, all embryos that are created are frozen and stored for later transfer to prevent OHSS. The techniques of freezing and thawing embryos with modern methods reduce the risk of this problem to zero without affecting embryo quality.

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