Serdar Yol
- Gastrointestinal cancers
- Pancreatic cancers
- Breast cancer
- Liver cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- All gastrointestinal diseases
- Upper-lower GI endoscopy
- Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, 1982-1988,
- Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, 1988-1994
- 1992-1994: Chiba University School of Medicine, II. Surgery Clinic, 'Research Fellow', Japan
- 1995-2000: Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, General Surgery, Assistant Professor
- 1998-1999: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Oncology
- 2000-2006: Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, General Surgery, Associate Professor
- 2006-2008: Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, General Surgery, Professor
- Yol S, Tekin Ş. Laparoscopic Stoma Surgery. Laparoscopic Surgery, Ed:Coşkun Polat, Nobel Medical Bookstores, Istanbul 2008, pp: 175-179.
- Yol S, Küçükkartallar T. Approach to postoperative ileus. Emergency surgery resource book. Ed: Prof.Dr.Cemalettin Ertekin. Istanbul, 2008. (In press)
- Yol S. Small Bowel Tumors. Bowel Tumors. Current Therapy In Colon And Rectal Surgery, Translation Ed: Prof.Dr.Dursun Buğra, Prof.Dr.Tarık Akçal, Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık Ltd.Şti., Istanbul 2006, (In Press)
- Karahan Ö, Yol S. Implementation of Upper Digestive System Endoscopy. Digestive System Endoscopy. Ed: Prof.Dr.Ömer Karahan. Nobel Kitabevi, Istanbul 2006, pp: 41-104.
- Karahan Ö, Yol S. Endoscopic Lesions of the Esophagus. Digestive System Endoscopy. Ed: Prof.Dr.Ömer Karahan. Nobel Kitabevi, Istanbul 2006, pp: 93-137.
- Tatkan Y, Yol S. Gastrointestinal System Diseases in Pregnancy. Gynecology and Obstetrics. Ed: Prof.Dr. Nedim Çiçek, Güneş Kitabevi Ltd.Şti., Ankara 2006, pp: 515-544.
1. Yol S, Tekin A, Yılmaz H, Küçükkartallar T, Esen H, Çağlayan O, Tatkan Y. Effects of platelet rich plasma on colonic anastomosis. Journal of Surgical Research 2008; 146: 190-4.
2. Tekin A, Küçükkartallar T, Aksoy F, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M, Tekin Ş, Yol S, Şahin M, Tavlı Ş, Kartal A. Internal herniation as a major cause of intestinal obstruction. Med Princ Pract 2008; 17(5): 400-3.
3. Tekin A, Küçükkartallar T, Kartal A, Kaynak A, Özer Ş, Tavlı Ş, Belviranlı M, Şahin M, Yol S, Aksoy F, Tekin Ş, Vatansev C, Erikoğlu M. Clinical and surgical profile and follow up of patients with liver hydatid cysts from an endemic region. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008; 17(1): 33-7.
4. Tekin A, Kartal A, Aksoy F, Vatansev C, Küçükkartallar T, Belviranlı M, Şahin M, Yol S. Long-term results utilizing the unroofing technique in treating hydatid cysts of the liver. Surg Today 2008; 38(9): 801-6.
5. Yol S, Kartal A, Vatansev C, Aksoy F, Toy H. Sex as a factor in conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery. JSLS 2006; 10: 359-63.
6. Erikoğlu M, Yol S, Avunduk MC, Erdemli E, Can A. Electron-microscopic alterations of the peritoneum after both cold and heated carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Journal of Surgical Research 2005; 125: 73-77.
7. Yol S, Erikoğlu M, Toprak ŞS, Tavlı Ş, Tavlı L. The effects of serum estrogen levels on hypoxemia and blood nitric oxide levels in experimental hepatopulmonary syndrome. Hepatology Research 2005; 33: 7-13.
8. Yol S, Erikoğlu M, Kartal A. Methylene Blue: A simple method to determine intrabiliary ruptures of hepatic hydatid cysts during surgery. Abdominal Surgery 2005; 6-10.
9. Erikoğlu M, Yol S, Tavlı L, Oltulu P. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the pancreas (Report of a case). Abdominal Surgery 2005; 11-14.
10. Yol S, Belviranlı M, Toprak Ş, Kartal A. Endoscopic clipping vs band ligation in the management of bleeding esophageal varices. Surg Endosc 2003; 17: 38-42.
11. Yol S. Whole gut washout ameliorates progression of acute experimental pancreatitis. Letters to the Editor/The American Journal of Surgery 2002; 183: 95-100.
12. Gunji Y, Yol S, Suzuki T, Hori S, Hayashi H, Shimada H, Matsubara H, Nabeya Y, Ochiai T. Analysis of experimental liver metastasis from tumors inoculated in the mouse stomach cavity. Surg Today 2002; 32: 142-147.
13. Aksoy F, Belviranlı M, Vatansev C, Tuncer S, Yol S, Özergin U, Atabek M, Kesriklioğlu A. A comparison of the hemodynamic and metabolic effects of extraperitoneal carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide insufflation. The American Journal of Surgery 2001; 182: 486-490.
14. Yol S, Kartal A, Çalışkan Ü, Tavlı Ş, Şahin M, Bozer M. The effect of laparoscopic cholecystectomy on platelet aggregation. World Journal of Surgery 2000; 24: 734-8.
15. Yol S, Özer Ş, Aksoy F, Vatansev C. Whole gut washout ameliorates the progression of acute experimental pancreatitis. American Journal of Surgery 2000; 180: 121-5.
16. Yol S, Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Şahin M, Özer Ş. Effect of pedunculated seromuscular flap on bursting strength of intestinal anastomosis after corticosteroid treatment. Disease Colon Rectum 2000; 43: 987-90.
17. Şahin M, Kartal A, Belviranlı M, Yol S, Aksoy F, Ak M. Effect of Octreotide (Sandostatin 201-995) on bile flow and bile components. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 1999; 44(1): 181-5.
18. Yol S, Kartal A, Kılınç M, Tavlı Ş, Karahan Ö, Tatkan Y. Transanal electrovaporization of rectal tumours. European Journal of Surgery 1999; 165: 686-9. (Original Article)
19. Yol S, Kartal A, Tavlı Ş, Şahin M, Vatansev C, Karahan Ö, Belviranlı M. Open drainage versus overlapping method in the treatment of hepatic hydatid cyst cavities. International Surgery 1999; 84: 139-43.
20. Yol S, Kartal A. Utilization of exhausted disposable clip applier as a reusable endoclip: cost efficiency. Journal of Laparoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques 1999; 9(2): 221-2. (Letter to the Editor)
21. Şahin M, Yol S, Çiftçi E, Baykan M, Özer Ş, Aköz M, Yılmaz O, Kuru C. Does large-bowel enema reduce septic complications in acute pancreatitis? American Journal of Surgery 1998; 176: 331-4.
22. Yol S, Kartal A, Tavlı Ş, Tatkan Y. Is urinary bladder pressure a sensitive indicator of intra-abdominal pressure? Endoscopy 1998; 30(9): 778-80.
23. Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Tavlı L, Belviranlı M, Yosunkaya A. Retroperitoneal and scrotal giant liposarcoma "42 kilograms": Report of a case. Surgery Today 1998; 28: 339-42.
24. Kartal A, Şahin M, Yol S, Belviranlı M, Karahan Ö, Vatansev C, Açıkgözoğlu S. The management of hepatic hydatid cyst cavity by overlapping. Annals of Saudi Medicine 1998; 18(1): 82-3.
25. Yol S, Gunji Y, Ochiai T, Suzuki T, Nagata M, Hori S, Isono K. Establishment of liver metastasis model by stomach implantation of colon-26 tumor cells. Biotherapy 1994; 8: 485-6.
26. Miyakwa E, Suzuki K, Kouzu T, Gunji Y, Yamada H, Yol S, et al. Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome with hematemesis as the chief complaint, report of a case. Stomach and Intestine (Tokyo). 1993; 28(12): 1393-6. (Japonca, İngilizce özet)
27. Örmeci N, Demirci S, Tulunay Ö, Kuzu I, Akgül H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yol S. Early stomach cancer in Turkey. In: T.Takahashi (ed) Recent Advances in Management of Digestive Cancers, Springer Verlag, Tokyo 1993, pp 339-41.
28. Örmeci N, Ökten İ, Güngör A, Kuzu I, Akay H, Beyler AR, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yol S. Role of dye endoscopy with lugol in the diagnosis of esophageal carcinoma. In: T.Takahashi (ed) Recent Advances in Management of Digestive Cancers, Springer Verlag, Tokyo 1993, pp 436-8.
1. Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Tekin Ş, Küçükkartallar T. Surgical treatment of retroperitoneal tumors. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2007; 3(9): 31-35.
2. Çakır M, Yol S, Ecirli Ş. A case of primary breast lymphoma treated with chemotherapy. Genel Tıp Derg 2005; 15(3): 129-132.
3. Erikoglu M, Yol S, Tavli Ş, Belviranlı M, Özer Ş, Pekin C, Kaynak A. Gastric cancers: Fifteen years of experience. Genel Tıp Derg 2005; 15(2): 71-5.
4. Erikoglu M, Yol S, Tavli Ş. A syndrome to be differentiated from mechanical intestinal obstruction: Ogilvie Syndrome. Colon Rectum Hast Derg 2003; 13: 96-100.
5. Toprak Ş, Yazgan A, Yol S. A case of extraluminal atypical ameboma: ultrasound guided percutaneous drainage and treatment with metronidazole. Genel Tıp Derg 2003; 13(2): 77-80.
6. Toprak Ş, Yol S, Kartal A, Tavlı L. The role of estrogen in experimental hepatopulmonary syndrome and the effectiveness of anti-estrogen therapy. National Journal of Surgery 2002; 18(3): 146-52.
7. Yol S. Is the Western view of lymphadenectomy in gastric cancer changing? Journal of Surgical Oncology 2000; 1(1): 22-5.
8. Avunduk MC, Tavlı Ş, Yol S, Tavlı L, Yavuz A, Güngör S, Yılmaz O. The use of PCNA, Ki-67 and AgNOR as cell proliferation markers in gastric carcinomas. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2000; 53(1): 11-5.
9. Bozer M, Ünal E, Yol S, Kocaoğlu H, Demirci S, Akgül H, Çam R. Effective use of selected methods in the follow-up of patients with breast cancer. National Journal of Surgery 2000; 16(2): 116-21.
10. Çiftçi E, Şahin M, Yol S, Çelik İ, Tatkan Y. The effect of vitamin E and Ursodeoxycholic acid on the immune system in obstructive jaundice. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Journal 2000; 16: 17-25.
11. Yol S, Yol S, Beck D. Effects of chronic perioperative steroid and imuran use on colonic anastomotic healing and burst pressure in rats. National Journal of Surgery 1999; 15(6): 363-70.
12. Ciftci E, Tatkan Y, Sahin M, Yol S, Celik I. Effects of vitamin E and UDKA on bacterial translocation and endotoxemia in obstructive jaundice. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Surgery 1999; 7: 65-70.
13. Şahin M, Vatansev H, Aksoy F, Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Kartal A, Çiftçi E. Serum CRP levels in obstructive jaundice. Journal of General Medicine 1999; 9(2): 63-7.
14. Yol S, Yol S, Arikan Y, Bozer M, Şahin M, Tavlı Ş, Kartal A. The role of diltiazem in preventing bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundice. Clinical & Experimental Surgery 1999; 7(1): 3-7.
15. Yol S, Yol S, Gunji Y. Effect of in-vivo NK Cell inhibition on experimental colon carcinoma cells. National Journal of Surgery 1999; 15(1): 33-7.
16. Avunduk MC, Tavlı Ş, Yol S, Tavlı L, Yılmaz O, Güngör S, Yavuz A. Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy-like lymphoma (Case report). Turkish Journal of Ecopathology 1998; 4(3-4): 140-3.
17. Yol S, Tavli Ş, Vatansev C, Aksoy F, Kartal A, Karademir M. Emergency operations in elderly patients: morbidity and mortality frequency. S.Ü. Medical Faculty Journal 1998; 14: 137-42.
18. Belviranlı M, Tekin Ş, Ak M, Yol S, Vatansev C, Çağlayan O, Güngör S. The role of hypertonic sodium chloride in acute hemorrhagic shock. S.Ü. Tıp Fak Dergisi 1998; 14: 63-70.
19. Karahan Ö, Yol S, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M, Aygün E, Kartal A. The effect of laparoscopic surgery on cholecystectomy frequency and expenses. End.-Lap. and Minimally Invasive Surgery 1997; 4: 214-8.
20. Yol S, Suzuki T, Ochiai T, Gunji Y, Isono K. Surgical treatment and prognosis in early gastric cancer. National Journal of Surgery 1997; 13(3): 185-93.
21. Kartal A, Dilsiz A, Kaymakçı A, Yol S, Duman S, Aktan M. Trophic effects of recombinant human growth hormone, zinc sulfate and L-glutamine on defunctionalized small intestinal segment in rats. National Journal of Surgery 1997; 13(5): 301-7.
22. Ecirli Ş, Yol S, Anıl M, Vatansev C, Kartal A. A case of Tayanç Syndrome treated with splenectomy. MN Clinical Sciences 1996; 2(1): 29-30.
23. Kağızman SH, Yol S, Şahin M, Aygün E, Belviranlı M, Atabek M, Çiftçi E, Dağdönderen L. Clinical investigation of acute pancreatitis and prognostic factors. Journal of S.Ü.Faculty of Medicine 1996; 12: 447-49.
24. Karahan Ö, Vatansev C, Yol S, Şahin M, Ak M, Belviranlı M, Öztürk H, Polat H. Endoscopic balloon dilatation in benign gastric outlet obstruction. T Klin Gastroenterohepatoloji 1996; 7: 86-88.
25. Tavli L, Vural Ö, Tavli Ş, Yol S. Gallbladder adenocarcinomas. S.Ü. Medical Faculty Journal 1996; 12(3): 331-6.
26. Karahan Ö, Vatansev C, Yol S, Şahin M, Ak M, Er C. Peritoneal lavage in peritonitis due to bile leakage and acute pancreatitis. T Klin Medical Sciences 1996; 16: 258-61.
27. Yol S, Tavli Ş, Tavli L, Ömeroğlu E, Orman L. The relationship between thyroid cancer and Hashimoto thyroiditis. MN Clinical Sciences 1996; 2(10): 224-6.
28. Yol S, Kartal A, Belviranlı M, Kağızman SH, Vatansev C. Examination of liver hydatid cyst cavities left open in the peritoneal cavity. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Surgery 1996; 4(2): 105-8.
29. Yol S, Gunji Y, Kartal A, Isono K. The effect of tissue environments on primary tumor growth and liver metastasis in mice colon adenocarcinoma (C-26). Turkish Journal of Medical Research 1996; 14(3): 85-8.
30. Yol S, Kartal A, Gunji Y, Isono K. Does the spleen play a role in liver metastasis formation? MN Clinical Sciences 1996; 2(6): 88-90.
31. Kartal A, Ak M, Yol S, Vatansev C, Aygun E. Roux stasis syndrome MN Doctor 1996; 4(3): 189-92.
32. Tavli L, Yol S, Günel E, Tavli Ş. The problem of echinococcosis in Konya region (885 cases). Turkish Journal of Ecopathology 1995; 1(3-4): 94-7.
33. Ökesli AN, Ökesli S, Ünal AE, Belviranlı M, Yol S. Thrombotic and septic complications of central venous catheterization. S.Ü.Tıp Fak Dergisi 1992; 8(1): 103-7.
34. Özer Ş, Kaymak E, Güzel M, Özer M, Yol S, Ödev K. Truncal, selective vagotomy and drainage operations, parietal cell (highly selective) vagotomy and problems associated with these operations in duodenal ulcer surgery. Izmir State Hospital Medical Journal 1992; 30(2): 220-31.
35. Karahan Ö, Tavlı Ş, Tavlı L, Şahin M, Tatkan Y, Yol S, Bozer M. Protective and therapeutic effect of sucralfate in colon lesions of rats. GATA Bulletin 1991; 33: 21-9.
36. Ökesli AN, Belviranlı M, Yol S, Bozer M, Özer BŞ, Tatkan Y. Ileocecal volvulus and its treatment. Journal of Colon Rectum Diseases 1991; 2: 73-7.
37. Karahan Ö, Aygün E, Büyükbaş S, Aksoy F, Yol S, Tunç İ. Serum vitamin C levels in cancer patients. Black Sea Medical Journal 1991; 4(2-3): 107-9.
38. Karahan Ö, Tatkan Y, Yol S. The effect of nutrition on cancer. Turkey clinics Journal of Medical Sciences 1990; 10(6): 490-8.
39. Karahan Ö, Kaynak A, Tekin Ş, Yol S. Effects of different gastric drainages on dumping syndrome. The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterohepatology 1990; 1(1): 25-8.
40. Kaynak A, Karahan Ö, Tekin Ş, Yol S, Tavlı Ş. Our cases with Hirschsprung's disease. The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterohepatology 1990; 1(2): 111-4.
41. Karahan Ö, Kartal A, Tatkan Y, Yol S. A case of porcelain gallbladder. Journal of S.Ü.Faculty of Medicine 1989; 5(4): 273-6.
42. Karahan Ö, Kaynak A, Kartal A, Şahin M, Tekin Ş, Yol S, Durak AC. Intrahepatic cholestasis. S.Ü.Tıp Fak Dergisi 1989; 5(4): 131-7.
43. Tavli Ş, Tavli L, Tatkan Y, Arıkan Y, Yol S. Hydatid cyst perforation in the spleen. Acta Oncologica Turcica 1989; 22: 143-6.
1. Erikoğlu M, Yol S, Tavlı S, Belviranlı M, Tekin Ş, Özer Ş, Yarar C, Kaynak A. Gastric cancers: Our fifteen years experiences. 40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Konya, Turkey, May 25-28, 2005.
2. Erikoğlu M, Yol S, Tavlı L, Oltulu P. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the pancreas: A case report. 39th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Athens, Greece, May 12-15, 2004.
3. Yol S, Kartal A, Vatansev C, Aksoy F. The role of gender in conversion to open surgery during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 39th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Athens, Greece, May 12-15, 2004.
4. Erikoğlu M, Yol S, Avunduk M, Erdemli E, Can A. Characteristic alterations of the peritoneum after both cool and heated humidified carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. 39th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Athens, Greece, May 12-15, 2004.
5. Yol S, Yılmaz H, Erikoğlu M, Tatkan Y. Platelet rich plasma enhances bursting strength of colonic anastomosis. 38th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Ghent, Belgium, May 28-31, 2003.
6. Yol S, Erikoğlu M, Boz S, Kartal A. Methylen blue: A simple method to determine bile duct communication with hydatid cyst cavity during operation. 5th European Congress of the IHPBA, İstanbul, Turkey, May 28-31, 2003.
7. Yol S, Toprak Ş, Vatansev C, Tavlı L, Belviranlı M, Kartal A. The effect of tamoxifen and oophorectomy in preventing the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome in cirrhotic rats. 37th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Szeged, Hungary, May 23-25, 2002.
8. Yol S, Toprak Ş, Kartal A, Tavlı L, Şahin M. Estrogen has a potential role in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome in rats. 37th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Szeged, Hungary, May 23-25, 2002.
9. Yol S, Aksoy F, Belviranlı M, Karahan Ö. Endoscopic clipping versus band ligation in the management of bleeding esophageal varices. 9th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Maastricht, The Netherlands, 13-16 June, 2001.
10. Aksoy F, Şahin M, Yol S, Vatansev C, Adıbelli M, Karahan Ö. The efficacy of bisacodyl on colon cleansing. Eurosurgery 2000, İstanbul, Turkey, 20-24 June, 2000.
11. Aksoy F, Vatansev C, Yol S, Belviranlı M, Karahan Ö, Kartal A. Review of 27018 laparoscopic cholecystectomies: Turkey experience. Eurosurgery 2000, İstanbul, Turkey, 20-24 June, 2000.
12. Yol S, Özer Ş, Aksoy F. Whole gut washout ameliorates the progression of acute pancreatitis. Eurosurgery 2000, İstanbul, Turkey, 20-24 June, 2000.
13. Karademir M, Özer Ş, Yol S, Şahin M, Çağlayan O. The effect of different suture techniques on wound healing. 35th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Malmö, Sweden, June 1-3, 2000.
14. Aksoy F, Yol S, Şahin M, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M. The effect of different hernia repair methods. 35th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Malmö, Sweden, June 1-3, 2000.
15. Yol S, Aksoy F, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M, Karahan Ö. Is clipping plus band ligation superior than band ligation alone in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices? 35th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Malmö, Sweden, June 1-3, 2000.
16. Bozer M, Eroğlu A, Ünal E, Atabekoğlu Ş, Demirci S, Kocaoğlu H, Yol S, Akgül H. Survival after curative resection for primary gastric lymphoma. 3rd International Gastric Cancer Congress. Seoul, Korea, April 27-30, 1999.
17. Yol S, Arıkan Y, Yol S, Karahan Ö. Management of esophageal varices with combined clipping and injection sclerotherapy versus endoscopic sclerotherapy alone: Results of a preliminary study. 7th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Linz, Austria, June 23-26, 1999.
18. Tuncer S, Yol S, Yosunkaya A, Otelcioğlu Ş. Methanol intoxication: Report of a case. 10th International Intensive Care Symposium, İstanbul, May 14-17, 1998.
19. Kartal A, Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M, Çalışkan Ü, Tatkan Y, Çiftçi E. What is the effect of laparoscopic procedure on platelet function? 6th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Rome, Italy, 31 May-6 June, 1998.
20. Yol S, Şahin M, Kartal A, Vatansev C, Tavlı Ş. The treatment of hydatid cyst cavities: Overlapping versus open drainage into the peritoneum. International College Of Surgeons, XX European Federation Congress, Athens, Greece, September 17-20, 1997.
21. Kartal A, Dilsiz A, Kaymakçı A, Şahin M, Duman S, Yol S. The effect of solid and liquid foods with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and glutamine (GLT) on defunctioned small bowel of rats. International College Of Surgeons, XX European Federation Congress, Athens, Greece, September 17-20, 1997.
22. Yol S, Yamada H, Kouzu T. Endoscopic hemostasis in upper gastrointestinal bleeding by a clipping apparatus. Joint Euro-Asian Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, İstanbul, 17-21 June, 1997.
23. Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Kartal A, Baykan M. The role of diltiazem in preventing bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundice. Surgical Infection Society -Europe- 10th Annual Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, May 29-31, 1997.
24. Kartal A, Dilsiz A, Kaymakçı S, Duman S, Aktan M, Yol S. Trophic effects of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), zinc and glutamine (GL) on defunctioned small bowel in rats. Eurosurgery Rome, Italy 15-18 October 1996.
25. Karahan Ö, Yol S, Belviranlı M, Vatansev C. Effect of laparoscopic surgery to the cholecystectomy rate. E.A.E.S. 4th International Congress of The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Trondheim-Norway, June 23-26, 1996.
26. Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dönderici O, Dökmeci A, Örmeci N, Yol S. Prevalence of hepatitis B, C and D viral markers in Turkish patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. UICC Kyoto International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 1993.
27. Örmeci N, Ökten İ, Güngör A, Kuzu I, Akay H, Reşit A, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yol S. Role of dye endoscopy with lugol in the diagnosis of esophagial carcinoma. UICC Kyoto International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, March 31-April 2, 1993.
28. Örmeci N, Demirci S, Tulunay O, Kuzu I, Akgül H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yol S. Early stomach cancer in Turkey. UICC Kyoto International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, March 31-April 2, 1993.
29. Suzuki T, Kouzmitchev VA, Ochiai T, Nagata M, Gunji Y, Yol S, Kouzu T, Isono K. Adhesive tumor cell culture system (ATCCS) chemosensitivity assay in gastric cancer with emphasis on the possibility of preoperative analysis by data of gastrobiopsy. UICC Kyoto International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, March 31-April 2, 1993.
30. Kaynak A, Karahan Ö, Yol S, Tekin Ş. The effect of different gastric drainage in dumping syndrome. International College of Surgeons 16th European Federation Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, November 12-17, 1989.
31. Karahan Ö, Kaynak A, Kartal A, Şahin M, Tekin Ş, Yol S, Durak AC. Intrahepatic cholestasis. International College of Surgeons 16th European Federation Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, November 12-17, 1989.
1. Kartal A, Yol S, Boz S, Vatansev C, Tekin Ş, Belviranlı M. Analysis of 196 general surgeons' experience on repair of inguinal hernias. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 26-30, 2004.
2. Erikoglu M, Yol S, Tavli Ş, Belviranlı M. A syndrome to be differentiated from mechanical intestinal obstruction: Ogilvie Syndrome. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 26-30, 2004.
3. Yol S. Surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. 20th National Gastroenterology Congress, Kusadasi, September 30-October 5, 2003.
4. Vatansev C, Kartal A, Çağlayan O, Vatansev H, Yol S, Tekin A. Why is the rate of conversion to open laparoscopic cholecystectomy higher in men? National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 2002.
5. Erikoğlu M, Şahin M, Yol S, Tavlı Ş. Protective effect of fibrous foods in radiation enteritis. 1st National Congress of Experimental Surgery, Ankara, January 5-6, 2002.
6. Aksoy F, Yol S, Vatansev C, Belviranlı M, Gürocak B. Nipple and axillary involvement in breast cancer. 1st National Surgical Oncology Congress, Antalya, October 26-28, 2000.
7. Bozer M, Kocaoğlu H, Türkçapar N, Yol S. Bacterial translocation after intraperitoneal hyperthermic perfusion. National Surgical Congress, Istanbul, June 20-24, 2000.
8. Yol S, Kartal A, Özer Ş. Utilization of a disposable applicator as reusable when the clip is exhausted. National Surgical Congress, Izmir, May 6-10, 1998.9. Çiftçi E, Yol S, Şahin M, Tatkan Y. The effect of ursodeoxycholic acid and vitamin E on bacterial translocation and endotoxemia in obstructive jaundice. National Surgical Congress, Izmir, May 6-10, 1998.
10. Yol S, Aygun E, Karahan Ö, Isono K. The effect of in-vivo NK cell inhibition on experimental colon carcinoma (C-26) cells. National Surgical Congress, Izmir, May 6-10, 1998.
11. Şahin M, Yol S, Çiftçi E, Özer Ş, Baykan M, Aköz M. The effect of colon cleansing on bacterial translocation in experimental pancreatitis. National Surgical Congress, Izmir, May 6-10, 1998.
12. Zilan A, Yol S, Koyuncu H, Muslimoglu M, Kıran B, Yol S. The effect of tamoxifen and levamisole on DMBA-induced mammary tumors in rats. National Surgical Congress, Izmir, May 6-10, 1998.
13. Kartal A, Yol S, Tavli Ş, Tatkan Y. Is bladder pressure a sensitive indicator of intra-abdominal pressure? II. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, Istanbul, September 30-October 4, 1997.
14. Yol S, Kartal A, Vatansev C, Karademir M. Emergency operations in elderly patients and their results. II. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, Istanbul, September 30-October 4, 1997.
15. Yol S, Tatkan Y, Tavli Ş, Kartal A. Endoscopic transanal resection in the management of a patient with inoperable obstructive rectal cancer. Gastroenterology Congress, Istanbul, June 4-7, 1997.
16. Yol S, Karahan Ö, Belviranlı M, Aksoy F, Orman L. Efficacy of endoscopic band ligation in esophageal variceal bleeding. 14th National Gastroenterology Congress, Mersin, September 28-October 3, 1997.
17. Turan M, Yol S, Karaca S, Karademir M, Aşkın R. Anxiety levels in general surgery patients. XXXII. National Psychiatry Congress, GATA-Ankara, September 25-28, 1996.
18. Yol S, Tavlı Ş, Belviranlı M, Otelcioğlu Ş, Orman L, Karademir M. Scrotal and retroperitoneal localized giant (42 kg) liposarcoma. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.
19. Yol S, Gunji Y, Tavli Ş, Kartal A, Aygün E, Özer Ş. Does the spleen play a role in the formation of metastases to the liver? National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.
20. Bozkürk S, Özer Ş, Kartal A, Yol S, Daşçı Z, Çiftçi E. Provision of biliary continuity with a small bowel segment in choledochal defects. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.21. Ak M, Kaynak A, Belviranlı M, Tatkan Y, Yol S, Vatansev C. The role of hypertonic sodium chloride in acute hemorrhagic shock. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.
22. Vatansev C, Kartal A, Kaymakçı A, Yol S, Belviranlı M, Duman S. The effect of experimental nesidioblastosis on streptozotocin induced diabetes. National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.
23. Karahan Ö, Kağızman SH, Yol S, Vatansev C, Ömeroğlu E. How many thyroid cancers are diagnosed as multinodular goiter? National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 15-19, 1996.
24. Yol S, Karahan Ö, Belviranlı MM, Tavlı Ş, Gunji Y. Establishment of natural liver metastasis model in mice and the effect of different tumor inoculation sites on metastasis formation. 2nd International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Days, Istanbul, September 21-22, 1995.
25. Kartal A, Yol S, Belviranlı M, Kağızman S. Examination of liver hydatid cyst cavities left open in the peritoneal cavity. 2nd International Participation Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Days, Istanbul, September 21-22, 1995.
26. Karahan Ö, Vatansev C, Yol S, Ak M, Belviranlı M, Öztürk H. Benign mide çıkışı tıkanmalarında endoskopik balon dilatasyonu. XII. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi ve II. Türk-Japon Gastroenteroloji Günleri, İzmir, 25-30 Eylül, 1995.
27. Karahan Ö, Vatansev C, Yol S, Ak M, Er C. Safra kaçağı ve akut pankreatite bağlı peritonitlerde periton lavajı. XII. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi ve II. Türk-Japon Gastroenteroloji Günleri, İzmir, 25-30 Eylül, 1995.
28. Karahan Ö, Ak M, Abasıyanık A, Vatansev C, Yol S, Er C. Özofagus benign darlıklarının endoskopik dilatasyonu. XII. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi ve II. Türk-Japon Gastroenteroloji Günleri, İzmir, 25-30 Eylül, 1995.
29. Özer B, Yol S, Orman L. Son on yılda opere ettiğimiz tek erkek meme kanseri olgusu (vaka takdimi). 2.Ulusal Meme Hastalıkları Kongresi, İstanbul, 19-21 Ekim 1995.
30. Ökesli AN, Yol S, Bozer M, Ak M. Santral venöz kateterizasyonun enfeksiyon ve trombotik komplikasyonları. Ulusal Cerrahi kongresi İstanbul, 14-18 Mayıs, 1992.
31. Karahan Ö, Tavlı Ş, Şahin M, Yol S. Yeni povidone-iodine / pvp solüsyonu ve aprotininin karın içi yapışıklıkları önlemedeki etkileri. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, İstanbul, 27-30 Mayıs, 1990.
32. Kaynak A, Karahan Ö, Tekin Ş, Yol S, Tavlı Ş. Hirschsprung hastalığı saptanan vakalarımız. 4. Ulusal Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Kongresi, Kemer, Antalya, 10-14 Eylül, 1990.
- Turkish Surgery Association
- European Society for Surgical Research
- European Association for Endoscopic Surgery